# volcano.R
# copyright (c) 2001, Hao Wu and Gary A. Churchill, The Jackson Lab.
# written Nov, 2001
# Modified Apr, 2004
# Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (June, 1991)
# Part of the R/maanova package
volcano <-
function(matestobj, threshold=c(0.001,0.05),
method=c("unadj","unadj"), title="Volcano Plot",
highlight.flag=TRUE, onScreen=TRUE)
if(class(matestobj)[1] != "matest")
stop("The first input variable is not an object of class matest.")
# must have F1
if( !("F1" %in% names(matestobj)) )
stop("No Fs test result in input object. Cannot do volcano plot")
if(class(matestobj)[2] == "ttest")
# this is a T-test result
result <- volcano.ttest(matestobj, threshold, method, title,
highlight.flag, onScreen)
# this is a F test volcano plot
result <- volcano.ftest(matestobj, threshold, method, title,
# function to do f-test volcano plot
volcano.ftest <- function(matestobj, threshold, method, title,
anovaobj = matestobj$obsAnova
probeid = matestobj$probeid
if(length(method) == 1) method <- rep(method, 2)
# local variables
th.f1 <- threshold[1]
th.fs <- threshold[2]
#th.fss <- threshold[3]
ngenes <- length(anovaobj$G)
# get P values for all F tests according to method
# for F1
p1 <- getPval.volcano(matestobj, method, 1)
idx1 <- p1 < th.f1 ;
# for Fs
ps <- getPval.volcano(matestobj, method, 2)
idxs <- ps < th.fs ;
# for Fss
#pss <- getPval.volcano(matestobj, method, 3)
#idxss <- pss < th.fss; ;
# calculate the x axis value
# the x-axis value should be the numerator of the test, e.g.
# (Lb)'*pinv((L*pinv(X'X)*L')*(Lb)
xvalue <- calVolcanoXval(matestobj)
# y-axis value
yvalue <- -log10(p1)
# plot the figure
plot(xvalue, yvalue, xlab="Log2(FoldChange)", ylab="-log10(Pvalue)",
col="blue", pch=4, cex=0.5, main=title)
# draw a reference line based on the threshold of f1
# replot the significant genes from Fs (if there) in red
if("Fs" %in% names(matestobj))
points(xvalue[idxs], yvalue[idxs], col="red", pch=4, cex=0.5)
# plot the significant genes from Fss (if there) in orange
#if("Fss" %in% names(matestobj))
# points(xvalue[idxss], yvalue[idxss], col="orange", pch=4, cex=0.5)
# circle the flaged genes (if any)
if(highlight.flag) {
if(!is.null(anovaobj$flag)) {
idx.flag <- which(anovaobj$flag==1)
points(xvalue[idx.flag], yvalue[idx.flag])
# find the significant genes from all three F tests
result <- NULL
idx.F1 <- which(idx1); idx <- idx.F1
names(idx.F1) = probeid[idx.F1]
result$idx.F1 =idx.F1
if("Fs" %in% names(matestobj)) {
idx.Fs <- which(idxs); idx <- intersect(idx, idx.Fs)
names(idx.Fs) = probeid[idx.Fs]
result$idx.Fs <- idx.Fs
#if("Fss" %in% names(matestobj)) {
# idx.Fss <- which(idxss); idx <- intersect(idx, idx.Fss)
# names(idx.Fss) = probeid[idx.Fss]
# result$idx.Fss <- idx.Fss
idx.all = idx; names(idx.all) = probeid[idx.all]; result$idx.all <- idx.all
# function to do T-test volcano plot
# this will generate multiple plots
volcano.ttest <- function(matestobj, threshold, method, title,
highlight.flag, onScreen)
anovaobj = matestobj$obsAnova
probeid = matestobj$probeid
if(length(method) == 1)
method <- rep(method, 2)
# local variables
th.f1 <- threshold[1]
th.fs <- threshold[2]
#th.fss <- threshold[3]
ngenes <- length(anovaobj$G)
# get P values for all F tests according to method
# for F1
p1 <- getPval.volcano(matestobj, method, 1)
idx1 <- p1 < th.f1
# for Fs
ps <- getPval.volcano(matestobj, method, 2)
idxs <- ps < th.fs
# for Fss
#pss <- getPval.volcano(matestobj, method, 3)
#idxss <- pss < th.fss
# calculate the x axis value
# the term(s) tested
diff.terms <- matestobj$term
Contrast <- matestobj$Contrast
# number of plots to be generated
nplots <- dim(Contrast)[1]
# init result
result <- NULL
# calculate x-axis values
xvalue.all <- calVolcanoXval(matestobj)
# loop for contrasts
levels <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(diff.terms)) {
# level names
levels <- c(levels, anovaobj[[paste(diff.terms[i], ".level", sep="")]])
for(icon in 1:nplots) {
# xvalue for this contrast
xvalue <- xvalue.all[,icon]
######### make x-axis labels
xlabel = levels[Contrast[icon, ] !=0]
xlabel <- paste(paste(xlabel, sep="*"), collapse="-")
xlabel <- paste('Log2(FoldChange) of ', xlabel, sep="", collapse=" ")
# figure title
title <- paste("comparison", icon)
# start to plot
if(onScreen) {
# open a window on screen
# y-axis value
yvalue <- -log10(p1[,icon])
# plot the figure
plot(xvalue, yvalue, xlab=xlabel, ylab="-log10(Pvalue)",
col="blue", pch=4, cex=0.5, main=title)
# draw a reference line based on the threshold of f1
abline(h = -log10(th.f1))
idx1 <- p1[,icon] < th.f1
# replot the significant genes from Fs (if there) in green
if("Fs" %in% names(matestobj)) {
idxs <- ps[,icon] < th.fs
points(xvalue[idxs], yvalue[idxs], col="red", pch=4, cex=0.5)
# plot the significant genes from Fss (if there) in orange
#if("Fss" %in% names(matestobj)) {
# idxss <- pss[,icon] < th.fss
# points(xvalue[idxss], yvalue[idxss], col="orange", pch=4, cex=0.5)
# draw the reference line based on F3 test (if there)
# note that this is alway vshape
# vshape <- 0
# if("F3" %in% names(matestobj)) {
# idx3 <- p3[,icon] < th.f3
# if(sum(idx3) != 0) {
# find the location of the reference line
# l <- min(abs(xvalue[idx3]))
# if(vshape == 1) {
# abline(v=l)
# abline(v=-l)
# }
# else {
# abline(v=l)
# }
# }
# else
# warning("There is no significant genes from F3 test.")
# }
# circle the flaged genes (if any)
if(highlight.flag) {
if(!is.null(anovaobj$flag)) {
idx.flag <- which(anovaobj$flag==1)
points(xvalue[idx.flag], yvalue[idx.flag])
# find the significant genes from all three F tests
result.tmp <- NULL
idx.F1 <- which(idx1); idx <- idx.F1
names(idx.F1) = probeid[idx.F1]
result.tmp$idx.F1 <- idx.F1
#if("Fss" %in% names(matestobj)) {
# idx.Fss <- which(idxss); idx <- intersect(idx, idx.Fss)
# names(idx.Fss) = probeid[idx.Fss]
# result.tmp$idx.Fss <- idx.Fss
if("Fs" %in% names(matestobj)) {
idx.Fs <- which(idxs); idx <- intersect(idx, idx.Fs)
names(idx.Fs) = probeid[idx.Fs]
result.tmp$idx.Fs <- idx.Fs
idx.all <- idx
names(idx.all) = probeid[idx.all]; result.tmp$idx.all <- idx.all <- paste("comparison", icon, sep="")
result[[]] <- result.tmp
# function to get P values from matest object
getPval.volcano <- function(matestobj, method, idx)
# field name
if(idx == 2)
whichF <- "Fs"
if(idx == 1)
whichF <- "F1"
#if(idx == 3)
# whichF <- "Fss"
if( !(whichF %in% names(matestobj)) )
# get the P values
Fobj <- matestobj[[whichF]]
method <- method[idx]
if(method == "unadj")
p <- Fobj$Ptab
else if(method == "nominal")
p <- Fobj$Pvalperm
else if(method[1] == "fwer")
p <- Fobj$Pvalmax
else if(method[1] == "fdr")
p <- Fobj$adjPtab
else if(method[1] == "fdrperm")
p <- Fobj$adjPvalperm
stop(paste("Unrecognized method for F test P value,", method))
stop(paste(method, "P value is not available for", whichF))
# change zeros to 1e-17
p[p==0] <- 1e-17
# return
# function to calculate the x-axis value
# on the volcano plot
# basically it's from Lb
# If L is one row,it's just Lb
# IF L has multiple rows, use sqrt((Lb)' * Lb))
calVolcanoXval <- function(matestobj)
model <- matestobj$model
anovaobj = matestobj$obsAnova
# get the estimates from ANOVA object on observed data
term <- matestobj$term
parsed.formula <- model$parsed.formula
fixed.term <- parsed.formula$labels[parsed.formula$random==0]
termidx <- locateTerm(fixed.term, term)
b <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(termidx)) {
tmpterm <- term[i]
# get the estimates
tmpb <- anovaobj[[tmpterm]]
b <- cbind(b, tmpb)
# Contrast
L <- matestobj$Contrast
# calculate x values
if(class(matestobj)[2] == "ftest") {
# this is a F-test object
Lb <- L %*% t(b)
# browser()
if(nrow(L) == 1)
xval <- Lb
xval <- apply(Lb, 2, function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2)))
else if(class(matestobj)[2] == "ttest") {
# this is a T-test object
# The volcano will always be 2-sided
xval <- apply(L, 1, function(x) x%*%t(b))
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