## $Id$
## Copyright (C) 2000 Brian S. Yandell
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
## Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
## later version.
## These functions are distributed in the hope that they will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## The text of the GNU General Public License, version 2, is available
## as or by writing to the Free Software
## Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
sixden <- function( x, y, align=FALSE, crit = 5, xlim=range(x-y, na.rm =TRUE),
dolog = TRUE, dif = x - y, ave = (x + y) / 2 )
if( dolog ) {
x <- log( x )
y <- log( y )
x[] <- 0
y[] <- 0
lx6 <- ceiling( length( dif ) / 6 )
ranks <- order( order( ave ))
for(i in seq( 0, length(dif), by = lx6)) {
tmp <- ranks > i & ranks < i + lx6 + 1
tmpd <- dif[tmp]
tmpd <- tmpd[!]
## hist(tmpd, nc=200,xlab="log diff",freq=FALSE,xlim=xlim,
tmpdd <- density( tmpd )
if( align )
plot( tmpdd$x, tmpdd$y, type="l",xlab="log diff", xlim=xlim,
ylab="relative frequency")
plot( tmpdd$x, tmpdd$y, type="l",xlab="log diff", #xlim=xlim,
ylab="relative frequency")
title( main=paste( sum(tmp), "genes from",
"to", round(ave[ranks==i+lx6],2) ))
tmpd <- tmpd[abs(tmpd-mean(tmpd,na.rm=TRUE))<5*sqrt(var(tmpd,na.rm=TRUE))]
tmps <- c(mean(tmpd,na.rm=TRUE), sqrt(var(tmpd,na.rm=TRUE)))
lines( sort(tmpd), dnorm(sort(tmpd),tmps[1],tmps[2] ),
col="blue", lty = 2 )
lines( rep( tmps[1],2),
c(0,dnorm(tmps[1],tmps[1], tmps[2])),
col = "red", lty = 2 )
lines( rep( tmps[1]+tmps[2],2),
c(0,dnorm(tmps[1]+tmps[2],tmps[1], tmps[2])),
col = "red", lty = 2 )
lines( rep( tmps[1]-tmps[2],2),
c(0,dnorm(tmps[1]-tmps[2],tmps[1], tmps[2])),
col = "red", lty = 2 )
par( mfrow = c(1,1))
denlines <- function( x, y, align=FALSE, crit = 5, xlim=range(x-y, na.rm =TRUE),
ylim=c(0,2.5), dolog = TRUE, dif = x - y, ave = (x + y) / 2,
numlines = 6, offset = 0 )
if( dolog ) {
x <- log( x )
y <- log( y )
x[] <- 0
y[] <- 0
lx6 <- ceiling( length( dif ) / numlines )
ranks <- order( order( ave ))
plot( xlim, ylim, type="n",xlab="log diff",
ylab="relative frequency")
bump <- 0
for(i in seq( 0, length(dif), by = lx6))
tmp <- ranks > i & ranks < i + lx6 + 1
tmpd <- dif[tmp]
tmpd <- tmpd[!]
tmpdd <- density( tmpd )
bump <- bump + offset
lines( tmpdd$x, tmpdd$y + bump)
dencont <- function( x, y, align=FALSE, crit = 5, xlim=range(x-y, na.rm =TRUE),
ylim=c(0,2.5), dolog = TRUE, byranks = TRUE,
dif = x - y, ave = (x + y) / 2,
numlines = round( length( ave ) / 200 ),
levels.z = pretty( range( z ), 10 ))
if( dolog ) {
x <- log10( x )
y <- log10( y )
x[] <- 0
y[] <- 0
lx6 <- ceiling( length( dif ) / numlines )
dif <- dif[ order( ave )]
ave <- sort( ave )
rdif <- range( dif, na.rm = TRUE )
ranks <- seq( length( ave ))
z <- matrix( 0, 512, numlines )
splits <- seq( 0, length(dif), by = lx6)
j <- 0
for(i in splits ) {
tmp <- ranks > i & ranks < i + lx6 + 1
tmpd <- dif[tmp]
tmpd <- tmpd[!]
tmpdd <- density( tmpd, from = rdif[1], to = rdif[2] )
j <- j + 1
z[,j] <- 100 * tmpdd$y
if( byranks ) {
tmpar <- par( yaxt = "n" )
ytmp <- seq( 1, length( ave ), len = numlines )
ytmp <- seq( min( ave, na.rm = TRUE ), max( ave, na.rm = TRUE ),
len = numlines )
xtmp <- seq( rdif[1], rdif[2], len = 512 )
contour( xtmp, ytmp, z, levels = levels.z )
if( byranks ) {
par( yaxt = "s" )
axis( 2, at = 1 + splits, labels = FALSE )
tmp <- c( 1 + splits[ seq( 1, length( splits ),
by = floor( length( splits ) / 5 )) ],
length( ave ))
axis( 2, at = tmp, labels = round( ave[tmp], 2 ))
lines( apply( z, 2, function(z,x)x[z==max(z)][1], xtmp ),
ytmp, lty = 2, col = "blue" )
invisible( levels.z )
dencum <- function( x, y, align=FALSE, crit = 5, xlim=xlims,
ylim = ylims, dolog = TRUE, byranks = TRUE, standardize = FALSE,
dif = x - y, ave = (x + y) / 2, splineit = FALSE,
numlines = round( length( ave ) / 200 ), show = xlim,
levels.z = c(1,5,10,25,50,75,90,95,99))
if( dolog ) {
x <- log10( x )
y <- log10( y )
x[] <- 0
y[] <- 0
probe <- seq( length( dif ))
isna <- dif ) | ave )
dif <- dif[!isna]
ave <- ave[!isna]
probe <- probe[!isna]
lx6 <- ceiling( length( dif ) / numlines )
dif <- dif[ order( ave )]
probe <- probe[ order( ave )]
ave <- sort( ave )
rdif <- range( dif[ dif < Inf & dif > -Inf ], na.rm = TRUE )
if( standardize )
xlims <- c(-5,5)
xlims <- rdif
ranks <- seq( length( ave ))
cat( "Data divided into", numlines, "groups to determine quantiles\n" )
z <- matrix( 0, length(levels.z), numlines )
dimnames( z ) <- list( as.character( levels.z ), NULL )
if( byranks ) {
tmpar <- par( yaxt = "n" )
ylims <- range( ranks )
ylims <- range(ave, na.rm = TRUE)
plot( xlim, ylim, type="n",xlab="log diff",
ylab="log ave")
splits <- seq( 0, length(dif), by = lx6)
if( byranks ) {
par( yaxt = "s" )
axis( 2, at = 1 + splits, labels = FALSE )
tmp <- c( 1 + splits[ seq( 1, length( splits ),
by = floor( length( splits ) / 5 )) ],
length( ave ))
axis( 2, at = tmp, labels = round( ave[tmp], 2 ))
nz <- nrow( z )
if( byranks )
ytmp <- seq( 1, length( ave ), len = 2 * numlines + 1 )
ytmp <- seq( min( ave, na.rm = TRUE ), max( ave, na.rm = TRUE ),
len = 2 * numlines + 1 )
showvals <- NULL
j <- 0
for( i in splits ) {
tmp <- ranks > i & ranks < i + lx6 + 1
tmp[tmp] <- ! dif[tmp] )
tmpd <- sort( dif[tmp] )
j <- j + 1
if( !byranks ) {
ytmp[2*j] <- mean( ave[tmp] )
ytmp[2*j+1] <- max( ave[tmp] )
z[,j] <- tmpd[ round( 0.01 * levels.z * length( tmpd )) ]
if( standardize ) {
mtmp <- 0; vtmp <- 1
tmp2 <- tmp
tmp2[tmp] <- dif[tmp] >= z[1,j] & dif[tmp] <= z[nz,j]
if( any( tmp2 )) {
mtmp <- mean( dif[tmp2] )
vtmp <- var( dif[tmp2] )
if( vtmp == 0 | vtmp ))
vtmp <- 1
vtmp <- sqrt( vtmp )
tmp[tmp] <- dif[tmp] < z[1,j] | dif[tmp] > z[nz,j]
diftmp <- dif[tmp]
if( standardize ) {
z[,j] <- ( z[,j] - mtmp ) / vtmp
if( length( diftmp )) {
diftmp <- ( diftmp - mtmp ) / vtmp
mtmp <- diftmp > show[2] | diftmp < show[1]
if( any( mtmp )) {
showvals <- rbind( showvals, cbind( group = rep( j, sum( mtmp )),
probe = ( probe[tmp] )[mtmp],
ave = ( ave[tmp] )[mtmp],
diff = diftmp[mtmp] ))
diftmp[mtmp] <- pmin( xlim[2], pmax( xlim[1], diftmp[mtmp] ))
if( byranks )
points( diftmp, ranks[tmp], cex = 0.5, col = "blue" )
points( diftmp, ave[tmp], cex = 0.5, col = "blue" )
if( length( showvals )) {
cat( "Extreme values by group:\n")
row.names( showvals ) <- seq( nrow( showvals ))
print( showvals )
for( i in as.character( levels.z )) {
tmpd <- c(rbind(z[i,],z[i,]))
tmpd <- c(tmpd[1],(tmpd[-1]+tmpd[-2*numlines])/2,
lines( tmpd, ytmp )
if( splineit ) {
tmp <- spline( ytmp, tmpd )
lines( tmp$y, tmp$x )
text( z[i,c(1,numlines)], ytmp[c(1,1+2*numlines)], i, cex = 0.5 )
invisible( showvals )
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