# Shiny server functionalities for the comparison of primer sets
# template_path: paths to template comparison sets
# primer_path: paths to primer comparison sets primers and seqs: lists with each
# template.df for each primer (if only one template.df -> try to use it for all primers),
# constraints: constraint settings that are valid for each or a single primer set
# necessary) comp_primers and comp_templates: currently active sets used to
# display comparison plots <- reactiveValues(template_path = NULL,
primer_path = NULL,
primers = NULL, # all loaded primers
seqs = NULL, # all loaded templates
primers_filtered = NULL, # selected filtered primers
seqs_filtered = NULL, # selected filtered templates
constraints = NULL, primer_fnames = NULL,
comp_primers = NULL, comp_templates = NULL) # selected all primers, selected all templates
eval_comparison_con_width <- reactive({
# nbr of facets times facet width
openPrimeR:::get.plot.height(2, 400)
eval_comparison_con_height <- reactive({
# height for region comparison plot
openPrimeR:::get.plot.height(ceiling(length(input$selected_other_plot) / 2), 400)
eval_comparison_cvg_height <- reactive({
# height for region comparison plot
nbr <- ifelse(length(input$selected_cvg_comp_constraints) == 0, 2, length(input$selected_cvg_comp_constraints))
openPrimeR:::get.plot.height(ceiling(nbr / 2), 400)
eval_comparison_width <- reactive({
# nbr of facets times facet width
openPrimeR:::get.plot.height(3, 600)
eval_comparison_height <- reactive({
# height for region comparison plot
openPrimeR:::get.plot.height(ceiling(length(plot.comp.primers())) / 3, 250)
region_comparison_width <- reactive({
# width for region comparison plot
# nbr of facets times facet width
openPrimeR:::get.plot.height(2, 400)
region_comparison_height <- reactive({
# height for region comparison plot
openPrimeR:::get.plot.height(length(plot.comp.primers()) / 2, 300)
output$cvg_vs_size_plot <- renderPlot({
validate(need(plot.comp.primers(), "Please upload primer sets for comparison and click on the Compare button first."))
validate(need(plot.comp.templates(), "No template sequences corresponding to the primers were uploaded."))
validate(need(length(plot.comp.templates()) == length(plot.comp.primers()),
"Number of uploaded template sets did not agree with the number of uploaded primer sets."))
p <- openPrimeR::plot_cvg_vs_set_size(plot.comp.primers(), plot.comp.templates(), show.labels = TRUE)
# plotly isn't used anymore (not rendered in Docker container somehow ..)
#plotly::ggplotly(p) %>% plotly::layout(dragmode = "select")
#output$hover <- renderPrint({
#d <- plotly::event_data("plotly_hover")
#if (is.null(d)) "Hover events appear here (unhover to clear)" else d
#output$click <- renderPrint({
#d <- plotly::event_data("plotly_click")
#if (is.null(d)) "Click events appear here (double-click to clear)" else d
#output$brush <- renderPrint({
##d <- plotly::event_data("plotly_selected")
#if (is.null(d)) "Click and drag events (i.e., select/lasso) appear here (double-click to clear)" else d
#output$zoom <- renderPrint({
#d <- plotly::event_data("plotly_relayout")
#if (is.null(d)) "Relayout (i.e., zoom) events appear here" else d
comparison_plot_cvg_width <- reactive({
# scale width of plot by nbr of sets
nbr.sets <- length(plot.comp.primers())
width <- openPrimeR:::get.plot.height(nbr.sets, 20, 800)
output$comparison_plot_cvg <- renderPlot({
# comparison of primer coverage for different primer sets
validate(need(plot.comp.primers(), "Please upload primer sets for comparison and click on the Compare button first."))
validate(need(plot.comp.templates(), "No template sequences corresponding to the primers were uploaded."))
validate(need(length(plot.comp.templates()) == length(plot.comp.primers()),
"Number of uploaded template sets did not agree with the number of uploaded primer sets."))
openPrimeR:::plot_template_cvg(plot.comp.primers(), plot.comp.templates())
}, width = comparison_plot_cvg_width)
output$comparison_plot_regions <- renderPlot({
# binding regions comparison plot
validate(need(plot.comp.primers(), "Please upload primer sets for comparison and click on the Compare button first."))
validate(need(plot.comp.templates(), "No template sequences corresponding to the primers were uploaded."))
validate(need(length(plot.comp.templates()) == length(plot.comp.primers()),
"Number of uploaded template sets did not agree with the number of uploaded primer sets."))
group <- "all"
direction <- "both"
relation <- input$primer_comparison_relation
plot.comp.templates(), direction, group, relation)
}, width = region_comparison_width, height = region_comparison_height, units = "px")
comparison.primer.choices <- reactive({
# The primer sets that are available in the tool, depending on the chosen locus
# of the user (input$template_comparison_locus)
if (length(input$template_comparison_locus) == 0 || input$template_comparison_locus == "") {
options <- openPrimeRui:::comparison.primer.choices(input$template_comparison_locus)
output$comp_cvg_constraints <- renderPlot({
# plot cvg constraints
validate(need(plot.comp.primers(), "Please upload primer sets for comparison and click on the Compare button first."))
# select only the required cvg constraints:
active.constraints <- input$selected_cvg_comp_constraints
#if (length(active.constraints) == 0) {
#active.constraints <- names(openPrimeR:::cvg_constraints(current.settings()))
p <- openPrimeR:::plot_cvg_constraints(plot.comp.primers(), current.settings(), active.constraints)
}, width = eval_comparison_con_width, height = eval_comparison_cvg_height, units = "px")
primers.Virus.view.comparison <- reactive({
# Returns the names/paths of primer sets that are available when viral templates have been selected
if (length(input$virus_type_comparison) == 0 || input$virus_region_comparison == "") {
# load pre-evaluated primers from csv
primer.folder <- system.file("extdata", "Vir", input$virus_type_comparison,
input$virus_region_comparison, "comparison", "primers", package = "openPrimeR")
files <- list.files(primer.folder, full.names = TRUE)
if (length(files) == 0) {
# remove .fasta extension from basename
names(files) <- sub("^([^.]*).*", "\\1", basename(files))
availableVirusComparisonPrimerUpdater <- observeEvent(input$virus_region_comparison, {
# updates comparison primer sets for viral templates
primer.choices <- primers.Virus.view.comparison()
#print("updating available viral primers")
if (is.null(primer.choices)) {
primer.choices <- character(0) # remove all choices
updateSelectInput(session, "selected_comparison_primers_virus", choices = primer.choices)
# update analysis identifier
updateTextInput(session, "sample_name",
value = paste0(input$virus_type_comparison, "_", input$virus_region_comparison))
availablePrimerComparisonUpdater <- observeEvent(input$template_comparison_locus,
# Updates available comparison primers for IMGT data
# reset reactive values:
choices <- comparison.primer.choices()
updateSelectInput(session, "selected_comparison_primers", choices = choices)
# update analysis identifier
updateTextInput(session, "sample_name",
value = paste0(input$template_comparison_locus))
comparison.table <- reactive({
# overview of all loaded templates and primer sets for comparison
primers <-$primers # display all loaded primers
templates <-$seqs
validate(need(length(primers) != 0 || length(templates) != 0, "No data was uploaded for comparison."))
out <- openPrimeR:::build.comparison.table(primers, templates)
output$uploaded_comp_data <- DT::renderDataTable({
# shows the table with all data (primers/templates) available for comparison
DT::datatable(comparison.table(), caption = "Overview of loaded primer-template pair sets. To compare only a subset of loaded primer sets, just select the corresponding rows in the table and click on \"Analyze->Compare\".",
options = list(searching = TRUE, processing = FALSE))
ComparisonPrimerInputObserver <- observeEvent(input$comparison_file, {
# load primer comparison sets uploaded by the user as csv
rv_values$comparison_primer_path <- input$comparison_file
ComparisonPrimerSuppliedObserver <- observeEvent(input$selected_comparison_primers,
# update the path to the comparison primers when user selects a supplied primer
# set
if (length(input$selected_comparison_primers) == 0 || input$selected_comparison_primers ==
"") {
choice.table <- data.frame(datapath = input$selected_comparison_primers,
name = NA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rv_values$comparison_primer_path <- choice.table
ComparisonPrimerSuppliedObserverComparison <- observeEvent(input$selected_comparison_primers_virus,
# TODO: remove all the 'virus' functions and integrate such that there's only one primer comparison input field -> use shiny modules for this?
# set
if (length(input$selected_comparison_primers_virus) == 0 || input$selected_comparison_primers_virus ==
"") {
choice.table <- data.frame(datapath = input$selected_comparison_primers_virus,
name = NA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rv_values$comparison_primer_path <- choice.table
}) <- reactive({
# loads the currently selected comparison primer sets
if (length(rv_values$comparison_primer_path) != 0) {
data <- openPrimeRui:::withWarnings(openPrimeR:::read_primers(rv_values$comparison_primer_path$datapath))
for (i in seq_along(data$warnings)) {
warning <- data$warnings[[i]]
for (i in seq_along(data$errors)) {
error <- data$errors[[i]]
if (inherits(error, "TemplateFormatIncorrect")) {
shinyBS::toggleModal(session, "TemplateFormatIncorrect")
if (length(rv_values$comparison_primer_path$datapath) == 1) {
# ensure that loaded template set is always a list
nam <- ifelse(nrow(data$value) == 0, rv_values$comparison_primer_path$name, data$value$Run[1])
data <- list(data$value)
names(data) <- nam
} else {
data <- data$value
updateTabsetPanel(session, "main", selected = "Comparison")
comparisonTemplateOtherObserver <- observeEvent(input$comparison_templates, {
# updates the path to the comparison templates upon user upload of template csv$comparison_template_path <- input$comparison_templates
comparisonTemplateIMGTObserver <- observeEvent(input$template_comparison_locus, {
# updates the path to the comparison templates when user selects a supplied
# template set$comparison_template_path <- openPrimeRui:::get.supplied.comparison.template.path(input$template_comparison_locus)
comparisonTemplateVirusObserver <- observeEvent(input$virus_region_comparison, {
# update viral template set upon user selection of region$comparison_template_path <- openPrimeRui:::get.supplied.comparison.template.path.virus(input$virus_type_comparison, input$virus_region_comparison)
read.comparison.templates <- reactive({
# load templates for comparison
if (length($comparison_template_path) == 0) {
data <- openPrimeRui:::withWarnings(openPrimeR:::read_templates($comparison_template_path$datapath))
for (i in seq_along(data$warnings)) {
warning <- data$warnings[[i]]
for (i in seq_along(data$errors)) {
error <- data$errors[[i]]
if (inherits(error, "TemplateFormatIncorrect")) {
shinyBS::toggleModal(session, "TemplateFormatIncorrect")
if (length($comparison_template_path$datapath) == 1) {
# ensure that loaded template set is always a list
nam <- ifelse(nrow(data$value) == 0,$comparison_template_path$name, data$value$Run[1])
data <- list(data$value)
names(data) <- nam
} else {
data <- data$value
updateTabsetPanel(session, "main", selected = "Comparison")
updateTextInput(session, "sample_name", # update analysis identifier
value =$comparison_template_path$name)
#runs.available <- sapply(data, function(x) "Run" %in% colnames(x))
#validate(need(all(runs.available), "Input csv data is not supported. Please use the raw downloaded csv data."))
comparisonFileObserver <- observeEvent(rv_values$comparison_primer_path, {
# input of primer sets for comparison stores all primers in
#$primer_fnames for loading upon clicking the comparison
# button
input.primers <- rv_values$comparison_primer_path
if (length(input.primers) != 0) {
data <-
l <- length($primers)
## store all of the uploaded files in one variable and only remove if it is resetted
if (length($primers) != 0) {$primers <- c($primers, data)
} else {$primers <- data
names($primers[(l + 1):length($primers)]) <- names(data)
if (length($primer_fnames) != 0) {$primer_fnames <- c($primer_fnames,
} else {$primer_fnames <- input.primers$name
# switch to data overview table
updateTabsetPanel(session, "main", selected = "Comparison")
updateTabsetPanel(session, "selected_comparison_plot", selected = "loaded_data")
comparisonTemplateObserver <- observeEvent($comparison_template_path,
# input template sets for comparison stores all template sets in
input.templates <-$comparison_template_path
if (length(input.templates) != 0) {
data <- read.comparison.templates()
## store all of the uploaded files in one variable and only remove if it is
## resetted
if (length($seqs) != 0) {$seqs <- c($seqs, data) # append to list
} else {$seqs <- data # start new list
# switch to data overview table
updateTabsetPanel(session, "main", selected = "Comparison")
updateTabsetPanel(session, "selected_comparison_plot", selected = "loaded_data")
current.comp.primers <- reactive({
primers <-$primers
# adjust primers according to selected rows in table
# if no rows are selected -> use all
comp.table <- comparison.table()
idx <- NULL
if (length(comp.table) != 0 && nrow(comp.table) != 0) {
idx <- as.numeric(rownames(comp.table))[input$uploaded_comp_data_rows_selected]
if (length(idx) == 0) {
idx <- seq_along(primers)
if (length(primers) != 0) {
primers <- primers[idx]
current.comp.seqs <- reactive({
seqs <-$seqs
primers <-$primers
if (length(seqs) == 1) {
# use one template.df for all
seqs <- replicate(length(primers), seqs[[1]], simplify = FALSE)
# adjust seqs according to selected rows in table
# if no rows are -> use all entries
comp.table <- comparison.table()
idx <- NULL
if (length(comp.table) != 0 && nrow(comp.table) != 0) {
idx <- as.numeric(rownames(comp.table))[input$uploaded_comp_data_rows_selected]
if (length(idx) == 0) {
idx <- seq_along(seqs)
if (length(primers) != 0) {
seqs <- seqs[idx]
primers <- primers[idx]
# set template cvg according to the primer sets:
seqs <- lapply(seq_along(seqs), function(x) {
openPrimeR::update_template_cvg(seqs[[x]], primers[[x]])
primerComparisonObserver <- observeEvent(c(input$compare_primers), {
# upon selecting input$compare_primers, retrieve the selected primers and set
# them in$comp_primers and$comp_templates
# Ensure that the run identifiers are unique before starting the analyses: '' does this
primers <-
seqs <-
# update comparison selection
isolate({openPrimeRui:::switch.view.selection("all", input$main, session)})
updateTabsetPanel(session, "main", selected = "Comparison")
updateTabsetPanel(session, "selected_comparison_plot", selected = "coverage_overview")
# set in reactiveValues$comp_primers <- primers$comp_templates <- seqs
output$comparison_stats <- DT::renderDataTable({
# data table giving an overview of the constraint stats of the compared primer
# sets
validate(need(plot.comp.primers(), "Please upload primer sets for comparison and click on the Compare button first."))
validate(need(plot.comp.templates(), "No template sequences corresponding to the primers were uploaded."))
validate(need(length(plot.comp.templates()) == length(plot.comp.primers()),
"Number of uploaded template sets did not agree with the number of uploaded primer sets."))
data <- openPrimeR:::get_cvg_stats(plot.comp.primers(), plot.comp.templates(), for.viewing = TRUE)
DT::datatable(data, options = list(searching = FALSE, processing = FALSE), caption = "Coverage statistics of the loaded primer sets.")
comparison_plot_deviation_width <- reactive({
if (length(plot.comp.primers()) == 0) {
nbr.sets <- length(plot.comp.primers())
nbr.constraints <- length(constraints()$active_settings)
width <- openPrimeR:::get.plot.height(nbr.sets * nbr.constraints, 20, 600)
output$comparison_plot_deviation <- renderPlot({
# constraint deviation plot
validate(need(plot.comp.primers(), "Please upload primer sets for comparison and click on the Compare button first."))
openPrimeR:::plot_constraint_deviation(plot.comp.primers(), current.settings())
}, width = comparison_plot_deviation_width, height = 800)
output$comparison_plot_box <- renderPlot({
# comparison plot for coverage
validate(need(plot.comp.primers(), "Please upload primer sets for comparison and click on the Compare button first."))
validate(need(plot.comp.templates(), "No template sequences corresponding to the primers were uploaded."))
validate(need(length(plot.comp.templates()) == length(plot.comp.primers()),
"Number of uploaded template sets did not agree with the number of uploaded primer sets.")), plot.comp.templates())
comparison_plot_constraint_nfacets <- reactive({
if (length(plot.comp.primers()) == 0) {
nfacets <- 2
if (length(plot.comp.primers()) > 10) {
nfacets <- 1
comparison_plot_constraint_width <- reactive({
if (length(plot.comp.primers()) == 0) {
nbr.sets <- length(plot.comp.primers())
width <- openPrimeR:::get.plot.height(nbr.sets * comparison_plot_constraint_nfacets(), 200)
comparison_plot_constraint_height <- reactive({
if (length(plot.comp.primers()) == 0) {
nbr.constraints <- length(input$selected_other_plot)
facets <- comparison_plot_constraint_nfacets()
height <- openPrimeR:::get.plot.height(ceiling(nbr.constraints / facets), 300)
output$comparison_plot_constraint <- renderPlot({
validate(need(plot.comp.primers(), "Please upload primer sets for comparison and click on the Compare button first."))
p <- openPrimeR:::plot_constraint(plot.comp.primers(),
current.settings(), input$selected_other_plot,
nfacets = comparison_plot_constraint_nfacets())
}, width = comparison_plot_constraint_width,
height = comparison_plot_constraint_height, units = "px")
output$comparison_plot_mismatches <- renderPlot({
# comparison plot for the number of mismatches in primer sets
validate(need(plot.comp.primers(), "Please upload primer sets for comparison and click on the Compare button first."))
validate(need(plot.comp.templates(), "No template sequences corresponding to the primers were uploaded."))
validate(need(length(plot.comp.templates()) == length(plot.comp.primers()),
"Number of uploaded template sets did not agree with the number of uploaded primer sets."))
p <- openPrimeR:::plot_primer.comparison.mismatches(plot.comp.primers(), plot.comp.templates(),
}, width = comparison_plot_cvg_width)
output$comparison_plot_evaluation_ui <- renderUI({
# ui output of evaluation to prevent overplotting
width = paste0(region_comparison_width(), "px"),
height = paste0(region_comparison_height(), "px"))
output$comparison_plot_evaluation <- renderPlot({
# comparison plot regarding constraint evaluation evaluate primers according to
# active constraints
validate(need(plot.comp.primers(), "Please upload primer sets for comparison and click on the Compare button first."))
# add melting_temp_diff manually here
p <- openPrimeR:::plot_constraint_fulfillment(plot.comp.primers(),
current.settings(), plot.p.vals = FALSE)
# TODO: signature plot (radar plot) removed from 'openPrimeR' until ggiraph bug fixed
#p <- openPrimeR:::plot_constraint_signature(plot.comp.primers(),
#constraint.settings, plot.p.vals = FALSE, ncol = NULL)
# note: use active settings here to make the plot dynamic
}, width = region_comparison_width, height = region_comparison_height, units = "px")
# fix width for radar plot: , width = 1200, height = 1200, units = "px")
output$comparison_overview_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
# overview of constraints in comparison primer sets
validate(need(plot.comp.primers(), "Please upload primer sets for comparison and click on the Compare button first."))
validate(need(plot.comp.templates(), "No template sequences corresponding to the primers were uploaded."))
validate(need(length(plot.comp.templates()) == length(plot.comp.primers()),
"Number of uploaded template sets did not agree with the number of uploaded primer sets."))
table <- openPrimeR:::get_comparison_table(plot.comp.templates(), plot.comp.primers())
caption = paste("Overview of compared primer sets.",
"Values in angular brackets indicate inter-quartile ranges."),
rownames = FALSE, extensions="Responsive"))
observeEvent(input$load_all_comparison_sets, {
# load all available comparison primer sets reset current table and then load all$primers <- NULL$primers_filtered <- NULL$constraints <- NULL
# load all primer set options
choices <- comparison.primer.choices()
choice.table <- data.frame(datapath = choices, name = names(choices), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rv_values$comparison_primer_path <- choice.table
comparisonFilterObserver <- observeEvent(input$quickFilterButton_compare, {
# filter comparison primer sets using the selected constraints Create a callback
# try to set filtered so comparison compares the correct primers
updateSelectInput(session, "set_meta_selector", selected = "filtered")
# function to update progress.
progress <- shiny::Progress$new()
progress$set(message = "Evaluating", value = 0)
updateProgress <- function(value, detail, option) {
if (is.null(value)) {
value <- progress$getValue()
value <- value + (progress$getMax() - value)/5
if (option == "inc") {
progress$inc(amount = value, detail = detail)
} else {
progress$set(value = value, detail = detail)
primers <- current.comp.primers()
templates <- current.comp.seqs()
if (length(templates) == 0 || length(primers) == 0) {
active.constraints <- names(openPrimeR:::constraints(current.settings())) <- openPrimeR:::filter.comparison.primers(primers, templates,
active.constraints, current.settings(),
# save data in reactive rv_values lists$primers_filtered <-$primers$seqs_filtered <-$templates
comparisonEvalObserver <- observeEvent(input$reanalyze_primers, {
# evaluate comparison primer sets using the selected constraints
updateSelectInput(session, "set_meta_selector", selected = "all")
# function to update progress.
progress <- shiny::Progress$new()
progress$set(message = "Evaluating", value = 0)
updateProgress <- function(value, detail, option) {
if (is.null(value)) {
value <- progress$getValue()
value <- value + (progress$getMax() - value)/5
if (option == "inc") {
progress$inc(amount = value, detail = detail)
} else {
progress$set(value = value, detail = detail)
primers <- current.comp.primers()
templates <- current.comp.seqs()
if (length(templates) == 0 || length(primers) == 0) {
primers <- openPrimeR:::check_constraints_comparison(primers, templates, current.settings(),
for.shiny = TRUE, updateProgress = updateProgress)
# update templates
templates <- lapply(seq_along(templates), function(x) openPrimeR:::update_template_cvg(templates[[x]], primers[[x]]))
# overwrite the inputted CSVs$primers <- primers$seqs <- templates
plot.comp.primers <- reactive({
primers <- switch(input$set_meta_selector,
"all" =$comp_primers,
"filtered" =$primers_filtered,
"optimized" = NULL)
#print("No primer sets:")
plot.comp.templates <- reactive({
templates <- switch(input$set_meta_selector,
"all" =$comp_templates,
"filtered" =$seqs_filtered,
"optimized" = NULL)
#print("no template sets:")
comparisonResetObserver <- observeEvent(input$, {
# reset the (loaded primers, templates, constraints)
session$sendCustomMessage(type = "resetFileInputHandler", "comparison_file")
session$sendCustomMessage(type = "resetFileInputHandler", "comparison_templates")
session$sendCustomMessage(type = "resetFileInputHandler", "comparison_constraint_files")
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