
Defines functions create_synthetic transient cs_sigmoid plot_dropout_relationship empirical_lambda plot_chi calculate_chi summary.mfa map_branch plot_mfa_autocorr plot_mfa_trace print.mfa mfa to_ggmcmc posterior log_sum_exp mcmcify rbernoulli

Documented in calculate_chi create_synthetic cs_sigmoid empirical_lambda log_sum_exp map_branch mcmcify mfa plot_chi plot_dropout_relationship plot_mfa_autocorr plot_mfa_trace posterior print.mfa summary.mfa to_ggmcmc transient

## Gibbs sampling for mixture of factor analyzers
## kieran.campbell@sjc.ox.ac.uk

rbernoulli <- function(pi) sapply(pi, function(p) sample(c(0,1), 1, 
                                                         prob = c(1-p,p)))

#' Turn a matrix's columns into informative names
#' @param m A fit returned from \code{mfa}
#' @param name The name of the parameter
#' @keywords internal
#' @return The input with consistent naming.
mcmcify <- function(m, name) {
  colnames(m) <- paste0(name, "[", seq_len(ncol(m)),"]")

#' Log sum of exponentials
#' @param x Vector of quantities
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Log sum of exponentials in a numerically stable manner.
log_sum_exp <- function(x) log(sum(exp(x - max(x)))) + max(x)

#' Calculate the log-posterior during inference
#' @param y Cell-by-gene gene expression matrix
#' @param c Factor loading parameter
#' @param k Factor loading parameter
#' @param pst Pseudotime vector
#' @param tau Precision parameter
#' @param gamma Branch responsibility parameter
#' @param theta Factor loading parameter
#' @param eta Factor loading parameter
#' @param chi ARD-like precision
#' @param w Branch responsibility prior (simplex)
#' @param tau_c Hyperparameter
#' @param r Hyperparameter
#' @param alpha Hyperparamter
#' @param beta Hyperparameter
#' @param theta_tilde Hyperparameter
#' @param eta_tilde Hyperparameter
#' @param tau_theta Hyperparameter
#' @param tau_eta Hyperparameter
#' @param alpha_chi Hyperparameter
#' @param beta_chi Hyperparameter
#' @param zero_inflation Logical - was zero inflation modelled?
#' @param lambda Zero inflation parameter
#' @importFrom stats dgamma dnorm
#' @return The posterior log-likelihood.
#' @keywords internal
posterior <- function(y, c, k, pst, tau, gamma, theta, eta, chi, w, tau_c, r, alpha, beta,
                      theta_tilde, eta_tilde, tau_theta, tau_eta, alpha_chi, beta_chi,
                      zero_inflation = FALSE, lambda = NULL) {
  G <- ncol(y)
  N <- nrow(y)
  b <- ncol(k)

  ll_cell <- sapply(seq_len(N), function(i) {
    sum(dnorm(y[i,], c[,gamma[i]] + k[,gamma[i]] * pst[i], 1 / sqrt(tau), log = TRUE)) + log(w[gamma[i]])
  ll <- sum(ll_cell)
  prior <- 
    sum(dnorm(theta, theta_tilde, 1 / sqrt(tau_theta), log = TRUE)) +
    sum(dnorm(eta, eta_tilde, 1 / sqrt(tau_eta), log = TRUE)) +
    sum(dgamma(tau, alpha, beta, log = TRUE)) +
    sum(dnorm(pst, 0, 1 / r, log = TRUE)) +
    sum(dgamma(chi, alpha_chi, beta_chi, log = TRUE)) +
    log(MCMCpack::ddirichlet(w, rep(1/b, b)))
  k_prior <- sum( apply(k, 2, function(k_b) sum(dnorm(k_b, theta, 1 / sqrt(chi), 
                                                      log = TRUE))) )
  c_prior <- sum( sapply(seq_len(b), function(branch) sum(dnorm(c[,branch], eta, 
                                                                1 / sqrt(tau_c), 
                                                                log = TRUE)))) 
  prior <- prior + k_prior + c_prior
  if(zero_inflation) {
    means <- colMeans(y)
    p_drop <- exp(-lambda * means)

  return( ll + prior )

#' Turn a trace list to a \code{ggmcmc} object
#' @param g A list of trace matrices
#' @return The trace list converted into a \code{ggs} object for 
#' input to \code{ggmcmc}. 
to_ggmcmc <- function(g) {
  x <- do.call(cbind, g)
  mcmcl <- coda::mcmc.list(list(coda::mcmc(x)))

#' Fit a MFA object
#' Perform Gibbs sampling inference for a hierarchical Bayesian mixture of factor analysers
#' to identify bifurcations in single-cell expression data.
#' @param y A cell-by-gene single-cell expression matrix or an ExpressionSet object
#' @param iter Number of MCMC iterations
#' @param thin MCMC samples to thin
#' @param burn Number of MCMC samples to throw away
#' @param b Number of branches to model
#' @param zero_inflation Logical, should zero inflation be enabled?
#' @param lambda The dropout parameter - by default estimated using the function \code{empirical_lambda}
#' @param pc_initialise Which principal component to initialise pseudotimes to
#' @param prop_collapse Proportion of Gibbs samples which should marginalise over c
#' @param scale_input Logical. If true, input is scaled to have mean 0 variance 1
#' @param eta_tilde Hyperparameter
#' @param alpha Hyperparameter
#' @param beta Hyperparameter
#' @param theta_tilde Hyperparameter
#' @param tau_eta Hyperparameter
#' @param tau_theta Hyperparameter
#' @param tau_c Hyperparameter
#' @param alpha_chi Hyperparameter
#' @param beta_chi Hyperparameter
#' @param w_alpha Hyperparameter
#' @param clamp_pseudotimes This clamps the pseudotimes to their initial values and
#' doesn't perform sampling. Should be FALSE except for diagnostics.
#' @details 
#' The column names of Y are used as feature (gene/transcript) names while the row names
#' are used as cell names. If either of these is undefined then the corresponding names
#' are set to cell_x or feature_y.
#' It is recommended the form of Y is analogous to log-expression to mitigate the impact of 
#' outliers.
#' In the absence of prior information, three valid local maxima in the posterior likelihood
#' exist (see manuscript). Setting the initial values to a principal component typically
#' fixes sampling to one of them, analogous to specifying a root cell in similar methods.
#' The hyper-parameter \code{eta_tilde} represents the expected expression in the absence of
#' any actual expression measurements. While a Bayesian purist might reason this based on 
#' knowledge of the measurement technology, simply taking the mean of the input matrix in
#' an Empirical Bayes style seems reasonable.
#' The degree of shrinkage of the factor loading matrices to a common value is given by the
#' gamma prior on \code{chi}. The mean of this is \code{alpha_chi / beta_chi} while the variance 
#' \code{alpha_chi / beta_chi^2}. Therefore, to obtain higher levels of shrinkage increase
#' \code{alpha_chi} with respect to \code{beta_chi}.
#' The collapsed Gibbs sampling option given by \code{collapse} involves marginalising out
#' \code{c} (the factor loading intercepts) when updating the branch assignment parameters
#' \code{gamma} which tends to soften the branch assignments.
#' If zero inflation is enabled using the \code{zero_inflation} parameter then scaling should 
#' *not* be enabled.
#' @export
#' @return 
#' An S3 structure with the following entries:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{traces} A list of iteration-by-dim trace matrices for 
#' several important variables
#' \item \code{iter} Number of iterations
#' \item \code{thin} Thinning applied
#' \item \code{burn} Burn period at the start of MCMC
#' \item \code{b} Number of branches modelled
#' \item \code{prop_collapse} Proportion of updates for gamma that are collapsed
#' \item \code{N} Number of cells
#' \item \code{G} Number of features (genes/transcripts)
#' \item \code{feature_names} Names of features
#' \item \code{cell_names} Names of cells
#' }
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom stats prcomp nls coef sd lm rnorm rgamma
#' @importFrom Biobase exprs
#' @useDynLib mfa
#' @examples
#' synth <- create_synthetic(C = 20, G = 5)
#' m <- mfa(synth$X)
mfa <- function(y, iter = 2000, thin = 1, burn = iter / 2, b = 2,
                zero_inflation = FALSE,
                pc_initialise = 1, prop_collapse = 0,
                scale_input = !zero_inflation,
                lambda = NULL,
                eta_tilde = NULL, alpha = 1e-1, beta = 1e-1,
                theta_tilde = 0, tau_eta = 1, tau_theta = 1, tau_c = 1,
                alpha_chi = 1e-2, beta_chi = 1e-2, w_alpha = 1 / b,
                clamp_pseudotimes = FALSE) {
  ## Find out whether y is an expression set or matrix:
  if(is(y, 'ExpressionSet')) {
    message("Using `exprs` from y as input gene expression")
    y <- t(exprs(y))
  } else if(is.matrix(y)) {
    # Possible future sanity checking
  } else {
    stop("Input to MFA must be either an ExpressionSet (e.g. from Scater) or a cell-by-gene matrix")
  ## Sort hyperpars
  if(is.null(eta_tilde)) eta_tilde <- mean(y)
  if(is.null(lambda) && zero_inflation) lambda <- empirical_lambda(y)
  # print(paste("Lambda:", lambda))
  N <- nrow(y)
  G <- ncol(y)
  message(paste("Sampling for", N, "cells and", G, "genes"))
  feature_names <- colnames(y)
  cell_names <- rownames(y)
  if(is.null(feature_names)) feature_names <- paste0("feature_", seq_len(G))
  if(is.null(cell_names)) cell_names <- paste0("cell_", seq_len(N))
  if(scale_input) y <- scale(y)
  ## precision parameters
  tau <- rep(1, G)
  ## pseudotime parameters
  r <- 1
  pst <-  prcomp(y, scale = TRUE)$x[,pc_initialise] # rep(0.5, N) # rnorm(N, 0, 1 / r^2)
  pst <- pst / sd(pst) # make it a little more consistent with prior assumptions
  ## c & k parameters
  lms <- apply(y, 2, function(gex) coef(lm(gex ~ pst)))
  theta <- theta0 <- lms[2, ]
  k <- matrix(NA, nrow = G, ncol = b)
  for(i in seq_len(b)) k[,i] <- lms[2,]
  c <- matrix(NA, nrow = G, ncol = b)
  for(i in seq_len(b)) c[,i] <- lms[1,]
  eta <- mean(c)
  chi <- rep(1, G) # rgamma(G, alpha_chi, beta_chi)

  ## assignments for each cell
  w <- rep(1/b, b) # prior probability of each branch
  gamma <- sample(seq_len(b), N, replace = TRUE, prob=w) 

  nsamples <- floor((iter - burn) / thin)
  G_dim <- c(nsamples, G)
  N_dim <- c(nsamples, N)
  eta_trace <- mcmcify(matrix(NA, nrow = nsamples, ncol = 1), "eta")
  theta_trace <- mcmcify(matrix(NA, nrow = G_dim[1], ncol = G_dim[2]), "theta")
  lambda_theta_trace <- mcmcify(matrix(NA, nrow = G_dim[1], ncol = G_dim[2]), 
  chi_trace <- mcmcify(matrix(NA, nrow = G_dim[1], ncol = G_dim[2]), "chi")
  k_trace <- array(dim = c(nsamples, G, b))
  c_trace <- array(dim = c(nsamples, G, b))
  tau_trace <- mcmcify(matrix(NA, nrow = G_dim[1], ncol = G_dim[2]), "tau")
  gamma_trace <- mcmcify(matrix(NA, nrow = N_dim[1], ncol = N_dim[2]), "gamma")
  pst_trace <- mcmcify(matrix(NA, nrow = N_dim[1], ncol = N_dim[2]), "pst")
  lp_trace <- matrix(NA, nrow = nsamples, ncol = 1)
  colnames(lp_trace) <- "lp__"
  rownames(y) <- colnames(y) <- NULL
  ## Sort out zero-inflation
  is_dropout <- x_mean_trace <- NULL
  x <- y
  if(zero_inflation) {
    is_dropout <- x == 0
    ## Just store the posterior mean of x to avoid huge overheads
    x_mean_trace <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x))
  # We need to be somewhat careful here:
  # If zero_inflated == FALSE then x == y always and we delete y
  # If zero_inflated == TRUE then we gibbs sample x and keep y
  if(!zero_inflation) rm(y)
  for(it in seq_len(iter)) {
    # Factor loading matrix sampling
    k_new <- sapply(seq_len(b), function(branch) {
        sample_k(x, pst, c[, branch], tau, theta, chi, gamma == branch) 
    c_new <- sapply(seq_len(b), function(branch) { 
        sample_c(x, pst, k_new[, branch], tau, eta, tau_c, gamma == branch, 
                 sum(gamma == branch)) 
    # Pseudotime sampling
    if(!clamp_pseudotimes) {
      pst_new <- sample_pst(x, c_new, k_new, r, gamma, tau);
    } else {
      pst_new <- pst
    # Precision sampling
    tau_new <- sample_tau(x, c_new, k_new, gamma, pst_new, alpha, beta)
    # Theta sampling
    lambda_theta <- b * chi + tau_theta
    nu_theta <- tau_theta * theta_tilde + chi * rowSums(k_new)
    nu_theta <- nu_theta / lambda_theta
    theta_new <- rnorm(G, nu_theta, 1 / sqrt(lambda_theta))

    # Eta sampling
    lambda_eta <- tau_eta + G * b * tau_c
    nu_eta <- tau_eta * eta_tilde + tau_c * sum(c_new)
    nu_eta <- nu_eta / lambda_eta
    eta_new <- rnorm(1, nu_eta, 1 / sqrt(lambda_eta))
    # Chi sampling
    alpha_new <- alpha_chi + b / 2
    beta_new <- beta_chi + 0.5 * rowSums( (k_new - theta_new)^2 )
    chi_new <- rgamma(G, alpha_new, beta_new)

    # Gamma sampling
    collapse <- runif(1) < prop_collapse
    pi <-  calculate_pi(x, c_new, k_new, pst_new, tau_new, eta_new, 
                        tau_c, collapse, log(w),
                        log_result = FALSE)
    gamma <- r_bernoulli_mat(pi) + 1 # need +1 to convert from C++ to R
    # update prior probabilities of each branch
    n_gamma <- tabulate(gamma, nbins = b)
    w <- MCMCpack::rdirichlet(1, n_gamma + w_alpha) 
    # Gibbs sample x
    if(zero_inflation) {
      x <- sample_x(y, is_dropout, c, k, gamma, pst, tau, lambda)
    # Gibbs sampling - accept all parameters
    k <- k_new
    c <- c_new
    pst <- pst_new
    tau <- tau_new
    eta <- eta_new
    theta <- theta_new
    chi <- chi_new

    # Add some relevant variables to trace    
    if((it > burn) && (it %% thin == 0)) {
      sample_pos <- (it - burn) / thin
      tau_trace[sample_pos,] <- tau
      gamma_trace[sample_pos,] <- gamma
      pst_trace[sample_pos,] <- pst
      theta_trace[sample_pos,] <- theta
      chi_trace[sample_pos,] <- chi
      lambda_theta_trace[sample_pos,] <- lambda_theta
      eta_trace[sample_pos,] <- eta
      k_trace[sample_pos,,] <- k
      c_trace[sample_pos,,] <- c

      post <- posterior(x, c, k, pst,
                        tau, gamma, theta, eta, chi, w, tau_c, r,
                        alpha, beta, theta_tilde, 
                        eta_tilde, tau_theta, tau_eta,
                        alpha_chi, beta_chi)
      lp_trace[sample_pos,] <- post 
      if(zero_inflation) x_mean_trace <- x_mean_trace + x
  traces <- list(tau_trace = tau_trace, gamma_trace = gamma_trace,
                      pst_trace = pst_trace, theta_trace = theta_trace, 
                 lambda_theta_trace = lambda_theta_trace, chi_trace = chi_trace,
                  eta_trace = eta_trace, k_trace = k_trace, c_trace = c_trace,
                 lp_trace = lp_trace)
  if(zero_inflation) traces$x_mean <- x_mean_trace / nsamples
  mfa_res <- structure(list(traces = traces, iter = iter, thin = thin, burn = burn,
                            b = b, collapse = collapse, N = N, G = G,
                            feature_names = feature_names, cell_names = cell_names), 
                       class = "mfa")

#' Print an mfa fit
#' @param x An MFA fit returned by \code{mfa}
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @export
#' @return A string representation of an \code{mfa} object.
#' @examples 
#' synth <- create_synthetic(C = 20, G = 5)
#' m <- mfa(synth$X)
#' print(m)
print.mfa <- function(x, ...) {
  msg <- paste("MFA fit with\n",
               x$N, "cells and", x$G, "genes\n",
               "(", x$iter, "iterations )")

#' Plot MFA trace
#' Plots the trace of the posterior log-likelihood.
#' @param m A fit returned from \code{mfa}
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @return A \code{ggplot2} plot plotting
#' the trace of the posterior log-likelihood.
#' @examples 
#' synth <- create_synthetic(C = 20, G = 5)
#' m <- mfa(synth$X)
#' plot_mfa_trace(m)
plot_mfa_trace <- function(m) {
  stopifnot(is(m, "mfa"))
  lp <- m$traces$lp_trace[,1]
  qplot(seq_along(lp), lp, geom = 'line') + 
    geom_smooth(se = FALSE, method = "LOESS") +
    xlab("Iteration") + ylab("log-probability")

#' Plot MFA autocorrelation
#' Plots the autocorrelation of the posterior log-likelihood.
#' @param m A fit returned from \code{mfa}
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr data_frame
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @return A \code{ggplot2} plot returned by the \code{ggmcmc} package plotting
#' the autocorrelation of the posterior log-likelihood.
#' @examples 
#' synth <- create_synthetic(C = 20, G = 5)
#' m <- mfa(synth$X)
#' plot_mfa_autocorr(m)
plot_mfa_autocorr <- function(m) {
  stopifnot(is(m, "mfa"))
  lp <- m$traces$lp_trace[,1]
  lp_df <- 

#' Find the MAP branch and uncertainty
#' @param g The trace slot from an mfa fit
#' @return A data frame with a column corresponding
#' to the MAP branch and a further column corresponding
#' to the proportion of samples assigned to that branch
#' (a measure of uncertainty).
#' @keywords internal
map_branch <- function(g) {
  gamma <- g$gamma_trace
  df <- apply(gamma, 2, function(gam) {
    tab <- table(gam)
    max <- which.max(tab)
    max_n <- as.integer(names(max))
    prop <- mean(gam == max_n)
    return(c(max_n, prop))
  df <- dplyr::as_data_frame(t(df))
  names(df) <- c("max", "prop")
  df$max <- factor(df$max)

#' Summarise an mfa fit
#' Returns summary statistics of an mfa fit, including MAP pseudotime and
#' branch allocations along with uncertainties.
#' @param object An MFA fit returned by a call to \code{mfa}
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @export
#' @importFrom MCMCglmm posterior.mode
#' @return A \code{data_frame} with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{pseudotime} The MAP pseudotime estimate
#' \item \code{branch} The MAP branch estimate
#' \item \code{branch_certainty} The proportion of traces for which the cell
#' is assigned to its MAP branch
#' \item \code{pseudotime_lower} The lower bound on the 95% highest-probability-density
#' (HPD) credible interval
#' \item \code{pseudotime_upper} The upper bound on the 95% HPD credible interval
#' }
#' @examples 
#' synth <- create_synthetic(C = 20, G = 5)
#' m <- mfa(synth$X)
#' ms <- summary(m)
summary.mfa <- function(object, ...) {
  ## Please someone fix R:
  branch <- branch_certainty <- pseudotime_lower <- 
    prop <- pseudotime <- pseudotime_upper <- NULL
  # map branching
  df <- map_branch(object$traces)
  # pseudotimes
  tmap <- posterior.mode(coda::mcmc(object$traces$pst_trace))
  hpd_credint <- coda::HPDinterval(coda::mcmc(object$traces$pst_trace))
  df$pseudotime <- tmap
  df$pseudotime_lower <- hpd_credint[,1]
  df$pseudotime_upper <- hpd_credint[,2]
  df <- dplyr::rename(df, branch = max, branch_certainty = prop)
  df <- dplyr::select(df, pseudotime, branch, branch_certainty, 
                      pseudotime_lower, pseudotime_upper)
  return( df )

#' Calculate posterior chi precision parameters
#' Calculates a data frame of the MAP estimates of \eqn{\chi}.
#' @param m A fit returned from \code{mfa}
#' @export
#' @importFrom MCMCglmm posterior.mode
#' @return A \code{data_frame} with one entry for the feature names and one
#' for the MAP estimates of chi (using the \code{posterior.mode} function 
#' from \code{MCMCglmm}).
#' @examples 
#' synth <- create_synthetic(C = 20, G = 5)
#' m <- mfa(synth$X)
#' chi_map <- calculate_chi(m)
calculate_chi <- function(m) {
  chi_map <- posterior.mode(coda::mcmc(m$traces$chi_trace))
    dplyr::data_frame(feature = m$feature_names, chi_map)

#' Plot posterior precision parameters
#' @param m A fit returned from \code{mfa}
#' @param nfeatures Top number of 
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return A \code{ggplot2} bar-plot showing the map
#' estimates of \eqn{\chi^{-1}}
#' @examples 
#' synth <- create_synthetic(C = 20, G = 5)
#' m <- mfa(synth$X)
#' plot_chi(m)
plot_chi <- function(m, nfeatures = m$G) {
  chi_map <- chi_map_inverse <- NULL # Make R CMD check happy
  chi <- calculate_chi(m)
  chi <- dplyr::mutate(chi, chi_map_inverse = 1 / chi_map)
  chi <- dplyr::arrange(chi, chi_map_inverse)
  chi <- chi[seq_len(nfeatures), ]
  chi$feature <- factor(chi$feature, levels = chi$feature)
  ggplot(chi, aes_string(x = "feature", y = "chi_map_inverse")) +
    geom_bar(stat = 'identity') + coord_flip() +
    ylab(expression(paste("[MAP ", chi[g] ,"]" ^ "-1"))) 

#' Estimate the dropout parameter
#' @param y A cell-by-gene expression matrix
#' @param lower_limit The limit below which expression counts as 'dropout'
#' @export
#' @return The estimated lambda
#' @examples 
#' synth <- create_synthetic(C = 20, G = 5, zero_negative = TRUE, model_dropout = TRUE)
#' lambda <- empirical_lambda(synth$X)
empirical_lambda <- function(y, lower_limit = 0) {
  means <- colMeans(y)
  pdrop <- colMeans(y == 0)
  fit <- nls(pdrop ~ exp(-lambda * means), start = list(lambda = 1))

#' Plot the dropout relationship
#' @param y The input data matrix
#' @param lambda The estimated value of lambda
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange
#' @importFrom tibble data_frame
#' @export
#' @return A \code{ggplot2} plot showing the estimated dropout relationship
#' @examples 
#' synth <- create_synthetic(C = 20, G = 5, zero_negative = TRUE, model_dropout = TRUE)
#' lambda <- empirical_lambda(synth$X)
#' plot_dropout_relationship(synth$X, lambda)
plot_dropout_relationship <- function(y, lambda = empirical_lambda(y)) {
  desc <- fit <- pdrop <- NULL
  ff <- function(x, lambda) exp(- lambda * x)
  d <- data_frame(mean = colMeans(y), pdrop = colMeans(y == 0)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(fit = ff(mean, lambda))
  ggplot(arrange(d, desc(fit)), aes(x = mean)) + 
    geom_point(aes(y = pdrop), size = 1, alpha = 0.5) +
    geom_line(aes(y = fit), color = 'red') +
    xlab("Mean expression") + ylab("Proportion dropout")

#' Sigmoid function for activations - renamed to avoid naming conflict
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Sigmoid function given the parameters
cs_sigmoid <- function(t, phi, k, delta) {
  return( 2 * phi / (1 + exp(-k*(t - delta))))

#' Transient mean function
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Transient mean function given the parameters.
transient <- function(t, location = 0.5, scale = 0.01, reverse = FALSE) {
  y <- exp(- 1 / (2 * scale) * (t - location)^2)
  if(reverse) y <- 1 - y

#' Create synthetic data
#' Create synthetic bifurcating data for two branches. Optionally incorporate zero
#' inflation and transient gene expression.
#' @param C Number of cells to simulate
#' @param G Number of genes to simulate
#' @param p_transient Propotion of genes that exhibit transient expression
#' @param zero_negative Logical: should expression generated less than zero
#' be set to zero? This will zero-inflate the data
#' @param model_dropout Logical: if true, expression will be set to zero with
#' the exponential dropout formula dependent on the latent expression using
#' dropout parameter \code{lambda}
#' @param lambda The dropout parameter
#' @importFrom stats runif rbinom rlnorm
#' @examples 
#' synth <- create_synthetic()
#' @export
#' @return A list with the following entries:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{X} A cell-by-feature expression matrix
#' \item \code{branch} A vector of length \code{C} assigning cells to branches
#' \item \code{pst} A vector of pseudotimes for each cell
#' \item \code{k} The \eqn{k} parameters
#' \item \code{phi} The \eqn{\phi} parameters
#' \item \code{delta} The \eqn{\delta} parameters
#' \item \code{p_transient} The proportion of genes simulated as transient
#' according to the original function call
#' } 
create_synthetic <- function(C = 100, G = 40, p_transient = 0,
                             zero_negative = TRUE, model_dropout = FALSE,
                             lambda = 1) {
  branch <- rbinom(C, 1, 0.5)
  gsd <- sqrt(1 / rgamma(G, 2, 2))
  ## We assume first G / 2 (= 20) genes are common to both branches, and the 
  ## final G / 2 genes exhibit branching structure. We want to build in the 
  ## fact that delta < 0.5 for the common genes and delta > 0.5 for the 
  ## branch specific genes
  k <- replicate(2, runif(G, 5, 10) * sample(c(-1, 1), G, replace = TRUE))
  phi <- replicate(2, runif(G, 5, 10))
  delta <- replicate(2, runif(G, 0.5, 1))
  # Non bifurcating genes
  inds <- 1:(G / 2)
  # Bifurcating genes
  inds2 <- (G/2 + 1):G
  # For non-bifurcating genes, set behaviour identical across the two branches
  k[inds, 2] <- k[inds, 1]
  k[inds2, ] <- t(apply(k[inds2, ], 1, function(r) r * sample(c(0, 1))))
  phi[, 1] <- phi[, 2]
  delta[inds, 2] <- delta[inds, 1] <- runif(G / 2, 0, 0.5)
  ## Now make it look like a branching process
  for(r in inds2) {
    whichzero <- which(k[r,] == 0)
    nonzero <- which(k[r,] != 0)
    k_sign <- sign(k[r,nonzero])
    if(k_sign == 1) {
      phi[r, whichzero] <- 0
    } else {
      phi[r, whichzero] <- 2 * phi[r, nonzero]
  pst <- runif(C)
  X <- sapply(seq_along(branch), function(i) {
    k_i <- k[, branch[i] + 1]
    phi_i <- phi[, branch[i] + 1]
    delta_i <- delta[, branch[i] + 1]
    mu <- cs_sigmoid(pst[i], phi_i, k_i, delta_i)
    rnorm(length(mu), mu, gsd)
  ## Now let's add in the transient genes
  transient_genes <- sample(C, round(p_transient * C))
  transient_genes_common <- intersect(transient_genes, inds)
  transient_genes_bifurcating <- intersect(transient_genes, inds2)
  # Deal with non-bifurcating ones
  if(length(transient_genes_common) > 0) {
    X[transient_genes_common,] <- t(sapply(transient_genes_common, function(g) {
      scale <- rlnorm(1, log(0.05), 0.5)
      reverse <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1)
      mu <- 2 * phi[g, 1] * transient(pst, scale = scale, reverse = reverse)
      rnorm(length(mu), mu, gsd[g])
  # Deal with bifurcating ones
  if(length(transient_genes_bifurcating) > 0) {
    X[transient_genes_bifurcating,] <- 
      t(sapply(transient_genes_bifurcating, function(g) {
      which_nonzero <- which(k[g,] != 0) # we're going to make this one transient
      scale <- rlnorm(1, log(0.05), 0.3)
      reverse <- k[g, which_nonzero] < 0
      mu <- 2 * phi[g, which_nonzero] * transient(pst, location = 0.75, 
                                                  scale = scale, reverse = reverse)
      cells_on_constant_branch <- which(branch != which_nonzero)
      cells_on_transient_branch <- which(branch == which_nonzero)
      y <- rep(NA, C)
      y[cells_on_transient_branch] <- rnorm(length(cells_on_transient_branch), 
                                            mu[cells_on_transient_branch], gsd[g])
      y[cells_on_constant_branch] <- X[g, cells_on_constant_branch]
      return( y )
  if(zero_negative) {
    X[X < 0] <- 0
  if(model_dropout && lambda < Inf) {
    drop_probs <- t(apply(X, 1, function(x) exp(-lambda * x)))
    for(g in seq_len(G)) {
      drop <- runif(C) < drop_probs[g, ]
      X[g,drop] <- 0
  X <- t(X) # cell by gene
  colnames(X) <- paste0("feature", 1:G)
  rownames(X) <- paste0("cell", 1:C)
  list(X = X, branch = branch, pst = pst, k = k, phi = phi,
       delta = delta, p_transient = p_transient)

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