unifyPredictionOutput <- function(model, pred, predictionType)
## pred is already converted in low level predict method
if (is.matrix(pred) && ncol(pred) == 1)
pred <- as.numeric(pred)
if (predictionType == "response")
if (is.integer(model@levels) && !is.integer(pred))
if (is.factor(pred))
pred <- as.integer(levels(pred)[pred])
if (!(is.numeric(pred) && !model@ctlInfo@classification))
warning("prediction values are of unexpected type\n")
else if (is.numeric(model@levels) && !is.numeric(pred))
if (is.factor(pred))
pred <- as.numeric(levels(pred)[pred])
warning("prediction values are of unexpected type\n")
else if (is.character(model@levels) && !is.character(pred))
if (is.factor(pred))
pred <- levels(pred)[pred]
warning("prediction values are of unexpected type\n")
else if (is.factor(model@levels) && !is.factor(pred))
if (is.character(pred))
pred <- factor(pred, levels=model@levels)
warning("prediction values are of unexpected type\n")
else if (predictionType == "decision")
if (!(is.matrix(pred) || is.numeric(pred)))
warning("decision values are of unexpected type\n")
if (model@svmInfo@selPackage == "e1071" &&
model@ctlInfo@classification &&
model@svmModel$nclasses == 2 &&
model@svmModel$labels[1] == 1)
pred <- - pred
else if (model@svmInfo@selPackage == "LiblineaR" &&
model@svmModel$NbClass == 2 &&
pred <- pred[,1]
classNamesRaw <- getSVMSlotValue("classNames", model, raw=TRUE)
if (any(sort(classNamesRaw, decreasing=TRUE) != classNamesRaw))
pred <- - pred
## Determination of probabilities from decision values via fitted logistic
## function according to implementation in e1071 in vectorized form
getProbability <- function(decisionValue, A, B)
fApB = decisionValue * A + B
probabilities <- rep(0, length(decisionValue))
## avoid catastrophic cancellation
## see H.T. Lin, C.J. Lin, R.C Weng, A Note on Platts Probabilistic
## Outputs for Support Vector Machines
useAlt <- fApB >= 0
probabilities[useAlt] <- exp(-fApB[useAlt]) / (1 + exp(-fApB[useAlt]))
probabilities[!useAlt] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-fApB[!useAlt]))
predict.PositionDependent <- function(model, x, predictionType, sel,
verbose, ...)
if (verbose)
classifierType <- kebabsInfo@classifierMap[model@svmInfo@selSVM,
verbM(paste("predict - kbsvm with position specific feature weights:"),
classifierType, list(...))
offsetX <- mcols(x)[["offset"]]
## independent of kernel - including last positions
if (is.null(offsetX))
minPos <- 1
maxPos <- max(width(x)[sel])
offsetX <- integer(0)
startPosX <- -offsetX[sel] + 1
minPos <- min(startPosX)
maxPos <- max(startPosX + width(x)[sel]) - 1
if (!is(model@svmInfo@selKernel, "MotifKernel"))
k <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$k
motifs <- character(0)
motifLengths <- integer(0)
maxMotifLength <- 0
maxPatternLength <- 0
nodeLimit <- 0
motifs <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$motifs
motifLengths <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$motifLengths
maxMotifLength <- max(motifLengths)
maxPatternLength <- max(nchar(motifs))
## rough limit for no of nodes in motif tree from no of
## chars and no of substitution groups, add one for root
nodeLimit <- sum(motifLengths) + 1 +
sum(sapply(gregexpr("[", motifs, fixed=TRUE),
function(x) length(unlist(x))))
k <- 0
if (is(model@svmInfo@selKernel, "MismatchKernel") ||
is(model@svmInfo@selKernel, "GappyPairKernel"))
m <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$m
m <- 0
kernelType <- 1:6
names(kernelType) <- c("SpectrumKernel",
if (length(model@ctlInfo@multiclassType) > 0 &&
model@ctlInfo@multiclassType == "pairwise")
posNames <- lapply(model@featureWeights, colnames)
minPosSV <- min(unlist(lapply(posNames, "[", 1)))
maxPosSV <- max(unlist(lapply(posNames, "[",
unlist(lapply(posNames, length)))))
posNames <- colnames(model@featureWeights)
minPosSV <- as.numeric(posNames[1])
maxPosSV <- as.numeric(posNames[length(posNames)])
distWeight <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$distWeight
maxDist <- max(maxPos, maxPosSV) - min(minPos, minPosSV)
if (is.function(distWeight))
if (is(model@svmInfo@selKernel, "SpectrumKernel"))
minFeatureLength <- k
else if (is(model@svmInfo@selKernel, "GappyPairKernel"))
minFeatureLength <- k
else if (is(model@svmInfo@selKernel, "MotifKernel"))
minFeatureLength <- min(motifLengths)
## precompute distance weight vector
## terminate on stop and warning
## assuming that all distances are partially overlapping
distWeight <- tryCatch(distWeight(0:(maxDist - minFeatureLength + 1)),
warning=function(w) {stop(w)},
error=function(e) {stop(e)})
if (!(is.numeric(distWeight) && length(distWeight) ==
maxDist - minFeatureLength + 2))
stop("distWeight function did not return a numeric vector\n",
" of correct length\n")
## limit to values larger than .Machine$double.eps
## for non-monotonic decreasing functions search from end
for (i in (maxDist - minFeatureLength + 2):1)
if (distWeight[i] > .Machine$double.eps)
distWeight <- distWeight[1:i]
if (isTRUE(all.equal(distWeight, c(1, rep(0, length(distWeight)-1)))))
posSpec <- TRUE
distWeight <- numeric(0)
posSpec <- FALSE
normalized <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$normalized
ignoreLower <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$ignoreLower
reverseComplement <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$revComplement
maxSeqLength <- max(width(x))
bioCharset <- getBioCharset(x, TRUE)
unmapped <- is(x, "DNAStringSet") || is(x, "RNAStringSet")
isXStringSet <- inherits(x, "XStringSet")
if (length(model@ctlInfo@multiclassType) > 0 &&
model@ctlInfo@multiclassType == "pairwise")
pred <- matrix(NA, length(sel), choose(model@numClasses, 2))
for (i in 1:choose(model@numClasses, 2))
pos1 <- as.numeric(colnames(model@featureWeights[[i]])[1])
pred[,i] <-
.Call("getPosDepPredOrProfC", model@featureWeights[[i]],
as.double(model@svmInfo@weightLimit), model@b[i], x,
is.logical(isXStringSet), length(sel), sel - 1, offsetX,
as.integer(maxSeqLength), as.integer(bioCharset[[2]]),
as.integer(k), as.integer(m), motifs, motifLengths,
as.integer(maxMotifLength), as.integer(maxPatternLength),
as.integer(nodeLimit), as.logical(posSpec), distWeight,
as.logical(ignoreLower), as.logical(unmapped),
as.logical(reverseComplement), as.logical(normalized),
as.logical(FALSE), as.integer(pos1), as.integer(minPos),
if (model@ctlInfo@classification == TRUE)
if (predictionType == "response")
pred[,i] <- 1.5 - 0.5 * sign(pred[,i])
pred <- model@classNames[pred[,i]]
if (is.integer(model@levels))
pred[,i] <- as.integer(pred[,i])
else if (is.factor(model@levels))
pred[,i] <- factor(pred[,i], levels=model@levels)
else if (predictionType == "probabilities")
pred[,i] <- getProbability(pred[,i], model@probA,
## $$$ TODO combine result from pairwise classifiers
## check how this is handled in kernlab, e1071 and LiblineaR
pos1 <- as.numeric(colnames(model@featureWeights)[1])
pred <- .Call("getPosDepPredOrProfC", model@featureWeights,
as.double(model@svmInfo@weightLimit), model@b,
x, is.logical(isXStringSet),
sel - 1, as.integer(length(sel)), offsetX,
as.integer(maxSeqLength), as.integer(bioCharset[[2]]),
as.integer(k), as.integer(m), motifs, motifLengths,
as.integer(maxMotifLength), as.integer(maxPatternLength),
as.integer(nodeLimit), as.logical(posSpec), distWeight,
as.logical(ignoreLower), as.logical(unmapped),
as.logical(reverseComplement), as.logical(normalized),
as.logical(FALSE), as.integer(pos1), as.integer(minPos),
if (model@ctlInfo@classification == TRUE)
if (predictionType == "response")
pred <- 1.5 - 0.5 * sign(pred)
pred <- model@classNames[pred]
if (is.integer(model@levels))
pred <- as.integer(pred)
else if (is.factor(model@levels))
pred <- factor(pred, levels=model@levels)
else if (predictionType == "probabilities")
pred <- getProbability(pred, model@probA, model@probB)
predict.FeatureWeights <- function(model, x, predictionType, sel, exrep=NULL,
raw, verbose, ...)
## in the current implementation multiclass prediction is not
## relevant for this function but is always performed natively in the SVM
## $$$ TODO For large number of samples predict individually or in blocks
if (is.null(x) && is.null(exrep))
stop("missing data for prediction\n")
if (predictionType == "probabilities" && !model@svmInfo@probModel)
stop("missing probability model in model\n")
if (length(kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$distWeight) > 0)
pred <- predict.PositionDependent(model, x, predictionType, sel,
verbose, ...)
## calculate predictions with precalculated feature weights
if (verbose)
classifierType <- kebabsInfo@classifierMap[model@svmInfo@selSVM,
verbM(paste("predict - kbsvm with feature weights:"),
classifierType, list(...))
## get relevant features for prediction
if (model@svmInfo@reqFeatureType == "quadratic")
relevantFeatures <- colnames(model@featureWeights)
## determine single features from pairs
relevantFeatures <- strsplit(relevantFeatures, split="_")
relevantFeatures <- sort(unique(unlist(relevantFeatures)))
if (is.list(model@featureWeights))
relevantFeatures <-
function(x) colnames(x)))))
relevantFeatures <- colnames(model@featureWeights)
## subset ER to / generate ER for relevant features
if (!is.null(exrep))
if (exrep@quadratic == TRUE)
stop("please call predict via feature weights with\n",
" linear explicit representation\n")
if (!(model@svmInfo@reqFeatureType == "quadratic" &&
model@svmInfo@selPackage == "LiblineaR"))
relevantFeatures <- intersect(relevantFeatures, colnames(exrep))
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(colnames(exrep), relevantFeatures)))
exrep <- exrep[, relevantFeatures]
if (nrow(exrep) > 1000)
blockSize <- 1000
blockSize <- nrow(exrep)
numSamples <- nrow(exrep)
if (length(sel) > 1000)
blockSize <- 1000
blockSize <- length(sel)
numSamples <- length(sel)
# for (i in 1:ceiling(numSamples / blockSize))
# {
# range <- as.integer(((i - 1) * blockSize + 1):(i * blockSize))
# if (range[blockSize] > numSamples)
# range <- as.integer(((i - 1) * blockSize + 1):numSamples)
# }
## for prediction only linear exrep is used
## quadratic will be generated later if quadratic kernel
if (is.null(exrep))
if (class(model@svmInfo@selKernel) == "MotifKernel")
## motif kernel does not support feature subsets
exrep <- getExRep(x=x, selx=sel, kernel=model@svmInfo@selKernel,
relevantFeatures <- intersect(relevantFeatures, colnames(exrep))
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(colnames(exrep), relevantFeatures)))
exrep <- exrep[, relevantFeatures]
exrep <- getExRep(x=x, selx=sel, kernel=model@svmInfo@selKernel,
features=relevantFeatures, zeroFeatures=TRUE)
if (model@svmInfo@reqFeatureType == "quadratic")
erq <- getExRepQuadratic(exrep)
relevantFeatures <- intersect(colnames(erq),
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(colnames(erq), relevantFeatures)))
erq <- erq[, relevantFeatures]
if (model@ctlInfo@classification && (predictionType == "response"))
pred <- 1.5 - 0.5 * sign(model@b + erq %*%
else if (!model@ctlInfo@classification ||
(model@ctlInfo@classification &&
(predictionType == "decision")))
pred <- model@b + erq %*%
pred <- NULL
## the subsetting of feature weights is only local to this
## function and not returned to the calling level
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(colnames(model@featureWeights),
model@featureWeights <- model@featureWeights[,relevantFeatures,
if (ncol(exrep) == 0)
pred <- rep(model@b, nrow(exrep))
if (is(exrep, "ExplicitRepresentationSparse"))
## convert sparse ER to dgRMatrix to allow manipulation
## of class attribute in package Matrix
pred <- model@b + as(as(exrep, "dgRMatrix") %*%
t(model@featureWeights), "matrix")
pred <- model@b + as(exrep, "matrix") %*%
if (model@ctlInfo@classification && (predictionType == "response"))
pred <- 1.5 - 0.5 * sign(pred)
if (is.matrix(pred) && ncol(pred) == 1)
pred <- as.numeric(pred)
if (model@ctlInfo@classification == TRUE)
if (predictionType == "response")
pred <- model@classNames[pred]
if (is.integer(model@levels))
pred <- as.integer(pred)
else if (is.factor(model@levels))
pred <- factor(pred, levels=model@levels)
else if (predictionType == "probabilities")
pred <- getProbability(pred, model@probA, model@probB)
predict.NonFeatureWeights <- function(model, x, predictionType, sel, raw,
verbose, ...)
if (is(x, "KernelMatrix"))
if (length(sel) > 0)
x <- x[sel, , drop=FALSE]
pred <- predictSVM(x=x, model=model, predictionType=predictionType,
verbose=verbose, ...)
if (raw != TRUE)
pred <- unifyPredictionOutput(model=model, pred=pred,
if (inherits(x, "ExplicitRepresentation"))
if (model@svmInfo@selPackage == "LiblineaR" &&
model@svmInfo@reqFeatureType == "quadratic" &&
x@quadratic != TRUE)
x <- getExRepQuadratic(x)
pred <- predictSVM(x=x, model=model, predictionType=predictionType,
verbose=verbose, ...)
if (model@ctlInfo@selMethod == "explicitRep")
if (class(model@svmInfo@selKernel) == "MotifKernel")
x <- getExRep(x=x, kernel=model@svmInfo@selKernel,
sparse=model@ctlInfo@sparse, selx=sel)
if (model@svmInfo@reqFeatureType == "quadratic" &&
model@svmInfo@selPackage == "LiblineaR")
x <- getExRepQuadratic(x, zeroFeatures=TRUE)
## subset to features used in training
if (!is(x, "ExplicitRepresentationSparse") &&
!isTRUE(all.equal(colnames(x), model@trainingFeatures)))
x <- x[,model@trainingFeatures]
if (model@svmInfo@reqFeatureType == "quadratic" &&
model@svmInfo@selPackage == "LiblineaR")
linearFeatures <-
x <- getExRep(x=x, kernel=model@svmInfo@selKernel,
sparse=model@ctlInfo@sparse, selx=sel,
x <- getExRepQuadratic(x)
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(colnames(x), model@trainingFeatures)))
x <- x[,model@trainingFeatures]
x <- getExRep(x=x, kernel=model@svmInfo@selKernel,
sparse=model@ctlInfo@sparse, selx=sel,
if (length(model@SV) < 2)
stop("support vectors missing in model")
x <- getKernelMatrix(kernel=model@svmInfo@selKernel, x=x,
y=model@SV, selx=sel)
if (model@svmInfo@selPackage == "e1071")
km <- x@.Data
colnames(x@.Data) <- NULL
x@.Data <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(km), ncol=model@numSequences)
x@.Data[,getSVMSlotValue("svIndex", model)] <- km
pred <- predictSVM(x=x, model=model, predictionType=predictionType,
verbose=verbose, ...)
if (raw != TRUE)
pred <- unifyPredictionOutput(model=model, pred=pred,
predict.KBModel <- function(object, x, predictionType="response", sel=NULL,
raw=FALSE, native=FALSE, predProfiles=FALSE,
verbose = getOption("verbose"), ...)
if (!is.null(predProfiles) && !is.logical(predProfiles))
stop("'predProfiles' must be TRUE or FALSE\n")
if(!(predictionType %in% c("response", "decision", "probabilities")))
stop("wrong value for 'predictionType'\n")
if (is.null(object@svmModel))
stop("missing svm model for prediction\n")
if (predProfiles == TRUE)
if (anyUserDefinedKernel(object@svmInfo@selKernel))
stop("prediction profiles not supported for user-defined kernel\n")
if (missing(x))
pred <- predictSVM(model=object, predictionType=predictionType,
verbose=verbose, ...)
pred <- unifyPredictionOutput(model=object, pred=pred,
x <- switch(class(x),
"DNAString" = DNAStringSet(x),
"RNAString" = RNAStringSet(x),
"AAString" = AAStringSet(x),
if (!inherits(x, "XStringSet") && !inherits(x, "BioVector") &&
!inherits(x, "ExplicitRepresentation") &&
!(class(x) %in% c("kernelMatrix", "KernelMatrix")))
stop("wrong class of x\n")
if (is(x, "kernelMatrix"))
x <- as.KernelMatrix(x)
if (inherits(x, "XStringSet") || inherits(x, "BioVector"))
if (length(sel) > 0)
if (!is.numeric(sel) || min(abs(sel) < 1) ||
max(abs(sel) > length(x)))
stop("'sel' must contain indices into 'x'\n")
if (all(sel < 0))
sel <- c(1:length(x))[-sel]
sel <- 1L:length(x)
if (length(sel) > 0)
stop("parameter 'sel' only allowed for sequences\n")
## last part to allow prediction for regression via feature weigths
if (length(object@featureWeights) > 0 && !(is(x, "KernelMatrix")) &&
(!(object@numClasses > 2) || !object@ctlInfo@classification) &&
## predict allows dispatching only on single parameter
if (inherits(x, "ExplicitRepresentation"))
pred <- predict.FeatureWeights(model=object, x=NULL,
sel=sel, exrep=x, raw=raw,
verbose=verbose, ...)
pred <- predict.FeatureWeights(model=object, x=x,
sel=sel, raw=raw,
verbose=verbose, ...)
pred <- predict.NonFeatureWeights(model=object, x=x,
sel=sel, raw=raw,
verbose=verbose, ...)
if (!predProfiles)
if (!(inherits(x, "XStringSet") ||
inherits(x, "BioVector")))
warning("Prediction profiles can only be computed for\n",
" sequence data\n")
if (is.null(object@featureWeights))
stop("Prediction profiles cannot be computed for models without\n",
" feature weights\n")
predictionProfiles <- getPredictionProfile(x, object@svmInfo@selKernel,
object@b, sel=sel)
return(list(predictions=pred, predictionProfiles=predictionProfiles))
#' @rdname predict-methods
#' @aliases predict predict.kbsvm predict.KBModel
#' @title KeBABS Prediction Methods
#' @description predict response values for new biological sequences from a
#' model trained with \code{kbsvm}
#' @param object model object of class \code{\linkS4class{KBModel}}
#' created by \code{\link{kbsvm}}.
#' @param x multiple biological sequences in the form of a
#' \code{\linkS4class{DNAStringSet}}, \code{\linkS4class{RNAStringSet}},
#' \code{\linkS4class{AAStringSet}} (or as \code{\linkS4class{BioVector}}). Also
#' a precomputed kernel matrix (see \code{\link{getKernelMatrix}} or a
#' precomputed explicit representation (see \code{\link{getExRep}} can be used
#' instead. The same type of input that was used for training the model should
#' also be used for prediction. If the parameter \code{x} is missing the
#' response is computed for the sequences used for SVM training.
#' @param predictionType one character string of either "response",
#' "probabilities" or "decision" which indicates the type of data returned by
#' prediction: predicted response, class probabilities or decision values. Class
#' probabilities can only be computed if a probability model was generated
#' during the training (for details see parameter \code{probModel} in
#' \link{kbsvm}). Default=\code{"response"}
#' @param sel subset of indices into \code{x}. When this parameter is present
#' the training is performed for the specified subset of samples only.
#' Default=\code{integer(0)}
#' @param raw when setting this boolean parameter to TRUE the prediction result
#' is returned in raw form, i.e. in the SVM specific format. Default=FALSE
#' @param native when setting this boolean parameter to TRUE the prediction is
#' not preformed via feature weights in the KeBABS model but native in the SVM.
#' Default=FALSE
#' @param predProfiles when this boolean parameter is set to TRUE the
#' prediction profiles are computed for the samples passed to \code{predict}.
#' Default=FALSE
#' @param verbose boolean value that indicates whether KeBABS should print
#' additional messages showing the internal processing logic in a verbose
#' manner. The default value depends on the R session verbosity option.
#' Default=getOption("verbose")
#' @param ... additional parameters which are passed to SVM prediction
#' transparently.
#' @details
#' Prediction for KeBABS models\cr
#' For the samples passed to the \code{predict} method the response (which
#' corresponds to the predicted label in case of classification or the predicted
#' target value in case of regression), the decision value (which is the value
#' of decision function separating the classes in classification) or the
#' class probability (probability for class membership in classification) is
#' computed for the given model of class \code{\linkS4class{KBModel}}. (see
#' also parameter \code{predictionType}). For sequence data this includes the
#' generation of an explicit representation or kernel matrix dependent on the
#' processing variant that was chosen for the training of the model. When
#' feature weights were computed during training (see parameter
#' \code{featureWeights} in \code{\link{kbsvm}}) the response is computed
#' entirely in KeBABS via the feature weights in the model object. The
#' prediction performance can be evaluated with the function
#' \code{\link{evaluatePrediction}}.\cr\cr
#' If feature weights are not available in the model then native prediction
#' is performed via the SVM which was used for training. The parameter
#' \code{native} enforces native prediction even when feature weights are
#' available. Instead of sequence data also a precomputed kernel matrix or a
#' precomputed explicit representation can be passed to \code{predict}.
#' Prediction via feature weights is not supported for kernel variants which
#' do not support the generation of an explicit representation, e.g. the
#' position dependent kernel variants.\cr\cr
#' Prediction with precomputed kernel matrix
#' When training was performed with a precomputed kernel matrix also in
#' prediction a precomputed kernel matrix must be passed to the \code{predict}
#' method. In contrast to the quadratic and symmetric kernel matrix used
#' in training the kernel matrix for prediction is rectangular and contains
#' the similarities of test samples (rows) against support vectors (columns).
#' support vector indices can be read from the model with the accessor SVindex.
#' Please not that these indices refer to the sample subset used in training.
#' An example for training and prediction via precomputed kernel matrix is
#' shown below.
#' Generation of prediction profiles
#' The parameter \code{predProfiles} controls whether prediction profiles
#' (for details see \code{\link{getPredictionProfile}}) are generated during
#' the prediction process for all predicted samples. They show the contribution
#' of the individual sequence positions to the response value. For a subset of
#' sequences prediction profiles can also be computed independent from
#' predicition via the function \code{\link{getPredictionProfile}}.
#' @return
#' predict.kbsvm: upon successful completion, dependent on the parameter
#' \code{predictionType} the function returns either response values,
#' decision values or probability values for class membership. When prediction
#' profiles are also generated a list containing predictions and prediction
#' profiles is passed back to the user.
#' @seealso \code{\linkS4class{KBModel}}, \code{\link{evaluatePrediction}},
#' \code{\link{kbsvm}}, \code{\link{getPredictionProfile}},
#' \code{\linkS4class{PredictionProfile}}
#' @examples
#' ## load transcription factor binding site data
#' data(TFBS)
#' enhancerFB
#' ## select 70% of the samples for training and the rest for test
#' train <- sample(1:length(enhancerFB), length(enhancerFB) * 0.7)
#' test <- c(1:length(enhancerFB))[-train]
#' ## create the kernel object for gappy pair kernel with normalization
#' gappy <- gappyPairKernel(k=1, m=1)
#' ## show details of kernel object
#' gappy
#' ## run training with explicit representation
#' model <- kbsvm(x=enhancerFB[train], y=yFB[train], kernel=gappy,
#' pkg="LiblineaR", svm="C-svc", cost=10)
#' ## show feature weights in KeBABS model
#' featureWeights(model)[1:8]
#' ## predict the test sequences
#' pred <- predict(model, enhancerFB[test])
#' evaluatePrediction(pred, yFB[test], allLabels=unique(yFB))
#' pred[1:10]
#' ## output decision values instead
#' pred <- predict(model, enhancerFB[test], predictionType="decision")
#' pred[1:10]
#' \dontrun{
#' ## example for training and prediction via precomputed kernel matrix
#' ## compute quadratic kernel matrix of training samples
#' kmtrain <- getKernelMatrix(gappy, x=enhancerFB, selx=train)
#' ## train model with kernel matrix
#' model <- kbsvm(x=kmtrain, y=yFB[train], kernel=gappy,
#' pkg="e1071", svm="C-svc", cost=10)
#' ## compute rectangular kernel matrix of test samples versus
#' ## support vectors
#' kmtest <- getKernelMatrix(gappy, x=enhancerFB, y=enhancerFB,
#' selx=test, sely=train)
#' ## predict with kernel matrix
#' pred <- predict(model, kmtest)
#' evaluatePrediction(pred, yFB[test], allLabels=unique(yFB))
#' ## example for probability model generation during training
#' ## compute probability model via Platt scaling during training
#' ## and predict class membership probabilities
#' model <- kbsvm(x=enhancerFB[train], y=yFB[train], kernel=gappy,
#' pkg="e1071", svm="C-svc", cost=10, probModel=TRUE)
#' ## show parameters of the fitted probability model which are the parameters
#' ## probA and probB for the fitted sigmoid function in case of classification
#' ## and the value sigma of the fitted Laplacian in case of a regression
#' probabilityModel(model)
#' ## predict class probabilities
#' prob <- predict(model, enhancerFB[test], predictionType="probabilities")
#' prob[1:10]
#' }
#' @author Johannes Palme <>
#' @references
#' \url{}\cr\cr
#' J. Palme, S. Hochreiter, and U. Bodenhofer (2015) KeBABS: an R package
#' for kernel-based analysis of biological sequences.
#' \emph{Bioinformatics}, 31(15):2574-2576, 2015.
#' DOI: \href{}{10.1093/bioinformatics/btv176}.
#' @keywords predict
#' @keywords prediction
#' @keywords feature weights
#' @keywords prediction profile
#' @keywords methods
#' @rdname predict-methods
#' @export
setMethod("predict", signature(object = "KBModel"), predict.KBModel)
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