CorrSample = function(x, np, seed, rp, ndx)
# Name: CorrSample
# Desc: samples np random pairs of genes from the expression matrix x and
# computes their means, variances, and correlation
# Auth: 200206
# Chng:
## Find the random pairs
if (!missing(rp)) {
if (!missing(np) | !missing(seed)) {
warning("rp specified, seed and np are ignored")
} else {
if (!missing(seed)) {
} else {
seed = NULL
rp = RandPairs(1:nrow(x), np)
## We delete unspecified genes
if (!missing(ndx)) {
x[!ndx] = NA
## Worker function - not very efficient
func = function(ndx) {
g1 = x[ndx[1],]
g2 = x[ndx[2],]
c(cor(g1, g2, use="pairwise"),sd(g1, na.rm=TRUE),
sd(g2, na.rm=TRUE), mean(g1, na.rm=TRUE), mean(g2, na.rm=TRUE))
ret = t(apply(rp, 1, func))
ret = data.frame(ret[,1], ret[,2]*ret[,3], rowMeans(ret[,4:5], na.rm=TRUE),
ret[,2:5], rp)
colnames(ret) = c("Correlation","StdDev","Mean","sd1","sd2","m1","m2",
class(ret) = c("corr.sample","data.frame")
RandPairs = function(probes, number)
# Name: RandPairs
# Desc: given a vector of either integers or characters, selects random pairs
# Auth: 200206
# Chng:
ret = matrix(probes[1], nrow=number, ncol=2)
for (i in 1:number) {
ret[i,] = sample(probes, 2)
plot.corr.sample = function(x, ..., cond, groups, grid=TRUE, refline=TRUE,
xlog=TRUE, scatter=FALSE, curve=FALSE, ci=TRUE,
nint=10, alpha=0.95, length=0.1, xlab="Standard Deviation")
# Name: plot.corr.sample
# Desc: plotting method for output from CorrSample
# Auth: 200206
# Chng: 270206 added ylim, xlab, ylab
# 060306 multiple groups and conds use the same set of factor levels
# across corr.sample objects - better auto.key
# check for cond that averages across objects
# 060401 changed name of first argument to xyplot
# added type="o" to common.arg b/o trouble with panel.superpose
# Separate correlations and plotting stuff
args = list(x, ...)
ndx = sapply(args, inherits, "corr.sample")
corr.arg = args[ndx] # Not empty
latt.arg = args[!ndx] # May be empty
# Set up the common arguments
# Note that type=o" is hardcoded to preserve the look, and to avoid
# hassle with panel.superpose down the road in panel.corr.sample
common.arg = list(grid=grid, refline=refline, scatter=scatter, curve=curve,
ci=ci, nint=nint, length=length, xlab=xlab, alpha=alpha,
common.arg = c(common.arg, latt.arg)
# Translate the convenience parameters
common.arg$scales$x$log = xlog
# One or several correlations?
nc = length(corr.arg)
if (nc == 1) {
args = list(x=Correlation~StdDev, data=corr.arg[[1]])
if (missing(groups)) {
args$panel = panel.corr.sample
} else {
if (length(groups)!=nrow(x)) {
stop("length group vector does not match x")
args$panel = panel.superpose
args$panel.groups = panel.corr.sample
args$groups = groups
} else {
x = data.frame(Correlation = unlist(lapply(corr.arg, function(x) x$Corr)),
StdDev = unlist(lapply(corr.arg, function(x) x$StdDev)))
if (missing(cond)) {
cond = factor(1:nc)
if (!is.list(cond)) {
cond = list(cond)
ncond = length(cond)
if (ncond > 2) {
warning("only the first two conditions are processed")
cond = cond[1:2]
ncond = 2
formula.char = "Correlation~StdDev"
formula.sep = c("|","*")
cond.check = NULL
for (i in 1:ncond) {
cc = cond[[i]]
if (length(cc)!=nc) {
stop("length of condition",i, "must match number of arguments")
cc = rep(cc, sapply(corr.arg, nrow))
x = cbind(x, cc)
namu = paste("cond",i,sep="")
colnames(x)[ncol(x)] = namu
formula.char = paste(formula.char, namu, sep=formula.sep[i])
cond.check = paste(cond.check, cond[[i]], sep="/")
# Now check whether we have (combined) as many conditions as objects
if (length(unique(cond.check))!=nc)
warning("Correlations are averaged across objects - check cond")
args = list(x=as.formula(formula.char), data=x)
if (missing(groups)) {
args$panel = panel.corr.sample
} else { # we require a list of group vectors (eg a data.frame)
if (length(groups)!=nc) {
stop("length groups must match number of data sets")
for (i in 1:nc) {
if (length(groups[[i]])!=nrow(corr.arg[[i]])) {
stop("length group vector",i," does not match x")
# Build the combined vector of factors
groups = lapply(groups, factor)
# Try to keep some order among levels
levls = NULL
for (i in 1:nc)
levls = union(levls, levels(groups[[i]]))
groups = unlist(lapply(groups, as.character))
groups = factor(groups, levels=levls)
args$groups = groups
args$panel = panel.superpose
args$panel.groups = panel.corr.sample
# Combine & call; if we're really smooth, we check for overlaps
args = c(args, common.arg)
ret ="xyplot", args)
panel.corr.sample = function(x,y, grid=TRUE, refline=TRUE, xlog=TRUE, scatter=FALSE,
curve=FALSE, ci=TRUE, nint=10, alpha=0.95,
length=0.1, col.line, col.symbol, ...)
# Name: panel.corr.sample
# Desc: panel function for plot.corr.sample
# Auth: 200206
# Chng: 060306 added check for empty panel (sigh)
# 060401 removed explicit type="o" from call to panel.xyplot, cos
# this conflicted with panel.superpose; type="o" is now hidden
# in ... and had therefore to be removed from the scatter-option
# So, no multi-symbol scatter for the moment
if (missing(col.line))
col.line = trellis.par.get("plot.line")$col
if (missing(col.symbol))
col.symbol = gray(0.4)
# If
if (scatter) {
panel.xyplot(x,y, col.symbol=col.symbol)
if (grid) {
panel.grid(h=-1, v=-1)
if (refline) {
panel.abline(h=0, lty=2, col.line="black",lwd=0.5)
# We skip here if we have no data
if (length(x) <= 0) return()
# Ok, still with us
xx = cbind(y,x)
cc = CutCI(xx, number=nint, alpha=alpha)
panel.xyplot(cc$x, cc$y, col.line=col.line, ...)
if (ci) {
panel.arrows(cc$x, cc$yci[,1], cc$x, cc$yci[,2], code=3,
angle=90, length=length, col=col.line)
if (curve) {
xx = seq(min(x, na.rm=TRUE), max(x, na.rm=TRUE), length=101)
xt = if (xlog) 10^(-x) else 1/x
fit = lm(y~xt)
yy = predict(fit, list(xt=if (xlog) 10^(-xx) else 1/xx))
panel.xyplot(xx, yy, type="l",lty=1, lwd=2, col="red")
CIrho = function(rho, alpha=0.95)
# Name: CIrho
# Desc: computes a confidence interval for a set of correlation coefficients
rho = rho[!]
nn = length(rho)
qq = qnorm((1+alpha)/2)
mn = mean(rho)
se = sd(rho)/sqrt(nn)
## Combine the Cut-function with CI
CutCI = function(dat, number=10, func=mean, alpha=0.95)
x = dat[,2]
y = dat[,1]
int = co.intervals(x, number=number, overlap=0)
cutt = c(int[1,1], int[,2])
xgrp = cut(x, cutt)
ysum = tapply(y, xgrp, func, na.rm=TRUE)
yci = matrix(unlist(tapply(y, xgrp, CIrho, alpha=alpha)), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(yci) = c("CL","CU")
rownames(yci) = names(ysum)
xmid = (int[,1]+int[,2])/2
invisible(list(x=xmid, y=ysum, yci=yci))
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