call.IMGT.settings.script <- function(imgt.settings.location) {
# calls the IMGT settings script to generate output files for 'get.IMGT.settings'
script.location <- system.file("shiny", "shiny_server",
"", package = "openPrimeRui")
# args: phantomjs, out-folder
phantomjs.loc <- Sys.which("phantomjs")
if (phantomjs.loc == "") {
stop("PhantomJS not available.")
args <- paste(normalizePath(phantomjs.loc), imgt.settings.location, sep = " ")
call <- paste(script.location, " ", args, sep = "")
# store all IMGT field options in text files
system(call, ignore.stdout = TRUE)
get.IMGT.settings <- function() {
# use a python script to retrieve possible IMGT input options for shiny frontend
# options are stored in files and are read into R
imgt.settings.location <- system.file("extdata", "IMGT_options",
package = "openPrimeRui")
if (!dir.exists(imgt.settings.location)) {
# only retrieve options from IMGT when they aren't available yet
# retrieve data from files
files <- list.files(imgt.settings.location)
options <- vector("list", length(files))
names(options) <- files
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
f <- file.path(imgt.settings.location, files[i])
data <- readLines(f)
options[[i]] <- data
retrieve.IMGT.templates <- function(species, locus, func, refresh, rm.partials = FALSE) {
# species, locus, function: parameters for IMGT data retrieval refresh:
# TRUE/FALSE -> should data be retrieved (TRUE) or should stored data be used if
# available (FALSE)
# data sets for which we have novel sequences not in IMGT <- c("IGH") <- species == "Homo sapiens" && locus %in% && func == "functional"
if ( {
# there's new data available -> load these data from package data
fname.leader <- get.IMGT.fname(species, locus, func, "leader_exp")
fname.exon <- get.IMGT.fname(species, locus, func, "exon_exp")
ret <- c(fname.exon, fname.leader)
if (!all(file.exists(ret))) {
warning("File did not exist: ", paste0(ret, collapse = ","))
} else {
fname.leader <- get.IMGT.fname(species, locus, func, "leader")
fname.exon <- get.IMGT.fname(species, locus, func, "exon")
ret <- c(fname.exon, fname.leader)
existing.files <- file.exists(ret)
if (all(existing.files) && !refresh) {
# don't recompute if results are already available.
imgt.script <- system.file("shiny", "shiny_server",
package = "openPrimeRui")
if (Sys.which("phantomjs") == "") {
warning("PhantomJS is not in your path. Please install it.")
if (!openPrimeR:::selenium.installed()) {
warning("Selenium for Python is not available. Please install it.")
base.opts <- paste(normalizePath(Sys.which("phantomjs")), fname.leader,
fname.exon, sep = " ")
input.opts <- paste(paste("\"", species, "\"", sep = ""), paste("\"", locus,
"\"", sep = ""), paste("\"", func, "\"", sep = ""), sep = " ")
cmd <- paste(imgt.script, base.opts, input.opts, sep = " ")
# warning(cmd) # printout for shiny-server (docker)
status <- system(cmd, ignore.stdout = TRUE)
if (status != 0) {
warning("Failed to retrieve templates from IMGT for unknown reason.")
} else {
get.IMGT.fname <- function(species, locus, func, type) {
# species, locus, func: args for IMGT db retrieval type: leader or exon replace
# gaps with underscores for fnames
species <- gsub(" ", "_", species)
locus <- gsub(" ", "_", locus)
func <- gsub(" ", "_", func)
types <- c("leader", "exon")
template.folder <- system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "templates",
package = "openPrimeR")
names <- file.path(template.folder, paste(species, "_", locus, "_", func,
"_", type, ".fasta", sep = ""))
primer.set.choices <- function(primers) {
if (length(primers) == 0) {
paths <- primers
locus <- strsplit(primers[1], split = "/")[[1]]
locus <- locus[length(locus) - 1]
# get basenames
primers <- basename(primers)
# remove 'IPS' annotation
idx <- grep("IPS", primers)
mod <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(primers[idx], split = "_"), function(x) x[[2]]))
primers[idx] <- mod
# remove extension
primers <- sub("^([^.]*).*", "\\1", primers)
# remove name of locus from set name
idx <- grep(locus, primers)
mod <- sub(paste("_", locus, sep = ""), "", primers[idx])
primers[idx] <- mod
o <- order(primers) # order by author
primers <- primers[o]
paths <- paths[o] # order paths also ..
names(paths) <- primers
get.supplied.comparison.template.path <- function(locus) {
# loads locally stored csv containing template analysis results
if (length(locus) == 0 || locus == "") {
fname <- paste(locus, "_templates.csv", sep = "")
load.path <- system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "comparison", "templates",
fname, package = "openPrimeR")
if (!file.exists(load.path)) {
warning(paste("Template comparison data for ", locus, " not found! Specified comparison path was: ",
load.path, sep = ""))
res <- list(datapath = load.path, name = locus)
comparison.primer.choices <- function(locus) {
if (length(locus) == 0) {
path <- system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "comparison",
"primer_sets", package = "openPrimeR")
path <- file.path(path, locus)
if (!dir.exists(path)) {
warning(paste("Primer comparison folder ", path, " not found!", sep = ""))
fnames <- list.files(path, pattern = "*.csv", full.names = TRUE)
primers <- basename(fnames)
# remove 'IPS' annotation
idx <- grep("IPS", primers)
mod <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(primers[idx], split = "_"), function(x) x[[3]]))
primers[idx] <- mod
# remove extension
primers <- gsub("^([^.]*).*", "\\1", primers)
# remove name of locus from set name
idx <- grep(locus, primers)
mod <- sapply(strsplit(primers[idx], split = "_"), function(x) paste(x[!grepl(locus,
x)], collapse = "_"))
primers[idx] <- mod
o <- order(primers) # order by author
out <- fnames[o]
names(out) <- primers[o]
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