##' Helper function to get the number of outlier at each MCMC
##' iteration.
##' @title Number of outlier at each iteration of MCMC
##' @param x Object of class `MCMCParams`
##' @return A `list` of length `length(x)`.
##' @rdname mcmc-helpers
##' @md
mcmc_get_outliers <- function(x) {
stopifnot(inherits(x, "MCMCParams"))
lapply(x@chains@chains, function(mc) coda::mcmc(colSums(1 - mc@Outlier)))
##' Helper function to get mean component allocation at each MCMC
##' iteration.
##' @title Mean component allocation at each MCMC iteration
##' @return A `list` of length `length(x)`.
##' @rdname mcmc-helpers
##' @md
mcmc_get_meanComponent <- function(x) {
stopifnot(inherits(x, "MCMCParams"))
lapply(x@chains@chains, function(mc) coda::mcmc(colMeans(mc@Component)))
##' Helper function to get mean probability of belonging to outlier at
##' each iteration.
##' @title Mean outlier probability
##' @return A `list` of length `length(x)`.
##' @rdname mcmc-helpers
##' @md
mcmc_get_meanoutliersProb <- function(x) {
stopifnot(inherits(x, "MCMCParams"))
lapply(x@chains@chains, function(mc) coda::mcmc(colMeans(mc@OutlierProb[, ,2])))
##' Wrapper for the geweke diagnostics from coda package also return p-values.
##' @title Geweke diagnostics
##' @param k A `list` of [coda::mcmc] objects, as returned by
##' `mcmc_get_outliers`, `mcmc_get_meanComponent` and
##' `mcmc_get_meanoutliersProb`.
##' @return A `matrix` with the test z- and p-values for each chain.
##' @rdname mcmc-helpers
##' @md
geweke_test <- function(k) {
res <- matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = length(k))
gwk <- sapply(k, coda::geweke.diag, simplify = TRUE)
res[1, ] <- unlist(gwk[1, ])
res[2, ] <- pnorm(abs(unlist(gwk[1, ])), lower.tail = FALSE) * 2
colnames(res) <- paste0("chain ",
rownames(res) <- c("z.value", "p.value")
##' Helper function to pool chains together after processing
##' @title Pool MCMC chains
##' @param param An object of class `MCMCParams`.
##' @return A pooled `MCMCParams` object.
##' @rdname mcmc-helpers
##' @md
mcmc_pool_chains <- function(param) {
stopifnot(inherits(param, "MCMCParams"))
param1 <- chains(param)[[1]]
n <- param1@n
nPool <- param1@n * length(param) # total number of iteration increase
KPool <- param1@K # number of components unchanged
NPool <- param1@N # number of proteins doesn't change
numChains <- length(param)
pooled.Component <- matrix(0, nrow = NPool, ncol = nPool)
pooled.ComponentProb <- array(0, c(NPool, nPool, KPool ))
pooled.Outlier <- matrix(0, nrow = NPool, ncol = nPool)
pooled.OutlierProb <- array(0, c(NPool, nPool, 2 ))
rownames(pooled.Component) <- rownames(param1@Component)
rownames(pooled.ComponentProb) <- rownames(param1@ComponentProb)
rownames(pooled.Outlier) <- rownames(param1@Outlier)
rownames(pooled.OutlierProb) <- rownames(param1@OutlierProb)
dimnames(pooled.ComponentProb)[[3]] <- dimnames(param1@ComponentProb)[[3]]
## Calculate basic quantities
for (j in seq_len(numChains)) {
mc <- chains(param)[[j]]
## Pool chains
pooled.Component[, n * (j - 1) +] <- mc@Component
pooled.ComponentProb[, n * (j - 1) +, ] <- mc@ComponentProb
pooled.Outlier[, n * (j - 1)+] <- mc@Outlier
pooled.OutlierProb[, n * (j - 1) +, ] <- mc@OutlierProb
mk.list <- lapply(param@chains@chains,function(x) x@ComponentParam@mk)
lambdak.list <- lapply(param@chains@chains,function(x) x@ComponentParam@lambdak)
nuk.list <- lapply(param@chains@chains,function(x) x@ComponentParam@nuk)
sk.list <- lapply(param@chains@chains,function(x) x@ComponentParam@sk)
## save Component parameters
.ComponentParam <- .ComponentParam(K = KPool, D = param1@ComponentParam@D,
mk = Reduce("+", mk.list) / length(mk.list),
lambdak = Reduce("+", lambdak.list) / length(lambdak.list),
nuk = Reduce("+", nuk.list) / length(nuk.list),
sk = Reduce("+", sk.list) / length(sk.list))
## apply thinning and burn-in
.Component <- pooled.Component
.ComponentProb <- pooled.ComponentProb
.Outlier <- pooled.Outlier
.OutlierProb <- pooled.OutlierProb
## make MCMCChain object
.MCMCChain <- .MCMCChain(n = nPool,
K = KPool,
N = NPool,
Component = .Component,
ComponentProb = .ComponentProb,
Outlier = .Outlier,
OutlierProb = .OutlierProb,
ComponentParam = .ComponentParam)
## Make MCMCChains with single object
.MCMCChains <- .MCMCChains(chains = list(.MCMCChain))
## Make MCMCParams object
.MCMCParams(method = "TAGM.MCMC",
chains = .MCMCChains,
priors = param@priors,
summary = .MCMCSummary())
##' Helper function to burn n iterations from the front of the chains
##' @title MCMC chain burning
##' @param n `integer(1)` defining number of iterations to burn. The default is
##' `50`
##' @return An updated `MCMCParams` object.
##' @rdname mcmc-helpers
##' @md
mcmc_burn_chains <- function(x, n = 50) {
stopifnot(inherits(x, "MCMCParams"))
n <- as.integer(n[1])
.chain <- chains(x)[[1]]
K <- .chain@K # Number of components
N <- .chain@N # Number of Proteins
chainlist <-
lapply(x@chains@chains, function(chain) {
.ComponentParam <- chain@ComponentParam
## Subset MCMC iterations
retain <- + 1, chain@n) ## samples to retain
## Check correct number of iterations
stopifnot(ncol(chain@Component[, retain]) == (chain@n - n))
.Component <- chain@Component[, retain]
.ComponentProb <- chain@ComponentProb[, retain, ]
.Outlier <- chain@Outlier[, retain]
.OutlierProb <- chain@OutlierProb[, retain, ]
.MCMCChain(n = as.integer(chain@n - n),
K = K,
N = N,
Component = .Component,
ComponentProb = .ComponentProb,
Outlier = .Outlier,
OutlierProb = .OutlierProb,
ComponentParam = .ComponentParam)
mcmc_chainlist <- .MCMCChains(chains = chainlist)
.MCMCParams(method = "TAGM.MCMC",
chains = mcmc_chainlist,
priors = x@priors,
summary = .MCMCSummary())
##' Helper function to subsample the chains, known informally as
##' thinning.
##' @title MCMC chain thinning
##' @param freq Thinning frequency. The function retains every `freq`th iteration
##' and is an `integer(1)`. The default thinning frequency is `5`.
##' @return A thinned `MCMCParams` object.
##' @rdname mcmc-helpers
##' @author Laurent Gatto
mcmc_thin_chains <- function(x, freq = 5) {
stopifnot(inherits(x, "MCMCParams"))
.chain <- chains(x)[[1]]
K <- .chain@K # Number of components
N <- .chain@N # Number of Proteins
nThin <- floor(.chain@n/freq) # Number of iterations after thinning
chainlist <-
lapply(x@chains@chains, function(chain) {
.ComponentParam <- chain@ComponentParam
## Subset MCMC iterations
retain <- freq * ## samples to retain
## Check correct number of iterations
stopifnot(ncol(chain@Component[, retain]) == nThin)
.Component <- chain@Component[, retain]
.ComponentProb <- chain@ComponentProb[, retain, ]
.Outlier <- chain@Outlier[, retain]
.OutlierProb <- chain@OutlierProb[, retain, ]
.MCMCChain(n = as.integer(nThin),
K = K,
N = N,
Component = .Component,
ComponentProb = .ComponentProb,
Outlier = .Outlier,
OutlierProb = .OutlierProb,
ComponentParam = .ComponentParam)
mcmc_chainlist <- .MCMCChains(chains = chainlist)
.MCMCParams(method = "TAGM.MCMC",
chains = mcmc_chainlist,
priors = x@priors,
summary = .MCMCSummary())
##' Produces a violin plot with the protein posterior probabilities
##' distributions for all organelles.
##' @title Plot posterior probabilities
##' @param y A `character(1)` with a protein name.
##' @param ... Currently ignored.
##' @return A ggplot2 object.
##' @rdname mcmc-helpers
##' @rdname mcmc-plot
setMethod("plot", c("MCMCParams", "character"),
function(x, y, ...) {
mcmc_plot_probs(x, y, n = 1)
## Plotting function for violins using ggplot2.
mcmc_plot_probs <- function(param, fname, n = 1) {
Organelle <- Probability <- NULL
stopifnot(inherits(param, "MCMCParams"))
stopifnot(length(fname) == 1)
chain <- chains(param)[[n]]
stopifnot(fname %in% rownames(chain@ComponentProb))
dfr <-[fname, , ])
colnames(dfr) <- rownames(chain@ComponentParam@mk)
dfr_long <- data.frame(Organelle = rep(names(dfr), each = nrow(dfr)),
Probability = unlist(dfr, use.names = FALSE),
row.names = NULL,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
gg2 <- ggplot(dfr_long,
aes(Organelle, Probability,
width = (Probability))) +
geom_violin(aes(fill = Organelle), scale = "width", bw = 0.05)
gg2 <- gg2 + theme_bw() +
scale_fill_manual(values = pRoloc::getStockcol()[seq_len(nrow(dfr))]) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1),
axis.title.x = element_blank())
gg2 <- gg2 +
ylab("Membership Probability") +
ggtitle(paste0("Distribution of Subcellular Membership for Protein ", fname ))
gg2 <- gg2 +
theme(legend.position = "none")
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