calout.detect <- function( x, alpha=0.05,
method = c("GESD", "boxplot", "medmad", "shorth", "hybrid"),
k = ((length(x) %% 2) * floor(length(x)/2) +
(1 - (length(x) %% 2)) * (length(x)/2 - 1)),
gen.region = function(x,location,scale,scaling,alpha)
g <- scaling(length(x),alpha)
if (length(method) > 1) {
warning("GESD detection selected by default")
method <- method[1]
if (method == "hybrid" & ( missing(scaling) |
missing(location) | missing(scale) ) )
stop("hybrid detection requires scaling, location and args")
if (method != "GESD" & missing(scaling))
#warning("default scaling function assigned")
if (method == "shorth") scaling <- shorth.scale
else if (method == "medmad") scaling <- hamp.scale.4
else if (method == "boxplot") scaling <- box.scale
else if (method == "hybrid")
scaling <- scaling
location <- location
scale <- scale
n <- length(x)
if ( method == "GESD" )
ans <- gesdri( x=x, k=k, alpha=alpha )
else if ( method == "boxplot" )
g <- scaling( n, alpha )
ans <- tukeyorinds( x=x, alpha=alpha, g=g )
else if ( method == "medmad" )
g <- scaling( n, alpha )
ans <- hampoutinds( x=x, alpha=alpha, g=g )
else if ( method == "shorth" )
g <- scaling( n, alpha )
ans <- rououtinds( x=x, alpha=alpha, g=g )
else if ( method == "hybrid" )
OR <- gen.region(x,location,scale,scaling,alpha)
outinds <- c((1:length(x))[x<OR[1]],(1:length(x))[x>OR[2]])
if (is.null(outinds)) ans <- list(ind=NA,val=NA,outlier.region=OR)
else ans<- list(ind=outinds,val=x[outinds],outlier.region=OR)
#ckesd <-
#function(x, k)
# n <- as.integer(length(x))
# x <- as.double(x)
# k <- as.integer(k)
# resvec <- as.double(rep(0, k))
# q <- as.integer(rep(0, n))
# indvec <- as.integer(rep(0, k))
# z <- .C("ckesd",
# x = x,
# n = n,
# k = k,
# resvec = resvec,
# q = q,
# indvec = indvec,
# specialsok = TRUE,
# pointers = NULL)
# z
lamtab <-
function(n, k, alpha = 0.05)
# obtain the sequence of k critical values
# to be used in checking for k outliers
l <- 0:(k - 1)
p <- 1 - ((alpha/2)/(n - l))
# note, this can trip a bug in Splus 3.2 qt if n is very large (>50000?)
# the invibeta routine needs to be iterated some more
tvals <- qt(df = n - l - 2, p = p)
lams <- ((n - l - 1) * tvals)/sqrt((n - l - 2 + tvals^2) * (n - l))
skesd.old <- function(x, k)
bigres <- rep(NA, k)
bigresind <- rep(NA, k)
n <- length(x)
curx <- x
ind <- 1:n
inds <- NULL
for(i in 1:k) {
last <- n - i + 1
m <- mean(curx)
ares <- abs(curx - m)
oares <- order(ares)
bigres[i] <- ares[oares[last]]/sqrt(var(curx))
curx <- curx[ - oares[last]]
inds <- c(inds, ind[oares[last]])
ind <- ind[ - oares[last]]
list(res = bigres, ind = inds)
skesd <- function(x, k)
# thanks to Jerry Lewis of Biogen Idec
n <- length(x)
ind <- order(x) # only sort once, outside the loop
curx <- x[ind]
inds <- bigres <- NULL
for(last in n:(n-k+1)) {
m <- mean(curx)
ares <- abs(curx[c(1,last)] - m)
if(ares[1]==ares[2]) { # handle ties on opposite sides of m deliberately -- test the one farthest from median
i <- ifelse(median(curx)>m,1,last)
} else {
i <- ifelse(ares[1]>ares[2],1,last)
bigres <- c(bigres, ares[ifelse(i==1,1,2)]/sqrt(var(curx)))
curx <- curx[-i]
inds <- c(inds, ind[i])
ind <- ind[-i]
list(res = bigres, ind = inds)
gesdri <-
function(x, k = ((length(x) %% 2) * floor(length(x)/2) +
(1 - (length(x) %% 2)) * (length(x)/2 - 1)), alpha = 0.05)
# if (is.loaded("ckesd"))
# E <- ckesd(x, k)
# else
E <- skesd(x, k)
R <- E$res
I <- E$ind
n <- length(x) #if(n == 100 & k == 49)
L <- lamtab(length(x), k, alpha = alpha)
worst <- NA
if (any(R>L)) worst <- max((1:k)[R > L])
if(!is.finite(worst) ||
list(ind = NA, val = NA)
else list(ind = I[1:worst], val = x[I[1:worst]])
hamp.scale.3 <-
function(n, alpha)
# formula (15) p 790, alpha=.05
if ( n < 10 ) warning("procedure not calibrated for n < 10")
if (alpha == 0.05)
if(n %% 2) 2.906 + 12.99 * (n - 5)^(-0.5781) else 2.906 + 11.99 * (n -
else if (alpha == 0.01)
if(n %% 2) 3.819 + 26.50 * (n - 7)^(-0.6089) else 3.819 + 24.09 * (n -
else stop("procedure only calibrated for alpha=0.01, 0.05")
hamp.scale.4 <-
function(n, alpha)
if ( n < 10 ) warning("procedure not calibrated for n < 10")
# formula (16)
if (alpha == 0.05)
if(n %% 2) 1.483 * qnorm(0.975^(1/n)) + 14.43 * ((n - 3)^(-0.7939))
else 1.483 * qnorm(0.975^(1/n)) + 21.61 * ((n + 1)^(-0.8655))
else if (alpha == 0.01)
if(n %% 2) 1.483 * qnorm(0.995^(1/n)) + 24.48 * ((n - 5)^(-0.8236))
else 1.483 * qnorm(0.995^(1/n)) + 41.39 * ((n)^(-0.9143))
else stop("procedure only calibrated for alpha=0.01, 0.05")
hampor <-
function(x, g)
lx <- length(x)
Mad <- function(x)
median(abs(x - median(x) # Mad is the resistant scale measure
m <- median(x)
s <- Mad(x)
L <- m - s * g
U <- m + s * g
c(L, U)
hampoutinds <-
function(x, alpha, g=hamp.scale.4(length(x),alpha=alpha) )
OR <- hampor(x, g)
N <- length(x)
outinds <- c((1:N)[x < OR[1]], (1:N)[x > OR[2]])
if (sum(x<OR[1])==0 & sum(x>OR[2])==0) {
warning("no data values in outlier region")
list(ind= NA, val= NA, outlier.region=OR) } else
list(ind= outinds, val= x[outinds], outlier.region=OR)
shorth.scale <- function(n, alpha=0.05)
# this function gives scaling values for the raw
# length of the shorth to be used in outlier detection.
if(n < 10 | n > 2000) warning(
"rousseeuw calibration based on 10 <= n <= 2000")
if(alpha == 0.05) {
LN <- c(1, log(n)^(1:4))
ecoef <- c(9.165430, -3.632088,
0.7811141, -0.07331514,
ocoef <- c(20.87936, -12.84945274,
3.50602884, -.42863233,
if(n %% 2 == 0 | n >= 400)
sum(ecoef * LN)
else sum(ocoef * LN)
else if(alpha == 0.01) {
LN <- c(1, log(n)^(1:4))
coe <- c(20.0988614238686, -9.7688241263516, 2.10296418210252,
, 0.00696260655978963)
sum(coe * LN)
else stop("Rousseeuw scaling only defined for alpha = .05 or .01")
rouor <-
function(x, alpha=0.05, g=shorth.scale(length(x),alpha=alpha),frac=0.5)
if (frac > .5 | frac < .5) stop("rousseeuw detection not defined for frac != .5")
shss <- shorth(x,Alpha=frac)
# in a former incarnation, this outlier region was
# made unbiased. but the complications are heavy
# and bias corrections are not exact. so instead
# we now base the outlier region on lshorth which
# is basically unambiguously computable
shss$mid - shss$len * g * c(1, -1)
rououtinds <-
function(x, alpha=0.05, g=shorth.scale(length(x),alpha=alpha),frac=0.5)
OR <- rouor(x, alpha, g, frac=0.5)
N <- length(x)
outinds <- c((1:N)[x < OR[1]], (1:N)[x > OR[2]])
if (sum(x<OR[1])==0 & sum(x>OR[2])==0) {
warning("no data values in outlier region")
list(ind= NA, val= NA, outlier.region=OR) } else list(ind= outinds, val= x[outinds], outlier.region=OR)
box.scale <-
function(n, alpha = 0.05)
if(n > 2000)
warning("extrapolations for n>2000 may be invalid")
if(n <= 10)
stop("n must be greater than 10")
if(alpha == 0.05) {
mod <- function(x, n)
x %% n
lmodff <- function(x)
1.521267 + 0.1458931 * x
sumodf <- function(x)
2.668116 - 0.2723008 * x + 0.04326603 * x * x - 0.0009040389 *
x * x * x
slmodf <- function(x)
2.308486 - 0.08364704 * x + 0.01044393 * x * x + 0.0009883642 *
x * x * x
ln <- log(n)
if(ln > 5.7)
else if(mod(n, 4) == 0 | mod(n, 4) == 1)
else sumodf(ln)
else if(alpha == 0.01) {
qmod <- function(n)
7.085162 - 2.692155 * n + 0.5950019 * n * n - 0.05763641 * n *
n * n + 0.002165973 * n * n * n * n
else stop("procedure defined only for alpha = .01 or .05")
tukeyorinds <-
function(x, alpha = 0.05, g = box.scale(length(x), alpha=alpha))
OR <- tukeyor(x,alpha, g)
N <- length(x)
outinds <- c((1:N)[x < OR[1]], (1:N)[x > OR[2]])
if (sum(x<OR[1])==0 & sum(x>OR[2])==0) {
warning("no data values in outlier region")
list(ind= NA, val= NA, outlier.region=OR) } else list(ind= outinds, val= x[outinds], outlier.region=OR)
tukeyor <-
function(x, alpha=0.05, g = box.scale(length(x), alpha=alpha), ftype = "ideal")
n <- length(x)
if(ftype == "ideal") # see Hoaglin, Iglewicz, JASA 1987
f <- n/4 + 5/12
else f <- 0.5 * floor((n + 3)/2)
xs <- sort(x)
ff <- floor(f)
cf <- ceiling(f)
fracinterp <- function(x, f) # suppose 1 < f < length(x)
# this linearly interpolates between x[floor(f)] and x[ceiling(f)]
# typical use requires x sorted
ind <- floor(f)
base <- x[ind]
top <- x[ind + 1]
frac <- f - ind
base + (top - base) * frac
Fl <- fracinterp(xs, f)
Fu <- fracinterp(xs, n + 1 - f)
Fspread <- Fu - Fl
kf <- g * Fspread
IFl <- Fl - kf
IFu <- Fu + kf
c(IFl, IFu)
shorth <- function(x, Alpha = 0.5)
x <- sort(x)
N <- length(x)
nsamp <- floor(N * Alpha) + 1 # rouss/ler 1988 p104
begs <- 1:(N - nsamp + 1)
ends <- begs + nsamp - 1
lens <- x[ends] - x[begs]
Nlens <- length(lens)
leasts <- (1:Nlens)[lens <= min(lens)]
if(length(leasts) > 1)
warning("shorth is not unique, leftmost used")
least <- leasts[1]
intv <- c(x[begs][least], x[ends][least])
# correction factor to eliminate the parity dependence
# of shs, Rousseeuw and Leroy
# 1988 Stat Neer p115
te <- 3/8
ao2 <- Alpha/2 # if((N %% 4) == 0) {
q <- floor((0.5 + ao2) * N)
k <- ceiling((0.5 - ao2) * N)
if((N %% 4) == 0) {
q <- q - 0.5
k <- k + 0.5
else if((N %% 4) == 3) {
q <- q - 0.5
k <- k + 0.5
corr <- 1/((qnorm((q - te)/(N - 2 * te + 1))) - (qnorm((k - te)/(N - 2 *
te + 1)))) # empirical bias correction for alpha = .5 only
bias.corr <- 0.89 + 0.142 * log(log(log(N)))
list(shorth = intv, length.shorth = lens[least], midpt.shorth = mean(
intv), meanshorth = mean(x[(begs[least]):(ends[least])]),
correction.parity.dep = corr, bias.correction.gau.5 = bias.corr,
alpha = Alpha)
logit <- function(x) log(x/(1-x))
al <- function(x) plogis(x)
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