##' These functions implement the T augmented Gaussian mixture (TAGM)
##' model for mass spectrometry-based spatial proteomics datasets
##' using Markov-chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) for inference.
##' The `tagmMcmcTrain` function generates the samples from the
##' posterior distributions (object or class `MCMCParams`) based on an
##' annotated quantitative spatial proteomics dataset (object of class
##' [`MSnbase::MSnSet`]). Both are then passed to the `tagmPredict`
##' function to predict the sub-cellular localisation of protein of
##' unknown localisation. See the *pRoloc-bayesian* vignette for
##' details and examples. In this implementation, if numerical instability
##' is detected in the covariance matrix of the data a small multiple of
##' the identity is added. A message is printed if this conditioning step
##' is performed.
##' @title Localisation of proteins using the TAGM MCMC method
##' @param object An [`MSnbase::MSnSet`] containing the spatial
##' proteomics data to be passed to `tagmMcmcTrain` and
##' `tagmPredict`.
##' @param fcol The feature meta-data containing marker definitions.
##' Default is `markers`.
##' @param method A `charachter()` describing the inference method for
##' the TAGM algorithm. Default is `"MCMC"`.
##' @param numIter The number of iterations of the MCMC
##' algorithm. Default is 1000.
##' @param burnin The number of samples to be discarded from the
##' begining of the chain. Default is 100.
##' @param thin The thinning frequency to be applied to the MCMC
##' chain. Default is 5.
##' @param mu0 The prior mean. Default is `colMeans` of the expression
##' data.
##' @param lambda0 The prior shrinkage. Default is 0.01.
##' @param nu0 The prior degreed of freedom. Default is
##' `ncol(exprs(object)) + 2`
##' @param S0 The prior inverse-wishart scale matrix. Empirical prior
##' used by default.
##' @param beta0 The prior Dirichlet distribution
##' concentration. Default is 1 for each class.
##' @param u The prior shape parameter for Beta(u, v). Default is 2
##' @param v The prior shape parameter for Beta(u, v). Default is 10.
##' @param numChains The number of parrallel chains to be run. Default
##' it 4.
##' @param BPPARAM Support for parallel processing using the
##' `BiocParallel` infrastructure. When missing (default), the
##' default registered `BiocParallelParam` parameters are
##' used. Alternatively, one can pass a valid `BiocParallelParam`
##' parameter instance: `SnowParam`, `MulticoreParam`,
##' `DoparParam`, ... see the `BiocParallel` package for
##' details.
##' @return `tagmMcmcTrain` returns an instance of class
##' `MCMCParams`.
##' @md
##' @references *A Bayesian Mixture Modelling Approach For Spatial
##' Proteomics* Oliver M Crook, Claire M Mulvey, Paul D. W. Kirk,
##' Kathryn S Lilley, Laurent Gatto bioRxiv 282269; doi:
##' @seealso The [plotEllipse()] function can be used to visualise
##' TAGM models on PCA plots with ellipses.
##' @rdname tagm-mcmc
tagmMcmcTrain <- function(object,
fcol = "markers",
method = "MCMC",
numIter = 1000L,
burnin = 100L,
thin = 5L,
mu0 = NULL,
lambda0 = 0.01,
nu0 = NULL,
S0 = NULL,
beta0 = NULL,
u = 2,
v = 10,
numChains = 4L,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::bpparam()) {
## get expression marker data
markersubset <- markerMSnSet(object, fcol = fcol)
markers <- getMarkerClasses(markersubset, fcol = fcol)
mydata <- exprs(markersubset)
X <- exprs(unknownMSnSet(object, fcol = fcol))
## get data dize
N <- nrow(mydata)
D <- ncol(mydata)
K <- length(markers)
## set priors
if (is.null(nu0))
nu0 <- D + 2
if (is.null(S0))
S0 <- diag( colSums(( mydata - mean( mydata)) ^ 2) / N)/( K ^ (1/D))
if (is.null(mu0))
mu0 <- colMeans( mydata)
if (is.null(beta0))
beta0 <- rep(1, K)
## Store Priors
.priors <- list(mu0 = mu0,
lambda0 = lambda0,
nu0 = nu0,
S0 = S0,
beta0 = beta0)
## chains run in parallel, repeating number of iterations
.res <- bplapply(rep(numIter, numChains),
FUN = tagmMcmcChain,
object = object,
fcol = fcol,
method = "MCMC",
burnin = burnin,
thin = thin,
mu0 = mu0,
lambda0 = lambda0,
nu0 = nu0,
S0 = S0,
beta0 = beta0,
u = u,
v = v,
## Construct class MCMCChains
.ans <- .MCMCChains(chains = .res)
## Construct class MCMCParams
out <- .MCMCParams(method = "TAGM.MCMC",
chains = .ans,
priors = .priors,
summary = .MCMCSummary())
##' @param params An instance of class `MCMCParams`, as generated by
##' [tagmMcmcTrain()].
##' @param probJoint A `logical(1)` indicating whether to return the
##' joint probability matrix, i.e. the probability for all classes
##' as a new `tagm.mcmc.joint` feature variable.
##' @param probOutlier A `logical(1)` indicating whether to return the
##' probability of being an outlier as a new `tagm.mcmc.outlier`
##' feature variable. A high value indicates that the protein is
##' unlikely to belong to any annotated class (and is hence
##' considered an outlier).
##' @return `tagmMcmcPredict` returns an instance of class
##' [`MSnbase::MSnSet`] containing the localisation predictions as
##' a new `tagm.mcmc.allocation` feature variable. The allocation
##' probability is encoded as `tagm.mcmc.probability`
##' (corresponding to the mean of the distribution
##' probability). In additionm the upper and lower quantiles of
##' the allocation probability distribution are available as
##' `tagm.mcmc.probability.lowerquantile` and
##' `tagm.mcmc.probability.upperquantile` feature variables. The
##' Shannon entropy is available in the `tagm.mcmc.mean.shannon`
##' feature variable, measuring the uncertainty in the allocations
##' (a high value representing high uncertainty; the highest value
##' is the natural logarithm of the number of classes).
##' @md
##' @rdname tagm-mcmc
tagmMcmcPredict <- function(object,
fcol = "markers",
probJoint = FALSE,
probOutlier = TRUE) {
stopifnot(inherits(params, "MCMCParams"))
## Checks for object and MCMCParams match
stopifnot(featureNames(unknownMSnSet(object, fcol = fcol))
== rownames(params@summary@posteriorEstimates))
## Create marker set and size
markerSet <- markerMSnSet(object, fcol = fcol)
markers <- getMarkerClasses(object, fcol = fcol)
M <- nrow(markerSet)
K <- chains(params)[[1]]@K
## Get Summary object from MCMCParams maybe better to check
## columns exist/pass which objects we need
.tagm.allocation <- c(as.character(params@summary@posteriorEstimates[,"tagm.allocation"]),
as.character(fData(markerSet)[, fcol]))
.tagm.probability <- c(params@summary@posteriorEstimates[,"tagm.probability"],
rep(1, M)) ## set all probabilities of markers to 1.
.tagm.probability.lowerquantile <- c(params@summary@posteriorEstimates[,"tagm.probability.lowerquantile"],
rep(1, M)) ## set all probabilities of markers to 1.
.tagm.probability.upperquantile <- c(params@summary@posteriorEstimates[,"tagm.probability.upperquantile"],
rep(1, M)) ## set all probabilities of markers to 1.
.tagm.mean.shannon <- c(params@summary@posteriorEstimates[,"tagm.mean.shannon"],
rep(0, M)) ## set all probabilities of markers to 0
## Create data frame to store new summaries
.tagm.summary <- data.frame(tagm.mcmc.allocation = .tagm.allocation ,
tagm.mcmc.probability = .tagm.probability,
tagm.mcmc.probability.lowerquantile = .tagm.probability.lowerquantile,
tagm.mcmc.probability.upperquantile = .tagm.probability.upperquantile,
tagm.mcmc.mean.shannon = .tagm.mean.shannon)
if (probOutlier)
.tagm.summary$tagm.mcmc.outlier <-
c(params@summary@posteriorEstimates[, "tagm.probability.Outlier"],
rep(0, M)) ## set all probabilities of markers to 0
## Check number of rows match and add feature names
stopifnot(nrow(.tagm.summary) == nrow(object))
rownames(.tagm.summary) <- c(rownames(params@summary@posteriorEstimates),
## Append data to fData of MSnSet
fData(object) <- cbind(fData(object), .tagm.summary[rownames(fData(object)),])
if (probJoint) {
## create allocation matrix for markers
.probmat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(markerSet), ncol = K)
.class <- fData(markerSet)[, fcol]
for (j in seq_len(nrow(markerSet))) {
## give markers prob 1
.probmat[j, as.numeric(factor(.class), seq(1, length(unique(.class))))[j]] <- 1
colnames(.probmat) <- markers
rownames(.probmat) <- rownames(markerSet)
.joint <- rbind(params@summary@tagm.joint, .probmat)
fData(object)$tagm.mcmc.joint <- .joint[rownames(fData(object)), ]
##' @rdname tagm-mcmc
tagmPredict <- function(object,
fcol = "markers",
probJoint = FALSE,
probOutlier = TRUE) {
if (inherits(params, "MAPParams")) {
ans <- tagmMapPredict(object, params, fcol, probJoint, probOutlier)
ans@processingData@processing <- c(processingData(ans)@processing,
paste0("Performed TAGM-MAP prediction", date()))
else if (inherits(params, "MCMCParams")) {
ans <- tagmMcmcPredict(object, params, fcol, probJoint, probOutlier)
ans@processingData@processing <- c(processingData(ans)@processing,
paste0("Performed TAGM-MCMC prediction", date()))
} else
stop("Parameters must either be 'MAPParams' or 'MCMCParams'.")
##' @return `tagmMcmcProcess` returns an instance of class
##' `MCMCParams` with its summary slot populated.
##' @md
##' @rdname tagm-mcmc
tagmMcmcProcess <- function(params) {
## get require slots
myChain <- chains(params)[[1]]
numChains <- length(chains(params))
N <- myChain@N
K <- myChain@K
n <- myChain@n
## storage
meanComponentProb = vector("list", length = numChains)
meanOutlierProb = vector("list", length = numChains)
tagm.joint <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = K)
tagm.outlier <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = 2)
.tagm.quantiles <- array(0, c(N, K, 2))
pooled.Component <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = n * numChains)
pooled.ComponentProb <- array(0, c(N, n * numChains, K ))
pooled.Outlier <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = n * numChains)
pooled.OutlierProb <- array(0, c(N, n * numChains, 2 ))
# Calculate basic quantities
for (j in seq_len(numChains)) {
mc <- chains(params)[[j]]
meanComponentProb[[j]] <- t(apply(mc@ComponentProb[, , ], 1, colMeans))
meanOutlierProb[[j]] <- t(apply(mc@OutlierProb[, , ], 1, colMeans))
tagm.joint <- tagm.joint + meanComponentProb[[j]]
tagm.outlier <- tagm.outlier + meanOutlierProb[[j]]
## Pool chains
pooled.Component[, n * (j - 1) +] <- mc@Component
pooled.ComponentProb[, n * (j - 1) +, ] <- mc@ComponentProb
pooled.Outlier[, n * (j - 1)+] <- mc@Outlier
pooled.OutlierProb[, n * (j - 1) +, ] <- mc@OutlierProb
## take means across chains
tagm.joint <- tagm.joint/numChains
tagm.outlier <- tagm.outlier/numChains
tagm.probability <- apply(tagm.joint, 1, max)
tagm.allocation <- colnames(tagm.joint)[apply(tagm.joint, 1, which.max)]
## Calculate quantiles
for (i in seq_len(N)) {
for (j in seq_len(K)) {
.tagm.quantiles[i, j, ] <- quantile(pooled.ComponentProb[i, , j], probs = c(0.025, 0.975))
## Store quantiles
tagm.probability.lowerquantile <- .tagm.quantiles[cbind(1:N, apply(tagm.joint, 1, which.max), rep(1, N))]
tagm.probability.upperquantile <- .tagm.quantiles[cbind(1:N, apply(tagm.joint, 1, which.max), rep(2, N))]
## Compute Shannon Entropy
tagm.shannon <- -apply(pooled.ComponentProb * log(pooled.ComponentProb), c(1,2), sum)
tagm.shannon[] <- 0
tagm.mean.shannon <- rowMeans(tagm.shannon)
## Name entries
names(tagm.mean.shannon) <- names(tagm.probability.lowerquantile) <-
names(tagm.probability.upperquantile) <- rownames(myChain@Component)
rownames(tagm.joint) <- names(tagm.probability) <-
names(tagm.allocation) <- rownames(myChain@Component)
colnames(tagm.joint) <- rownames(myChain@ComponentParam@mk)
## Outlier colNames
colnames(tagm.outlier) <- c("tagm.probability.notOutlier", "tagm.probability.Outlier")
## Compute convergence diagnostics
outlierTotal <- vector("list", length = numChains)
for(j in seq_len(numChains)) {
mc <- chains(params)[[j]]
outlierTotal[[j]] <- coda::mcmc(colSums(mc@Outlier))
## Summary of posterior estimates
tagm.summary <- data.frame(tagm.allocation, tagm.probability, tagm.outlier,
tagm.probability.upperquantile, tagm.mean.shannon)
## Compute covergence diagnostics
.diagnostics <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 2)
if(numChains > 1){
outlierTotal <- coda::as.mcmc.list(outlierTotal)
gd <- coda::gelman.diag(x = outlierTotal, autoburnin = F)
.diagnostics <- gd$psrf
rownames(.diagnostics) <- c("outlierTotal")
## Constructor for summary
params@summary <- .MCMCSummary(posteriorEstimates = tagm.summary,
diagnostics = .diagnostics,
tagm.joint = tagm.joint)
##' @param object An [`MSnbase::MSnSet`] containing the spatial
##' proteomics data to be passed to `tagmMcmcTrain` and
##' `tagmPredict`.
##' @param fcol The feature meta-data containing marker definitions.
##' Default is `markers`.
##' @param method A `charachter()` describing the inference method for
##' the TAGM algorithm. Default is `"MCMC"`.
##' @param numIter The number of iterations of the MCMC
##' algorithm. Default is 1000.
##' @param burnin The number of samples to be discarded from the
##' begining of the chain. Default is 100.
##' @param thin The thinning frequency to be applied to the MCMC
##' chain. Default is 5.
##' @param mu0 The prior mean. Default is `colMeans` of the expression
##' data.
##' @param lambda0 The prior shrinkage. Default is 0.01.
##' @param nu0 The prior degreed of freedom. Default is
##' `ncol(exprs(object)) + 2`
##' @param S0 The prior inverse-wishart scale matrix. Empirical prior
##' used by default.
##' @param beta0 The prior Dirichlet distribution
##' concentration. Default is 1 for each class.
##' @param u The prior shape parameter for Beta(u, v). Default is 2
##' @param v The prior shape parameter for Beta(u, v). Default is 10.
##' @return `tagmMcmcChain` returns an instance of class
##' [MCMCChain()].
##' @md
##' @noRd
tagmMcmcChain <- function(object,
fcol = "markers",
method = "MCMC",
numIter = 1000L,
burnin = 100L,
thin = 5L,
mu0 = NULL,
lambda0 = 0.01,
nu0 = NULL,
S0 = NULL,
beta0 = NULL,
u = 2,
v = 10) {
if (burnin >= numIter)
stop("Burnin is larger than iterations you will not retain any samples")
## on the fly number of samples to be retained
retained <- + 1L, numIter , thin)
## get expression marker data
markersubset <- markerMSnSet(object, fcol = fcol)
markers <- getMarkerClasses(markersubset, fcol = fcol)
mydata <- exprs(markersubset)
X <- exprs(unknownMSnSet(object, fcol = fcol))
## get data dize
N <- nrow(mydata)
D <- ncol(mydata)
K <- length(markers)
## set empirical priors
if (is.null(nu0))
nu0 <- D + 2
if (is.null(S0))
S0 <- diag( colSums(( mydata - mean( mydata)) ^ 2) / N)/( K ^ (1/D))
if (is.null(mu0))
mu0 <- colMeans( mydata)
if (is.null(beta0))
beta0 <- rep(1, K)
## save priors
.priors <- list(mu0 = mu0,
lambda0 = lambda0,
nu0 = nu0,
S0 = S0,
beta0 = beta0)
## create storage for posterior parameters
mk <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = D)
lambdak <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = 1)
nuk <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = 1)
sk <- array(0, dim = c(K, D, D))
## create storage for cluster parameters
xk <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = D)
## update prior with training data
nk <- c(table(fData(markersubset)[, fcol])[markers])
for (j in
xk[j, ] <- colSums(mydata[fData(markersubset)[, fcol] == markers[j], ])/nk[j]
lambdak <- lambda0 + nk
nuk <- nu0 + nk
mk <- t((t(nk * xk) + lambda0 * mu0)) / lambdak
betak <- beta0 + nk
for(j in
sk[j, , ] <- S0 + t(mydata[fData(markersubset)[, fcol] == markers[j], ]) %*%
mydata[fData(markersubset)[, fcol] == markers[j],] +
lambda0 * mu0 %*% t(mu0) - lambdak[j] * mk[j, ] %*% t(mk[j, ])
## global parameters
M <- colMeans(exprs(object))
V <- cov(exprs(object))/2
eigsV <- eigen(V)
if (min(eigsV$values) < .Machine$double.eps) {
V <- cov(exprs(object))/2 + diag(10^{-6}, D)
message("co-linearity detected; a small multiple of
the identity was added to the covariance")
## storage
Component <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(X), ncol = numIter)
ComponentProb <- array(0, c(nrow(X), numIter, K))
Outlier <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(X), ncol = numIter)
OutlierProb <- array(0, c(nrow(X), numIter, 2))
## initially assigned all unlabelled points to clusters greedily
for(j in
ComponentProb[, 1, j] <- dmvtCpp(X,
mu_ = mk[j, ],
sigma_ = (1 + lambdak[j]) * sk[j, , ] / (lambdak[j] * (nuk[j] - D + 1)),
df_ = nuk[j] - D + 1,
log_ = TRUE,
ncores_ = 1,
isChol_ = FALSE)
Component[, 1] <- apply(X = ComponentProb[, 1, ], 1, FUN = which.max)
## initially assign all components to global component i.e. allocstruc = 0
Outlier[, 1] <- 0
## initial allocation statistics
tau1 <- sum(Outlier[, 1] == 1) + N
tau2 <- sum(Outlier[, 1] == 0)
for (t in, numIter)) {
## consider each protein in turn
for (i in {
## if assigned to a cluster remove statistics
if ( Outlier[i, t - 1] == 1) {
idx <- Component[i, t - 1] ## temporary variable index
tempS <- mk[idx, ] %*% t(mk[idx, ]) ## temporary scatter, since mk to be update on next line
mk[idx, ] <- (lambdak[idx] * mk[idx, ] - X[i, ]) / (lambdak[idx] - 1)
lambdak[idx] <- lambdak[idx] - 1
nuk[idx] <- nuk[idx] - 1
nk[idx] <- nk[idx] - 1
tau1 <- tau1 - 1
sk[idx, , ] <- sk[idx, , ] - (X[i, ] %*% t(X[i, ])) +
(lambdak[idx] + 1) * tempS - lambdak[idx] * mk[idx,] %*% t(mk[idx,])
} else {
if (t > 2) {
tau2 <- tau2 - 1
## compute probability of belonging to each organelle
## precompute terms for speed
weight <- (nk + betak)/(sum(nk) + sum(betak) - 1) ## Component weights
sigmak <- ((1 + lambdak) * sk)/(lambdak * (nuk - D + 1)) ## scale matrix
degf <- nuk - D + 1 ## degrees freedom
for (j in {
ComponentProb[i, t, j] <- log(weight[j]) + dmvtCpp(X[i, ,drop = FALSE],
mu_ = mk[j, ],
sigma_ = sigmak[j, , ],
df_ = degf[j],
log_ = TRUE,
ncores_ = 1,
isChol_ = FALSE)
## normalise with underflow correction
c <- max(ComponentProb[i, t, ])
ComponentProb[i, t , ] <- exp(ComponentProb[i ,t , ] - c) / sum(exp(ComponentProb[i, t, ] - c))
## sample component
Component[i, t] <- sample(x = 1:K, size = 1, prob = ComponentProb[i, t , ] )
## compute outlier allocation
n <- nrow(object)
idk <- Component[i, t] ## temporary allocation variable
OutlierProb[i, t, 1] <- log((tau1 + v)/(n + u + v - 1)) + dmvtCpp(X[i, ,drop=FALSE],
mu_ = mk[idk, ],
sigma_ = sigmak[idk,,],
df_ = degf[idk],
log_ = TRUE,
ncores_ = 1,
isChol_ = FALSE)
OutlierProb[i, t, 2] <- log((tau2 + u)/(n + u + v - 1)) + dmvtCpp(X[i, ,drop = FALSE],
mu_ = M,
sigma_ = V,
df_ = 4,
log_ = TRUE,
ncores_ = 1,
isChol_ = FALSE)
## normalise and sample
OutlierProb[i, t, ] <- exp(OutlierProb[i, t, ])/sum(exp(OutlierProb[i, t, ]))
Outlier[i, t] <- sample(x = c(1, 0), 1, prob = OutlierProb[i, t, ]) ## reversed sample so 2nd entry is prob of 0.
## allocation statistics
if ( Outlier[i, t] == 1) {
idx <- Component[i, t] ## temporary variable index
tempS <- mk[idx, ] %*% t(mk[idx, ]) ## temporary scatter, since mk to be update on next line
mk[idx, ] <- (lambdak[idx] * mk[idx, ] + X[i, ]) / (lambdak[idx] + 1)
lambdak[idx] <- lambdak[idx] + 1
nuk[idx] <- nuk[idx] + 1
nk[idx] <- nk[idx] + 1
tau1 <- tau1 + 1
if ( t == 2) {
tau2 <- tau2 - 1 ## default on first round is phi = 0
sk[idx, , ] <- sk[idx,,] + (X[i,] %*% t(X[i,])) +
(lambdak[idx] - 1) * tempS - lambdak[idx] * mk[idx,] %*% t(mk[idx,])
} else {
if (t > 2) {
tau2 <- tau2 + 1
} ## end loop over proteins
} ## end iterations
## create names for objects
rownames(mk) <- names(lambdak) <- names(nuk) <- dimnames(sk)[[1]] <- markers
colnames(mk) <- dimnames(sk)[[2]] <- dimnames(sk)[[3]] <- sampleNames(object)
## name storage
p_names <- rownames(X)
rownames(Component) <- rownames(ComponentProb) <- rownames(Outlier) <- rownames(OutlierProb) <- p_names
dimnames(ComponentProb)[[3]] <- markers
## save Component parameters
.ComponentParam <- .ComponentParam(K = K, D = D,
mk = mk,
lambdak = lambdak,
nuk = nuk,
sk = sk)
## apply thinning and burn-in
.Component <- Component[, retained]
.ComponentProb <- ComponentProb[, retained, ]
.Outlier <- Outlier[, retained]
.OutlierProb <- OutlierProb[, retained, ]
## make MCMCChain object
.MCMCChain <- .MCMCChain(n = length(retained),
K = K,
N = nrow(X),
Component = .Component,
ComponentProb = .ComponentProb,
Outlier = .Outlier,
OutlierProb = .OutlierProb,
ComponentParam = .ComponentParam)
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