
#' Get methylation percentage from sorted Bismark alignments
#' The function calls methylation percentage per base from sorted Bismark 
#' SAM or BAM 
#' files and reads methylation information as methylKit objects.
#'  Bismark is a popular aligner for 
#' high-throughput bisulfite sequencing experiments and it outputs its results in 
#' SAM format by default, and can be converted to BAM. 
#' Bismark SAM/BAM format contains
#' aligner specific tags which are absolutely necessary for methylation 
#' percentage calling using \code{processBismarkAln}. 
#' SAM/BAM files from other aligners will not work with this function.
#' @param location location of sam or bam file(s). If multiple files are 
#'                  given this 
#'                  argument must be a list.
#' @param sample.id the id(s) of samples in the same order as file.  
#'                  If multiple sam files are given this arugment must be a list.
#' @param save.folder The folder which will be used to save methylation call files,
#'                     if set to NULL no methylation call file will be saved 
#'                     as a text file.
#'                     The files saved can be read into R in less time using 
#'                     \code{methRead} 
#'                     function in \code{methylKit} 
#' @param save.context A character vector consisting following strings: 
#' "CpG","CHG","CHH". 
#'                    The methylation percentages for these methylation contexts
#'                     will be saved to save.folder
#' @param read.context One of the 'CpG','CHG','CHH' or 'none' strings. 
#'                     Determines what type of methylation context will be 
#'                     read-in 
#'                     to the memory which can be immediately used for analysis.
#'                     If given as 'none', processBismarkAln will not return
#'                      any object,
#'                     but if a save.folder argument given it will save the 
#'                     methylation percentage call files.
#' @param assembly string that determines the genome assembly. Ex: mm9,hg18 etc.
#' This is just a string for book keeping. It can be any string. Although,
#' when using multiple files from the same assembly, this string should be 
#' consistent in each object.
#' @param nolap   if set to TRUE and the SAM/BAM file has paired-end reads,
#'                 the one 
#'                read of the overlapping paired-end read pair will be ignored 
#'                for methylation calling.
#' @param mincov  minimum read coverage to call a methylation status for a base.
#' @param minqual minimum phred quality score to call a methylation status for a base.
#' @param phred64 logical (default: FALSE) you will not need to set this TRUE, 
#'                Currently bismark gives only phred33 scale
#' @param treatment treatment vector only to be used when location and sample.id 
#'                  parameters are \code{list}s and you are trying to read-in 
#'                  multiple samples that are related to eachother in down-stream 
#'                  analysis. 
#' @param save.db A Logical to decide whether the resulting object should be saved 
#'                as flat file database or not ( default: FALSE). With 
#'                the default value, a text file containing methylation values
#'                will be saved.
#'                If TRUE, database will either be saved to location 
#'                \code{save.folder} or 
#'                if this is NULL, to a new folder in the current 
#'                working directory 
#'                named after this scheme: 
#'                "methylDB <Date> <3randomlettersornumbers>"
#' @param verbose logical set verbosity of methCall (default: TRUE)
#' @return \code{methylRaw} or \code{methylRawList} object
#' @note
#' SAM files should be sorted with samtools sort or unix sort. Other sorting
#' methods can alter the order of fields(columns) in the SAM file and that will
#' result in an error when using \code{processBismarkAln()}.
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname processBismarkAln-methods
#' @aliases processBismarkAln
#' @examples
#' # reading one bismark file:
#' my.file=system.file("extdata", "test.fastq_bismark.sorted.min.sam", 
#'                               package = "methylKit")
#' obj=processBismarkAln(my.file,"test",assembly="hg18",save.folder=NULL,
#'                  save.context="CpG",read.context="CpG")
#' # reading multiple files
#' file.list2=list(system.file("extdata", "test.fastq_bismark.sorted.min.sam", 
#' package = "methylKit"),
#'                system.file("extdata", "test.fastq_bismark.sorted.min.sam", 
#'                package = "methylKit"),
#'               system.file("extdata", "test.fastq_bismark.sorted.min.sam", 
#'               package = "methylKit"),
#'                system.file("extdata", "test.fastq_bismark.sorted.min.sam",
#'                 package = "methylKit"))
#'  objs=processBismarkAln(location=file.list2
#'              ,sample.id=list("test1","test2","ctrl1","ctrl1"),assembly="hg18",
#'              save.folder=NULL,save.context=NULL,read.context="CpG",
#'              nolap=FALSE,mincov=10,minqual=20,phred64=FALSE,
#'              treatment=c(1,1,0,0))
setGeneric("processBismarkAln", function(location,
                                         save.folder = NULL,
                                         save.context = c("CpG"),
                                         read.context = "CpG",
                                         nolap = FALSE,
                                         mincov = 10,
                                         minqual = 20,
                                         phred64 = FALSE,
                                         treatment = NULL,
                                         save.db = FALSE,
                                         verbose = 1)

#' @aliases processBismarkAln,character,character,character-method
#' @rdname processBismarkAln-methods
setMethod("processBismarkAln", signature(location = "character",
                                         sample.id= "character",
                                    assembly= "character"),
         nolap,mincov,minqual,phred64,treatment = NULL,save.db,verbose){
  # check if file exists
  location <- path.expand(location)
  if(! file.exists(location) ){
    stop("File supplied as the 'location' argument doesn't exist\n",
    "can not find file at: ",location,"\n")}
  # check output types
  if(! all( save.context %in% c("CpG","CHG","CHH")) ){
    stop("wrong 'save.context' argument supplied, only 'CpG', 'CHG' or ", 
         "'CHH' accepted")
  # read.type
   if( !( read.context %in% c("CpG","CHG","CHH","none") ) ){
    stop("wrong 'read.context' argument supplied, only 'CpG', 'CHG', 'CHH' or ",
          "'none' accepted")
  # if output.folder NULL create temp
  # check output folder if not create
  out.files=list("CpG"="","CHG"="","CHH"="") # list of output files            

    for(mytype in read.context){
      out.files[[mytype]]=tempfile(pattern = paste("methylKit_temp",mytype,sep=".") )
    temp.files=TRUE # set there are temp files to be deleted
    if(!dir.exists(save.folder)) {
        dir.create(save.folder, showWarnings = TRUE, 
                   recursive = TRUE, mode = "0777")
    for(mytype in unique(c(save.context,read.context)) ){
  # call the Rcpp function 
  methCall(read1 = location, type = "bam", nolap = nolap, minqual = minqual, 
           mincov = mincov, phred64 = phred64, CpGfile = out.files[["CpG"]], 
           CHHfile = out.files[["CHH"]], CHGfile = out.files[["CHG"]], 
           verbosity = ifelse( verbose, 2, 0)) 

  # read the result
  if(read.context != "none"){
    if(verbose > 0) cat("Reading methylation percentage per base for sample:",sample.id,"\n\n")
    if(save.db) { dbtype="tabix"; 
      if(is.null(save.folder)) dbdir=getwd() else  dbdir = save.folder
      obj = methRead(
        location = out.files[[read.context]],
        sample.id = paste(sample.id, tolower(read.context), sep = "_"),
        assembly = assembly,
        dbtype = dbtype,
        pipeline = "bismark",
        header = TRUE,
        context = read.context,
        dbdir = dbdir,
        mincov = mincov
      obj@sample.id <- sample.id
    else {
      obj = methRead(
        location = out.files[[read.context]],
        sample.id = sample.id,
        assembly = assembly,
        pipeline = "bismark",
        header = TRUE,
        context = read.context,
        mincov = mincov
    if(temp.files ){dummy=lapply(out.files,unlink)}
  }else{return("no object returned")}


#' @rdname processBismarkAln-methods
#' @aliases processBismarkAln,list,list,character-method
setMethod("processBismarkAln", signature(location = "list",sample.id="list",
            #check if the given arugments makes sense
              stop("argument 'treatment' is required for list of samples\n")
            if(length(location) != length(sample.id)){
              stop("length of 'location'  and 'name' should be same\n")
            if( (length(treatment) != length(sample.id)) & (length(treatment) !=0) ){
              stop("length of 'treatment', 'name' and 'location' should be same\n")
            if(!save.db) { 
              # read each given location and record it as methylraw object
              for(i in 1:length(location))
                data = processBismarkAln(
                  verbose = verbose
                )# read data
            else {
              if(is.null(save.folder)) save.folder=getwd() 
              # read each given location and record it as methylrawDB object
              for(i in 1:length(location))
                                  nolap,mincov,minqual,phred64,save.db,verbose = verbose)# read data

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methylKit documentation built on Jan. 30, 2021, 2 a.m.