replaceAffySnpParamsSingle <- function(object,value,subset){
object$centers[subset,] <- value$centers
object$scales[subset,] <- value$scales
object$N[subset,] <- value$N
updateAffySnpParamsSingle <- function(object, priors, minN=3,
d0s=80, verbose=FALSE){
object$centers <- object$centers[subset,]
object$scales <- object$scales[subset,]
object$N <- object$N[subset,]
if(verbose) cat("Updating centers and scales")
##First variances
for(j in 1:2){ ##1 and 3 are the same
if(j==2) N <- object$N[,2] else N <- rowSums(object$N[,-2],na.rm=TRUE)
s <- object$scales[, j]
if (is.null(d0s))
d0s <- priors$d0s[j]
s20 <- priors$s20[j] ##notice the ad-hoc choice of 3
Index <- N>minN & !
N <- N[Index]; s <- s[Index]
object$scales[Index, j] <- sqrt ( ( (N-1)*s^2 + d0s*s20 ) / (d0s+N-1) )
object$scales[!Index, j] <- sqrt(s20)
N <- object$N
object$scales[,3] <- object$scales[,1] ##AA=BB
object$scales[,2][object$scales[,2]>maxHeteSigma] <- maxHeteSigma
object$scales[,-2][object$scales[,-2]>maxHomoSigma] <- maxHomoSigma
if(verbose) cat(".")
Vinv <- solve(priors$V)
NSinv <- t(N)/priors$s20
tmp <- t(sapply(1:nrow(object$centers),function(i){
if(verbose & i%%5000==0) cat(".")
mus <- object$centers[i,]
Ns <- N[i,]
mus[Ns<minN] <- 0
mus[] <- 0
object$centers <- tmp
if(verbose) cat("Done.\n")
getAffySnpDistanceSingle <- function(object,params,f=0,subset=1:(dim(object)[1]),
Dist <- array(NA,dim=c(dim(x)[1],dim(x)[2], 3))
if(verbose) cat("Calculating likelihood-based distances")
for(j in 1:3){
tmp <- x+(j-2)*f[subset,]
Dist[,,j] <- 2*log(params$scales[subset,j]) +
if(!is.null(w)) Dist[,,j] <- Dist[,,j] - 2*log(w[subset,,j])
if(verbose) cat("Done.\n")
fitAffySnpMixture56 <- function(object, df1=3, df2=5,
probs=rep(1/3,3), eps=50,
subSampleSize=10^4, verbose=TRUE){
## object: a matrix (SNPs x Allele)
## FIXME: det gender
## maleIndex: logical for male
maleIndex <- FALSE
## XIndex: vector of integers pointing to SNPs on chr X
## XIndex=getChrXIndex(object)
I <- nrow(object)
## tmp <- c( (1:I)[-XIndex],((I+1):(2*I))[-XIndex])
## tmp <- c( (1:I),((I+1):(2*I)))
idx <- sort(sample(I, subSampleSize))
pis <- array(0,dim=c(I,3))
fs <- array(0,dim=I)
snr <- NULL
if(verbose) cat("Fitting mixture model. Epsilon must reach ", eps, ".\n",sep="")
Y <- object[,1]-object[,2]
A <- rowMeans(object)
mus <- quantile(Y,c(1,3,5)/6);mus[2]=0
sigmas <- rep(mad(c(Y[Y<mus[1]]-mus[1],Y[Y>mus[3]]-mus[3])),3)
sigmas[2] <- sigmas[2]/2
a <- A[idx]
y <- Y[idx]
A <- A-mean(A)
a <- a-mean(a)
weights <- apply(cbind(mus, sigmas), 1, function(p) dnorm(y, p[1], p[2]))
PreviousLogLik <- -Inf
change <- eps+1
itmax <- 0
matA <- ns(a,df2)
while (change > eps & itmax < 100){
itmax <- itmax+1
## E
z <- sweep(weights, 2, probs, "*")
LogLik <- rowSums(z)
z <- sweep(z, 1, LogLik, "/")
LogLik <- sum(log(LogLik))
change <- abs(LogLik-PreviousLogLik)
if (verbose){
if (itmax > 1) cat(del)
message <- paste("Epsilon = ", signif(change,2), " ", sep="")
del <- paste(rep("\b", nchar(message)), collapse="")
PreviousLogLik <- LogLik
probs <- colMeans(z)
## M
fit1 <- lm(y~matA,weights=z[,1])
fit2 <- sum(z[,2]*y)/sum(z[,2])
fit3 <- lm(y~matA,weights=z[,3])
sigmas[1] <- sqrt(sum(z[,1]*residuals(fit1)^2)/sum(z[,1]))
sigmas[2] <- sqrt(sum(z[,2]*(y-fit2)^2)/sum(z[,2]))
sigmas[3] <- sqrt(sum(z[,3]*residuals(fit3)^2)/sum(z[,3]))
weights[,1] <- dnorm(y,fitted(fit1),sigmas[1])
weights[,2] <- dnorm(y,fit2,sigmas[2])
weights[,3] <- dnorm(y,fitted(fit3),sigmas[3])
weights[y >= 0, 1] <- 0
weights[y <= 0, 3] <- 0
## gc()
bigX <- cbind(1, ns(A, knots=as.numeric(attr(matA, "knots")), Boundary.knots=attr(matA, "Boundary.knots")))
rm(matA); ## gc()
pred1 <- bigX%*%coef(fit1)
pred2 <- rep(fit2,length(Y))
pred3 <- bigX%*%coef(fit3)
rm(bigX); ## gc()
weights <- matrix(0,length(Y),3)
weights[,1] <- dnorm(Y,pred1,sigmas[1])
weights[,2] <- dnorm(Y,pred2,sigmas[2])
weights[,3] <- dnorm(Y,pred3,sigmas[3])
weights[Y >= pred2, 1] <- 0
## if (maleIndex[j]) weights[XIndex, 2] <- 0
weights[Y <= pred2, 3] <- 0
z <- sweep(weights, 2, probs, "*")
LogLik <- rowSums(z)
z <- sweep(z, 1, LogLik, "/")
fs <- as.numeric((pred3-pred1)/2)
for(k in 1:3){
pis[, k] <- z[,(4-k)] ##4-k cause 3is1,2is2 and 1is3
snr <- median(fs)^2/(sigmas[1]^2+sigmas[2]^2)
fs[fs < 0] <- 0
if(verbose) cat("Done.\n")
## return(list(f0=median(fs),fs=fs, pis=pis, snr=snr))
return(list(f0=median(fs), fs=fs, initial=apply(pis, 1, which.max), snr=snr))
getAffySnpConfidence56 <- function(Dist, Calls, XIndex, maleIndex, verbose=TRUE){
#### XIndex <- which(subset%in%XIndex)
res <- array(NA,dim=dim(Dist)[c(1,2)])
##### dimnames(res) <- list(dimnames(Dist)[[1]],dimnames(Dist)[[2]])
##### Dist <- rowSums(Dist, dims=3, na.rm=T)
if (verbose) cat("Computing confidence for calls on ", ncol(res), " arrays")
##apply is faster apply but takes too much memory
#### Index <- 1:nrow(Calls)
Index2 <- 1:nrow(Calls)
for(j in 1:ncol(res)){
## if(maleIndex[j]){
## Index2 <- Index[-XIndex]
## }else{
## Index2 <- Index
## }
## Index2 <- Index
if (verbose) cat(".")
tmpdist <- cbind(abs(Dist[,j,1]-Dist[,j,2]),abs(Dist[,j,2]-Dist[,j,3]))
tmpIndex <- split(Index2, factor(Calls[Index2,j], levels=1:3), drop=FALSE)
if (length(tmpIndex[[1]])>0) res[tmpIndex[[1]],j] <- tmpdist[tmpIndex[[1]],1]
if (length(tmpIndex[[3]])>0) res[tmpIndex[[3]],j] <- tmpdist[tmpIndex[[3]],2]
if (length(tmpIndex[[2]])>0) res[tmpIndex[[2]],j] <- pmin(tmpdist[tmpIndex[[2]], 1],
tmpdist[tmpIndex[[2]], 2])
rm(tmpIndex, tmpdist); ## gc()
## if(maleIndex[j]){
## Index2 <- Index[XIndex]
## res[Index2,j] <- abs(Dist[Index2,j,1]-Dist[Index2,j,3])
## }
if (verbose) cat("Done\n")
getAffySnpCalls56 <- function(Dist, XIndex, maleIndex, verbose=FALSE){
## XIndex <- which(subset%in%XIndex)
res <- array(as.integer(-1),dim=dim(Dist)[c(1,2)])
## Dist[XIndex, maleIndex, 2] <- Inf
if(verbose) cat("Making calls for ", ncol(res), " arrays");
for(j in 1:ncol(res)){
if(verbose) cat(".");
D1 <- Dist[,j,1];
D2 <- Dist[,j,2];
D3 <- Dist[,j,3];
d12 <- (D1 < D2);
d23 <- (D2 < D3); rm(D2);
d13 <- (D1 < D3); rm(D3);
d <- rep(as.integer(3), length(D1)); rm(D1)
d[( d12 & d13)] <- as.integer(1); rm(d13)
d[(!d12 & d23)] <- as.integer(2); rm(d12, d23)
res[,j] <- d;
if(verbose) cat("Done\n")
getAffySnpDistanceSingle56 <- function(x, params, f=0, subset=1:(dim(x)[1]),
w=NULL, verbose=FALSE){
x <- x[subset,, drop=FALSE]
Dist <- array(NA,dim=c(dim(x)[1],dim(x)[2], 3))
if(verbose) cat("Calculating likelihood-based distances")
for(j in 1:3){
tmp <- x+(j-2)*f[subset,]
Dist[,,j] <- 2*log(params$scales[subset,j]) +
if(!is.null(w)) Dist[,,j] <- Dist[,,j] - 2*log(w[subset,,j])
if(verbose) cat("Done.\n")
readSummaries <- function(type, tmpdir){
validOptions <- c("alleleA", "alleleB", "fs", "alleleA-sense",
"alleleA-antisense", "alleleB-sense",
"alleleB-antisense", "calls", "conf", "llr",
"snr", "initialCalls", "antisense-f", "sense-f")
if (!(type %in% validOptions))
stop(paste("Invalid 'type' argument.\nValid options are '",
paste(validOptions, collapse="', '"), "'.", sep=""))
analysis <- read.table(file.path(tmpdir, "analysis.txt"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
pkgname <- as.character(analysis[1, 2])
if (!(pkgname %in% c('pd.genomewidesnp.5', 'pd.genomewidesnp.6'))){
if (type %in% c("alleleA", "alleleB", "fs", "initialCalls")){
if (type == "initialCalls"){
dataType <- integer()
dataType <- numeric()
files <- file.path(tmpdir, paste(type, analysis[-(1:3), 1], sep="-"))
n.files <- length(files)
n.samples <- as.integer(analysis[match("nsamples", analysis[,1]), 2])
tmp <- NULL
for (i in 1:n.files){
nrows <- as.integer(analysis[3+i, 2])
tmp <- rbind(tmp, matrix(readBin(files[i], dataType, nrows*n.samples), nrow=nrows))
pkgname <- analysis[1, 2]
tmpdf <- getSnpLocInfo(pkgname)
rownames(tmp) <- tmpdf[["man_fsetid"]]
colnames(tmp) <- as.character(read.table(file.path(tmpdir, "crlmm-calls.txt"), nrows=1, colClasses=rep("character", ncol(tmp))))
}else if (type %in% c("calls", "conf", "llr", "alleleA-sense", "alleleA-antisense", "alleleB-sense", "alleleB-antisense", "antisense-f", "sense-f")){
target <- file.path(tmpdir,
ifelse(type %in% c("calls", "conf", "llr"),
paste("crlmm-", type, ".txt", sep=""),
paste(type, ".txt", sep="")))
header <- as.character(read.delim(target, nrow=1, colClasses="character", header=FALSE))
nsamples <- length(header)
what <- c("character", rep(ifelse(type == "calls", "integer", "numeric"), nsamples))
tmp <- as.matrix(read.delim(target, colClasses=what, skip=1, row.names=1, header=FALSE))
colnames(tmp) <- header
}else if (type == "snr"){
header <- as.character(read.delim(file.path(tmpdir, "crlmm-calls.txt"),
nrow=1, colClasses="character", header=FALSE))
nsamples <- length(header)
tmp <- readBin(file.path(tmpdir, "snr"), numeric(), nsamples)
names(tmp) <- header
vo <- c('alleleA', 'alleleB', 'fs', 'f0', 'initialCalls', 'calls', 'conf', 'llr', 'snr')
type <- match.arg(type, vo)
obj <- load(file.path(tmpdir, paste(type, '.RData', sep='')))
tmp <- get(obj)[]
getCrlmmSummaries <- function(tmpdir){
analysis <- read.delim(file.path(tmpdir, "analysis.txt"), colClasses="character", header=FALSE)
annotation <- analysis[match("annotation", analysis[,1]), 2]
snpcnv <- length(grep("genomewidesnp", annotation)) > 0
if (snpcnv){
summaries <- c("alleleA", "alleleB")
tmp <- new("SnpSuperSet",
call=readSummaries("calls", tmpdir),
callProbability=readSummaries("conf", tmpdir),
alleleA=readSummaries("alleleA", tmpdir),
alleleB=readSummaries("alleleB", tmpdir),
F=readSummaries("fs", tmpdir))
tmp <- new("SnpSuperSet",
call=readSummaries("calls", tmpdir),
callProbability=readSummaries("conf", tmpdir),
senseAlleleA=readSummaries("alleleA-sense", tmpdir),
senseAlleleB=readSummaries("alleleB-sense", tmpdir),
antisenseAlleleA=readSummaries("alleleA-antisense", tmpdir),
antisenseAlleleB=readSummaries("alleleB-antisense", tmpdir),
antisenseF=readSummaries("antisense-f", tmpdir),
senseF=readSummaries("sense-f", tmpdir))
annotation(tmp) <- annotation
phenoData(tmp) <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
data=data.frame(crlmmSNR=readSummaries("snr", tmpdir)),
varMetadata=data.frame(labelDescription="Signal-to-Noise Ratio by CRLMM",
### CLEANUP 11/11/08
## readChipTypesFromCels <- function(celFiles)
## sapply(celFiles, function(x) readCelHeader(x)[["chiptype"]])
readChipTypesFromCels <- function(celFiles)
sapply(celFiles, function(x) read.celfile.header(x)[['cdfName']])
normalizeOne <- function(celFiles, destDir, batch_size=40000, pkgname,
reference=TRUE, check=TRUE, verbose=TRUE){
## Check existence of directory (destination)
## The destDir must not exist (yet)
## If it exists, abort
if (file.exists(destDir))
stop(message(destDir, " already exists. Use the name of a non-existing directoty."))
destDir <- gsub("/$", "", destDir)
## Make sure all files are of the same type
if (check)
if (length(chiptype <- unique(readChipTypesFromCels(celFiles))) > 1)
stop("CEL files do not have the same chip type")
## Determine pkg
if (missing(pkgname))
pkgname <- cleanPlatformName(chiptype)
## Get annotation package
conn <- db(get(pkgname))
n.snps <- dbGetQuery(conn, "SELECT row_count FROM table_info WHERE tbl='featureSet'")[[1]]
## Get all PM probes
## Some are not annotated (Affymetrix files) and will get a 0 for the
## moment - need to sort later
## Order by SNP name
tmp <- getSnpProbeInfo(pkgname)
pnVec <- paste(tmp[["man_fsetid"]],
c("A", "B")[tmp[["allele"]]+1],
tmp[["allele"]] <- NULL
nSnpAlleleCombinations <- length(unique(pnVec))
## TODO: isn't info equal to tmp without the probe info?
## Info: SNP information
snps <- getSnpNames(pkgname)
samples <- basename(celFiles)
save(snps, samples, file=file.path(destDir, "RowsAndColumns.rda"))
analysis <- data.frame(fields=c("annotation", "nsamples", "batch_size"),
values=c(pkgname, length(celFiles), batch_size))
write.table(analysis, file.path(destDir, "analysis.txt"),
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
dims <- c(length(snps), length(celFiles))
alleleA <- ff(vmode='double', dim=dims, pattern=file.path(destDir, 'alleleA-'))
alleleB <- ff(vmode='double', dim=dims, pattern=file.path(destDir, 'alleleB-'))
initialCalls <- ff(vmode='integer', dim=dims, pattern=file.path(destDir, 'initialCalls-'))
fs <- ff(vmode='double', dim=dims, pattern=file.path(destDir, 'fs-'))
f0 <- ff(vmode='double', dim=dims[2], pattern=file.path(destDir, 'f0-'))
snr <- ff(vmode='double', dim=dims[2], pattern=file.path(destDir, 'snr-'))
## Get feature IDs and load/create reference
if (reference){
load(system.file("extdata", paste(pkgname, "Ref.rda", sep=""),
if (verbose){
message("Creating normalization vector from the data.")
message(length(tmp$fid)/2^20, "GB RAM required.")
nqdt <-
reference <- nqdt(readCEL(celFiles, tmp$fid))
if (verbose) message("Normalization vector created.")
reference <- sort(reference)
if (verbose){
message("Normalizing and summarizing.")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=1, max=length(celFiles), style=3, initial=1)
## just making an alias from preprocessCore
## to make line shorter
n2t <-
for (i in 1:length(celFiles)){
## Read one file at a time
## no summarization across samples (probes are replicates)
## take medians of probesets (using Ben's code, which is faster)
## Summarized data now in 2 columns (A and B)
pms <- n2t(readCEL(celFiles[i], tmp$fid), reference, copy=FALSE)
tmpRes <- basicRMA(pms, pnVec, background=FALSE, normalize=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
theSumm <- matrix(tmpRes, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
correction <- fitAffySnpMixture56(theSumm, verbose=FALSE)
alleleA[,i] <- theSumm[,1]
alleleB[,i] <- theSumm[,2]
initialCalls[,i] <- correction$initial
fs[,i] <- correction$fs
f0[i] <- correction$f0
snr[i] <- correction$snr
rm(correction); gc()
if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
filesNorm <- list(alleleA=alleleA, alleleB=alleleB,
initialCalls=initialCalls, fs=fs, f0=f0, snr=snr)
if (verbose) close(pb)
pkgNorm <- pkgname
save(filesNorm, pkgNorm, file=file.path(destDir, "NormalizationSummarizationOutput.rda"))
genotypeOne <- function(files, outDir, batch_size=40000,
balance=1.5, minLLRforCalls=c(5, 1, 5),
recalibrate=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, pkgname,
reference=TRUE, d0s=80){
oligoDEBUG <- getOption('oligoDEBUG', FALSE)
if (missing(outDir)) stop("Output directory must be given.")
if (!file.exists(outDir)){
normOut <- normalizeOne(files, outDir, pkgname=pkgname, reference=reference)
if (![["isdir"]])
stop(outDir, " is not a valid directory.")
outDir <- gsub("/*$", "", outDir)
if (verbose) message("Loading results from previous normalization/summarization step.")
obj <- load(file.path(outDir, "NormalizationSummarizationOutput.rda"))
if (!all(c("pkgNorm", "filesNorm") %in% obj))
stop(file.path(outDir, "NormalizationSummarizationOutput.rda"), " does not have 'pkgNorm' and/or 'filesNorm' object(s).")
normOut <- get("filesNorm")
if (!missing(pkgname) & pkgname != get("pkgNorm"))
stop("Annotation used for normalization is different from the specified one.")
pkgname <- get("pkgNorm")
rm(list=c("pkgNorm", "filesNorm"))
fn <- paste(pkgname, 'CrlmmInfo.rda', sep='')
load(system.file("extdata", fn, package=pkgname))
## myenv should take abou 65MB RAM
## I'll assume this is OK for now
## and not subset it
myenv <- get(paste(pkgname,"Crlmm",sep="")); rm(list=paste(pkgname,"Crlmm",sep=""))
thePriors <- get("priors", myenv)
tmpdf <- getSnpLocInfo(pkgname)
XIndex <- tmpdf[['chrom']] == 'X'
## These do not have Hapmap Data
Index <- !get("hapmapCallIndex", myenv)
batches <- splitIndicesByLength(1:nrow(tmpdf), batch_size)
analysis <- read.table(file.path(outDir, "analysis.txt"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
n.chunks <- length(batches)
n.files <- as.integer(analysis[which(analysis[,1] == "nsamples"), 2])
if (verbose){
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=1, max=n.chunks, initial=1, style=3)
alleleA <- normOut[['alleleA']]
alleleB <- normOut[['alleleB']]
initialCalls <- normOut[['initialCalls']]
fs <- normOut[['fs']]
f0 <- normOut[['f0']]
snr <- normOut[['snr']]
## these are for debugging
if (oligoDEBUG){
dim1 <- c(nrow(tmpdf), 3)
centersB4 <- ff(vmode='double', dim=dim1,
pattern=file.path(outDir, 'centersB4-'))
scalesB4 <- ff(vmode='double', dim=dim1,
pattern=file.path(outDir, 'scalesB4-'))
nB4 <- ff(vmode='double', dim=dim1,
pattern=file.path(outDir, 'nB4-'))
distB4 <- ff(vmode='double', dim=c(nrow(tmpdf), n.files, 3),
pattern=file.path(outDir, 'distB4-'))
centersAftr <- ff(vmode='double', dim=dim1,
pattern=file.path(outDir, 'centersAftr-'))
scalesAftr <- ff(vmode='double', dim=dim1,
pattern=file.path(outDir, 'scalesAftr-'))
nAftr <- ff(vmode='double', dim=dim1,
pattern=file.path(outDir, 'nAftr-'))
distAftr <- ff(vmode='double', dim=c(nrow(tmpdf), n.files, 3),
pattern=file.path(outDir, 'distAftr-'))
moveSz <- ff(vmode='double', dim=dim1,
pattern=file.path(outDir, 'moveSz-'))
dbgs <- c("centersB4", "scalesB4", "nB4", "distB4",
"centersAftr","scalesAftr", "nAftr", "distAftr", "moveSz")
sapply(dbgs, function(x) open(get(x)))
## end debug
dim2 <- c(nrow(tmpdf), n.files)
calls <- ff(vmode='integer', dim=dim2,
pattern=file.path(outDir, 'crlmm-calls-'))
conf <- ff(vmode='double', dim=dim2,
pattern=file.path(outDir, 'crlmm-confs-'))
llr <- ff(vmode='double', dim=dim2,
pattern=file.path(outDir, 'crlmm-llr-'))
objs <- c("alleleA", "alleleB", "initialCalls", "fs", "f0", "snr",
"calls", "conf", "llr")
sapply(objs, function(x) open(get(x)))
i <- 1
for (snps in batches){
## these do not have hapmap calls
index <- which(Index[snps])
initialCalls[-index,] <- NA
rparams <- getGenotypeRegionParams(alleleA[index,, drop=FALSE]-alleleB[index,,drop=FALSE],
fs[index,,drop=FALSE], verbose=FALSE)
rparams <- updateAffySnpParamsSingle(rparams, thePriors, verbose=FALSE, d0s=d0s)
## get params only for the snps in batch
params <- get("params", myenv)
params$centers <- params$centers[snps,]
params$scales <- params$scales[snps,]
params$N <- params$N[snps,]
params <- replaceAffySnpParamsSingle(params, rparams, index)
if (oligoDEBUG){
centersB4[snps,] <- params$centers
scalesB4[snps,] <- params$scales
nB4[snps,] <- params$N
theA <- alleleA[snps,, drop=FALSE]
theB <- alleleB[snps,, drop=FALSE]
theFS <- fs[snps,, drop=FALSE]
myDist <- getAffySnpDistanceSingle56(theA-theB, params, theFS)
if (oligoDEBUG){
distB4[snps,,] <- myDist
myDist[,,-2] <- balance*myDist[,,-2]
xindex <- which(XIndex[snps])
maleIndex <- rep(FALSE, n.files)
tmpIC <- getAffySnpCalls56(myDist, xindex, maleIndex, verbose=FALSE)
LLR <- getAffySnpConfidence56(myDist, tmpIC, xindex, maleIndex, verbose=FALSE)
if (recalibrate){
for(k in 1:3)
tmpIC[ tmpIC == k & LLR < minLLRforCalls[k]] <- NA
rparams <- getGenotypeRegionParams(theA-theB, tmpIC, theFS, verbose=FALSE)
rparams <- updateAffySnpParamsSingle(rparams, thePriors, d0s=d0s)
if (oligoDEBUG){
centersAftr[snps,] <- rparams$centers
scalesAftr[snps,] <- rparams$scales
nAftr[snps,] <- rparams$N
moveSz[snps,] <- rparams$centers-params$centers
myDist <- getAffySnpDistanceSingle56(theA-theB, rparams, theFS)
if (oligoDEBUG){
distAftr[snps,,] <- myDist
myDist[,,-2] <- balance*myDist[,,-2]
tmpIC <- getAffySnpCalls56(myDist, xindex, maleIndex, verbose=FALSE)
initialCalls[snps,] <- tmpIC
LLR <- getAffySnpConfidence56(myDist, tmpIC, xindex, maleIndex, verbose=FALSE)
} ##recalibrate
calls[snps,] <- tmpIC
llr[snps,] <- LLR
conf[snps,] <- LLR2conf(tmpIC, LLR, snr[], pkgname)
if (verbose)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
i <- i+1
rownames(calls) <- rownames(llr) <- rownames(conf) <- tmpdf[['man_fsetid']]
colnames(calls) <- colnames(llr) <- colnames(conf) <- files
rownames(alleleA) <- rownames(alleleB) <- rownames(initialCalls) <- tmpdf[['man_fsetid']]
colnames(alleleA) <- colnames(alleleB) <- colnames(initialCalls) <- files
dimnames(fs) <- list(tmpdf[['man_fsetid']], files)
## names(f0) <- names(snr) <- files
for (obj in objs){
save(list=obj, file=file.path(outDir, paste(obj, '.RData', sep='')))
if (oligoDEBUG){
for (obj in dbgs){
save(list=obj, file=file.path(outDir, paste(obj, '.RData', sep='')))
return(list(alleleA=alleleA, alleleB=alleleB, initialCalls=initialCalls,
fs=fs, f0=f0, snr=snr, calls=calls,
conf=conf, llr=llr))
getSnpNames <- function(pkgname){
conn <- db(get(pkgname))
sql <- paste("SELECT man_fsetid FROM featureSet",
"WHERE man_fsetid LIKE 'SNP%'")
snps <- dbGetQuery(conn, sql)[[1]]
getSnpLocInfo <- function(pkgname){
tmpdf <- dbGetQuery(db(get(pkgname)),
paste("SELECT man_fsetid, chrom",
"FROM featureSet WHERE man_fsetid LIKE 'SNP%'"))
## i <-[['chrom']])
## tmpdf[i, 'chrom'] <- 0
## tmpdf[["index"]] <- 1:nrow(tmpdf)
getSnpProbeInfo <- function(pkgname){
tmp <- dbGetQuery(db(get(pkgname)),
paste("SELECT fid, man_fsetid, allele",
"FROM pmfeature INNER JOIN featureSet USING(fsetid)"))
tmp[order(tmp$man_fsetid, tmp$allele),]
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