#' \code{loadingplot} of interaction PCA decomposed lmdme object
#' This function plots the PCA loadings for a given interaction (A:B) lmdme
#' object's components slot, for the given "pc" component. The user can choose
#' which term (A or B) is used for x-axis and y-axis functions (B or A)
#' respectively.
#' @param object lmdme class object.
#' @param term.x,term.y character indicating the model principal factor for the
#' interaction term (term.x:term.y or term.y:term.x) for the corresponding x or
#' y axis.
#' @param pc integer indicating which principal component loading is to be
#' plotted on the y-axis. Default value is 1.
#' @param col which color to use for each level present in term.y.
#' @param ord.x numeric indicating the term.x levels order, for plotting
#' purposes. If missing, the levels order is used.
#' @param ... additional parameters for matplot.
#' @return loading plot of the selected interaction (term.x:term.y)
#' lmdme object's components slot, if PCA decomposition was applied.
#' @author Cristobal Fresno and Elmer A Fernandez
#' @examples
#' {
#' data(stemHypoxia)
#' ##Just to make a balanced dataset in the Fisher sense (2 samples per
#' ## time*oxygen levels)
#' design<-design[design$time %in% c(0.5,1,5) & design$oxygen %in% c(1,5,21), ]
#' design$time<-as.factor(design$time)
#' design$oxygen<-as.factor(design$oxygen)
#' rownames(M)<-M[, 1]
#' #Keeping appropriate samples only
#' M<-M[, colnames(M) %in% design$samplename]
#' ##ANOVA decomposition
#' fit<-lmdme(model=~time+oxygen+time:oxygen, data=M, design=design)
#' ##ASCA for all the available terms, on those subjects/genes where at least
#' ##one interaction coefficient is statistically different from zero (F-test
#' ##on the coefficients).
#' id<-F.p.values(fit, term="time:oxygen")<0.001
#' decomposition(fit, decomposition="pca", scale="row", subset=id)
#' \dontrun{
#' loadingplot(fit, term.x="time", term.y="oxygen")
#' ##Or change the axis order
#' loadingplot(fit, term.x="oxygen", term.y="time")
#' ##Or change the PC to display
#' loadingplot(fit, term.x="time", term.y="oxygen", pc=2)
#' ##Or the order of x-levels
#' loadingplot(fit, term.x="time", term.y="oxygen", ord.x=3:1)
#' }
#' }
#' @exportMethod loadingplot
#' @importFrom pls loadingplot
#' @docType methods
#' @name loadingplot
#' @rdname lmdme-loadingplot
#' @usage \S4method{loadingplot}{lmdme}(object, term.x, term.y, pc=1, ord.x, col, ...)
#' @aliases loadingplot,lmdme-method
setMethod(f="loadingplot",signature="lmdme", definition=function(object, term.x,
term.y, pc=1, ord.x, col, ...){
##Check for PCA decomposition
stop("No available PCA decomposed model. Please run decomposition(x)")
stop(paste("No available PCA decomposed model. Please run",
##Check term presence and appropriate order
## Term parameter were passed to the function
stopifnot(!missing(term.x) & !missing(term.y))
term <- c(paste(term.x,":",term.y,sep=""), paste(term.y,":",term.x,sep=""))
if(!any(term %in% names(object@components))){
stop("Term specification ", term[1], " not in modelDecomposition(object).",
"Maybe misspelled?")}
##Get term positions and levels
termPos<-which(names(object@components) %in% term)
termxPos<-which(term %in% names(object@components))
levelsY<-levels(object@design[, term.y])
levelsX<-levels(object@design[, term.x])
##Get the loadings and parse them for plotting
pcaLoad<-sapply(levelsY, function(y){
'1'=rownames(pcaLoad)==paste(term.x, x, ":", term.y, y, sep=""),
'2'=rownames(pcaLoad)==paste(term.y, y, ":", term.x, x, sep=""))
##Finally the loadingplot
variance<-round(object@components[[termPos]]$sdev[pc] /
sum(object@components[[termPos]]$sdev)*100, digits=2)
matplot(pcaLoad[ord.x,], type="b", main=term[termxPos], axes=FALSE,
ylab=paste("PC-", pc, "- Exp. Var. (", variance, "%)", sep=""),
xlab=term.x, pch=16, col=col, ...)
axis(1, at=1:nrow(pcaLoad), labels=rownames(pcaLoad)[ord.x])
legend("topright", legend=paste(term.y, levelsY, sep="="), pch=16,
box.col="transparent", col=col)
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