### =========================================================================
### parglm tools
# idea is to allow parallel evaluation of contributions to
# sufficient statistics
# use case is data sharded into a BatchJobs folder structure
# governed by a registry in a gQTLBase::ciseStore instance
# is it reasonable? certainly if a BatchJobs result set exists
# and is to be analyzed, yes.
# what if we just have a very large data frame? using BatchJobs
# to store it in shards allows persistent small-footprint retrievals
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
job2df = function(store, i) {
if (!is.null(store$extractor)) {
stopifnot( all(names(formals(store$extractor))==c("store", "i")) )
return(store$extractor(store, i))
loadResult(store, i)
getMu <- function (formula, store, i, beta, family)
as.numeric(family()$linkinv(getEta(formula, store, i, beta)))
getY <- function (formula, store, i) model.response(model.frame(formula, data=job2df(store, i)))
getX <- function (formula, store, i)
model.matrix(formula, job2df(store, i))
ri <- function(formula, store, i, beta, family) getY(formula, store,i) -
getMu(formula, store, i, beta, family)
### possibly move to C
getEta <- function (formula, store, i, beta) getX(formula, store, i) %*% beta
Di <- function (formula, store, i, beta, family)
as.numeric(family()$mu.eta(getEta(formula, store, i, beta))) * getX(formula, store, i)
# here we are going to return a vector
Vinv.i <- function(formula, store, i, beta, family)
1/family()$variance(getMu(formula, store, i, beta, family))
Gcomps <- function(formula, i, store, beta, family) {
DD <- Di(formula, store, i, beta, family)
# tDD <- t(DD)
r_i <- ri(formula, store, i, beta, family)
Vinv <- Vinv.i(formula, store, i, beta, family)
val <- Vinv * DD
val1 <- t(val) %*% DD
val2 <- t(val) %*% r_i
middle = crossprod( val * abs(r_i) ) # Xt diag(u_i^2) X so HC0 in Zeileis sandwich
list(DtVDi=val1, DtVri=val2, DtVririVD=middle, rss=sum(r_i^2), totalN=length(r_i))
combi <- function(x) {
xx <- x[[1]]
for (i in 2:length(x))
xx <- Map("+", xx, x[[i]])
.parglm <- function(formula, store, family, binit, maxit, tol, jobids, theCall) {
# idea is that Gcomps(formula, i, store, ...) computes elements on chunk i (no cluster structure)
converged = FALSE
beta <- binit
del <- Inf
curit <- -1 # (iteration 0 is setup)
robvar <- NA
solve_DtVDi <- NA
s2 = NA
N = NA
delcomp = NULL
# check compatibility of binit and X
if (missing(jobids) & inherits(store, "Registry")) jobids = findDone(store)
x1 = getX(formula, store, jobids[1])
if (!(length(beta) == ncol(x1))) stop("length(binit) not compatible with X")
while ( (crit <- max(abs(del/beta))) > tol ) {
if (isTRUE(options()$parGLM.showiter) & (curit > -1)) {
message("iteration ", curit, ": criterion value = ", crit)
if (maxit == 0) break
if (curit > maxit) {
message(paste0("NOTE: ", paste("maxit [", maxit, "] iterations exceeded")))
break # converged will be false
# res <- bplapply(jobids, function(ind) Gcomps(formula=formula, i=ind,
# store=store, beta=beta, family=family))
res <- foreach(ind=jobids) %dopar% { Gcomps(formula=formula, i=ind,
store=store, beta=beta, family=family) }
delcomp <- combi(res)
solve_DtVDi <- solve(delcomp$DtVDi) # move to QR?
del <- solve_DtVDi %*% delcomp$DtVri
beta <- beta + del
robvar <- solve_DtVDi %*% (delcomp$DtVririVD %*% solve_DtVDi)
if (options()$verbose) {
message(paste("iter ", curit))
message(paste(round(beta,4), collapse=", "))
curit <- curit + 1
if (isTRUE(options()$parGLM.showiter)) {
message("iteration ", curit, ": criterion value = ", crit)
N = delcomp$totalN
s2 = delcomp$rss/(N - nrow(delcomp$DtVDi)) # sum(resids^2)/(N-nrow(delcomp[[1]]))
if (maxit == 0) converged = NA
else if (curit <= maxit) converged = TRUE
fac = s2
if (!(deparse(substitute(family))=="gaussian")) fac=1.0
ans = list(coefficients=beta, eff.variance=fac*solve_DtVDi, robust.variance=robvar, s2=s2,
niter = curit, converged=converged, formula=formula, N=N, theCall=theCall )
class(ans) = c("parglm", "list")
summary.parglm = function(object, ...) {
# eventually we'll get an object
co = object$coeff
se = sqrt(diag(object$eff))
robse = sqrt(diag(object$rob))
z = object$coeff/se
robz = object$coeff/robse
data.frame(beta=co, s.e.=se, eff.z=z, rob.s.e.=robse, rob.z=robz)
predict.parglm = function (object, ...) { # (x, store, jobids)
# objective is to apply coefficients built from one
# set of jobids to data in a complementary set of jobids
inextras = list(...)
store = inextras$store
if (is.null(store)) stop("please supply registry as value of argument 'store'")
jobids = inextras$jobids
if (is.null(jobids)) stop("please supply vector of jobids to supply data for prediction")
f = store$extractor
if (is.null(f)) f = loadResult
#bplapply(jobids, function(z) {
foreach(z = jobids) %dopar% {
tmp = f(store, z)
fr = model.frame(object$formula, tmp)
obs = model.extract(fr, "response")
xx = model.matrix(object$formula, data = tmp)
xx %*% object$coefficients
} #)
print.parglm = function(x, ...) {
cat("parGLM result. the call was:\n")
if (isTRUE(x$converged)) cat("converged in", x$niter, "iterations.\n")
else cat("failed to converge in", x$niter, "iterations.\n")
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