# Create data for comparison of primers
remove.all.duplicates.from.fasta <- function(primers, primers.fixed) {
for (i in seq_along(primers)) {
sample <- names(primers)[i]
primer.loc <- primers[i]
primer.files <- list.files(path = primer.loc, pattern = ".fasta", full.names = TRUE)
out.loc <- primers.fixed[sample]
dir.create(out.loc, showWarnings=FALSE)
for (j in seq_along(primer.files)) {
primer.location <- primer.files[j]
cur.primers <- read.fasta(primer.location)
seqs <- sapply(cur.primers, function(x) paste(as.character(x), collapse = ""))
# check for duplicates
dup.idx <- which(duplicated(seqs))
# remove > character at the start from annotation
ids <- sapply(cur.primers, function(x) substring(attr(x, "Annot"), 2))
if (length(dup.idx) != 0) {
warning(paste("Duplicates found in: ", primer.location, sep = ""))
seqs <- seqs[-dup.idx]
ids <- ids[-dup.idx]
# remove reverse primers
rev.idx <- which(grepl("_rev", ids))
if (length(rev.idx) != 0) {
message(paste("Removing reverse primers: ", paste(ids[rev.idx], collapse = ","), sep = ""))
seqs <- seqs[-rev.idx]
ids <- ids[-rev.idx]
out.file <- file.path(out.loc, basename(primer.location))
write.fasta(as.list(seqs), names = as.list(ids), file.out = out.file)
} <- function(data, settings, comp.results.loc,
primer.locations, rm.partials, max.degen,, {
primer.folders <- list.files(path = primer.locations, full.names = TRUE)
constraint.settings <- constraints(settings)
na_salt_conc <- PCR(settings)$Na_concentration
mg_salt_conc <- PCR(settings)$Mg_concentration
k_salt_conc <- PCR(settings)$K_concentration
tris_salt_conc <- PCR(settings)$Tris_concentration
primer_conc <- PCR(settings)$primer_concentration
for (i in seq_along(data)) {
sample <- names(data)[i]
lex.df <- data[[i]]
cur.results.loc <- file.path(comp.results.loc, sample)
dir.create(cur.results.loc, showWarnings=FALSE)
write.csv(lex.df, file = file.path(comp.results.loc, paste(sample, "_templates.csv", sep = "")))
# list all primer sets in folder
primer.files <- list.files(path = primer.folders[i], full.names = TRUE)
for (j in seq_along(primer.files)) {
primer.location <- primer.files[j]
bname <- basename(primer.location) <- unlist(strsplit(bname, split = "_"))
if (grepl("IPS", bname)) {
run <-[2]
} else {
run <-[1]
if (any(grepl("1st", {
run <- paste(run, "_1st", sep = "")
if (any(grepl("2nd", {
run <- paste(run, "_2nd", sep = "")
run <- sub(".fasta", "", run)
message(paste("Loading: ", primer.location, sep = ""))
message(paste("Primer set: ", run, sep = "")) <- sub(".fasta", "", basename(primer.location))
primer.df <- read_primers(primer.location,,, merge.ambig = "none", max.degen)
mode.directionality <- get.analysis.mode(primer.df)
# need primer cvg to compute annealing temperature estimate
active.constraints <- names(constraint.settings)
constraint.df <- check_constraints(primer.df, lex.df, settings,
# add Run info to constraint.df
fname <- file.path(cur.results.loc, paste(sample, "_",, ".csv", sep = ""))
message(paste("Writing: ", fname, sep = ""))
write.csv(constraint.df, file = fname, row.names =FALSE)
get_templates <- function() {
# initial retrieval templates from IMGT
script.loc <- system.file("inst", "shiny", "shiny_server",
package = "openPrimeRui")
if (script.loc == "") {
stop("Please load the 'openPrimeRui' package first.")
# define what we want to extract:
species <- "Homo sapiens"
loci <- c("IGH", "IGK", "IGL")
funcs <- c("any", "functional")
for (i in seq_along(loci)) {
locus <- loci[i]
for (j in seq_along(funcs)) {
func <- funcs[i]
# retrieve & store leader+variable in extdata folder
openPrimeRui::retrieve.IMGT.templates(species, locus, func, TRUE)
message("templates reside in extdata target dir now :-)")
get_primers <- function() {
# initial retrieval of primers from IMGT
# n.b.: primers are not written to extdata here because they were processed by hand
script.loc <- system.file("data-raw", "",
package = "openPrimeR")
cmd <- paste("Python", script.loc)
res <- system(cmd) # stored in data/IMGT_data/IMGT_primers
# combine literature and IMGT primer sets
data.dir <- system.file("data-raw", "IMGT_data", package = "openPrimeR")
IMGT.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "IMGT_primers")
# n.b.: for literature primers: apply mac2unix first to change formatting from mac
lit.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "literature_primers")
primer.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "primers_raw") # primers_raw/ -> (manual) primers_mod/ -> primers/
# copy primers from both locations
IMGT.dirs <- list.files(IMGT.loc, full.names = TRUE)
out.dirs <- file.path(primer.loc, basename(IMGT.dirs))
names(out.dirs) <- basename(IMGT.dirs)
lit.dirs <- list.files(lit.loc, full.names = TRUE)
for (i in seq_along(out.dirs)) {
out.dir <- out.dirs[i]
dir.create(out.dir, recursive = TRUE)
res <- dir.copy(IMGT.dirs[i], out.dir, overwrite = TRUE)
res <- dir.copy(lit.dirs[i], out.dir, overwrite = TRUE)
warning(paste("extdata was not updated with primers, need to manually modify adaptors.",
"If you don't want this, use the existing processed primers."))
# adaptor removal was done by hand -> manually create primers/ folder entries
generate_evaluation_primers <- function(settings) {
# evaluates the comparison primer sets according to the provided settings
# load templates:
template.loc <- system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "templates",
package = "openPrimeR")
hdr.structure <- c("ACCESSION", "GROUP", "SPECIES", "FUNCTION")
template.locs <- file.path(template.loc, c("Homo_sapiens_IGH_functional_exon_exp.fasta",
leader.locs <- file.path(template.loc, c("Homo_sapiens_IGH_functional_leader_exp.fasta",
"Homo_sapiens_IGL_functional_leader.fasta")) <- lapply(seq_along(template.locs), function(x) {
template.file <- template.locs[x]
leader.file <- leader.locs[x]
template.df <- read_templates(template.file, hdr.structure, "|", "GROUP",
rm.keywords = "partial")
template.df <- assign_binding_regions(template.df, leader.file, NULL)
template.df <- adjust_binding_regions(template.df,
c(-max(template.df$Allowed_End_fw), 0), NULL) # allow binding in the first exon base as well
names( <- c("IGH", "IGK", "IGL") # change names for shiny app comparison data
# store template data in comparison folder:
for (i in seq_along( {
fname <- file.path(system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "comparison", "templates", package = "openPrimeR"),
paste0(names([i], "_templates.csv"))
write_templates([[i]], fname, "CSV")
# primers to load for comparison:
primer.locations <- system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "primers",
package = "openPrimeR")
# output of set evaluations:
comp.primer.out <- system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "comparison",
"primer_sets", package = "openPrimeR"), settings,
comp.primer.out, primer.locations,
rm.partials = TRUE, max.degen = 16, = "_fw", = "_rev")
generate_Comparison <- function(settings) {
# store comparison data for IGH: primers and templates
comp.files.primer <- list.files(path = system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data",
"comparison", "primer_sets", "IGH", package = "openPrimeR"),
pattern = "*\\.csv", full.names = TRUE)
comp.files.seqs <- rep(system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "comparison",
"templates", "IGH_templates.csv", package = "openPrimeR"),
length(comp.files.primer)) <- read_primers(comp.files.primer) <- read_templates(comp.files.seqs)
# update template cvg: <- lapply(seq_along(, function(x) {
out.loc <- system.file("data", "Comparison.rda", package = "openPrimeR")
save(,, settings, file = out.loc, compress = "xz")
# load settings
settings.filename <- system.file("extdata", "settings", "B_Taq_PCR_evaluate.xml", package = "openPrimeR")
settings <- read_settings(settings.filename)
refresh_src <- FALSE # should source primers/templates be retrieved once again?
if (refresh_src) {
# WARNING: should never be run as primers were selected by hand after retrieval from the data sources
generate_evaluation_primers(settings) # evaluate primers
# n.b. need to copy templates from primer to template folder manually atm
generate_Comparison(settings) # create rda file
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