## pdmclass - A package for classification of microarray data
## based on penalized discriminant methods.
## Ghosh, D., Penalized discriminant methods for the classification
## of tumors from gene expression data. Biometrics, 59, 992-1000(2003).
## History:
## 6-28-05 First pass with functions from
## 7-6-05 Added functionality to output top gene list
function(X, y, dimension = min(dx[1] - 1, dx[2]))
## Copyright Mike Denham, October 1994.
## Comments and Complaints to:
## Modified Helland Algorithm (Helland 1988 + Denham 1994)
## X: A matrix which is assumed to have been centred so that columns
## sum to zero.
## y: A vector assumed to sum to zero.
## dimension: The number of PLS factors in the model which must be less than or
## equal to the rank of X.
## Returned Value is the vector of PLS regression coefficients
## tol is set as the tolerance for the QR decomposition in determining
## rank deficiency
tol <- 1e-10
X <- as.matrix(X)
dx <- dim(X)
W <- matrix(0, dx[2], dimension)
XW <- matrix(0, dx[1], dimension)
s <- crossprod(X, y)
W[, 1] <- s
XW[, 1] <- X %*% s
QR <- qr(XW[, 1], tol = tol)
r <- qr.resid(QR, y)
if(dimension > 1) {
for(i in 2:dimension) {
w <- crossprod(X, r)
W[, i] <- w
XW[, i] <- X %*% w
QR <- qr(XW[, 1:i], tol = tol)
r <- qr.resid(QR, y)
coef <- W %*% qr.coef(QR, y)
fitted <- X %*% coef
structure(list(fitted.values = fitted, coefficients = coef, dimension = dimension),
function(X, y, ...)
## Copyright Mike Denham, October 1994.
## Comments and Complaints to:
## Modified Helland Algorithm (Helland 1988 + Denham 1994)
## X: A matrix which is assumed to have been centred so that columns
## sum to zero.
## y: A vector assumed to sum to zero.
## dimension: The number of PLS factors in the model which must be less than or
## equal to the rank of X.
## Returned Value is the vector of PLS regression coefficients
## tol is set as the tolerance for the QR decomposition in determining
## rank deficiency
## 02-09-2006 Modified so we can call this function from within fda() in the
## mda package. The third argument passed from fda() is a weights vector, so we
## ignore that here and compute dimension by hand
X <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
y <- scale(y, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
dimension <- dim(y)[2]
tX <- as.matrix(X)
r <- min(dim(X) - c(1, 0))
X <- svd(X)
fitted <- NULL
coef <- NULL
mm <- colMeans(tX)
dy <- dim(y)[2]
for (i in 1:dy) {
tmp <- pls1c(diag(X$d[1:r]), crossprod(X$u[, 1:r], y[,i]), dimension)
tcoef <- X$v[, 1:r] %*% tmp$coefficients
coef <- cbind(coef,tcoef)
fitted <- cbind(fitted,tX %*% tcoef)
## 02-09-2006 Modified so we can call this function from within fda() in the mda package
## The third argument passed from fda() is a weights vector, so we compute the
## dimension by hand.
"svdr" <- function(X, y, dimension) {
r <- dim(y)[2] + 1
tX <- as.matrix(X)
tsvd <- my.svd(X)
mm <- apply(X,2,mean)
fitted <- NULL
coef <- NULL
dy <- dim(y)[2]
for (i in 1:dy) {
if (r == 1)
tmp <-$u[,1:r]) %*% tsvd$d[1],y[,i])
tmp <-$u[,1:r]) %*% as.matrix(diag(tsvd$d[1:r])),y[,i])
tcoef <- as.matrix(tsvd$v[,1:r]) %*% tmp$coefficients
coef <- cbind(coef, tcoef)
fitted <- cbind(fitted, tX %*% tcoef)
structure(list(fitted.values = fitted, coefficients = coef, dimension = r,
xmeans = mm), class="svd")
function(x, nu = min(n, p), nv = min(n, p))
## Alternative to Singular Value Decomposition function svd
## Examines matrix n by p matrix x and if n < p obtains the svd
## by applying svd the transpose of x.
x <- as.matrix(x)
dmx <- dim(x)
n <- dmx[1]
p <- dmx[2]
transpose.x <- n < p
if(transpose.x) {
x <- t(x)
hold <- nu
nu <- nv
nv <- hold
cmplx <- mode(x) == "complex"
if(!(is.numeric(x) || cmplx))
stop("x must be numeric or complex")
storage.mode(x) <- "double"
dmx <- dim(x)
n <- dmx[1]
p <- dmx[2]
mm <- min(n + 1, p)
mn <- min(dmx)
job <- (if(nv) 1 else 0) + 10 * (if(nu == 0) 0 else if(nu == mn)
else if(nu == n)
else stop("Invalid value for nu (must be 0, number of rows, or number of cols)"
z <- .Fortran(if(!cmplx) "dsvdc" else "zsvdc",
d = if(!cmplx) double(mm) else complex(mm),
if(!cmplx) double(p) else complex(p),
u = if(!cmplx) if(nu)
matrix(0, n, nu)
else 0 else if(nu)
matrix(as.complex(0), n, nu)
else as.complex(0),
v = if(!cmplx) if(nv)
matrix(0, p, p)
else 0 else if(nv)
matrix(as.complex(0), p, p)
else as.complex(0),
if(!cmplx) double(n) else complex(n),
info = integer(1),
PACKAGE = "base")[c("d", "u", "v", "info")]
stop(paste("Numerical error (code", z$info, ") in algorithm"))
if(cmplx) {
if(all(Im(z$d) == 0))
z$d <- Re(z$d)
else stop("a singular value has a nonzero imaginary part")
length(z$d) <- mn
if(nv && nv < p)
z$v <- z$v[, seq(nv)]
if(transpose.x) {
z <- z[c("d", if(nu) "u" else NULL, if(nv) "v" else NULL)]
names(z) <- names(z)[c(1, 3, 2)]
else {
z[c("d", if(nv) "v" else NULL, if(nu) "u" else NULL)]
predict.pls <- function(object, x, ...) {
if (missing(x))
else scale(x, object$xmeans, FALSE) %*% object$coef
predict.svd <- function(object, x, ...) {
if (missing(x))
else scale(x, object$xmeans, FALSE) %*% object$coef
pdmClass <- function(formula, method = c("pls", "pcr","ridge"), keep.fitted = TRUE, ...){
method <- match.arg(method)
obj <- switch(method,
pls = fda(formula, method = svdpls1c, keep.fitted = keep.fitted, ...),
pcr = fda(formula, method = svdr, keep.fitted = keep.fitted, ...),
ridge = fda(formula, method = gen.ridge, keep.fitted = keep.fitted, ...)
#pdmClass <- function (formula = formula(data), method = c("pls", "pcr", "ridge"),
# data = sys.frame(sys.parent()), weights, theta,
# dimension = J - 1, eps = .Machine$double.eps, ...){
# <-
# m <- = FALSE)
# m[[1]] <-"model.frame")
# m <- m[match(names(m), c("", "formula", "data", "weights"),
# 0)]
# m <- eval(m, sys.frame(sys.parent()))
# Terms <- attr(m, "terms")
# g <- model.extract(m, "response")
# attr(Terms, "intercept") <- 0
# x <- model.matrix(Terms, m)
# dd <- dim(x)
# n <- dd[1]
# weights <- model.extract(m, "weights")
# if (!length(weights))
# weights <- rep(1, n)
# else if (any(weights < 0))
# stop("negative weights not allowed")
# if (length(g) != n)
# stop("g should have length nrow(x)")
# fg <- factor(g)
# prior <- table(fg)
# prior <- prior/sum(prior)
# cnames <- levels(fg)
# g <- as.numeric(fg)
# J <- length(cnames)
# iswt <- FALSE
# if (missing(weights))
# dp <- table(g)/n
# else {
# weights <- (n * weights)/sum(weights)predict.pls <- function(object, x, ...) {
# if (missing(x))
# fitted(object)
# else scale(x, object$xmeans, FALSE) %*% object$coef
# dp <- tapply(weights, g, sum)/n
# iswt <- TRUE
# }
# if (missing(theta))
# theta <- contr.helmert(J)
# theta <- mda::contr.fda(dp, theta)
# Theta <- theta[g, , drop = FALSE]
# method <- match.arg(method)
# fit <- switch(method,
# pls = svdpls1c(scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE),
# scale(Theta, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE), dimension),
# pcr = svdr(x, Theta, dimension + 1),
# ridge = gen.ridge(x, Theta, weights, lambda = 1, ...))
# if (iswt)
# Theta <- Theta * weights
# ssm <- t(Theta) %*% fitted(fit)/n
# ed <- svd(ssm, nu = 0)
# thetan <- ed$v
# lambda <- ed$d
# lambda[lambda > 1 - eps] <- 1 - eps
# discr.eigen <- lambda/(1 - lambda)
# pe <- (100 * cumsum(discr.eigen))/sum(discr.eigen)
# dimension <- min(dimension, sum(lambda > eps))
# if (dimension == 0) {
# warning("degenerate problem; no discrimination")
# return(structure(list(dimension = 0, fit = fit, call =,
# class = "fda"))
# }
# thetan <- thetan[, seq(dimension), drop = FALSE]
# pe <- pe[seq(dimension)]
# alpha <- sqrt(lambda[seq(dimension)])
# sqima <- sqrt(1 - lambda[seq(dimension)])
# vnames <- paste("v", seq(dimension), sep = "")
# means <- scale(theta %*% thetan, FALSE, sqima/alpha)
# dimnames(means) <- list(cnames, vnames)
# names(lambda) <- c(vnames, rep("", length(lambda) - dimension))
# names(pe) <- vnames
# obj <- structure(list(percent.explained = pe, values = lambda,
# means = means, theta.mod = thetan, dimension = dimension,
# prior = prior, fit = fit, call =, terms = Terms),
# class = "fda")
# obj
pdmGenes <- function (formula = formula(data), method = c("pls", "pcr", "ridge"),
data = sys.frame(sys.parent()), weights, theta,
dimension = J - 1, eps = .Machine$double.eps,
genelist = NULL, list.length = NULL,
B = 100, ...){ <-
m <- = FALSE)
m[[1]] <-"model.frame")
m <- m[match(names(m), c("", "formula", "data", "weights"),
m <- eval(m, sys.frame(sys.parent()))
Terms <- attr(m, "terms")
g <- model.extract(m, "response")
attr(Terms, "intercept") <- 0
x <- model.matrix(Terms, m)
dd <- dim(x)
n <- dd[1]
weights <- model.extract(m, "weights")
if (!length(weights))
weights <- rep(1, n)
else if (any(weights < 0))
stop("negative weights not allowed")
if (length(g) != n)
stop("g should have length nrow(x)")
fg <- factor(g)
prior <- table(fg)
prior <- prior/sum(prior)
cnames <- levels(fg)
g <- as.numeric(fg)
J <- length(cnames)
iswt <- FALSE
if (missing(weights))
dp <- table(g)/n
else {
weights <- (n * weights)/sum(weights)
dp <- tapply(weights, g, sum)/n
iswt <- TRUE
if(is.null(list.length) || is.null(genelist))
stop("A list.length and genelist must be given for the top.genes option.\n", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(theta))
theta <- contr.treatment(J)
theta <- mda:::contr.fda(dp, theta)
Theta <- theta[g, , drop = FALSE]
method <- match.arg(method)
fit <- switch(method,
pls = svdpls1c(x, Theta),
pcr = svdr(x, Theta),
ridge = gen.ridge(x, Theta, weights, lambda = 1, ...))
genes <- vector("list", length = dim(theta)[2])
for(i in seq(along = genes)){
ord <- order(abs(coef(fit)[,i]), decreasing = TRUE)
genes[[i]] <- genelist[ord][1:list.length]
gps <- vector("list", length(unique(fg)))
newx <- matrix(NA, nc = dim(x)[2], nr = dim(x)[1])
counts <- vector("list", dim(theta)[2])
for(k in seq(along = counts)){
counts[[k]] <- matrix(NA, nc = B, nr = list.length)
row.names(counts[[k]]) <- genes[[k]]
nam <- paste(levels(fg)[as.numeric(dimnames(contr.treatment(J))[[2]])], "vs",
names(counts) <- nam
for(i in seq(along = unique(fg))) gps[[i]] <- which(fg == unique(fg)[i])
for(i in 1:B){
for(j in seq(along = gps)){
samp <- sample(gps[[j]], length(gps[[j]]), TRUE)
newx[gps[[j]],] <- t(apply(x[samp,], 1, jitter))
fit.tmp <- switch(method,
pls = svdpls1c(newx, Theta),
pcr = svdr(newx, Theta),
ridge = gen.ridge(newx, Theta, weights, lambda = 1, ...))
for(k in seq(along = counts)){
ord <- order(abs(coef(fit.tmp)[,k]), decreasing = TRUE)
counts[[k]][,i] <- genes[[k]] %in% genelist[ord][1:list.length]
counts <- lapply(counts, function(x) rowSums(x)/B)
counts <- lapply(counts,
} <- function(Y, X, method = c("pls", "pcr", "ridge")){
out <- vector()
out <- factor(out, levels = levels(Y))
for(i in seq(along = Y)){
tmp <- pdmClass(Y[-i] ~ X[-i,], method = method)
out[i] <- predict(tmp, X[i, , drop = FALSE])
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