
Defines functions pipeline.htmlSummary

pipeline.htmlSummary <- function()
  filename <- file.path(paste(files.name, "- Results"), "Summary.html")
  util.info("Writing:", filename)
  outfile <- file(filename, "w")

  oposSOM.version <- if( "otherPkgs" %in% names(preferences$session.info) )
  } else
  cat("<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Summary of ", files.name, " dataset</title>
      body {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        color: #333;
        background-color: #fff;
        font: normal normal normal 14px/180% sans-serif;

      #wrapper {
        width: 90%;
        min-width: 400px;
        max-width: 800px;
        margin: 20px auto;

      h1, h2 {
        margin: 30px 0 0 0;
        line-height: 210%;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;

      dl {
        line-height: 180%;

      dl dt {
        width: 50%;
        float: left;
        color: #111;

      dl dt:after {
        content: ':';

      a {
        color: #4183C4;
        text-decoration: none;
    <div id=\"wrapper\">
      <h1>General Information</h1>

        <dt>Number of samples</dt>
        <dd>", ncol(indata), "</dd>
        <dt>Number of groups</dt>
        <dd>", length(unique(group.labels)), "</dd>
        <dt>Number of genes</dt>
        <dd>", nrow(indata), "</dd>
        <dt>ID type of genes</dt>
				<dd>", ifelse( preferences$database.id.type!="", preferences$database.id.type, "not defined" ), "</dd>
        <dt>Dimension of the SOM</dt>
        <dd>", preferences$dim.1stLvlSom, " x ", preferences$dim.1stLvlSom, "</dd>
        <dd>", format(Sys.time(), "%a %b %d %X %Y %Z"), "</dd>
        <dd>", preferences$system.info["user"], "</dd>
        <dt>oposSOM version</dt>
        <dd>", oposSOM.version, "</dd>
        <dd>", preferences$note, "</dd>


          <a href=\"Data Overview/Data Distribution.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
            Data Distribution (PDF)
          <a href=\"Data Overview/Chromosome Expression.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
            Chromosome-wise gene expression heatmap (PDF)

      <h2>SOM Analysis</h2>

        These reports comprise the SOM portraits in standard and alternative
        color scales, as well as supporting maps and profiles which provide
        supplementary information about the 1st level SOM.
      </p>", sep="", file=outfile)

  if( file.exists(file.path(paste(files.name, "- Results"), "Expression Portraits.pdf")) )
            <a href=\"Expression Portraits.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
              1st Level SOM Expression Portraits (PDF)
            <a href=\"Expression Portraits - alternative scales.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
              Alternative Color Scales: absolute expression, WAD, loglogFC (PDF)
        </ul>", sep="", file=outfile)

          <a href=\"Supporting Maps&amp;Profiles/Supporting Maps.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
            Supporting Maps (PDF)

          <a href=\"Supporting Maps&amp;Profiles/Entropy Profiles.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
            Entropy Profiles (PDF)
          <a href=\"Supporting Maps&amp;Profiles/Topology Profiles.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
            Topology Profiles (PDF)
          <a href=\"CSV Sheets/Gene localization.csv\" target=\"_blank\">
          Localization of the genes within the SOM (CSV)
      </ul>", sep="", file=outfile)
  if( file.exists(file.path(paste(files.name, "- Results"), "Summary Sheets - Samples", "0verview.html")) )
    cat("<h2>Sample Summaries</h2>
          Summary page for the individual samples.
            <a href=\"Summary Sheets - Samples/0verview.html\" target=\"_blank\">
              Sample Reports (HTML)
        </ul>", sep="", file=outfile)
  if( file.exists(file.path(paste(files.name, "- Results"), "Geneset Analysis", "0verview.html")) )
      <h2>Geneset Enrichment Analysis</h2>

        Functional analyses using predefined gene sets. The results are
        visualized in terms of heatmaps, profile plots and population maps.

          <a href=\"Geneset Analysis/0verview.html\" target=\"_blank\">
            Functional Analysis (HTML)
      </ul>", sep="", file=outfile)
  if( file.exists(file.path(paste(files.name, "- Results"), "Sample Similarity Analysis")) ) 
        <h2>Sample Similarity Analyses</h2>
          Sample similarity analyses based on expression module data and metagene data using different metrics and algorithms.<br>
          Euclidean Distance based approaches:
            <a href=\"Sample Similarity Analysis/Sample SOM.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
              Sample SOM (PDF)
            <a href=\"Sample Similarity Analysis/t-SNE.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
              t-SNE dimension reduction (PDF)
            <a href=\"Sample Similarity Analysis/Neighbor Joining.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
              Phylogenetic clustering using neighbor joining algorithm (PDF)
            <a href=\"Sample Similarity Analysis/Hierarchical Clustering.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
              Expression heatmaps and hierarchical clustering dendrograms (PDF)
        Correlation based approaches:
            <a href=\"Sample Similarity Analysis/Correlation Spanning Tree.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
              Correlation spanning tree connecting all samples (PDF)
            <a href=\"Sample Similarity Analysis/Correlation Backbone.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
              Correlation backbone, a 2-nearest-neighbor graph (PDF)
            <a href=\"Sample Similarity Analysis/Correlation Network.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
              Correlation network connecting samples with r > 0.5 (PDF)
            <a href=\"Sample Similarity Analysis/Correlation Maps.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
              Pairwise correlation maps (supervised & clustered orderings) (PDF)
        Component Analysis:
            <a href=\"Sample Similarity Analysis/Component Analysis.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
              Independent Component Analysis: 2d-ICA, 3d-ICA (PDF)
        </ul>", sep="", file=outfile)
    <h2>Expression Module Analysis</h2>

      Different criteria of spot module definition such as overexpression or
      mutual correlations between the metagenes where applied.
      The reports comprise integrated portraits, functional analyses.

        <a href=\"Summary Sheets - Modules/0verview.html\" target=\"_blank\">
          Spot Reports (HTML)

      Analyses based on PAT-wise aggregated data, including clustering dendrogram, 
      portraits and assotiation to the sample groups.<br>
      PATs were defined using <i>",preferences$standard.spot.modules,"</i> approach.
        <a href=\"Summary Sheets - PATs/PAT report.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">
        PAT Report (PDF)
    </ul>", sep="", file=outfile)    

  if( file.exists(file.path(paste(files.name, "- Results"), "Summary Sheets - Groups/0verview.html")) ) 
      <h2>Group Analyses</h2>
        Analyses based on group-wise aggregated data, including portraits,
        clustering and functional analyses.

          <a href=\"Summary Sheets - Groups/0verview.html\" target=\"_blank\">
            Group Analysis Reports (HTML)
      </ul>", sep="", file=outfile)

  if( file.exists(file.path(paste(files.name, "- Results"), "Summary Sheets - Differences/0verview.html")) ) 
      <h2>Pairwise Differences Analyses</h2>

        Analyses based on pairwise comparisons, including portraits,
        clustering and functional analyses.

          <a href=\"Summary Sheets - Differences/0verview.html\" target=\"_blank\">
            Differences Analysis Reports (HTML)
      </ul>", sep="", file=outfile)

</html>", sep="", file=outfile)


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oposSOM documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:16 p.m.