### Tools for selecting probes and simplying tasks
### within oligo
### By: Benilton Carvalho - Jan/12
## FIXME: add a getProbeLevels??? (ST: bg/antigenomic/genomic/pm/etc)
getProbeTypes <- function(object){
## for exon/gene ST arrays, the BG probes are stored in the
## pmfeature as well... how to fix?
substr(grep("^[a-z]{2}feature$", dbListTables(db(object)),
value=TRUE), 1, 2)
getProbeTargets <- function(object, probeType='pm'){
## TODO: fix me!
pm=c('core', 'full', 'extended', 'probeset'),
bg=c('genomic', 'antigenomic'))
availProbeInfo <- function(object, probeType='pm', target='core'){
if (!require(annotation(object), character.only=TRUE))
stop("The annotation package '", annotation(object), "' is not available.")
## FIXME: ST arrays have bg probes in pm tbl
## FIXME: ST arrays have targets in pm tbl (but same fields as pms?)
isST <- class(object) %in% c('ExonFeatureSet', 'GeneFeatureSet')
conn <- db(object)
probeTable <- paste(probeType, 'feature', sep='')
ptFields <- dbListFields(conn, probeTable)
probesetTable <- 'featureSet'
psFields <- dbListFields(conn, probesetTable)
if (isST & target!='probeset') psFields <- setdiff(psFields, 'transcript_cluster_id')
out <- list(ptFields, psFields)
names(out) <- c(probeTable, probesetTable)
if (isST & target!='probeset'){
mpsTable <- paste(target, 'mps', sep='_')
mpFields <- dbListFields(conn, mpsTable)
out[[3]] <- mpFields
names(out) <- c(probeTable, probesetTable, mpsTable)
getProbeInfo <- function(object, field, probeType='pm', target='core',
sortBy=c('fid', 'man_fsetid', 'none'), ...){
pkgName <- ifelse(is.character(object), object, annotation(object))
if (!require(pkgName, character.only=TRUE))
stop("The annotation package '", pkgName, "' is not available.")
sortBy <- match.arg(sortBy)
## conn <- db(object)
conn <- db(get(pkgName))
## With ST arrays:
## 1) fsetid is both fsetid and man_fsetid
## 2) transcript_cluster_id is in both *mps and featureSet tables
## 3) chrom/level/type_dict tables exist
isST <- class(get(pkgName)) %in% c('ExonFeatureSet', 'GeneFeatureSet', 'AffyExonPDInfo', 'AffyGenePDInfo')
if (missing(field)) field <- 'fid'
probeTable <- paste(probeType, 'feature', sep='')
if (isST && target!='probeset'){
fields <- unique(c('fid', 'meta_fsetid as man_fsetid', field))
## pmfeature.fsetid probably shouldnt be used here, as it's != 'probeset'
## fields[fields == 'fsetid'] <- 'pmfeature.fsetid'
fields[fields == 'fsetid'] <- 'meta_fsetid as fsetid'
fields <- paste(fields, collapse=', ')
mpsTable <- paste(target, 'mps', sep='_')
fields <- gsub('transcript_cluster_id',
paste(mpsTable, '.transcript_cluster_id as transcript_cluster_id', sep=''),
tables <- paste('pmfeature, featureSet,', mpsTable)
sql <- paste('SELECT', fields, 'FROM', tables,
'WHERE pmfeature.fsetid=featureSet.fsetid AND',
paste('featureSet.fsetid=', mpsTable, '.fsetid', sep=''))
rm(fields, mpsTable, tables)
}else if (class(object) == "GenericFeatureSet") {
probeTypeTable <- paste0(probeType, 'feature')
metaTable <- paste0(target, probeType)
featureTable <- paste0('featureSet', substr(target, 4, 4))
fields <- c(sprintf("%s.fid as fid", metaTable),
sprintf("%s.man_fsetid as man_fsetid", featureTable),
sprintf("%s.fsetid as fsetid", metaTable))
fields <- paste(fields, collapse=', ')
sql <- paste('SELECT', fields, 'FROM', metaTable, 'INNER JOIN', featureTable,
rm(fields, probeTypeTable, metaTable, featureTable)
fields <- unique(c('fid', 'man_fsetid', field))
fields[fields == 'fsetid'] <- paste(probeTable, 'fsetid', sep='.')
if (isST | class(object) == 'TilingFeatureSet')
fields[fields == 'man_fsetid'] <- paste(probeTable, 'fsetid as man_fsetid', sep='.')
fields <- paste(fields, collapse=', ')
sql <- paste('SELECT', fields, 'FROM',
probeTable, 'INNER JOIN featureSet',
info <- dbGetQuery(conn, sql)
## Getting data from dictionaries
## .. chrom: chromosome: mapping to proper chr ids
## .. level: ST arrays: bg/genomic/antigenomic
## .. type: ST arrays: core, extended, full
field2dict <- c('chrom', 'level', 'type')
addMerge <- field2dict[field2dict %in% field]
if (length(addMerge) > 0)
for (item in addMerge){
dict <- paste(item, 'dict', sep='_')
sql <- paste("SELECT * FROM",dict)
info <- merge(info, dbGetQuery(conn, sql), all.x=TRUE, sort=FALSE)
info[[item]] <- NULL
rm(dict, sql)
## This is to rename the dictionary columns that are
## like chrom_id, type_id, level_id
nmsOrig <- names(info)
iTID <- grep('transcript_cluster_id', nmsOrig)
origValue <- NULL
if (length(iTID) > 0) origValue <- nmsOrig[iTID]
nmsOrig <- gsub('\\_id$', '', nmsOrig)
if (length(iTID) > 0) nmsOrig[iTID] <- origValue
names(info) <- nmsOrig
rm(nmsOrig, iTID, origValue)
info <- subset(info, ...)
## Sorting
if (sortBy!='none'){
i2 <- setdiff(c('fid', 'man_fsetid'), sortBy)
info <- info[order(info[[sortBy]], info[[i2]]),]
rownames(info) <- NULL
## Make sure man_fsetid is character
if ('man_fsetid' %in% names(info))
if (!is.character(info$man_fsetid))
info$man_fsetid <- as.character(info$man_fsetid)
## Return final object
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