# consensus.R
# copyright (c) 2001-2002, Hao Wu and Gary A. Churchill, The Jackson Lab.
# written May, 2002
# Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (June, 1991)
# Part of the R/maanova package
consensus <- function(macluster, level=0.8, draw=TRUE)
if(class(macluster) != "macluster")
stop("The input variable is not an object of class macluster.")
if( (level<0.5) | (level>1) )
stop("Level must be between 0.5 and 1.")
# if(macluster$n.perm == 1) {
# msg <- "You don't have permutation result in the input object."
# msg <- paste(msg, "Set n.perm to be an integer bigger than 1")
# msg <- paste(msg, "in macluster function in order to do permutation.")
# stop(msg)
# }
# local variable
n.perm <- macluster$n.perm
# result
consensus <- NULL
if( macluster$method == "hc")
#stop("Consensus for HC has not implemented yet.")
consensus <- consensus.hc(macluster, level, draw)
else if( macluster$method == "kmean") {
consensus <- consensus.kmean(macluster, level, draw)
consensus.hc <- function(macluster, level, draw)
# convert the observed hierarchical cluster and store it
# each clade is represented by three integers:
# number of nodes, sum of node indices and product of node indices
obstree <- cluster2num(macluster$cluster.obs$merge)
# how many nodes in each tree?
n.node <- length(obstree$tree)
# make the result to be the observed tree
result <- obstree
# total number of nodes in consensus tree
n.totalnode <- length(result$tree)
result$count <- rep(1, n.totalnode)
# loop for the permutation trees
if(macluster$n.perm > 1) {
for(i in 2:macluster$n.perm) {
permtree <- cluster2num(macluster$cluster.perm[[i]])
# compare the permutation tree with the nodes already in result
for(j in 1:n.node) {
# number of leaves in this tree
n.leaves.tmp <- permtree$num[j,1]
# sum of leaves numbers
sum.leaves.tmp <- permtree$num[j,2]
# find the matches for number of nodes and sum of indices
# for this perm tree in the result
idx.match <- which( (result$num[,1]==n.leaves.tmp)&
(result$num[,2]==sum.leaves.tmp) )
flag <- FALSE
# if there' some match, check if they are really the result we want
if(length(idx.match) != 0) {
for(k in 1:length(idx.match)) {
if(length(setdiff(permtree$tree[[j]], result$tree[[idx.match[k]]])) == 0) {
# no difference in this two sets. BINGO!
result$count[idx.match[k]] <- result$count[idx.match[k]] + 1
flag <- TRUE
# if there's no real match, add this node to the result
if( (length(idx.match) == 0) | (flag==FALSE) ) {
n.totalnode <- n.totalnode + 1
result$tree[[n.totalnode]] <- permtree$tree[[j]]
result$num <- rbind(result$num, permtree$num[j,])
result$count <- c(result$count, 1)
} # finish loop for nodes in this permutation tree
} # finish loop for all trees
# total number of leaves in the tree
result$nleaves <- n.node+2
result$count <- result$count/macluster$n.perm
# the leave names
result$ <- macluster$leave.names
# if(missing( {
# if(macluster$what == "gene")
# idx.tmp <- macluster$idx.gene
# else
# idx.tmp <- 1:result$nleaves
# <- paste(macluster$what, idx.tmp, sep="")
# }
# result$ <-
# visualize the result consensus tree
idx.node <- which(result$count>level)
# number of inner nodes
n.nodes <- length(idx.node)
# make the consensus tree object as list
ct <- vector("list", n.nodes+1)
# make the root
ct[[1]]$depth <- 0
ct[[1]]$children <- NULL
ct[[1]]$nleaves <- result$nleaves
ct[[1]]$occurance <- 1
if(n.nodes==0) {
msg <- "There's no inner nodes in the tree."
msg <- paste(msg, "All leaves are direct children of the root.")
msg <- paste(msg, "You may need to lower the significant level.")
else { # there are some inner nodes
# update occurance
for(i in 1:n.nodes)
ct[[i+1]]$occurance <- result$count[idx.node[i]]
# take out the nodes with occurance bigger than level
tree <- result$tree[idx.node]
# convert the selected nodes to a matrix
# the number of rows is the number of nodes exclude the root
# the number of columns is the number of total leaves
binstr <- matrix(rep(0, n.nodes*result$nleaves), n.nodes,
# turn on certain positions
for(i in 1:n.nodes)
binstr[i, tree[[i]]] <- 1
# call build tree recursively
ct <- buildtree(ct, binstr, 0, 1, 1:n.nodes, 1:result$nleaves)
result$ct <- ct
result$level <- level
result$tree <- NULL
result$count <- NULL
result$num <- NULL
class(result) <- "consensus.hc"
# plot the result
plot(result, title=macluster$term)
plot.consensus.hc <- function(x, title, ...)
con <- x
# visualize the tree
# calculate the coordinates
# start from the root
coord <- NULL
coord$A <- NULL; coord$B <- NULL;
coord$xycoord <- NULL; coord$nodecoord <- vector("list", length(con$ct))
coord$leavesidx <- NULL
maxdepth <- 0
# find the maximum depth in the tree
for(i in 1:length(con$ct))
maxdepth <- max(maxdepth, con$ct[[i]]$depth)
coord <- makeAB(con$ct, coord, 1, 0, maxdepth)
# draw the figure
if(missing(title)) title <- ""
title <- paste(title, " - ", con$level*100, "% Consensus tree", sep="")
plot(coord$A, coord$B, type="n", main=title,
xlab="", ylab="depth", xaxt="n")
for(i in 1:dim(coord$A)[2])
lines(coord$A[,i], coord$B[,i])
# add texts for leaves
for(i in 1:length(coord$leavesidx))
text(i-1, 0, con$[coord$leavesidx[i]],srt=90, pos=4,
# add texts for significant levels
for(i in 1:(length(con$ct)-1)) {
x <- mean(range(coord$nodecoord[[i+1]][,1]))
y <- coord$nodecoord[[i+1]][1,2]
text(x, y, formatC(con$ct[[i+1]]$occurance, format="f", digits=2),
makeAB <- function(ct, coord, treeidx, startx, maxdepth)
# local variable
A <- coord$A
B <- coord$B
xycoord <- coord$xycoord
nodecoord <- coord$nodecoord
leavesidx <- coord$leavesidx
subct <- ct[[treeidx]]
# current x coordinate
currentx <- startx
# find the direct leaves in children
directleaves <- subct$children[subct$children<0]
# find the inner nodes in children
innernode <- subct$children[subct$children>0]
# create the verticle lines for each leaf
if(length(directleaves) != 0){
leavesidx <- c(leavesidx, -directleaves)
for(i in 1:length(directleaves)) {
x0 <- currentx
x1 <- currentx
y0 <- 0
y1 <- maxdepth - subct$depth + 1
# append to A and B
A <- cbind(A, c(x0,x1))
B <- cbind(B, c(y0,y1))
# increase startx
currentx <- currentx + 1
# update nodecoord for this node
nodecoord[[treeidx]] <- rbind(nodecoord[[treeidx]], c(x1, y1))
# if there's no inner nodes, create the horizontal and
# vertical lines and return
if(length(innernode) == 0) {
x0 <- startx
y0 <- maxdepth - subct$depth + 1
x1 <- currentx - 1
y1 <- y0
A <- cbind(A, c(x0,x1))
B <- cbind(B, c(y0,y1))
# create a verticle line to connect the children and parent
A <- cbind(A, c((x0+x1)/2,(x0+x1)/2))
B <- cbind(B, c(y1, y1+1))
# return the midpoint of the horizontal line
xycoord <- c((x0+x1)/2, y1+1)
else {
# if there are any inner nodes,
# call makeAB recursively for all inner nodes
for(i in 1:length(innernode)) {
if( is.null(A) )
substartx <- 0
substartx <- max(A) + 1
# update input coord object
coord$A <- A; coord$B <- B;
coord$xycoord <- xycoord;
coord$nodecoord <- nodecoord
coord$leavesidx <- leavesidx
# recursively call makeAB
coord.tmp <- NULL
coord.tmp <- makeAB(ct, coord, innernode[i], substartx, maxdepth)
A <- cbind(coord.tmp$A, c(coord.tmp$xycoord[1], coord.tmp$xycoord[1]))
B <- cbind(coord.tmp$B, c(coord.tmp$xycoord[2]-1, coord.tmp$xycoord[2]))
nodecoord <- coord.tmp$nodecoord
nodecoord[[treeidx]] <- rbind(nodecoord[[treeidx]], coord.tmp$xycoord)
leavesidx <- coord.tmp$leavesidx
# create a horizontal line to connect all inner nodes and direct leaves
x0 <- min(nodecoord[[treeidx]][,1])
x1 <- max(nodecoord[[treeidx]][,1])
y0 <- nodecoord[[treeidx]][1,2]
y1 <- y0
A <- cbind(A, c(x0,x1))
B <- cbind(B, c(y0,y1))
# create a verticle line to connect the children and parent
# if this node is not root
if(treeidx != 1) {
A <- cbind(A, c((x0+x1)/2, (x0+x1)/2))
B <- cbind(B, c(y1,y1+1))
# return the midpoint of the horizontal line
xycoord <- c((x0+x1)/2, y1+1)
# make the return variable
result <- NULL
result$A <- A
result$B <- B
result$xycoord <- xycoord
result$nodecoord <- nodecoord
result$leavesidx <- leavesidx
buildtree <- function(ct, binstr, depth, parent, idx.node, idx.leave)
# local variable
n <- dim(binstr)[1]
l <- dim(binstr)[2]
# find the missing leaves in binstr and make them the direct
# children of parent
missleave <- NULL
for(i in 1:l) {
if(all(binstr[,i]==0)) # direct children
missleave <- c(missleave, i)
if(!is.null(missleave)) {
ct[[parent]]$children <- c(ct[[parent]]$children, -idx.leave[missleave])
binstr <- binstr[,-missleave]
idx.leave <- idx.leave[-missleave]
# if there are only one node, we are done
if(n==1) {
ct[[idx.node+1]]$children <- -idx.leave
ct[[idx.node+1]]$depth <- depth + 1
ct[[idx.node+1]]$nleaves <- length(idx.leave)
ct[[parent]]$children <- c(ct[[parent]]$children, idx.node+1)
# find the node with maximum elements
nele <- NULL
for(i in 1:n)
nele[i] <- sum(binstr[i,]==1)
nleave <- max(nele)
maxidx <- which(nele==nleave)[1]
# update the node object for maxidx
ct[[idx.node[maxidx]+1]]$depth <- depth + 1
ct[[idx.node[maxidx]+1]]$nleaves <- nleave
ct[[parent]]$children <- c(ct[[parent]]$children, idx.node[maxidx]+1)
# use binstr(maxidx) to divide the inner nodes into two groups, e.g.,
# set1 is the nodes to contain the leaves in binstr(maxidx) but doesn't
# include maxidx itselt. set2 is the nodes don't contain that.
leaves <- which(binstr[maxidx,]==1)
noleaves <- which(binstr[maxidx,]==0)
set1 <- NULL
set2 <- NULL
for(i in 1:dim(binstr)[1]) {
set2 <- c(set2,i)
set1 <- c(set1, i)
# only one node in set1
ct[[idx.node[maxidx]+1]]$children <- -idx.leave[leaves]
# exclude maxidx from set1
set1 <- setdiff(set1, maxidx)
# create two matrices
binstr1 <- binstr[set1,leaves]
binstr2 <- binstr[set2, noleaves]
# call buildtree recursively
ct <- buildtree(ct, matrix(binstr1, nrow=length(set1)), ct[[idx.node[maxidx]+1]]$depth,
idx.node[maxidx]+1, idx.node[set1], idx.leave[leaves])
if(length(binstr2) != 0)
ct <- buildtree(ct, matrix(binstr2, nrow=length(set2)), depth, parent, idx.node[set2],
cluster2num <- function(clust){
# number of leaves, exclude the last one(root)
n.leaves <- dim(clust)[1] - 1
result <- NULL
result$tree <- list(NULL)
result$num <- matrix(rep(0, n.leaves*2), n.leaves, 2)
result$tree[[1]] <- -clust[1,]
result$num[1,] <- c(2, sum(-clust[1,]))
if(n.leaves > 1){
for(i in 2:n.leaves) {
tmp1 <- -clust[i,1]
tmp2 <- -clust[i,2]
if(tmp1 < 0)
tmp1 <- result$tree[[-tmp1]]
if(tmp2 < 0)
tmp2 <- result$tree[[-tmp2]]
result$tree[[i]] <- c(tmp1, tmp2)
result$num[i,] <- c(length(result$tree[[i]]), sum(result$tree[[i]]))
# The following functions are using for Kmeans clustering
consensus.kmean <- function(macluster, level, draw)
# local variable
what <- macluster$what
n.perm <- macluster$n.perm
term <- macluster$term
n.leaves <- length(macluster$cluster.obs)
n.grp <- macluster$kmean.ngroups
idx.gene <- macluster$idx.gene
idxname = macluster$leave.names
groups <- matrix(rep(0, n.perm*n.leaves), n.perm, n.leaves)
# fill groups
groups[1,] <- macluster$cluster.obs
if(n.perm > 1)
for(i in 2:n.perm)
groups[i,] <- macluster$cluster.perm[[i]]
# initialize output
result <- list(NULL)
for(i in 1:(n.grp+1))
result[[i]] <- numeric(0)
tmp <- rep(0, n.grp)
# given level, calculate consensus result
for(i in 1:n.leaves) {
for(j in 1:n.grp)
tmp[j] <- sum(groups[,i]==j)/n.perm
# find the consensus group for this leaf
# if level is not 1, use ">" (that's because
# if level is 0.5, the leaf can be in two groups, each
# has 50% occurance)
# if level is 1, use ">="
if(level != 1)
idx <- which(tmp>level)
idx <- which(tmp>=level)
if(length(idx) != 0) # there's a group for this leaf
result[[idx]] <- c(result[[idx]], i)
result[[n.grp+1]] <- c(result[[n.grp+1]], i)
resultname <- list(NULL)
for(i in 1:(n.grp+1))
resultname[[i]] <- idxname[result[[i]]]
# return variable
output <- NULL
output$group <- result
output$groupname <- resultname
output$what <- what
output$data.draw <- macluster$VG
output$condition.names <- macluster$condition.names
class(output) <- "consensus.kmean"
# draw the VG profiles
plot.consensus.kmean <- function(x, ...)
con <- x
# local variables
data.draw <- con$data.draw
ncondition <- dim(data.draw)[2]
what <- con$what
group <- con$group
n.grp <- length(group) - 1
# number of figures per plot
if(n.grp > 8)
nfig.plot <- 9
nfig.plot <- n.grp + 1
# determin how many plots will be generated
# maximum figures on one plot is 9
# don't forget the not-in-any-group group
# calculate the number of plots and figures per plot for a pretty layout
if(n.grp > 8)
n.plot <- ceiling((n.grp+1)/9)
n.plot <- 1
# determine how many figures horizontally
n.col <- 2
n.col <- 3
# number of cols in figure is n.col, calculate number of rows
n.row <- ceiling(nfig.plot/n.col)
# save old par
#old.mar <- par("mar")
#old.las <- par("las")
#old.mfrow <- par("mfrow")
#old.mfcol <- par("mfcol")
#on.exit(par(las = old.las, mar = old.mar, mfrow = old.mfrow,
# mfcol=old.mfcol))
for(iplot in 1:n.plot) {
# draw gene profiles
ylabel <- "Expression level"
xlabel <- "Sample"
xlabel <- "Gene"
# starting and ending group in this plot
istart <- nfig.plot*(iplot-1) + 1
iend <- nfig.plot * iplot
if(iend > n.grp)
iend <- n.grp + 1
# number of figures on this plot
nfig.thisplot <- iend - istart + 1
# generate a new figure for each plot
# if(.Platform$GUI == "AQUA")
# quartz()
# else
# x11()
# build a matrix for figure layout
mat <- matrix(c(1:nfig.thisplot, rep(0, n.col*n.row-nfig.thisplot)),
n.row, n.col, byrow=TRUE)
# y-axis limits. It'll be the same for all plots
ylim <- range(data.draw)
for(i in istart:iend) {
idx.grp <- group[[i]]
title <- paste("Not in any group \n\n(",length(idx.grp)," ",
what, "s)", sep="")
title <- paste("Expression profile for group ", i,
"\n\n (",length(idx.grp)," ", what,"s)", sep="")
# data to be drawn for this group
data.grp <- data.draw[idx.grp,]
# create an empty plot
plot(1:ncondition, ylim=ylim, type="n", xaxt="n",
xlab=xlabel, ylab=ylabel, main=title)
if(length(idx.grp) == 1)
# only one gene in this group
# draw a line
lines(data.grp, col="blue", type="b")
else if(length(idx.grp) > 0)
# draw the lines
apply(data.grp, 1, function(x) lines(x, col="blue", type="b"))
# draw the axis
axis(1, at=1:ncondition, labels=con$condition.names)
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