#' Sparse Principal Components Analysis
#' Performs a sparse principal component analysis for variable selection using
#' singular value decomposition and lasso penalisation on the loading vectors.
#' \code{scale= TRUE} is highly recommended as it will help obtaining orthogonal
#' sparse loading vectors.
#' \code{keepX} is the number of variables to select in each loading vector,
#' i.e. the number of variables with non zero coefficient in each loading
#' vector.
#' Note that data can contain missing values only when \code{logratio = 'none'}
#' is used. In this case, \code{center=TRUE} should be used to center the data
#' in order to effectively ignore the missing values. This is the default
#' behaviour in \code{spca}.
#' According to Filzmoser et al., a ILR log ratio transformation is more
#' appropriate for PCA with compositional data. Both CLR and ILR are valid.
#' Logratio transform and multilevel analysis are performed sequentially as
#' internal pre-processing step, through \code{\link{logratio.transfo}} and
#' \code{\link{withinVariation}} respectively.
#' Logratio can only be applied if the data do not contain any 0 value (for
#' count data, we thus advise the normalise raw data with a 1 offset). For ILR
#' transformation and additional offset might be needed.
#' The principal components are not guaranteed to be orthogonal in sPCA.
#' We adopt the approach of Shen and Huang 2008 (Section 2.3) to estimate
#' the explained variance in the case where the sparse loading vectors
#' (and principal components) are not orthogonal. The data are projected
#' onto the space spanned by the first loading vectors and the variance
#' explained is then adjusted for potential correlation between PCs.
#' Note that in practice, the loading vectors tend to be orthogonal if the
#' data are centered and scaled in sPCA.
#' @inheritParams pca
#' @param X a numeric matrix (or data frame) which provides the data for the sparse
#' principal components analysis. It should not contain missing values.
#' @param scale (Default=TRUE) Logical indicating whether the variables should be
#' scaled to have unit variance before the analysis takes place.
#' @param keepX numeric vector of length \code{ncomp}, the number of variables to keep
#' in loading vectors. By default all variables are kept in the model. See
#' details.
#' @param logratio one of ('none','CLR'). Specifies the log ratio
#' transformation to deal with compositional values that may arise from
#' specific normalisation in sequencing data. Default to 'none'
#' @return \code{spca} returns a list with class \code{"spca"} containing the
#' following components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{ncomp}{the number of components to keep in the
#' calculation.}
#' \item{prop_expl_var}{the adjusted percentage of variance
#' explained for each component.}
#' \item{cum.var}{the adjusted cumulative percentage of variances
#' explained.}
#' \item{keepX}{the number of variables kept in each loading
#' vector.}
#' \item{iter}{the number of iterations needed to reach convergence
#' for each component.}
#' \item{rotation}{the matrix containing the sparse
#' loading vectors.}
#' \item{x}{the matrix containing the principal components.}
#' }
#' @author Kim-Anh LĂȘ Cao, Fangzhou Yao, Leigh Coonan, Ignacio Gonzalez, Al J Abadi
#' @seealso \code{\link{pca}} and for more details.
#' @references Shen, H. and Huang, J. Z. (2008). Sparse principal component
#' analysis via regularized low rank matrix approximation. \emph{Journal of
#' Multivariate Analysis} \bold{99}, 1015-1034.
#' @keywords algebra
#' @export
#' @example ./examples/spca-examples.R
spca <-
ncomp = 2,
center = TRUE,
scale = TRUE,
keepX = rep(ncol(X), ncomp),
max.iter = 500,
tol = 1e-06,
logratio = c('none','CLR'),
multilevel = NULL)
#-- checking general input parameters --------------------------------------#
#-- check that the user did not enter extra arguments =
user.arg = names([-1]
err = tryCatch(mget(names(formals()), sys.frame(sys.nframe())),
error = function(e) e)
if ("simpleError" %in% class(err))
stop(err[[1]], ".", call. = FALSE)
#-- X matrix
if (
X = as.matrix(X)
if (!is.matrix(X) || is.character(X))
stop("'X' must be a numeric matrix.", call. = FALSE)
if (any(apply(X, 1, is.infinite)))
stop("infinite values in 'X'.", call. = FALSE)
#-- ncomp
if (is.null(ncomp))
ncomp = min(nrow(X),ncol(X))
ncomp = round(ncomp)
if ( !is.numeric(ncomp) || ncomp < 1 || !is.finite(ncomp))
stop("invalid value for 'ncomp'.", call. = FALSE)
if (ncomp > min(ncol(X), nrow(X)))
stop("use smaller 'ncomp'", call. = FALSE)
#-- keepX
if (length(keepX) != ncomp)
stop("length of 'keepX' must be equal to ", ncomp, ".")
if (any(keepX > ncol(X)))
stop("each component of 'keepX' must be no greater than ", ncol(X), ".")
#-- log.ratio
choices = c('CLR','none')
logratio = choices[pmatch(logratio, choices)]
logratio <- match.arg(logratio)
if (logratio != "none")
## ensure data do not contain NA or negative values
if (any(
stop("data must not contain any missing or negative values when using logratio ",
"transformation. Consider imputing the missing values using ",
"mixOmics::nipals(..., reconst = TRUE)", call. = FALSE)
} else if (any(X < 0))
stop("'X' must contain nonnegative values for log-transformation. ",
"See details.", call. = FALSE)
#-- cheking center and scale
if (!is.logical(center))
if (!is.numeric(center) || (length(center) != ncol(X)))
stop("'center' should be either a logical value or a numeric vector of length equal to the number of columns of 'X'.",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.logical(scale))
if (!is.numeric(scale) || (length(scale) != ncol(X)))
stop("'scale' should be either a logical value or a numeric vector of length equal to the number of columns of 'X'.",
call. = FALSE)
#-- max.iter
if (is.null(max.iter) || !is.numeric(max.iter) || max.iter < 1 || !is.finite(max.iter))
stop("invalid value for 'max.iter'.", call. = FALSE)
max.iter = round(max.iter)
#-- tol
if (is.null(tol) || !is.numeric(tol) || tol < 0 || !is.finite(tol))
stop("invalid value for 'tol'.", call. = FALSE)
#-- end checking --#
#-- logratio transformation --#
X = logratio.transfo(X = X, logratio = logratio, offset = 0)#if(logratio == "ILR") {ilr.offset} else {0})
#-- logratio transformation --#
#-- multilevel approach ----------------------------------------------------#
if (!is.null(multilevel))
# we expect a vector or a 2-columns matrix in 'Y' and the repeated measurements in 'multilevel'
multilevel = data.frame(multilevel)
if ((nrow(X) != nrow(multilevel)))
stop("unequal number of rows in 'X' and 'multilevel'.")
if (ncol(multilevel) != 1)
stop("'multilevel' should have a single column for the repeated measurements.")
multilevel[, 1] = as.numeric(factor(multilevel[, 1])) # we want numbers for the repeated measurements
Xw = withinVariation(X, design = multilevel)
X = Xw
#-- multilevel approach ----------------------------------------------------#
#--scaling the data--#
cen = attr(X, "scaled:center")
sc = attr(X, "scaled:scale")
if (any(sc == 0))
stop("cannot rescale a constant/zero column to unit variance.")
X <- as.matrix(X)
if (isFALSE(center) && any(colMeans(X, na.rm = TRUE) != 0)) {
warning("data contain missing values which will be ",
"set to zero for calculations. Consider using center = TRUE ",
"for better performance, or impute missing values using ",
"'impute.nipals' function.")
} <-
X[] <- 0
X.temp <- X
# put a names on the rows and columns
X.names = dimnames(X)[[2]]
if (is.null(X.names)) X.names = paste("X", 1:p, sep = "")
colnames(X) = X.names
ind.names = dimnames(X)[[1]]
if (is.null(ind.names)) ind.names = 1:nrow(X)
rownames(X) = ind.names
names(vect.varX) = paste("PC", 1:ncomp, sep = "")#c(1:ncomp)
names(vect.iter) = paste("PC", 1:ncomp, sep = "")#c(1:ncomp)
vect.keepX = keepX
names(vect.keepX) = paste("PC", 1:ncomp, sep = "")#c(1:ncomp)
# KA: to add if biplot function (but to be fixed!)
#sdev = vector(length = ncomp)
mat.u=matrix(nrow=n, ncol=ncomp)
mat.v=matrix(nrow=p, ncol=ncomp)
colnames(mat.u)=paste("PC", 1:ncomp, sep = "")#c(1:ncomp)
colnames(mat.v)=paste("PC", 1:ncomp, sep = "")#c(1:ncomp)
#--loop on h--#
for(h in 1:ncomp){
#--computing the SVD--#
svd.X = svd(X.temp, nu = 1, nv = 1)
u = svd.X$u[,1]
loadings = svd.X$v[,1]#svd.X$d[1]*svd.X$v[,1]
v.stab = FALSE
u.stab = FALSE
iter = 0
#--computing nx(degree of sparsity)--#
nx = p-keepX[h]
#vect.keepX[h] = keepX[h]
u.old = u
loadings.old = loadings
#--iterations on v and u--#
iter = iter +1
loadings = t(X.temp) %*% u
#--penalisation on loading vectors--#
if (nx != 0) {
absa = abs(loadings)
if(any(rank(absa, ties.method = "max") <= nx)) {
loadings = ifelse(rank(absa, ties.method = "max") <= nx, 0, sign(loadings) * (absa - max(absa[rank(absa, ties.method = "max") <= nx])))
loadings = loadings / drop(sqrt(crossprod(loadings)))
u = as.vector(X.temp %*% loadings)
#u = u/sqrt(drop(crossprod(u))) # no normalisation on purpose: to get the same $x as in pca when no keepX.
#--checking convergence--#
if (iter >= max.iter)
warning(paste("Maximum number of iterations reached for the component", h),call. = FALSE)
u.old = u
loadings.old = loadings
} =
#--deflation of data--#
c = crossprod(X.temp, u) / drop(crossprod(u))
X.temp= X.temp - u %*% t(c) #svd.X$d[1] * svd.X$u[,1] %*% t(svd.X$v[,1])
vect.iter[h] = iter
mat.v[,h] = loadings
mat.u[,h] = u
#--calculating the variance explained by projecting the data onto the space spanned by the h loading vectors--#
# this is in case the loading vectors are not orthogonal (see Shen and Huang 2008 Section 2.3)
X.var = X %*% mat.v[,1:h]%*%solve(t(mat.v[,1:h])%*%mat.v[,1:h])%*%t(mat.v[,1:h])
vect.varX[h] = sum(X.var^2)
# KA: to add if biplot function (but to be fixed!)
#sdev[h] = sqrt(svd.X$d[1])
}#fin h
rownames(mat.u) = ind.names
cl =
cl[[1]] ='spca')
var.tot <- sum(X^2)
cum.var <- vect.varX/var.tot
## calculate per-component explained variance from cum.var,
# the variance is adjusted to account for potential correlation between PCs:
prop_expl_var <- c(cum.var[1], diff(cum.var))
## return missing values for output
X[] <- NA_real_
result = (list(call = cl, X = X,
ncomp = ncomp,
#sdev = sdev, # KA: to add if biplot function (but to be fixed!)
#center = center, # KA: to add if biplot function (but to be fixed!)
#scale = scale, # KA: to add if biplot function (but to be fixed!)
prop_expl_var = list(X=prop_expl_var),
cum.var = cum.var,
keepX = vect.keepX,
iter = vect.iter,
rotation = mat.v,
x = mat.u,
names = list(X = X.names, sample = ind.names),
loadings = list(X = mat.v),
variates = list(X = mat.u)
## warning if components are not orthogonal
.eval_non.orthogonality(variates = result$variates$X, scale=scale)
class(result) = c("spca","pca", "prcomp")
#' Evaluate the non-orthogonality of spca components
#' @param variates variates from spca model
#' @param scale Logical
#' @param warn_threshold Threshold for soft warning
#' @param code_red_threshold Threshold for fail warning
#' @return NULL, or a condition
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(2718)
#' spca.res <- spca(matrix(rnorm(1000), nrow = 20), ncomp = 5, keepX = rep(40, 5), scale = FALSE)
#' mixOmics:::.eval_non.orthogonality(spca.res$variates$X, warn_threshold = 1e-23, scale = FALSE)
#' }
.eval_non.orthogonality <- function(variates,
warn_threshold = 0.01,
code_red_threshold = 0.1)
covmat <- crossprod(variates)
## get total variance
trace <- sum(diag(covmat))
## normalise varcov matrix by trace so
## the trace sums to 1
covmat.norm <- covmat/trace
## calculate the sum of off-diag (covariances)
non_orthog <- sum(abs(covmat.norm - diag(diag(covmat.norm))))
## if it's more than 'threshold', throw warning. If it's way too high
## warn more strongly (failure).
## make scale=TRUE recommendations if that is scale=FALSE used
recom_scale_msg <- ifelse(
non_orthog >= warn_threshold & isFALSE(scale),
"Consider using 'scale = TRUE' ",
" "
if (non_orthog >= code_red_threshold)
warning("The sPCA algorithm failed to extract orthogonal components. ",
else if (non_orthog >= warn_threshold & non_orthog < code_red_threshold)
warning("The extracted components are not completely orthogonal. ",
"Regard the results with care. ",
recom_scale_msg, "\n")
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