
##2009-11-16 dmontaner@cipf.es
##2013-09-25 dmontaner@cipf.es

##' @name plotMdGsa
## @docType 
##' @author David Montaner \email{dmontaner@@cipf.es}
## @aliases 
##' @keywords multidimensional multivariate GSA plot
##' @seealso \code{\link{mdGsa}}, \code{\link{mdPat}}, \code{\link{mdPat}},
##' \code{ellipsoidPoints}
##' @title Plot Multi-Dimensional Gene Set
##' @description
##' Plots confidence region for a Gene Set in a two dimensional space.
##' @details
##' Black dots show all genes in the dataset.
##' Red stars show the genes in the Gene Set.
##' Blue axis show the "center" of the distribution of all genes;
##' blue ellipse shows the confidence region for all genes.
##' Red axis show the "center" of the distribution of the genes in the Gene Set;
##' red ellipse shows the confidence region for genes in the Gene Set.
##' @param index matrix or data frame with the two columns of ranking
##' statistics.
##' @param block matrix or data frame with \strong{gene} ids in the first column
##' and \strong{gene set} ids in the second column.
##' @param cr level of the confidence region.
##' @param pch plotting character for all genes.
##' @param pch.block plotting character for the genes in the gene set or
##' functional block.
##' @param lwd line width. Used when drawing ellipses and other lines. 
##' @param col.all color used to represent all genes.
##' @param col.block color used to represent the genes in the gene set
##' being plotted.
##' @param project if TRUE projection over the axis are displayed for the
##' genes of the gene set.
##' @param col.proj color used to plot the projection.
##' @param diagonals if TRUE diagonals are plotted.
##' @param col.diag color used to plot the diagonals.
##' @param \dots arguments to be passed to plot
##' @return A plot.
## @import cluster
##' @importFrom cluster ellipsoidPoints
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' res <- mdGsa (rindexMat, annotList)
##' plotMdGsa (rindexMat, block = annotList[["GO:0006915"]])
##' }
##' @export

plotMdGsa <- function (index, block, cr = 0.95,
                       pch = ".", pch.block = 20, lwd = 2, 
                       col.all = "blue", col.block = "red",
                       project = FALSE, col.proj = "green",
                       diagonals = FALSE, col.diag = "gray",
                       ...) {
    genes <- rownames (index)
    ##all genes
    plot (index[,1], index[,2],
          xlab = colnames (index)[1],
          ylab = colnames (index)[2],
          pch = pch, lwd = lwd, ...)
    ##genes in the Gene Set
    points (index[block, 1], index[block, 2],
            col = col.block, pch = pch.block, lwd = lwd, ...)
    ##ellipses; needs the library (cluster)
    C.ls <- cov      (index[block,])
    m.ls <- colMeans (index[block,])
    d2 <- qchisq(cr, df = 2)
    lines (ellipsoidPoints(C.ls, d2, loc = m.ls),
           col = col.block, lwd = lwd, ...)
    abline (v = m.ls[1], h = m.ls[2], col = col.block, lwd = lwd, ...)
    C.ls <- cov (index)
    m.ls <- colMeans (index)
    d2 <- qchisq(cr, df = 2)
    lines (ellipsoidPoints(C.ls, d2, loc = m.ls), col = col.all, lwd = lwd, ...)
    abline (v = m.ls[1], h = m.ls[2], col = col.all, lwd = lwd, ...)
    if (project) {
        points (index[block, 1],
                rep (m.ls[2], times = length (block)),
                col = col.proj, pch = "|", lwd = lwd, ...)
        points (rep (m.ls[1], times = length (block)), index[block, 2],
                col = col.proj, pch = "_", lwd = lwd, ...)
    if (diagonals) {
        abline (a = m.ls[2]-m.ls[1], b =  1, col = col.diag, lwd = lwd, ...)
        abline (a = m.ls[2]+m.ls[1], b = -1, col = col.diag, lwd = lwd, ...)

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mdgsa documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:05 p.m.