#' Boxplots of Percent spliced-in levels for gene events.
#' @param events a maser object.
#' @param type character indicating splice type. Possible values
#' are \code{c("A3SS", "A5SS", "SE", "RI", "MXE")}
#' @param show_replicates logical, add data points for individual
#' replicates
#' @return a ggplot object.
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extdata", file.path("MATS_output"), package = "maser")
#' hypoxia <- maser(path, c("Hypoxia 0h", "Hypoxia 24h"))
#' hypoxia_filt <- filterByCoverage(hypoxia, avg_reads = 5)
#' hypoxia_mib2 <- geneEvents(hypoxia_filt, geneS = "MIB2")
#' plotGenePSI(hypoxia_mib2, type = "SE", show_replicates = TRUE)
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import methods
plotGenePSI <- function(events, type = c("A3SS", "A5SS", "SE", "RI", "MXE"),
show_replicates = TRUE){
if(!is(events, "Maser")){
stop("Parameter events has to be a maser object.")
type <- match.arg(type)
events <- as(events, "list")
annot <- events[[paste0(type,"_","events")]]
if (length(unique(annot$geneSymbol)) > 1){
stop(cat("Multiple genes found. Use geneEvents() to select AS events."))
PSI <- events[[paste0(type,"_","PSI")]]
PSI_long <- reshape2::melt(PSI)
colnames(PSI_long) <- c("ID", "Sample", "PSI")
Condition <- rep("NA",nrow(PSI_long))
idx.cond1 <- grep(paste0("^", events$conditions[1]), x = PSI_long$Sample,
perl = TRUE)
idx.cond2 <- grep(paste0("^", events$conditions[2]), x = PSI_long$Sample,
perl = TRUE)
Condition[idx.cond1] <- events$conditions[1]
Condition[idx.cond2] <- events$conditions[2]
PSI_long <- cbind(PSI_long, Condition)
if (show_replicates){
ggplot(PSI_long, aes(x = Condition, y = PSI, fill = Condition, color =
Condition)) +
#geom_boxplot() +
geom_violin(trim = FALSE, alpha = 0.6) +
geom_jitter(position=position_jitter(0.05), size = 2) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=12, angle = 45, hjust = 1),
axis.text.y = element_text(size=12),
axis.title.x = element_text(face="plain", colour="black", size=12),
axis.title.y = element_text(face="plain", colour="black", size=12),
legend.text = element_text(face="plain", colour="black", size=12)) +
ylab(paste(type, "PSI")) +
#xlab("Sample") +
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-0.1, 1.05)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("blue", "red") ) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("blue", "red") ) +
facet_grid(. ~ ID)
} else{
ggplot(PSI_long, aes(x = Condition, y = PSI, fill = Condition, color =
Condition)) +
#geom_boxplot() +
geom_violin(trim = FALSE) +
stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="point", size=2, color="black") +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=12, angle = 45, hjust = 1),
axis.text.y = element_text(size=12),
axis.title.x = element_text(face="plain", colour="black", size=12),
axis.title.y = element_text(face="plain", colour="black", size=12),
legend.text = element_text(face="plain", colour="black", size=12)) +
ylab(paste(type, "PSI")) +
#xlab("Sample") +
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-0.1, 1.05)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("blue", "red") ) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("blue", "red") ) +
facet_grid(. ~ ID)
#' Mapping and visualization of Ensembl transcripts affected by splicing.
#' @param events a maser object.
#' @param type character indicating splice type. Possible values are
#' \code{c("A3SS", "A5SS", "SE", "RI", "MXE")}.
#' @param event_id numeric, event identifier.
#' @param gtf a \code{GRanges}, Ensembl or Gencode GTF using the hg38 build
#' of the human genome.
#' @param zoom logical, zoom to the genomic coordinates of the splice event.
#' @param show_PSI logical, display the PSI track.
#' @return a Gviz object.
#' @details This is a wrapper function for performing both mapping and
#' visualization of Ensembl transcripts that are compatible with the splice
#' event. This function calls \code{\link{mapTranscriptsToEvents}} for
#' transcript mapping, which in turn
#' uses \code{findOverlaps} for transcript
#' overlapping. The \code{\link[Gviz:plotTracks]{GViz}} package is used for
#' creating annotation tracks for genomic visualization of splicing events.
#' Each type of splice event requires a specific overlapping rule
#' (described below), #' and a customized \code{Gviz} plot is created for
#' each splicing type.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\strong{Exon skipping}}{}
#' \item{Inclusion track}{Transcript(s) overlapping the cassette exon,
#' as well both flanking exons (i.e upstream and downstream exons).}
#' \item{Skipping track}{Transcript(s) overlapping both flanking exons but
#' not the cassettte exon.}
#' }
#' \describe{
#' \item{\strong{Intron retention}}{}
#' \item{Retention track}{Transcript(s) overlapping exactly the retained
#' intron.}
#' \item{Skipping track}{Transcript(s) where intron is spliced out and
#' overlapping both flanking exons.}
#' }
#' \describe{
#' \item{\strong{Mutually exclusive exons}}{}
#' \item{Exon1 track}{Transcript(s) overlapping the first exon and both
#' flanking exons.}
#' \item{Exon2 track}{Transcript(s) overlapping the second exon and both
#' flanking exons.}
#' }
#' \describe{
#' \item{\strong{Alternative 3' and 5' splice sites}}{}
#' \item{Short exon track}{Transcript(s) overlapping both short and
#' downstream exons.}
#' \item{Long exon track}{Transcript(s) overlapping both long and
#' downstream exons.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Create the maser object
#' path <- system.file("extdata", file.path("MATS_output"), package = "maser")
#' hypoxia <- maser(path, c("Hypoxia 0h", "Hypoxia 24h"))
#' hypoxia_filt <- filterByCoverage(hypoxia, avg_reads = 5)
#' ## Ensembl GTF annotation for SRSF6
#' gtf_path <- system.file("extdata", file.path("GTF",
#' "SRSF6_Ensembl85.gtf"), package = "maser")
#' ens_gtf <- rtracklayer::import.gff(gtf_path)
#' ## Retrieve gene specific splicing events
#' srsf6_events <- geneEvents(hypoxia_filt, geneS = "SRSF6")
#' ## Plot exon skipping event
#' plotTranscripts(srsf6_events, type = "SE", event_id = 33209, gtf = ens_gtf)
#' @seealso \code{\link{mapTranscriptsToEvents}}
#' @export
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import GenomeInfoDb
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import Gviz
#' @import rtracklayer
#' @import methods
plotTranscripts <- function(events, type = c("A3SS", "A5SS", "SE", "RI", "MXE"),
event_id, gtf, zoom = FALSE, show_PSI = TRUE){
is_strict = TRUE #affects exon skipping, MXE, RI
if(!is(events, "Maser")){
stop("Parameter events has to be a maser object.")
if (!class(gtf) == "GRanges"){
stop(cat("\"gtf\" should be a GRanges class."))
#Add chr to seqnames - necessary for Gviz plots
if(any(!grepl("chr", GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(gtf)))){
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(gtf) <- paste0("chr", GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(gtf))
#Check and remove non-standard chr
std_chr <- c(paste0("chr", seq(1:22)), "chrX", "chrY")
if (any(!seqlevels(gtf) %in% std_chr)){
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(gtf, pruning.mode = "coarse" ) <- std_chr
type <- match.arg(type)
events <- as(events, "list")
annot <- events[[paste0(type,"_","events")]]
if (length(unique(annot$geneSymbol)) > 1){
stop(cat("Multiple genes found. Use geneEvents() to select
gene-specific AS events."))
# Genomic ranges of alternative splicing events
grl <- events[[paste0(type,"_","gr")]]
idx.event <- grep(as.numeric(event_id), grl[[1]]$ID)
eventGr <- lapply(names(grl), function(exon){
eventGr <- GRangesList(eventGr)
names(eventGr) <- names(grl)
eventTrack <- createAnnotationTrack_event(eventGr, type)
gtf_exons <- gtf[gtf$type=="exon",]
txnTracks <- createAnnotationTrack_transcripts(eventGr, gtf_exons,
type, is_strict)
if (show_PSI){
PSI <- events[[paste0(type,"_","PSI")]]
PSI_event <- PSI[idx.event, , drop = FALSE]
groups <- factor(c(rep(events$conditions[1], events$n_cond1),
rep(events$conditions[2], events$n_cond2)),
levels = events$conditions)
psiTrack <- createPSITrack_event(eventGr, PSI_event, groups, type, zoom)
trackList <- list(psiTrack, eventTrack, txnTracks$inclusionTrack,
trackList <- list(eventTrack, txnTracks$inclusionTrack,
if (zoom){
col.line = NULL, col = NULL,
Inclusion = "orange", Skipping = "purple",
Retention = "orange", Non_Retention = "purple",
MXE_Exon1 = "orange", MXE_Exon2 = "purple",
A5SS_Short = "orange", A5SS_Long = "purple",
A3SS_Short = "orange", A3SS_Long = "purple",
from = start(range(unlist(eventGr))) - 500,
to = end(range(unlist(eventGr))) + 500)
}else {
col.line = NULL, col = NULL,
Inclusion = "orange", Skipping = "purple",
Retention = "orange", Non_Retention = "purple",
MXE_Exon1 = "orange", MXE_Exon2 = "purple",
A5SS_Short = "orange", A5SS_Long = "purple",
A3SS_Short = "orange", A3SS_Long = "purple")
#' Mapping and visualization of UniprotKB protein features affected by splicing.
#' @param events a maser object.
#' @param type character indicating splice type. Possible values are
#' \code{c("A3SS", "A5SS", "SE", "RI", "MXE")}.
#' @param event_id numeric, event identifier.
#' @param gtf a \code{GRanges}, Ensembl or Gencode GTF using the hg38 build of
#' the human genome.
#' @param features a character vector indicating valid UniprotKB features.
#' @param zoom logical, zoom to the genomic coordinates of the splice event.
#' @param show_transcripts logical, display transcripts track.
#' @param show_PSI logical, display the PSI track.
#' @param ncores number of cores for multithreading (available only in OSX and Linux
#' machines). If Windows, \code{ncores} will be set to 1 automatically.
#' @return a Gviz object.
#' @details This is a wrapper function for performing both mapping and
#' visualization of protein features affected by the splice event. This function
#' calls \code{\link{mapProteinFeaturesToEvents}} for mapping of protein
#' features to splicing events.
#' The \code{\link[Gviz:plotTracks]{GViz}} package is used for creating
#' annotation tracks for genomic visualization.
#' Multiple protein annotation tracks can be created using the \code{features}
#' argument.
#' @examples
#' ## Create the maser object
#' path <- system.file("extdata", file.path("MATS_output"), package = "maser")
#' hypoxia <- maser(path, c("Hypoxia 0h", "Hypoxia 24h"))
#' hypoxia_filt <- filterByCoverage(hypoxia, avg_reads = 5)
#' ## Ensembl GTF annotation for SRSF6
#' gtf_path <- system.file("extdata", file.path("GTF",
#' "SRSF6_Ensembl85.gtf"), package = "maser")
#' ens_gtf <- rtracklayer::import.gff(gtf_path)
#' ## Retrieve gene specific splicing events
#' srsf6_events <- geneEvents(hypoxia_filt, geneS = "SRSF6")
#' ## Map splicing events to transcripts
#' srsf6_mapped <- mapTranscriptsToEvents(srsf6_events, ens_gtf)
#' ## Plot splice event, transcripts and protein features
#' plotUniprotKBFeatures(srsf6_mapped, "SE", event_id = 33209, gtf = ens_gtf,
#' features = c("domain"), show_transcripts = TRUE)
#' @seealso \code{\link{mapProteinFeaturesToEvents}}
#' @export
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import GenomeInfoDb
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import Gviz
#' @import methods
plotUniprotKBFeatures <- function(events,
type = c("A3SS", "A5SS", "SE", "RI", "MXE"),
event_id, gtf, features, zoom = FALSE,
show_transcripts = FALSE, show_PSI = TRUE,
ncores = 1){
is_strict = TRUE
if(!is(events, "Maser")){
stop("Parameter events has to be a maser object.")
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
ncores = 1
if (!class(gtf) == "GRanges"){
stop(cat("\"gtf\" should be a GRanges class."))
#Check chr to seqnames - necessary for Gviz plots
if(any(!grepl("chr", GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(gtf)))){
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(gtf) <- paste0("chr", GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(gtf))
#Check and remove non-standard chr
std_chr <- c(paste0("chr", seq(1:22)), "chrX", "chrY")
if (any(!seqlevels(gtf) %in% std_chr)){
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(gtf, pruning.mode = "coarse" ) <- std_chr
type <- match.arg(type)
events <- as(events, "list")
annot <- events[[paste0(type,"_","events")]]
# Genomic ranges of alternative splicing events
grl <- events[[paste0(type,"_","gr")]]
idx.event <- grep(as.numeric(event_id), annot$ID)
if (length(idx.event) == 0){
stop(cat("Event id not found."))
eventGr <- GRangesList()
for (feature in names(grl)){
eventGr[[paste0(feature)]] <- grl[[paste0(feature)]][idx.event]
eventTrack <- createAnnotationTrack_event(eventGr, type)
gtf_exons <- gtf[gtf$type=="exon",]
idx.cols <- grep("^list_ptn_", colnames(annot))
protein_ids <- unique(c(annot[idx.event, idx.cols[1]],
annot[idx.event, idx.cols[2]]))
uniprotTracks <- createUniprotKBtracks(eventGr, features, protein_ids, ncores)
if (show_PSI){
PSI <- events[[paste0(type,"_","PSI")]]
PSI_event <- PSI[idx.event, , drop = FALSE]
groups <- factor(c(rep(events$conditions[1], events$n_cond1),
rep(events$conditions[2], events$n_cond2)),
levels = events$conditions)
psiTrack <- createPSITrack_event(eventGr, PSI_event, groups, type, zoom)
trackList <- c(psiTrack, eventTrack)
}else {
trackList <- c(eventTrack)
if (show_transcripts){
txnTracks <- createAnnotationTrack_transcripts(eventGr, gtf_exons,
type, is_strict)
trackList <- c(trackList, list(txnTracks$inclusionTrack,
}else {
trackList <- c(trackList, uniprotTracks)
if (zoom){
col.line = NULL, col = NULL,
Inclusion = "orange", Skipping = "purple",
Retention = "orange", Non_Retention = "purple",
MXE_Exon1 = "orange", MXE_Exon2 = "purple",
A5SS_Short = "orange", A5SS_Long = "purple",
A3SS_Short = "orange", A3SS_Long = "purple",
from = start(range(unlist(eventGr))) - 500,
to = end(range(unlist(eventGr))) + 500)
}else {
Inclusion = "orange", Skipping = "purple",
Retention = "orange", Non_Retention = "purple",
MXE_Exon1 = "orange", MXE_Exon2 = "purple",
A5SS_Short = "orange", A5SS_Long = "purple",
A3SS_Short = "orange", A3SS_Long = "purple")
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