
Defines functions single.chip.enrichment

Documented in single.chip.enrichment

single.chip.enrichment <-
    transformation = "rank",
    statistic = "mean",
    normalizedScore = FALSE,
    progressBar = TRUE)
# single.chip.enrichment - function to assess erichment of gene sets using 
# various statistics
# exprs - an expression matrix, rownames correspond to gene ids in the geneset
# geneset - list of pathways or geneset iover which to assess statistic
# transformation - "rank", "squared.rank" or "log.rank" - applied to each 
# column of exprs
# statistic - "mean" or "median" - summary statistic to be applied
# normalizedScore - if statistic = "mean" uses parametric method to assign 
# a significance score
# progressBar - shows progress of script, good to check running okay, set to 
# FALSE for possible faster running
    # check parameters
    if(!(transformation %in% c("rank", "squared.rank", "log.rank"))) 
        stop("transformation should be rank, squared.rank or log.rank")
    if(!(statistic %in% c("mean", "median"))) 
        stop("transformation should be mean or median")
    if((normalizedScore == TRUE & !(statistic == "mean"))) 
        stop("Parameteric normalization can only be used for statistic = mean")
    # Sample normalization
    Ns <- ncol(exprs)
    Ng <- nrow(exprs)
    # rank
    exprs<-apply(exprs, 2, rank, ties.method = "average")
    if (transformation == "log.rank") {
        exprs <- log(exprs) 
    else if (transformation == "squared.rank") {
        exprs <- exprs^2

    # Loop statistic over gene sets
    if(progressBar == TRUE){
        pb<-txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(geneset), style = 3)
    score.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = length(geneset), ncol = Ns)
    for (i in 1:length(geneset)) {
        overlap <- intersect(geneset[[i]], gene.names)      
        if (length(overlap) == 0) {
            score.matrix[i, ] <- NA
        } else {
            if (statistic == "mean"){
            score.matrix[i, ] <- 
                apply(exprs, 2, 
                    function(x){mean(x[overlap])}) # this runs slightly faster
            if(normalizedScore == TRUE){
                n <- length(overlap)
            # print(i) # for testing
            # print(n) # for testing
            # print(Ng) # for testing
            # expected sample mean = population mean
            if (transformation == "rank"){
                E.mean <- mean(1:Ng)
                E.sd <- ((sd(1:Ng)/(n^0.5)))*(((Ng-n)/(Ng-1))^0.5)
            else if (transformation == "log.rank"){
                E.mean <- mean(log(1:Ng))
                E.sd <- ((sd(log(1:Ng))/(n^0.5)))*(((Ng-n)/(Ng-1))^0.5)
            else if (transformation == "squared.rank"){
                E.mean <- mean((1:Ng)^2)
                E.sd <- ((sd((1:Ng)^2)/(n^0.5)))*(((Ng-n)/(Ng-1))^0.5)
            # population sd needs to be corrected for selection 
            # without replacement
            # print(E.mean) # for testing        
            # print(E.sd) # for testing
            # Use these parameters to normalize to a score between -0.5 and +0.5
            score.matrix[i, ] <- sapply(score.matrix[i, ], pnorm, mean = E.mean,
                                        sd = E.sd) - 0.5
            else if (statistic == "median"){
            score.matrix[i, ] <- 
                apply(exprs, 2, 
                    function(x){median(x[overlap])}) # runs slightly faster
        if(progressBar == TRUE){
            setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    } # end of single.chip.enrichment

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pathprint documentation built on April 28, 2020, 7:54 p.m.