#' Helper function to calculate the confidence interval for a cor.test
#' @param num number of samples
#' @param mS results of cor.test
#' @param method statistical method used for cor.test
#' @return named vector holding lower and upper thresholds
computeCI_Interval <- function(num, mS, method){
if(num <= 4)
return(c("lower" = NA, "upper" = NA))
if(method == "spearman"){
rho <- mS$estimate
stderr <- 1.0 / sqrt(num - 3)
delta <- 1.96 * stderr
lower <- tanh(atanh(rho) - delta)
upper <- tanh(atanh(rho) + delta)
} else if(method == "pearson"){
lower <- mS$[1]
upper <- mS$[2]
} else if(method == "kendall"){
tau <- mS$estimate
z_tau <- 0.5 * log((1+tau)/(1-tau))
lower <- z_tau - 1.959964 * sqrt(0.437/(num - 4))
upper <- z_tau + 1.959964 * sqrt(0.437/(num - 4))
ci_interval <- c(lower, upper)
names(ci_interval) <- c("lower","upper")
#' Scatterplot of two features
#' This function plots a scatterplot of two features along with sample
#' correlation statistics.
#' @param aggdat aggregated MRExperiment
#' @param feat1 Feature 1.
#' @param feat2 Feature 2.
#' @param log Log2 transform data. Default is TRUE.
#' @param method Correlation coefficient. One of "spearman" (default),
#' "pearson", or "kendall".
#' @param addRegression boolean parameter indicating whether linear regression
#' line should be drawn; default: TRUE
#' @param col_by Phenotype for coloring.
#' @param facet1 Phenotype for facet 1.
#' @param facet2 Phenotype for facet 2.
#' @param plotTitle Plot title. Default is no title.
#' @param xlab X-axis label. Default is \code{feat1}.
#' @param ylab Y-axis label. Default is \code{feat2}.
#' @param allowWebGL boolean indicating if WebGL should be used for large data
#' @param pwidth overall plot width; default is 550
#' @param pheight overall plot height; default is 200
#' @return list holding plotly plot and lm fit
#' @importFrom metagenomeSeq MRcounts
#' @importFrom Biobase pData
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' data("mouseData", package = "metagenomeSeq")
#' aggdat <- aggFeatures(mouseData, level = "genus")
#' corrFeature(aggdat, feat1 = "Bacteroides", feat2 = "Prevotella")
#' @export
corrFeature <- function(aggdat, feat1, feat2,
log = TRUE, method = c("spearman", "pearson", "kendall"),
addRegression = TRUE,
col_by = NULL, facet1 = NULL, facet2 = NULL,
plotTitle = "", xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
allowWebGL = TRUE, pwidth = 550, pheight = 200) {
facet2s <- NULL
facets <- NULL
aggmat <- MRcounts(aggdat, norm = TRUE)
phenoTable <- pData(aggdat)
if (is.null(feat1) || is.null(feat2)) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if (log) {
aggmat <- log2(aggmat + 1)
x <- aggmat[which(rownames(aggmat) == feat1), ]
y <- aggmat[which(rownames(aggmat) == feat2), ]
## feature not found: return immediately
if (length(x) == 0 || length(y) == 0) {
return(list(plot = NULL, stats = NULL))
df <- data.frame(colnames(aggmat), x, y)
colnames(df) <- c("samname", "feat1", "feat2")
showlegend <- TRUE
legendtitle <- ""
addwidth <- 0
legendtitle <- ""
if (!is.null(col_by)) {
group <- forcats::fct_explicit_na(
factor(phenoTable[, which(colnames(phenoTable) == col_by)]),
na_level = "NA")
addwidth <- 200
legendtitle <- list(yref = "paper",xref = "paper",
text = col_by,showarrow = FALSE)
col_name <- paste0(col_by, "_color")
pwidth <- pwidth + 150
} else {
col_name <- NULL
group <- I("black")
showlegend <- FALSE
df2 <- buildPlottingDF(
df = df,
phenoTable = phenoTable,
facet1 = facet1,
facet2 = facet2,
col_by = col_by,
col_name = col_name)
col_by <- col_name
logtext <- ""
if (log == TRUE)
logtext <- "Log "
xlab <- feat1
if (!is.null(facet1)) {
facetvals <- levels(df2[, facet1])
xlab <- paste0(xlab, "<br>", paste(facet1, facetvals, sep = " "))
pwidth <- length(facetvals) * 300
} else {
facet1 <- "nofacet"
df2$nofacet <- "nofacets"
facetvals <- "nofacets"
if (!is.null(facet2)) {
facetvals2 <- levels(df2[, facet2])
} else {
facet2 <- "nofacet2"
df2$nofacet2 <- "nofacets"
facetvals2 <- "nofacets"
df2$group <- group
df2 <- df2 %>%
dplyr::group_by(facets = get(facet1), facet2s = get(facet2))
useWebGL <- FALSE
if(nrow(df2) > getOption("me.minwebgl") && allowWebGL)
useWebGL <- TRUE
xaxis_text <- ""
ylab <- feat2
yaxis_text <- ylab
maxj <- length(facetvals2)
totalheight <- pheight + 400 * length(facetvals2)
pwidth <- pwidth + addwidth
fitlist <- list()
## iterate over facet2 around facet1
plotlist <- lapply(facetvals2, function(fv2) {
j <- which(facetvals2 %in% fv2)
sdf <- df2 %>%
dplyr::group_by(facet2s) %>%
dplyr::filter(facet2s %in% fv2)
if (facet2 != "nofacet2") {
yaxis_text <- 'if'(,
paste0(ylab, "<br>NA<br> "),
paste0(ylab, "<br>", facet2, " ", fv2, "<br> ")
## iterating over facet1
plist <- lapply(facetvals, function(f) {
i <- which(facetvals %in% f)
sp <- sdf %>%
dplyr::group_by(facets) %>%
dplyr::filter(facets %in% f)
if (j == maxj) {
xaxis_text <- paste0(logtext, xlab[i])
if (nrow(sp) == 0) {
return(buildEmptyPlotlyPlot(xaxis_text, paste0(logtext, yaxis_text)))
facetgroup <- sp$group
if (is.null(col_by)) {
facetgroup <- I("black")
fit <- stats::lm(feat2 ~ feat1, data = sp, na.action = stats::na.exclude)
mS_label <- tryCatch({
mS <- stats::cor.test(sp$feat2,sp$feat1, method = method)
ci_interval <- computeCI_Interval(
num = nrow(sp),
mS = mS,
method = method)
mS$lower <- round(ci_interval[["lower"]], getOption("me.round_digits"))
mS$upper <- round(ci_interval[["upper"]], getOption("me.round_digits"))
## store fit in fitlist
fitlist[[gsub("<br>", "_",
paste0(yaxis_text, " <br/> ", xlab[i]))]] <<- mS
paste0("\n", names(mS$estimate)," = ",
"; p = ",round(mS$p.value,getOption("me.round_digits")),
"\nlower CI = ", mS$lower,
"\nupper CI = ", mS$upper)
}, error = function(e){
plotdata <- tibble::tibble(
samname = sp$samname,
x = sp$feat1,
y = sp$feat2,
color = facetgroup,
text = paste0(
paste0("<b>", sp$samname, "</b>"),
paste0("<br>", feat1, ": ",
round(sp$feat1, digits = getOption("me.round_digits"))),
paste0("<br>", feat2, ": ",
round(sp$feat2, digits = getOption("me.round_digits"))))
fitlabel <- paste(
"Adj R2: ", signif(summary(fit)$adj.r.squared, 5),
"<br>Intercept: ", signif(fit$coef[[1]], 5),
"<br>Slope: ", signif(fit$coef[[2]], 5),
"<br>P: ", 'if'(nrow(summary(fit)$coef) < 2 ||
ncol(summary(fit)$coef < 4),
signif(summary(fit)$coef[2, 4], 5)
p <- plotdata %>%
plotly::plot_ly(x = ~x, hoverinfo = "text",
width = pwidth, height = totalheight) %>%
y = ~y,
color = ~color,
colors = getOption("me.colorvalues")[seq(1, length(levels(group)))],
text = ~text,
showlegend = showlegend
) %>%
y = ~x,
line = list(
dash = "dash",
color = "rgba(220,220,220,1)"
name = "onetoone",
text = "",
showlegend = FALSE
p <- p %>%
y = stats::predict(fit),
line = list(
color = "rgba(119,0,0, 1)",
shape = "spline"
name = "Linear Regression",
text = fitlabel,
showlegend = FALSE
) %>%
data = broom::augment(fit, se_fit = TRUE),
x = ~feat1,
ymin = ~ .fitted - 1.96 *,
ymax = ~ .fitted + 1.96 *,
line = list(color = "rgba(219,219,219, 0.35)"),
fillcolor = "rgba(219,219,219, 0.3)",
name = "Standard Error",
showlegend = FALSE
p <- p %>% plotly::toWebGL()
p <- p %>%
add_plotly_layout(plotTitle = plotTitle,
xaxis_text = paste0(xaxis_text, mS_label),
ylab = paste0(logtext, yaxis_text)) %>%
plotly::layout(margin = list(b = 150))
plotly::subplot(plist, nrows = 1, shareY = TRUE, titleX = TRUE)
p <- plotly::subplot(plotlist, nrows = length(plotlist),
shareY = FALSE, titleX = TRUE, titleY = TRUE) %>%
return(list(plot = p, stats = fitlist))
#' Scatterplot of a feature and a phenotype
#' This function plots a scatterplot of a feature and a phenotype along with
#' sample correlation statistics.
#' @param aggdat aggregated MRExperiment
#' @param feature Feature input.
#' @param phenotype Phenotype input (must be numeric)
#' @param log Log2 transform data. Default is TRUE.
#' @param method Correlation coefficient. One of "spearman" (default),
#' "pearson", or "kendall".
#' @param addRegression boolean parameter indicating whether linear regression
#' line should be drawn; default: TRUE
#' @param col_by Phenotype for coloring.
#' @param facet1 Phenotype for facet 1.
#' @param facet2 Phenotype for facet 2. (WIP/TODO)
#' @param plotTitle Plot title. Default is no title.
#' @param xlab X-axis label. Default is \code{feat1}.
#' @param ylab Y-axis label. Default is \code{feat2}.
#' @param allowWebGL boolean indicating if WebGL should be used for large data
#' @param pwidth overall plot width; default is 550
#' @param pheight overall plot height; default is 200
#' @return list holding plotly plot and lm fit
#' @importFrom metagenomeSeq MRcounts
#' @importFrom Biobase pData
#' @examples
#' data("mouseData", package = "metagenomeSeq")
#' aggdat <- aggFeatures(mouseData, level = "genus")
#' corrPhenotype(aggdat, feature = "Bacteroides", phenotype = "relativeTime")
#' @export
corrPhenotype <- function(aggdat, feature, phenotype, log = TRUE,
method = c("spearman", "pearson", "kendall"),
addRegression = TRUE,
col_by = NULL, facet1 = NULL, facet2 = NULL,
plotTitle = "", xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
allowWebGL = TRUE, pwidth = 550, pheight = 200) {
facet2s <- NULL
facets <- NULL
aggmat <- MRcounts(aggdat, norm = TRUE)
phenoTable <- pData(aggdat)
if (is.null(feature) | is.null(phenotype)) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if (log) {
aggmat <- log2(aggmat + 1)
phenoval <- phenoTable[, phenotype]
featureval <- aggmat[which(rownames(aggmat) == feature), ]
if (length(featureval) == 0) {
return(list(plot = NULL, stats = NULL))
df <- data.frame(colnames(aggmat), featureval, phenoval)
colnames(df) <- c("samname", "feature", "phenotype")
showlegend <- TRUE
legendtitle <- ""
addwidth <- 0
if (!is.null(col_by)) {
group <- forcats::fct_explicit_na(
factor(phenoTable[, which(colnames(phenoTable) == col_by)]),
na_level = "NA")
addwidth <- 200
legendtitle <- list(yref = "paper",xref = "paper",
text = col_by,showarrow = FALSE)
col_name <- paste0(col_by, "_color")
pwidth <- pwidth + 150
} else {
col_name <- NULL
group <- I("black")
showlegend <- FALSE
df2 <- buildPlottingDF(df = df,
phenoTable = phenoTable,
facet1 = facet1,
facet2 = facet2,
col_by = col_by,
col_name = col_name)
col_by <- col_name
logtext <- ""
if(log == TRUE)
logtext <- "Log "
xlab <- feature
if (!is.null(facet1)) {
facetvals <- levels(df2[, facet1])
xlab <- paste0(xlab, "<br>", paste(facet1, facetvals, sep = " "))
pwidth <- length(facetvals) * 300
} else {
facet1 <- "nofacet"
df2$nofacet <- "nofacets"
facetvals <- "nofacets"
if (!is.null(facet2)) {
facetvals2 <- levels(df2[, facet2])
} else {
facet2 <- "nofacet2"
df2$nofacet2 <- "nofacets"
facetvals2 <- "nofacets"
df2$group <- group
df2 <- df2 %>%
dplyr::group_by(facets = get(facet1), facet2s = get(facet2))
useWebGL <- FALSE
if(nrow(df2) > getOption("me.minwebgl") && allowWebGL)
useWebGL <- TRUE
xaxis_text <- ""
ylab <- phenotype
yaxis_text <- ylab
maxj <- length(facetvals2)
totalheight <- pheight + 400 * length(facetvals2)
pwidth <- pwidth + addwidth
fitlist <- c()
## iterate over facet2 around facet1
plotlist <- lapply(facetvals2, function(fv2) {
j <- which(facetvals2 %in% fv2)
sdf <- df2 %>%
dplyr::group_by(facet2s) %>%
dplyr::filter(facet2s %in% fv2)
if (facet2 != "nofacet2") {
yaxis_text <- 'if'(,
paste0(phenotype, "<br>NA<br> "),
paste0(phenotype, "<br>", facet2, " ", fv2, "<br> ")
# iterating over facet1
plist <- lapply(facetvals, function(f) {
i <- which(facetvals %in% f)
sp <- sdf %>%
dplyr::group_by(facets) %>%
dplyr::filter(facets %in% f)
if (j == maxj) {
xaxis_text <- paste0(logtext, xlab[i])
emptyplot <- FALSE
if (nrow(sp) == 0) {
emptyplot <- TRUE
} else if (all($phenotype))) {
emptyplot <- TRUE
if (emptyplot) {
return(buildEmptyPlotlyPlot(xaxis_text, paste0(logtext, yaxis_text)))
facetgroup <- sp$group
if (is.null(col_by)) {
facetgroup <- I("black")
fit <- stats::lm(phenotype ~ feature, data = sp,
na.action = stats::na.exclude)
mS_label <- tryCatch({
mS <- stats::cor.test(sp$phenotype, sp$feature, method = method)
ci_interval <- computeCI_Interval(
num = nrow(sp),
mS = mS,
method = method)
mS$lower <- round(ci_interval[["lower"]], getOption("me.round_digits"))
mS$upper <- round(ci_interval[["upper"]], getOption("me.round_digits"))
## store fit in fitlist
fitlist[[gsub("<br>", "_",
paste0(yaxis_text, " <br/> ", xlab[i]))]] <<- mS
paste0("\n", names(mS$estimate)," = ",
"; p = ",round(mS$p.value,getOption("me.round_digits")),
"\nlower CI = ", mS$lower,
"\nupper CI = ", mS$upper)
}, error = function(e){
pt <- f
if ( {
pt <- "NA"
} else if (pt == "nofacets") {
pt <- ""
plotdata <- tibble::tibble(
samname = sp$samname,
x = sp$feature,
y = sp$phenotype,
color = facetgroup,
text = paste0(
paste0("<b>", sp$samname, "</b>"),
paste0("<br>", feature, ": ",
digits = getOption("me.round_digits"))),
paste0("<br>", phenotype, ": ",
digits = getOption("me.round_digits"))))
fitlabel <- paste(
"Adj R2: ", signif(summary(fit)$adj.r.squared, 5),
"<br>Intercept: ", signif(fit$coef[[1]], 5),
"<br>Slope: ", signif(fit$coef[[2]], 5),
"<br>P: ", 'if'(nrow(summary(fit)$coef) < 2 ||
ncol(summary(fit)$coef < 4),
signif(summary(fit)$coef[2, 4], 5)
p <- plotdata %>%
plotly::plot_ly(x = ~x, hoverinfo = "text",
width = pwidth, height = totalheight) %>%
y = ~y,
color = ~color,
colors = getOption("me.colorvalues")[seq(1, length(levels(group)))],
text = ~text,
showlegend = showlegend
) %>%
y = ~x,
line = list(
dash = "dash",
color = "rgba(220,220,220,1)"
name = "onetoone",
text = "",
showlegend = FALSE
p <- p %>%
y = stats::predict(fit),
line = list(
color = "rgba(119,0,0, 1)",
shape = "spline"
name = "Linear Regression",
text = fitlabel,
showlegend = FALSE
) %>%
data = broom::augment(fit, se_fit = TRUE),
x = ~feature,
ymin = ~ .fitted - 1.96 *,
ymax = ~ .fitted + 1.96 *,
line = list(color = "rgba(219,219,219, 0.35)"),
fillcolor = "rgba(219,219,219, 0.3)",
name = "Standard Error",
showlegend = FALSE
p <- p %>% plotly::toWebGL()
p <- p %>%
add_plotly_layout(plotTitle = plotTitle,
xaxis_text = paste0(xaxis_text, mS_label),
ylab = paste0(logtext, yaxis_text)) %>%
plotly::layout(margin = list(b = 150))
plotly::subplot(plist, nrows = 1, shareY = TRUE, titleX = TRUE)
p <- plotly::subplot(plotlist, nrows = length(plotlist),
shareY = FALSE, titleX = TRUE, titleY = TRUE) %>%
return(list(plot = p, stats = fitlist))
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