convertSymmetricMatrixToVector <- function(x)
if (!is(x, "matrix") || !isSymmetric(x))
stop("'x' must be a symmetric matrix\n")
x <- as(x, "matrix")
numRows <- nrow(x)
result <- rep(0, (numRows * (numRows + 1) / 2))
sqrt2 <- sqrt(2)
j <- 1
for (i in 1:numRows)
result[j] <- x[i,i]
if (i < numRows)
result[(j+1):(j + numRows - i)] <- sqrt2 * x[i,((i+1):numRows)]
names(result)[j:(j + numRows - i)] <-
paste(colnames(x)[i], colnames(x)[i:numRows], sep="_")
j <- j + numRows - i + 1
getFeatureWeightsPosIndep <- function(model, exrep=NULL, svmIndex=1,
features=NULL, weightLimit=.Machine$double.eps)
## $$$ TODO
## adapt feature weights for PSVM
## $$$ TODO adapt for sparse exrep / sparse weights / sparse pruning
if (is(model@svmModel, "LiblineaR"))
bias <- getSVMSlotValue("bias", model)
weights <- getSVMSlotValue("weights", model)
noWeights <- ncol(weights)
if (bias)
noWeights <- noWeights - 1
weights <- weights[svmIndex, 1:noWeights, drop=FALSE]
classNames <- getSVMSlotValue("classNames", model)
## assign class names for multiclass with one against the rest
if (length(classNames) > 2)
rownames(weights) <- classNames[svmIndex]
if (colnames(model@svmModel$W)[1] != "W1")
colnames(weights) <-
if (length(model@trainingFeatures) > 0)
colnames(weights) <- model@trainingFeatures
## prune weights
if (weightLimit > 0)
weights[which(abs(weights) < weightLimit)] <- 0
weights <- weights[,which(weights != 0), drop=FALSE]
## for dense ER the function must be called with the compact form
## no check to avoid unnecessary performance loss
## adaptation of coef and b to unique format across all svms is done
## in access routine getSVMSlotValue
coef <- getSVMSlotValue("coef", model)
## subset to requested model
coef <- coef[, svmIndex]
if (!is.numeric(coef) || length(coef) != nrow(exrep))
stop("invalid coefficients returned from model\n")
weights <- NULL
if (model@svmInfo@reqFeatureType == "quadratic")
if (is(exrep, "ExplicitRepresentationSparse"))
weights <- ersTransposedAsdgCMatrix(exrep) %*% (coef * exrep)
weights <- t(exrep) %*% (coef * exrep)
rownames(weights) <- colnames(exrep)
colnames(weights) <- colnames(exrep)
tempWeights <- convertSymmetricMatrixToVector(as(weights, "matrix"))
weights <- matrix(tempWeights, nrow=1)
colnames(weights) <- names(tempWeights)
## prune weights
if (weightLimit > 0)
weights <- weights[,which(abs(weights) > weightLimit), drop=FALSE]
## $$$ TODO feature weights for Weston/Watkins
tempWeights <- t(coef) %*% exrep
## prune weights
if (weightLimit > 0)
tempWeights[which(abs(tempWeights) < weightLimit)] <- 0
nonZero <- which(colSums(tempWeights) != 0)
weights <- tempWeights[, nonZero, drop=FALSE]
weights <- tempWeights
getFeatureWeightsPosDep <- function(model, svmIndex=1, features=NULL,
if (missing(model) || !is(model, "KBModel"))
("model' must be a model object of class \"KBModel\"\n")
if (is.null(model@SV))
stop("support vectors are missing in model for computation of\n",
" position specific feature weights\n")
if (inherits(model@SV, "ExplicitRepresentationresentation"))
stop("position specific feature weights cannot be generated from the\n",
" explicit representation\n")
if (!is(model@svmInfo@selKernel, "MotifKernel"))
k <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$k
motifs <- character(0)
motifLengths <- integer(0)
maxMotifLength <- 0
maxPatternLength <- 0
nodeLimit <- 0
k <- 0
motifs <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$motifs
motifLengths <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$motifLengths
maxMotifLength <- max(motifLengths)
maxPatternLength <- max(nchar(motifs))
## rough limit for no of nodes in motif tree from no of
## chars and no of substitution groups, add one for root
nodeLimit <- sum(motifLengths) + 1 +
sum(sapply(gregexpr("[", motifs, fixed=TRUE),
function(x) length(unlist(x))))
if (is(model@svmInfo@selKernel, "MismatchKernel") ||
is(model@svmInfo@selKernel, "GappyPairKernel"))
m <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$m
m <- 0
kernelType <- 1:6
names(kernelType) <- c("SpectrumKernel",
if (!class(model@svmInfo@selKernel) %in% names(kernelType))
stop("wrong kernel class\n")
distWeight <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$distWeight
if (isTRUE(all.equal(distWeight, c(1, rep(0, length(distWeight)-1)))))
posSpec <- TRUE
posSpec <- FALSE
normalized <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$normalized
ignoreLower <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$ignoreLower
presence <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$presence
reverseComplement <- kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$revComplement
bioCharset <- getBioCharset(model@SV, TRUE)
unmapped <- is(model@SV, "DNAStringSet") || is(model@SV, "RNAStringSet")
isXStringSet <- is(model@SV, "XStringSet")
maxSeqLength <- max(width(model@SV))
offsetSV <- mcols(model@SV)[["offset"]]
if (is.null(offsetSV))
minPos <- 1
maxPos <- max(width(model@SV))
offsetSV <- integer(0)
## element wise start pos for SVs
startPosSV <- -offsetSV
startPosSV[which(startPosSV > 0)] <- 0
startPosSV <- startPosSV + 1
minPos <- min(startPosSV)
maxPos <- max(startPosSV + width(model@SV))
if (length(distWeight) > 0)
if (is(model@svmInfo@selKernel, "SpectrumKernel"))
minFeatureLength <- k
else if (is(model@svmInfo@selKernel, "GappyPairKernel"))
minFeatureLength <- k
else if (is(model@svmInfo@selKernel, "MotifKernel"))
minFeatureLength <- min(motifLengths)
if (length(offsetSV) > 0)
maxDist <- max(width(model@SV) - offsetSV) - min(-offsetSV + 1)
offsetSV <- integer(0)
maxDist <- maxSeqLength - 1
if (is.function(distWeight))
## precompute distance weight vector
## terminate on stop and warning
## assuming that all distances are partially overlapping
distWeight <- tryCatch(distWeight(0:(maxDist -
minFeatureLength + 1)),
warning=function(w) {stop(w)},
error=function(e) {stop(e)})
if (!(is.numeric(distWeight) && length(distWeight) ==
(maxDist - minFeatureLength + 2)))
stop("distance weighting function did not return a numeric\n",
" vector of correct length\n")
## limit to values larger than .Machine$double.eps
## for non-monotonic decreasing functions search from end
for (i in (maxDist - minFeatureLength + 2):1)
if (distWeight[i] > .Machine$double.eps)
distWeight <- distWeight[1:i]
if (length(distWeight) == 0)
stop("only zero values for distance weights\n")
if (isTRUE(all.equal(distWeight, c(1, rep(0, length(distWeight)-1)))))
posSpec <- TRUE
distWeight <- numeric(0)
coefs <- getSVMSlotValue("coef", model)
if (!is.list(model@alphaIndex))
svIndices <- which(model@svIndex %in% model@alphaIndex)
svIndices <- which(model@svIndex %in% model@alphaIndex[[svmIndex]])
## distanceWeight is not really relevant here because actual distance
## weighting is done at prediction / generation of prediction profile
## get position specific feature weights
posDepFeatureWeights <- .Call("getFeatureWeightsPosDepC",
model@SV, svIndices - 1, offsetSV,
as.logical(isXStringSet), as.integer(maxSeqLength),
as.integer(svmIndex), distWeight, as.double(weightLimit),
as.integer(k), as.integer(m), as.integer(bioCharset[[2]]), motifs,
motifLengths, as.integer(maxMotifLength),
as.integer(maxPatternLength), as.integer(nodeLimit), coefs,
as.logical(reverseComplement), as.logical(posSpec),
as.integer(minPos), as.integer(maxPos), as.logical(normalized),
as.logical(!ignoreLower), as.logical(unmapped))
#' @rdname featureWeights
#' @title Feature Weights
#' @description Compute Feature Weights for KeBABS Model
#' @param model model object of class \code{\linkS4class{KBModel}} created
#' by \code{\link{kbsvm}}.
#' @param exrep optional explicit representation of the support vectors from
#' which the feature weights should be computed. If no explicit representation
#' is passed to the function the explicit representation is generated internally
#' from the support vectors stored in the model. default=\code{NULL}
#' @param features feature subset of the specified kernel in the form of a
#' character vector. When a feature subset is passed to the function all other
#' features in the feature space are not considered for the explicit
#' representation. (see below) default=\code{NULL}
#' @param weightLimit the feature weight limit is a single numeric value and
#' allows pruning of feature weights. All feature weights with an absolute
#' value below this limit are set to 0 and are not considered in the feature
#' weights. Default=.Machine$double.eps
#' @details
#' Overview\cr\cr
#' Feature weights represent the contribution to the decision value for a
#' single occurance of the feature in the sequence. In this way they give a
#' hint concerning the importance of the individual features for a given
#' classification or regression task. Please consider that for a pattern length
#' larger than 1 patterns at neighboring sequence positions overlap and are no
#' longer independent from each other. Apart from the obvious overlapping
#' possibility of patterns for e.g. gappy pair kernel, motif kernel or mixture
#' kernels multiple patterns can be relevant for a single position. Therefore
#' feature weights do not describe the relevance for individual features
#' exactly.\cr\cr
#' Computation of feature weights\cr\cr
#' Feature weights can be computed automatically as part of the training (see
#' parameter \code{featureWeights} in method \code{\link{kbsvm}}. In this case
#' the function getFeatureWeights is called during training automatically.
#' When this parameter is not set during training computation of feature weights
#' after training is possible with the function getFeatureWeights. The function
#' also supports pruning of feature weights (see parameter \code{weightLimit}
#' allowing to test different prunings without retraining.\cr\cr
#' Usage of feature weights\cr\cr
#' Feature weights are used during prediction to speed up the prediction
#' process. Prediction via feature weights is performed in KeBABS when feature
#' weights are available in the model (see \code{\link{featureWeights}}).
#' When feature weights are not available or for multiclass prediction KeBABS
#' defaults to the native prediction in the SVM used during training.\cr\cr
#' Feature weights are also used during generation of prediction profiles
#' (see \code{\link{getPredictionProfile}}). In the feature weights the general
#' relevance of features is reflected. When generating prediction profiles
#' for a given set of sequences from the feature weights the relevance of
#' single sequence positions is shown for the individual sequences according
#' to the given learning task.\cr\cr
#' Feature weights for position dependent kernels\cr\cr
#' For position dependent kernels the generation of feature weights is not
#' possible during training. In this case the featureWeights slot in the model
#' contains a data representation that allows simple computation of feature
#' weights during prediction or during generation of prediction profiles.
#' @return
#' Upon successful completion, the function returns the feature weights as
#' numeric vector. For quadratic kernels a matrix of feature weights is returned
#' giving the feature weights for pairs of features. In case of multiclass
#' the function returns the feature weights for the pairwise SVMs as list of
#' numeric vectors (or matrices for quadratic kernels).
#' @seealso \code{\link{kbsvm}}, \code{\link{predict}},
#' \code{\link{getPredictionProfile}} \code{\link{featureWeights}},
#' \code{\linkS4class{KBModel}}
#' @examples
#' ## standard method to create feature weights automatically during training
#' ## model <- kbsvm( .... , featureWeights="yes", .....)
#' ## this example describes the case where feature weights were not created
#' ## during training but should be added later to the model
#' ## load example sequences and select a small set of sequences
#' ## to speed up training for demonstration purpose
#' data(TFBS)
#' ## create sample indices of training and test subset
#' train <- sample(1:length(yFB), 200)
#' test <- c(1:length(yFB))[-train]
#' ## determin all labels
#' allLables <- unique(yFB)
#' ## create a kernel object
#' gappyK1M4 <- gappyPairKernel(k=1, m=4)
#' ## model is trainded with creation of feature weights
#' model <- kbsvm(enhancerFB[train], yFB[train], gappyK1M4,
#' pkg="LiblineaR", svm="C-svc", cost=20)
#' ## feature weights included in model
#' featureWeights(model)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## model is originally trainded without creation of feature weights
#' model <- kbsvm(enhancerFB[train], yFB[train], gappyK1M4,
#' pkg="LiblineaR", svm="C-svc", cost=20, featureWeights="no")
#' ## no feature weights included in model
#' featureWeights(model)
#' ## later after training add feature weights and model offset of model to
#' ## KeBABS model
#' featureWeights(model) <- getFeatureWeights(model)
#' modelOffset(model) <- getSVMSlotValue("b", model)
#' ## show a part of the feature weights and the model offset
#' featureWeights(model)[1:7]
#' modelOffset(model)
#' ## another scenario for getFeatureWeights is to test the performance
#' ## behavior of different prunings of the feature weights
#' ## show histogram of full feature weights
#' hist(featureWeights(model), breaks=30)
#' ## show number of features
#' length(featureWeights(model))
#' ## first predict with full feature weights to see how performance
#' ## when feature weights are included in the model prediction is always
#' ## performed with the feature weights
#' ## changes through pruning
#' pred <- predict(model, enhancerFB[test])
#' evaluatePrediction(pred, yFB[test], allLabels=allLables)
#' ## add feature weights with pruning to absolute values larger than 0.6
#' ## model offset was assigned above and is not impacted by pruning
#' featureWeights(model) <- getFeatureWeights(model, weightLimit=0.6)
#' ## show histogram of full feature weights
#' hist(featureWeights(model), breaks=30)
#' ## show reduced number of features
#' length(featureWeights(model))
#' ## now predict with pruned feature weights
#' pred <- predict(model, enhancerFB, sel=test)
#' evaluatePrediction(pred, yFB[test], allLabels=allLables)
#' }
#' @author Johannes Palme <>
#' @references
#' \url{}\cr\cr
#' J. Palme, S. Hochreiter, and U. Bodenhofer (2015) KeBABS: an R package
#' for kernel-based analysis of biological sequences.
#' \emph{Bioinformatics}, 31(15):2574-2576, 2015.
#' DOI: \href{}{10.1093/bioinformatics/btv176}.
#' @keywords feature weights
#' @keywords methods
#' @export
getFeatureWeights <- function(model, exrep=NULL, features=NULL,
if (missing(model) || !is(model, "KBModel"))
stop("model' must be a model object of class \"KBModel\"\n")
if (!isSingleNumber(weightLimit))
stop("'weightLimit' must be a number\n")
if (!is.null(exrep) && !inherits(exrep, "ExplicitRepresentation"))
stop("'exrep' must be an explicit representation\n")
if (!is.null(exrep) && (exrep@quadratic != FALSE))
stop("'exrep' must be a linear explicit representation\n")
if (anyUserDefinedKernel(model@svmInfo@selKernel))
stop("feature weights not supported for user-defined kernel\n")
if (length(kernelParameters(model@svmInfo@selKernel)$distWeight) > 0)
if (length(model@ctlInfo@multiclassType) > 0 &&
model@ctlInfo@multiclassType %in% c("pairwise", "oneAgainstRest",
featureWeights <- list()
if (model@ctlInfo@multiclassType == "pairwise")
numSVMs <- choose(model@numClasses, 2)
numSVMs <- model@numClasses
if (model@svmInfo@selPackage != "LiblineaR")
svmNames <- colnames(getSVMSlotValue("coef", model))
svmNames <- as.character(getSVMSlotValue("classNames",
model, raw=TRUE))
if (model@ctlInfo@multiclassType == "oneAgainstRest")
svmNames <- paste(svmNames, "/R", sep="")
for (i in 1:numSVMs)
featureWeights[[svmNames[i]]] <-
getFeatureWeightsPosDep(model=model, svmIndex=i,
weightLimit=weightLimit, features=features)
return(getFeatureWeightsPosDep(model=model, weightLimit=weightLimit,
if (is.null(exrep) && !is(model@svmModel, "LiblineaR"))
if (length(model@SV) < 1)
stop("missing support vectors for feature weight computation\n")
if (inherits(model@SV, "ExplicitRepresentation"))
exrep <- model@SV
else if (is(model@SV, "BioVector") || is(model@SV, "XStringSet"))
exrep <- getExRep(x=model@SV, kernel=model@svmInfo@selKernel,
stop("Feature weights cannot be computed from kernel matrix\n")
if (length(model@ctlInfo@multiclassType) > 0 &&
model@ctlInfo@multiclassType %in% c("pairwise", "oneAgainstRest",
featureWeights <- list()
if (model@ctlInfo@multiclassType == "pairwise")
numSVMs <- choose(model@numClasses, 2)
numSVMs <- model@numClasses
if (model@svmInfo@selPackage != "LiblineaR")
svmNames <- colnames(getSVMSlotValue("coef", model))
svmNames <- as.character(getSVMSlotValue("classNames",
model, raw=TRUE))
if (model@ctlInfo@multiclassType == "oneAgainstRest")
svmNames <- paste(svmNames, "/R", sep="")
for (i in 1:numSVMs)
featureWeights[[svmNames[i]]] <-
getFeatureWeightsPosIndep(model=model, exrep=exrep,
svmIndex=i, features=features,
## assign name of svm
rownames(featureWeights[[svmNames[i]]]) <- svmNames[i]
return(getFeatureWeightsPosIndep(model=model, exrep=exrep,
features=features, weightLimit=weightLimit))
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