
Defines functions extractBarcodeAndPosition methylumiR .readOldMethylationFile .readFinalReportMethylationFile .getFinalReportMethylationProfile .getFinalReportHeader .getFinalReportBlock .extractMethylationFdataAndAssayData .doAssayDataNameSubstitutions getAssayDataNameSubstitutions .getFileSeparator .getFileType

Documented in extractBarcodeAndPosition getAssayDataNameSubstitutions methylumiR

# $HeadUrl$
# $Id$

### Params:
###    filename:
### Returns:
###    Either "finalreport" or "goldengate"
### Currently, the first line of the file is checked to
### see if it contains "[Header]" in a case-insensitive
### sense.  If so, the "finalreport" format is assumed.
### Otherwise, the "goldengate" format is assumed.
.getFileType <- function(filename) {
  f <- toupper(readLines(filename,n=1))
  if(length(grep('^\\[HEADER\\]', f)) > 0) {
  } else {

## added by Pan Du to automatically check the separation character 
.getFileSeparator <- function(filename) {
	potentialSep <- c('\t', ',', '`', ' ')
	info <- readLines(filename, n=20)    # take the first 20 lines to have a taste

	## Use "ProbeID or TargetID" as an indicator of Where the metaData stops
	##   intelligently find nMetaDataLines  
	nMetaDataLines <- grep('ProbeID', info, ignore.case=TRUE) 
	if (length(nMetaDataLines) == 0) {
		nMetaDataLines <- grep('TargetID', info, ignore.case=TRUE) 
	if (length(nMetaDataLines) == 0) {
		stop('Cannot determine separator used in the file, please manually set the "sep" parameter!')
	nMetaDataLines <- nMetaDataLines - 1
	sep <- NULL
    for (sep.i in potentialSep) {
	    ## Find out the separator (sep) by taking the first two line of data, and comparing them.
    	titleLine <- info[nMetaDataLines + 1]
	    dataLine1 <- info[nMetaDataLines + 2]
		dataLine2 <- info[nMetaDataLines + 3]
		sepNum1 <- gregexpr(sep.i, dataLine1)[[1]]
		sepNum2 <- gregexpr(sep.i, dataLine2)[[1]]
		if (sepNum1[1] > 0 && length(sepNum1) == length(sepNum2)) {
			sep <- sep.i
	if (is.null(sep)) stop('Please sepecify the seperator used in the file!\n')

### Params:
###    dat: data frame containing colnames and data from a
###         methylation profile
### Returns:
###    list with two members, featuredata and assaydata
### Makes the assumption that sample names and data type are
### separated by either "." or ":"

getAssayDataNameSubstitutions <- function() {
  subs <- read.table(system.file("extdata/substitutions.txt",package="methylumi")

.doAssayDataNameSubstitutions <- function(assayDataNames) {
  assayDataNamesCopy <- assayDataNames
  subs <- getAssayDataNameSubstitutions()
  for(i in 1:nrow(subs)) {
    tmp <- grep(subs$regex[i],assayDataNames)
    if(length(tmp)>1) {
      warning(sprintf("Found greater than 1 match in assayDataNames for regex %s\nso will use the last one",
    if(length(tmp)>0) {
      assayDataNamesCopy[max(tmp)] <- subs$result[i]

.extractMethylationFdataAndAssayData <- function(dat) {
  datcolsep <- "[.:]"
  cn <- colnames(dat)
  datcnidx <- grep(datcolsep,cn)
  datcn <- cn[datcnidx]
  ## updated on 06/13/2012
  cnSplit <- do.call(rbind, lapply(strsplit(cn,datcolsep), function(x) {
	  if (length(x) > 2) {
		  x <- c(paste(x[-length(x)], collapse='.'), x[length(x)])
  datcnSplit <- do.call(rbind, lapply(strsplit(datcn,datcolsep), function(x) {
		  if (length(x) > 2) {
			  x <- c(paste(x[-length(x)], collapse='.'), x[length(x)])

  dattypes <- data.frame(original=unique(datcnSplit[,2]),
                        newnames=.doAssayDataNameSubstitutions(unique(datcnSplit[,2])), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)  ## turn off stringAsFactors
	## Check the number of columns of each data types, remove those do not match with the substituted ones, which should have the same dimensions.
	colnum <- table(datcnSplit[,2])
	## If the column numbers for each datatype are not consistent, we need to futher check it and remove the inconsistent ones.
	if (length(unique(colnum)) > 1) {
		substitutedNames <- dattypes$original[dattypes$original != dattypes$newnames]
		## check whether all substituted data types have the same number of columns
		if (length(unique(colnum[substitutedNames])) != 1) stop("Parsed column dimension doesnot match!\n")
		## check whether other data types also have the same number of columns as the substituted ones	
		rmInd <- which(colnum[dattypes$original] != colnum[substitutedNames[1]])
		dattypes <- dattypes[-rmInd,]

  assaydata <- new.env(hash=TRUE,parent=emptyenv())
  if (!is.null(dat$TargetID)) {
    featurenames <- make.unique(as.character(dat$TargetID))
  } else if (!is.null(dat$ID_REF)) {
    featurenames <- make.unique(as.character(dat$ID_REF))
  } else {
    featurenames <- 1:nrow(dat)
  for (i in 1:nrow(dattypes)) {
    if (dattypes$original[i] != '') {
      colsOfInterest <- grep(dattypes$original[i],cn)
      tmpmat <- as.matrix(dat[,colsOfInterest])
      colnames(tmpmat) <- cnSplit[colsOfInterest,1]
      rownames(tmpmat) <- featurenames
      assaydata[[as.character(dattypes$newnames[i])]] <- tmpmat

  storageMode(assaydata) <- "lockedEnvironment"

  fd <- dat[,(!(cn %in% datcn)), drop=FALSE]
  rownames(fd) <- featurenames
  featuredata <- as(fd,"AnnotatedDataFrame")

### The following few functions:
###    .getBlock
###    .getHeader
###    .getInfiniumMethylationProfile
###    .readInfiniumMethylationFile
### are for Final Report format.

### Params:
###    filename: filename of the Final Report file
###    blocks:  data.frame with block name, start, and end in line
###       numbers
###    blockname: The specific name of the block to be retrieved
###    required: boolean for if the block is required or not
### Returns:
###    A data frame for the data between the block start and end
.getFinalReportBlock <- function(filename,blockname,blocks,required,header=FALSE, sep='\t',...) {
  if (!(blockname %in% blocks$block) & required) {
    stop(sprintf('The block called "%s" in the file "%s" is not present and needs to be.  Please re-export from beadstudio',blockname,filename))
  if (!(blockname %in% blocks$block)) {
  if(header) nrows=nrows-1
  dat <- read.table(filename,skip=skip,nrows=nrows,sep=sep,

### Params:
###    filename: filename of the Final Report file
###    blocks:  data.frame with block name, start, and end in line
###       numbers
### Returns:
###    A data frame with two columns, Tag and Value
.getFinalReportHeader <- function(filename,blocks, sep, ...) {
  tmp <- .getFinalReportBlock(filename,blockname="[HEADER]",blocks,required=TRUE,header=FALSE, sep=sep)
  colnames(tmp) <- c("Tag","Value")

.getFinalReportMethylationProfile <- function(filename,blocks,blockname,required, sep, ...) {
  dat <- .getFinalReportBlock(filename,blockname=blockname,blocks=blocks,
                              required=required,header=TRUE,check.names=FALSE, sep=sep)
  if(is.null(dat)) {

.readFinalReportMethylationFile <- function(filename, sep=sep, ...) {
  tmpdat <- readLines(filename)
  pattern <- paste('\\[.*\\]', sep, '*$', sep='')  ## added on 05/10/2012
  tmp <- grep(pattern,tmpdat)
  blocks <- data.frame(start=tmp,nrows=c(tmp[2:length(tmp)],length(tmpdat)+1)-tmp-1,block=gsub(sep, "", toupper(tmpdat[tmp])))
  header <- .getFinalReportHeader(filename,blocks, sep=sep)
  datblock <- .getFinalReportMethylationProfile(filename,blocks=blocks, blockname="[SAMPLE METHYLATION PROFILE]", required=TRUE,header=TRUE,fill=FALSE, sep=sep)
  qcblock <- .getFinalReportMethylationProfile(filename,blocks=blocks,blockname="[CONTROL PROBE PROFILE]",
  	required=FALSE,header=TRUE, sep=sep)

### Returns:
###    list of datblock, qcblock (set to NULL if qcfile
###    was NULL, and header (always NULL for the old
###    format.
### This function reads the old format methylation file
### that does not have data blocks but is simply tab-
### delimited text.
.readOldMethylationFile <- function(filename,qcfile=NULL, sep, ...) {
  dat <- read.delim(filename,check.names=FALSE, sep=sep, ...)
  datblock <- .extractMethylationFdataAndAssayData(dat, ...)
  qcblock <- NULL
  if(!(is.null(qcfile))) {
    dat <- read.delim(qcfile,check.names=FALSE,...)
    qcblock <- .extractMethylationFdataAndAssayData(dat, ...)

### User function
### Autodetects file format, reads data, makes substititutions
### of assayData element names for the various formats so that
### methods accessors will work, maps sampleDescriptions
### appropriately, and returns a MethyLumiSet object
methylumiR <-
  function(filename,qcfile=NULL,sampleDescriptions=NULL, sep=NULL, ...) {

    history.submitted <- as.character(Sys.time())
    ## Determine the file type from the file itself
    ftype <- .getFileType(filename)
    ## added by Pan on 09/08/2011
    if (is.null(sep))  sep <- .getFileSeparator(filename)
    fulldat <- NULL
    ## Parse the files
    ## and return a list with three members:
    ##   datblock: contains actual data
    ##   qcblock : contains QC data, if available, NULL otherwise
    ##   header: present only for Final Report type data
    if(ftype=="finalreport") {
      if(!(is.null(qcfile))) {
        warning("qcfile specification is not supported for Final Report type BeadStudio Export files")
      fulldat <- .readFinalReportMethylationFile(filename, sep=sep)
    } else {
      fulldat <- .readOldMethylationFile(filename,qcfile, sep=sep)
    sampleName <-  sampleNames(fulldat$datblock$assaydata)
	## added by Pan Du, July 1, 2010
	if (any(duplicated(sampleName))) {
		warning("Duplicated column names found!\n Suffix indexes were appended!\n")
		sampleName <- make.names(sampleName, unique=T)
    sampleID <- sampleName
    label <- NULL
    pData <- NULL

    if(!is.null(sampleDescriptions)) {
      sampleIDcol <- grep('SampleID',colnames(sampleDescriptions),ignore.case=TRUE)
      if(!sampleIDcol) {
        stop('If sampleDescriptions is supplied, one column must be named SampleID')
      sampleMatch <- match(sampleName,as.character(sampleDescriptions[,sampleIDcol]))
      if(any(is.na(sampleMatch))) {
        stop('Nonmatching sampleID(s) in Beadstudio file and sampleDescriptions')
      sampleDescriptions <- sampleDescriptions[sampleMatch,]
      pData <- sampleDescriptions
      colnames(pData)[sampleIDcol] <- 'sampleID'
      labelCol <- grep('SampleLabel',colnames(sampleDescriptions),ignore.case=TRUE)
      if(labelCol) {
        label <- sampleDescriptions[,labelCol]
    if(is.null(label)) label <- sampleName
    if (length(unique(label)) == length(label) & length(label) > 0) {
      colName <- label
    } else {
      colName <- sampleName
    sampleNames(fulldat$datblock$assaydata) <- colName
    if(!(is.null(fulldat$qcblock))) {
      sampleNames(fulldat$qcblock$assaydata) <- colName

    if(is.null(pData)) {
      pData <- data.frame(sampleID=sampleID, label=label)
    rownames(pData) <- colName
    ##pdata <- new("phenoData", pData=pData, varLabels=list('sampleID', 'label'))
    varMetadata <- data.frame(labelDescription=colnames(pData))
    rownames(varMetadata) <- c(colnames(pData))
    pdata <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=pData, varMetadata=varMetadata)
	## check whether the data file is a methylation data file or control data file
	## Added by Pan DU Dec. 30, 2010
	if ("betas" %in% assayDataElementNames(fulldat$datblock$assaydata)) {
		if(!is.null(fulldat$qcblock)) {
	      control.lumi <- new('MethyLumiQC',assayData=fulldat$qcblock$assaydata,
	      x.lumi@QC <- control.lumi
	    history.finished <- as.character(Sys.time())

	    history.command <- paste(capture.output(print(match.call(methylumiR))),collapse="")

	    x.lumi@history<- rbind(x.lumi@history,
	} else {
     	x.lumi <- new('MethyLumiQC',assayData=fulldat$datblock$assaydata,

extractBarcodeAndPosition <- function(sentrixids) {
  l <- do.call(rbind,strsplit(sentrixids,'_'))
  l <- data.frame(l)
  if(ncol(l)!=3) stop("sentrix ids should contain two '_' characters")
  colnames(l) <- c('sentrix','row','column')
  l$rowNumber <- as.numeric(gsub('R','',l$row))
  l$columnNumber <- as.numeric(gsub('C','',l$column))

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methylumi documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:26 p.m.