tableMetas <- function(x, agg.clmn, meta.clmns, cond.clmn=NULL, count.clmns=NULL){
x[,c(meta.clmns, cond.clmn)] <- lapply(x[,c(meta.clmns, cond.clmn)], factor)
# warning message: "provided #### variables to replace 1 variables"
#(when cond.clmn is NULL and only one meta column aka 'genus_sp')
meta <- lapply(meta.clmns, function(mt)
by(x, x[,agg.clmn], function(g)
sstable(g, c(mt, cond.clmn) ,count.clmns)
names(meta) <- meta.clmns
tableMetaSums <- function(x, meta.clmns, cond.clmn=NULL, count.clmns=NULL){
x[,c(meta.clmns, cond.clmn)] <- lapply(x[,c(meta.clmns, cond.clmn)], factor)
meta.sum <- lapply(meta.clmns, function(y)
names(meta.sum) <- meta.clmns
.meta2metasum <- function(meta, pair){
for(i in names(meta)) meta[[i]]$name <- rownames(meta[[i]])
tmp <-, meta)
out <- aggregate(tmp[,c(as.character(pair), 'sum')], list(tmp$name), sum)
rownames(out) <- out$Group.1
out$Group.1 <- NULL
return( out[rev(order(out$sum)),] )
counts2manta <- function(x, annotation, a.merge.clmn, agg.clmn, gene.clmns=NULL, meta.clmns=NULL, ...){
stop('number of columns of x cannot currently exceed 2')
pair <- colnames(x)
x <- merge(annotation, x, by.x=a.merge.clmn, by.y='row.names')
rownames(x) <- x[,a.merge.clmn]
x <- x[!duplicated(x),]
is.long <- sapply(annotation[,agg.clmn], nchar) > 255
warning('annotations were found to be over the 256 char limit... truncating')
annotation[is.long, agg] <- substr(annotation[is.long, agg], 1, 250)
counts.rg <- regroup(x[,pair],
clmns=pair, funcs=rep('sum',length(pair)), combine=FALSE)
samples <- makeSampleDF(counts.rg)
genes <- x[match(rownames(counts.rg), x[,agg.clmn]), names(x)[names(x) %in% gene.clmns] ]
manta(counts= counts.rg, samples = samples, genes = genes)
manta(counts = counts.rg, samples = samples, genes = genes[, gene.clmns],
meta = tableMetas(x, agg.clmn=agg.clmn, meta.clmns=meta.clmns, count.clmns=pair),
meta.sum = tableMetaSums(x, meta.clmns=meta.clmns, count.clmns=pair), ...
align2manta <- function(x, cond.clmn, agg.clmn, gene.clmns, meta.clmns, weight.clmn=NULL, tag.clmn=NULL, ...){
all.clmns <- c(tag.clmn, cond.clmn, agg.clmn, gene.clmns, meta.clmns)
## input validation
if(ncol(x) < 2)
stop('not enough columns for counts')
if(!all(sapply(x[,all.clmns], class)=='character'))
stop("all 'clmns' must be of class 'character'")
if(!all(all.clmns %in% colnames(x)))
stop("some of your 'clmn' names are not in the column names of your input alignment table (x)")
if(!agg.clmn %in% gene.clmns)
stop('agg.clmn must be in the gene.clmns')
count.clmn <- NULL
## check for duplicate tags (if clmn specified) in order to dis-count
ntags <- length(unique(x[,tag.clmn]))
if(ntags < nrow(x)){
warning('number of unique tags is less than table length. discounting...')
discounts <- 1/table(x[,tag.clmn])
x$count <- discounts[match(x[,tag.clmn],names(discounts))]
if(ntags != as.integer(sum(x$count))) #this check is pretty much totally unnecessary
stop('something went wrong with the discounting: unique read count != sum of partial counts')
count.clmn <- 'count'
if(ntags == nrow(x))
warning('your tag clmn is unnecessary: number of unique tags == number of rows of input alignment')
## cross-tabulate the actual counts
if(is.null(count.clmn)){ #if no duplicate tags
counts <- table(x[,agg.clmn], x[,cond.clmn])
}else{ # if duplicate tags (use the dis-count column)
counts <- as.table(by(x$count, list(x[,agg.clmn], x[,cond.clmn]), sum))
counts[] <- 0
counts <- round(counts) ## unfortunate but necessary
## subset the input table down (same length as counts) into a gene lookup table
genes <- x[match(rownames(counts), x[,agg.clmn]), gene.clmns]
## generate a meta-level list of gene lists of meta vs treatment cross-tabulation count sub tables (used in pie charts of raPlot)
meta <- tableMetas(x, agg.clmn, meta.clmns, cond.clmn, count.clmn)
## now generate the gene-agnostic taxonomic count summary tables
meta.sum <- tableMetaSums(x, meta.clmns, cond.clmn, count.clmn)
## add weights
weights <- generateWeights(x, weight.clmn, agg.clmn, cond.clmn, tag.clmn)
weights <- NULL
manta(counts=counts, samples=makeSampleDF(counts), weights=weights, genes=genes, meta=meta, meta.sum=meta.sum, ...)
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