#' Convert SummarizedExperiment or Dataframe to Matrix
#' This internal function converts SummarizedExperiment objects and dataframes
#' (both S3 and S4) to matrices of expression values. Used within oncomix
#' functions to convert all matrix-like objects to the matrix class.
#' @param m Can be a matrix, a data.frame, a DataFrame, or
#' SummarizedExperiment object.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @return A matrix of expression values
#' @examples
#' m <-, shape=2, rate=2),
#' nrow=10, ncol=15))
#' m <- toMatrix(m)
toMatrix <- function(m){
if(is(m, "SummarizedExperiment")){
m <- assay(m)
if( || is(m, "DataFrame")){
m <- as.matrix(m)
#' Generate the parameters for two 2-component Gaussian mixture models
#' with equal variances
#' This function allows you to generate the parameters for two 2-component
#' Gaussian mixture model with equal variances from 2 matrices of data with
#' a priori labels (eg tumor vs normal.) This application was originally
#' intended for matrices of gene expression data treated with 2 conditions.
#' @param exprNml A dataframe (S3 or S4), matrix, or SummarizedExperiment object
#' containing normal data with patients as columns and genes as rows.
#' @param exprTum A dataframe (S3 or S4), matrix, or SummarizedExperiment object
#' containing tumor data with patients as columns and genes as rows.
#' @keywords oncomix, mixture-model, two-component
#' @return Returns a dataframe, each element of which contains the 12 mixture
#' model parameters for each gene in an n x 12 matrix, where n is the number
#' of genes.
#' @importFrom mclust Mclust mclustBIC
#' @export
#' @examples
#' exprNml <-, shape=2, rate=2),
#' nrow=10, ncol=15))
#' colnames(exprNml) <- paste0("patientN", seq_len(ncol(exprNml)))
#' rownames(exprNml) <- paste0("gene", seq_len(nrow(exprNml)))
#' exprTum <-, shape=4, rate=3),
#' nrow=10, ncol=15))
#' colnames(exprTum) <- paste0("patientT", seq_len(ncol(exprTum)))
#' rownames(exprTum) <- paste0("gene", seq_len(nrow(exprTum)))
#' mmParams <- mixModelParams(exprNml, exprTum)
mixModelParams <- function(exprNml, exprTum) {
exprNml <- toMatrix(exprNml)
exprTum <- toMatrix(exprTum)
paramsNormal <- apply(exprNml, 1, function(x) {
y <- mclust::Mclust(data=x, G=2, modelNames="E", verbose=FALSE)
z <- c(nMu=y$parameters$mean,
paramsTumor <- apply(exprTum, 1, function(x) {
y <- mclust::Mclust(data=x, G=2, modelNames="E", verbose=FALSE)
z <- c(tMu=y$parameters$mean,
params <- rbind(paramsNormal, paramsTumor)
rownames(params)[c(1:2, 5:6)] = c("nMu1","nMu2","tMu1", "tMu2")
deltaMu2 <- params["tMu2",]-params["nMu2",]
deltaMu1 <- params["tMu1",]-params["nMu1",]
boundaryTumor <- (params["tMu2",] + params["tMu1",]) / 2
siCalc <- function(vectNml, boundTumor){ #calculate the sel. idx
x <- sum(boundTumor > vectNml) / length(vectNml)
SI <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(exprNml)),
function(i) siCalc(exprNml[i, ], boundaryTumor[i]))
params <- rbind(params, deltaMu2, deltaMu1, SI)
mmParamsDf <- data.frame(t(params))
score <- NA
mmParamsDf$score <- mmParamsDf$SI*{
mmParamsDfS <- mmParamsDf[with(mmParamsDf, order(-score)), ]
#' Plot a histogram of gene expression values from
#' tumor and adjacent normal tissue.
#' This function allows you to plot a histogram of gene expression values from
#' tumor and adjacent normal tissue with the option of including the best
#' fitting Gaussian curve.
#' @param mmParams The output from the getMixModelParams function.
#' @param exprNml A dataframe (S3 or S4), matrix, or SummarizedExperiment object
#' containing normal data with patients as columns and genes as rows.
#' @param exprTum A dataframe (S3 or S4), matrix, or SummarizedExperiment object
#' containing tumor data with patients as columns and genes as rows.
#' @param isof The gene isoform to visualize
#' @keywords oncoMix, visualization, Gaussian, two-component
#' @return Returns a histogram of the gene expression
#' values from the two groups.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' exprNml <-, shape=2, rate=2),
#' nrow=10, ncol=15))
#' colnames(exprNml) <- paste0("patientN", seq_len(ncol(exprNml)))
#' rownames(exprNml) <- paste0("gene", seq_len(nrow(exprNml)))
#' exprTum <-, shape=4, rate=3),
#' nrow=10, ncol=15))
#' colnames(exprTum) <- paste0("patientT", seq_len(ncol(exprTum)))
#' rownames(exprTum) <- paste0("gene", seq_len(nrow(exprTum)))
#' mmParams <- mixModelParams(exprNml, exprTum)
#' isof <- rownames(mmParams)[1]
#' plotGeneHist(mmParams, exprNml, exprTum, isof)
#' @seealso \code{\link{mixModelParams}}
plotGeneHist <- function(mmParams, exprNml, exprTum, isof){
exprNml <- toMatrix(exprNml)
exprTum <- toMatrix(exprTum)
tidyDf <-[isof,], exprNml[isof,])),
as.factor(c(rep("tumor",ncol(exprTum)), rep("normal",ncol(exprNml))))),
colnames(tidyDf) <- c("expr", "type")
expr <- type <- ..density.. <- NULL # Setting the variables to NULL first
p1 <- ggplot(tidyDf, aes(x=expr, color=as.factor(type),
group=as.factor(type))) +
theme_classic() +
geom_histogram(data=subset(tidyDf,type == 1),fill="#F8766D",
alpha=0.2, aes(y=..density..), binwidth = .2) +
geom_histogram(data=subset(tidyDf,type == 2),fill="#00BFC4",
alpha=0.2, aes(y=..density..), binwidth = .2) +
geom_rug(alpha=0.3, show.legend=FALSE) +
axis.title=element_text(size=8)) +
ggtitle(paste0(isof, " : SI = ",
round(mmParams[isof,"SI"],4))) +
xlab(expression(Log[2] *"(TPM Reads)")) +
stat_function(fun="dnorm", colour="#F8766D",
sd=sqrt(mmParams[isof,"nVar"]))) +
stat_function(fun="dnorm", colour="#F8766D",
sd=sqrt(mmParams[isof,"nVar"]))) +
stat_function(fun="dnorm", colour="#00BFC4",
sd=sqrt(mmParams[isof,"tVar"]))) +
stat_function(fun="dnorm", colour="#00BFC4",
#' Generate a scatter plot with the output from mixModelParams
#' This function allows you to generate the parameters for two 2-component
#' mixture models with equal variances
#' @param mmParams The output from the mixModelParams function. Will utilize
#' the deltaMu2 and deltaMu1 rows.
#' @param selIndThresh This is the selectivity index threshold to use. All
#' genes with SI values above this threshold will be highlighted in purple.
#' Specify either selIndThresh or geneLabels (not both simultaneously).
#' @param geneLabels A character vector of gene names used to label the
#' genes with that name on the scatter plot. Specify either selIndThresh
#' or geneLabels (not both simultaneously).
#' @keywords oncoMix, visualization, two-component
#' @return Returns a ggplot scatter object that can be plotted
#' @import ggplot2 ggrepel stats
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' exprNml <-, shape=2, rate=2),
#' nrow=10, ncol=15))
#' colnames(exprNml) <- paste0("patientN", seq_len(ncol(exprNml)))
#' rownames(exprNml) <- paste0("gene", seq_len(nrow(exprNml)))
#' exprTum <-, shape=4, rate=3),
#' nrow=10, ncol=15))
#' colnames(exprTum) <- paste0("patientT", seq_len(ncol(exprTum)))
#' rownames(exprTum) <- paste0("gene", seq_len(nrow(exprTum)))
#' mmParams <- mixModelParams(exprNml, exprTum)
#' scatterMixPlot(mmParams)
#' @seealso \code{\link{mixModelParams}}
scatterMixPlot <- function(mmParams, selIndThresh=1, geneLabels=NULL){
mmParams <-
oneOverAlpha <- diff(range(mmParams$deltaMu2))
alpha1 <- 1/oneOverAlpha
quants <- c(0.01, 0.10, 0.50, 0.90, 0.99) #add in the quantiles
colorsRed <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n=length(quants), name="Reds")
deltaMu2Quant <- stats::quantile(mmParams[,"deltaMu2"], quants)
deltaMu1Quant <- stats::quantile(1/(abs(mmParams[,"deltaMu1"]) + alpha1),
deltaMu2 <- deltaMu1 <- NULL
x <- ggplot(,
aes(x=deltaMu2, y=1/(abs(deltaMu1) + alpha1))) +
theme_classic() +
col=colorsRed, size=c(1,1,1,1,1)) +
col=colorsRed, size=c(1,1,1,1,1)) +
geom_point(alpha=0.5) +
xlab(expression(paste(Delta, mu[2]))) +
ylab(expression(paste(frac(1, paste(Delta, mu[1], " + ", alpha)))))
if(selIndThresh < 1){
mmParamsSi <- mmParams[mmParams$SI > selIndThresh,]
x <- x + geom_point(,
aes(x=deltaMu2, y=1/(abs(deltaMu1)+alpha1)),
size=10, alpha=0.1,
fill=colorsRed[length(colorsRed)]) +
Parameters*","~alpha~"="~.(round(alpha1,2))*", SI >"~
} else if(!is.null(geneLabels)){
mmParamsSi <- mmParams[geneLabels,]
mmParamsSi$geneLabels <- geneLabels
x <- x + geom_point(,
aes(x=deltaMu2, y=1/(abs(deltaMu1)+alpha1)),
size=10, alpha=0.1,
fill=colorsRed[length(colorsRed)]) +
ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data=mmParamsSi, aes(x=deltaMu2,
label=rownames(mmParamsSi)) +
} else {
x <- x + ggtitle(bquote(Distribution~of~Mixture~Model~
#' Identify genes that meet pre-specified quantiles
#' This function allows you to subset genes that are above pre-specified
#' quantiles and that most closely resemble the distribution of oncogenes.
#' @param mmParams The output from the mixModelParams function.
#' @param deltMu2Thr The percentile threshold for the deltaMu2 statistic.
#' All genes exceeding this percentile threshold will be selected.
#' @param deltMu1Thr The percentile threshold for the deltaMu1 statistic.
#' All genes exceeding this percentile threshold will be selected.
#' @param siThr The threshold for the selectivity index statistic
#' (between 0-1). All genes exceeding this threshold will be selected.
#' @keywords subsetting
#' @return Returns a dataframe containing all genes meeting the prespecified
#' thresholds.
#' @import ggplot2 ggrepel stats
#' @export
#' @examples
#' exprNml <-, shape=2, rate=2),
#' nrow=10, ncol=15))
#' colnames(exprNml) <- paste0("patientN", seq_len(ncol(exprNml)))
#' rownames(exprNml) <- paste0("gene", seq_len(nrow(exprNml)))
#' exprTum <-, shape=4, rate=3),
#' nrow=10, ncol=15))
#' colnames(exprTum) <- paste0("patientT", seq_len(ncol(exprTum)))
#' rownames(exprTum) <- paste0("gene", seq_len(nrow(exprTum)))
#' mmParams <- mixModelParams(exprNml, exprTum)
#' topGeneQuants(mmParams)
#' @seealso \code{\link{mixModelParams}}
topGeneQuants <- function(mmParams, deltMu2Thr=90, deltMu1Thr=10, siThr=.99){
mmParamsDf <-
deltaMu2Quant <- stats::quantile(mmParamsDf$deltaMu2, deltMu2Thr*.01)
deltaMu1Quant <- stats::quantile(abs(mmParamsDf$deltaMu1),
mmParamsDf <-
tfVect <- mmParamsDf$deltaMu2 > deltaMu2Quant &
abs(mmParamsDf$deltaMu1) < deltaMu1Quant & mmParamsDf$SI > siThr
mmParamsDfQuantSubset <- mmParamsDf[tfVect,]
#' Human Breast Cancer RNA-sequencing data from TCGA - Tumor Tissue
#' These RNA-sequencing expression data were obtained from the Cancer Genome
#' Atlas project (now the Genomic Data Commons (GDC)). The sequencing data were
#' generated from breast carcinoma samples from 113 patients. Quantification of
#' RNA expression values was performed using standard GDC pipelines. The
#' expression values are reported in transcripts per million reads. Out of an
#' initial 73,599 RNA transcripts, 700 are included as part of this dataset.
#' These 700 transcripts represent a random subset of the transcripts with at
#' least 20% non-zero expression values across all patient samples. Rows contain
#' anonymized patient identifiers, while columns contain UCSC gene symbols.
#' @name exprTumIsof
#' @docType data
#' @author Daniel Pique \email{}
#' @references \url{}
#' @keywords RNA expression, Breast Tumor
#' Human Breast Cancer RNA-sequencing data from TCGA - Adj. Normal Tissue
#' These RNA-sequencing expression data were obtained from the Cancer Genome
#' Atlas project (now the Genomic Data Commons (GDC)). The sequencing data were
#' generated from adjacent normal breast tissue data from 113 patients with
#' breast cancer. Quantification of RNA expression values was performed using
#' standard GDC pipelines. The expression values are reported in transcripts per
#' million reads. Out of an initial 73,599 RNA transcripts, 700 are included as
#' part of this dataset. These 700 transcripts represent a random subset of the
#' transcripts with at least 20% non-zero expression values across all patient
#' samples. Rows contain anonymized patient identifiers, while columns contain
#' UCSC gene symbols.
#' @name exprNmlIsof
#' @docType data
#' @author Daniel Pique \email{}
#' @references \url{}
#' @keywords RNA expression, Breast Tissue
#' Oncogene Database Mapping Gene Symbol to UCSC ID (kgID)
#' These data were downloaded in September 2017 from the url listed below and
#' represent a mapping between gene symbols in ongene, an oncogene database
#' curated from the scientific literature, and gene identifiers from the
#' University of California, Santa Cruz's genomic database.
#' @name queryRes
#' @docType data
#' @author Min Zhao \email{}
#' @references \url{}
#' @keywords Oncogenes, Database
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