contains = "GenRegRes",
slots = list(
predictions = "list",
otherWeights = "list"))
signature(object = "ThetaRegRes"),
function(object) {
cat("Object of class \"",class(object),"\"\n",sep="")
cat("Algorithm:", object@algorithm, "\n")
cat("Theta hyper-parameters:\n")
hyper <- object@hyperparameters$theta
w <- unique(as.vector(hyper))
w <- w[order(w)]
wx <- round(w, 2)
cat(" weights:", w, "\n")
cat(" k:", object@hyperparameters$k, "\n")
cat(" nrow:", nrow(object@hyperparameters$theta), "\n")
cat(" Replication: ",
object@design["times"], " x ",
object@design["xval"], "-fold X-validation\n",
sep = "")
cat(" Partitioning: ",
object@design["test.size"], "/",
1-object@design["test.size"], " (test/train)\n",
sep = "")
resF1 <- object@results[, "F1"]
resTh <- object@results[, c(2:ncol(object@results))]
cat(" macro F1:\n")
w <- as.factor(w)
if (is.vector(resTh)) {
m <- data.frame(t(data.frame(resTh)))
} else {
m <- data.frame(resTh)
ll <- levels(w)
foo <- function(z) factor(z, levels = ll)
m <- colwise(foo)(m)
foo <- function(z) table(z)
t <- colwise(foo)(m)
rownames(t) <- paste("weight:", wx, sep = "")
cat(" best theta:\n")
if ("warnings" %in% names(object@log)) {
cat("Use getWarnings() to see warnings.\n")
## object = Object of class "ThetaRegRes"
## t = Numeric. If specified thetas with an f1 score > t are considered.
## For thetaOpt results, we look at results and first select to examine results
## only with F1 > t, then of those, we look to see if any thetas are duplicated,
## if yes we count
setMethod("f1Count", "ThetaRegRes",
function(object, t) {
f1tab <- getF1Scores(object)
.f1 <- f1tab[, "F1"]
.weights <- f1tab[, 2:ncol(f1tab), drop = FALSE]
if (missing(t))
t <- max(.f1, na.rm = TRUE)
.tokeep <- which(.f1 >= t)
if (length(.tokeep)==1) {
res <- t(data.frame(.weights[.tokeep, ]))
res <- c(res, 1)
res <- matrix(res, nrow = 1)
colnames(res) <- c(colnames(.weights), "count")
} else {
df <- data.frame(.weights[.tokeep, ])
res <- ddply(df, colnames(df), nrow)
res <- as.matrix(res)
colnames(res) <- c(colnames(.weights), "count")
.order <- order(res[, "count"], decreasing = TRUE)
res <- res[.order, ]
## object = Object of class "ThetaRegRes"
## t = Numeric. If specified thetas with an f1 score > t are considered.
setMethod("getParams", "ThetaRegRes",
method = c("median", "mean", "max", "count"),
favourP = FALSE
) {
if (missing(method)) method <- "median"
if (method == "max") {
scores <- object@results[, 1]
ind <- which(scores == max(scores))
if (length(ind) > 1) {
res <- object@results[ind, -1, drop = FALSE]
if (favourP) {
message("More than one best theta, picking weights that favour primary. See plot() to examine best thetas")
rs <- rowSums(res)
ind <- which(rs == max(rs))
if (length(ind) > 1) {
ind <- sample(ind, size = 1)
} else {
message("More than one best theta, picking weights at random from best. See plot() to examine best thetas")
ind <- sample(1:nrow(res), size = 1)
best <- res[ind, ]
} else {
best <- object@results[ind, -1]
if (method == "median") {
res <- object@results[, -1, drop = FALSE]
best <- apply(res, 2, median)
if (method == "mean") {
res <- object@results[, -1, drop = FALSE]
best <- apply(res, 2, mean)
if (method == "count") {
res <- f1Count(object, t = 0)
idx <- ncol(res)
cc <- res[, idx]
ind <- which(cc == max(cc))
res <- res[ind, -idx]
if (class(res) != "numeric") {
if (favourP) {
message("More than one best theta, picking weights that favour primary. See plot() to examine best thetas")
rs <- rowSums(res)
ind <- which(rs == max(rs))
if (length(ind) > 1) {
ind <- sample(ind, size = 1)
} else {
message("More than one best theta, picking weights at random from best. See plot() to examine best thetas")
ind <- sample(1:nrow(res), size = 1)
best <- res[ind, ]
} else {
best <- res
## x = Object of call "ThetaRegRes"
## labels = Logical. Indicates whether to print the frequency
## of weight assigments per class
## n = A numeric that specifies the maximum size of the plotting symbol.
## Default is 20.
## t = Numeric. If specified thetas with an f1 score > t are considered.
setMethod("plot", c("ThetaRegRes", "missing"),
function(x, y,
n = 20,
labels = FALSE,
axsSwitch = FALSE,
cols = getStockcol(),
wlab, cex = 14,
t) {
if (nrow(x@hyperparameters$theta) == 1)
stop("Only one theta weight vector tested, no weights to plot")
if (!is.logical(labels))
stop("labels must be of class logical")
if (!is.numeric(n))
stop("n must be of class numeric")
if (missing(t))
t <- min(x@results[, "F1"])
f1 <- x@results[, "F1"]
tokeep <- which(f1 >= t)
best <- x@results[tokeep, c(2:ncol(x@results))]
th <- unique(as.vector(x@hyperparameters$theta))
oo <- order(th)
th <- th[oo]
w <- as.vector(best)
if (is.vector(best)) {
orgs <- names(best)
orgs <- factor(orgs, levels = rev(orgs))
df <- data.frame(orgs, best, row.names=c(1:length(best)))
colnames(df) <- c("classes", "w")
} else {
orgs <- colnames(best)
classes <- factor(rep(orgs, each = nrow(best)), levels = rev(orgs))
df <- data.frame(classes, w)
df[,"w"] <- factor(w, levels = th)
data <- ddply(df, c("classes", "w"), "nrow", .drop = FALSE)
nth <- length(th)
ncl <- ncol(best)
if (axsSwitch) {
aes <- aes(x = classes, y = w, size = nrow)
} else {
aes <- aes(x = w, y = classes, size = nrow)
ssd <- scale_size_continuous(range = c(0, n)) ## Scaling of points
points <- geom_point(aes(color = classes))
theme.par <- theme(legend.position = "none",
axis.text = element_text(size = cex,
colour = rgb(0, 0, 0)), ## Axis ticks and labels font size
text = element_text(size = cex + 1), ## Axis labels font size
axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 0.8, colour = rgb(0, 0, 0)),
axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -.5, colour = rgb(0, 0, 0)))
## Adjust space between axis and titles with vjust
## set.ticks <- scale_y_continuous(breaks=th, limits = c(-0.2, 1.2))
## q <- ggplot(data, aes) + points + ssd + theme.par + set.ticks + xlab("Class") + ylab("Classifier weight")
if (missing(wlab))
wlab <- sort(round(th, 3))
if (axsSwitch) {
q <- ggplot(data, aes) + points + ssd + theme.par + xlab("Class") + ylab("Classifier weight")
q <- q + scale_y_discrete(labels = wlab)
} else {
q <- ggplot(data, aes) + points + ssd + theme.par +
xlab("Classifier weight") + ylab("Class")
q <- q + scale_x_discrete(labels = wlab)
if (labels) {
q <- q + geom_text(data = subset(data, nrow != 0),
aes(label = nrow), size = 4)
## q <- q + scale_fill_manual(values = cols[1:ncl])
q <- q + scale_color_manual(values = rev(cols[1:ncl]))
plotThetas <- function(object,
smooth = TRUE,
medians = TRUE,
proportion = TRUE,
...) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "ThetaRegRes"))
if (nrow(object@hyperparameters$theta) == 1)
stop("Only one theta weight vector tested, no thetas to plot")
th <- rowSums(object@hyperparameters$theta)
## matrix where each row is a possible theta combination and columns are runs
data <- matrix(unlist(object@f1Matrices), nrow = length(th))
## use medians: take the median f1 score over all runs for each combination
if (medians) {
f1 <- apply(data, 1, function(x) median(x))
r <- range(f1)
} else {
f1 <- as.vector(data)
th <- rep(th, ncol(data))
r <- range(f1)
if (proportion) {
th <- th/max(th)
ylab <- "Proportion of primary to auxiliary data"
w <- which.max(f1)
loc <- th[w] + .02
} else {
ylab <- "Row sum of thetas"
if (missing(colramp)) colramp <- c("white", blues9)
if (smooth) smoothScatter(f1, th, xlab = "F1 scores",
xlim = r, ylab = ylab,
colramp = colorRampPalette(colramp), ...)
else plot(f1, th, xlab = "F1 scores", xlim = r,
ylab = ylab, ...)
max <- max(f1)
w <- which.max(f1)
if (!proportion) {
myth <- object@hyperparameters$theta
minT <- min(rowSums(myth))
maxT <- max(rowSums(myth))
abline(h=minT, lty=3, lwd=1.5)
abline(h=maxT, lty=3, lwd=1.5)
text(x=r[1]+.03, y=round(minT+.2, 5), cex=.6,
labels=paste("min(sum of thetas) = ", minT))
text(x=r[1]+.03, y=round(maxT-.2, 3), cex=.6,
labels=paste("max(sum of thetas) = ", maxT))
loc <- th[w]+.18
abline(h=th[w], lty=3, lwd=1.5)
text(y=loc, x=r[1]+.03, cex=.6,
labels=paste("max (F1 score) = ", round(max, 3)))
combineThetaRegRes <- function(object) {
## object: a list of "ThetaRegRes" objects
if (!class(object)=="list")
stop("Object must be of class list")
if (!all(sapply(object, inherits, "ThetaRegRes")))
stop("All elements in list must be of class ThetaRegRes")
.thetaSlots <- slotNames("ThetaRegRes")
.slotChk <- sapply(object, function(z) slotNames(z) == .thetaSlots)
if (any(!.slotChk))
stop("Slot names do not match ThetaRegRes slots")
.xval <- sapply(object, function(z) z@design["xval"])
.test.size <- sapply(object, function(z) z@design["test.size"])
if (length(unique(.xval)) > 1 | length(unique(.test.size)) > 1)
stop("Every object must be run with same xval and test.size")
.ks <- sapply(object, function(z) z@hyperparameters$k)
.kChk<- apply(.ks, 1, function(z) length(unique(z)))
if (any(.kChk > 1)) stop("The same k must be used for every run to combine")
.thetas <- lapply(object, function(z) z@hyperparameters$theta)
.tf <- sapply(.thetas, function(z) identical(.thetas[[1]], z))
if (any(!.tf)) stop ("The same thetas must be used for every run to combine")
.fcol <- sapply(object, function(z) z@datasize$fcol)
if (length(unique(.fcol)) > 1)
stop("The same fcol must be used in every run to combine")
.results <-, lapply(object, function(z) z@results))
.hyperparams <- object[[1]]@hyperparameters
.timesID <- sapply(object, function(z) z@design["times"])
.times <- sum(.timesID)
.design <- c(.xval[1], .test.size[1], .times)
names(.design) <- c("xval", "test.size", "times")
.algorithm <- object[[1]]@algorithm
.predictions <-, lapply(object, function(z) z@predictions))
.cmMatrices <-, lapply(object, function(z) z@cmMatrices))
.f1Matrices <-, lapply(object, function(z) z@f1Matrices))
if (length(.f1Matrices) > 0) {
.names <- paste("times", 1:.times, sep = "")
names(.f1Matrices) <- .names
.otherWeights <-, lapply(object, function(z) z@otherWeights))
.ds <- object[[1]]@datasize
.test.partitions <- vector("list", 2)
names(.test.partitions) <- c("validation", "train")
.validation <- lapply(object, function(z) z@testPartitions$validation)
.validation <-, .validation)
names(.validation) <- paste("validation", 1:.times, sep ="")
.train <- lapply(object, function(z) z@testPartitions$train)
.train <-, .train)
names(.train) <- paste("train", 1:.times, sep ="")
.test.partitions[[1]] <- .validation
.test.partitions[[2]] <- .train
.log <- vector("list", 2)
names(.log) <- c("warnings", "splits")
.tf <- which(sapply(.otherWeights, is.null) == FALSE)
if (length(.tf) > 0) {
.log[[1]] <- paste0("For ", length(.otherWeights),
" of the times there are multiple best thetas")}
.splits <- lapply(object, function(z) z@log$splits)
.splits <- sapply(1:length(.timesID), function(z)
replicate(.timesID[z], .splits[[z]], simplify = FALSE))
.splits <-, .splits)
.log$splits <- .splits
ans <- new("ThetaRegRes",
algorithm = .algorithm,
hyperparameters = .hyperparams,
design = .design,
log = .log,
results = .results,
f1Matrices = .f1Matrices,
cmMatrices = .cmMatrices,
testPartitions = .test.partitions,
datasize = .ds,
predictions = .predictions,
otherWeights = .otherWeights)
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