#' kpPlotHorizon
#' @description
#' Plot a horizon plot, an area-like plot where different value levels are
#' plotted in different colors.
#' @details
#' kpPlotHorizon will create a horizon plot, a plot usually used in time series,
#' that will represent a wiggle value (coverage, methylation, expression...)
#' that we'd usually plot with a line or area in a fraction of the vertical
#' space used by these function (usually in 1/6, but that's configurable).
#' To do that, it will cut the \code{y} space into N parts and assign a
#' different color to each one, flip the negative values into the positive space
#' (with negative value colors) and plot all parts in the same vertical space.
#' A more detailed explanation of horizon plots can be found at
#' and a more detailed explanation of the horizon plots implemented in
#' karyoploteR together with an explicative animation can be found at
#' @usage kpPlotHorizon(karyoplot, data=NULL, chr=NULL, x=NULL, y=NULL,
#', breaks=NULL, ymin=NULL, ymax=NULL,
#' data.panel=1, r0=0, r1=1, col="redblue6",
#' border=NA, clipping=TRUE, ...)
#' @inheritParams kpPoints
#' @param (numeric) The number of parts into which the positive and the negative y spaces will be cut. Only used if \code{breaks} is NULL. (defaults to 3)
#' @param breaks (numeric vector or list) A numeric vector of a list with two numeric vectors named "pos" and "neg". The exact break points where the y space will be cut. If NULL, the breaks will be automatically computed using (defaults to NULL)
#' @param col (character, color vector or list) The palette name to be used, a color vector with the color to be used to define the color gradients or a list with two color vectors named "pos" and "neg". Available palettes are: redblue6, bluepurple10 and bluegold3 (defaults to "redblue6")
#' @param border (color) The color of the line delimiting the filled areas. If NULL the color will be assigned automatically to a darker version of the color used for the area. If NA no border will be drawn. (Defaults to NA)
#' @return
#' Returns the original karyoplot object, unchanged.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotKaryotype}}, \code{\link{kpLines}}, \code{\link{kpText}}, \code{\link{kpPlotRibbon}}
#' @examples
#' data.points <- toGRanges(data.frame(chr=c("chr1", "chr1"), start=c(1, 100), end=c(1, 100), y=c(-2, 2)))
#' kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom=toGRanges("chr1:1-100"))
#' kpLines(kp, data.points, r0=0, r1=0.5, ymin=-2, ymax=2)
#' kpAbline(kp, h=c(-2,-1,0,1,2), col="#AAAAAA", r0=0, r1=0.5, ymin=-2, ymax=2)
#' kpAxis(kp, r0=0, r1=0.5, ymin=-2, ymax=2)
#' kpPlotHorizon(kp, data.points, r0=0.55, r1=1)
#' data.points <- toGRanges(data.frame(chr="chr1", start=1:100, end=1:100))
#' data.points$y <- sin(start(data.points)/2)
#' kp <- plotKaryotype(zoom=toGRanges("chr1:1-100"))
#' kpLines(kp, data.points, r0=0, r1=0.5, ymin=-1, ymax=1)
#' kpAbline(kp, h=c(-1,0,1), col="#AAAAAA", r0=0, r1=0.5, ymin=-1, ymax=1)
#' kpAxis(kp, r0=0, r1=0.5, ymin=-1, ymax=1)
#' kpPlotHorizon(kp, data.points, r0=0.55, r1=1)
#' set.seed(1000)
#' data.points <- sort(createRandomRegions(nregions=500, mask=NA))
#' mcols(data.points) <- data.frame(y=runif(500, min=-3, max=3))
#' kp <- plotKaryotype(chromosomes=c("chr1", "chr2"))
#' kpPlotHorizon(kp, data=data.points)
#' kp <- plotKaryotype(chromosomes=c("chr1", "chr2"))
#' kpPlotHorizon(kp, data=data.points,, r0=autotrack(1, 6)$r0, r1=autotrack(1, 6)$r1)
#' kpPlotHorizon(kp, data=data.points,, r0=autotrack(2, 6)$r0, r1=autotrack(2, 6)$r1)
#' kpPlotHorizon(kp, data=data.points,, r0=autotrack(3, 6)$r0, r1=autotrack(3, 6)$r1)
#' kpPlotHorizon(kp, data=data.points,, r0=autotrack(4, 6)$r0, r1=autotrack(4, 6)$r1)
#' kpPlotHorizon(kp, data=data.points,, r0=autotrack(5, 6)$r0, r1=autotrack(5, 6)$r1)
#' kpPlotHorizon(kp, data=data.points,, r0=autotrack(6, 6)$r0, r1=autotrack(6, 6)$r1)
#' kpLines(kp, data=data.points, ymin=-3, ymax=3)
#' kpAbline(kp, h=0, ymin=-3, ymax=3)
#' kp <- plotKaryotype(chromosomes=c("chr1", "chr2"))
#' kpPlotHorizon(kp, data=data.points,, r0=autotrack(1, 6)$r0, r1=autotrack(1, 6)$r1)
#' kpPlotHorizon(kp, data=data.points, col="redblue6",, r0=autotrack(2, 6)$r0, r1=autotrack(2, 6)$r1)
#' kpPlotHorizon(kp, data=data.points, col="bluepurple10",, r0=autotrack(3, 6)$r0, r1=autotrack(3, 6)$r1)
#' kpPlotHorizon(kp, data=data.points, col="bluegold3",, r0=autotrack(4, 6)$r0, r1=autotrack(4, 6)$r1)
#' kpPlotHorizon(kp, data=data.points, col=c("red", "black", "green"),, r0=autotrack(5, 6)$r0, r1=autotrack(5, 6)$r1)
#' kpPlotHorizon(kp, data=data.points, col=c("red", "yellow"),, r0=autotrack(6, 6)$r0, r1=autotrack(6, 6)$r1)
#' @export kpPlotHorizon
#QUESTION: How should axis and kpHorizon relate? Should we return the values in latest plot and help creating a legend for it? with no axis?
kpPlotHorizon <- function(karyoplot, data=NULL, chr=NULL, x=NULL, y=NULL,, breaks=NULL, ymin=NULL, ymax=NULL,
data.panel=1, r0=0, r1=1, col="redblue6", border=NA, clipping=TRUE, ...) {
#Check parameters
if(!methods::is(karyoplot, "KaryoPlot")) stop(paste0("In kpPlotHorizon: 'karyoplot' must be a valid 'KaryoPlot' object"))
#Preprocess the r's (needed to manipulate the later)
rs <- preprocess_r0_r1(karyoplot = karyoplot, r0=r0, r1=r1, data.panel=data.panel)
#Normalize the parameters
pp <- prepareParameters2("kpPlotHorizon", karyoplot=karyoplot, data=data, chr=chr, x=x, y=y,
ymin=0, ymax=1, r0=0, r1=1, data.panel=data.panel, ...)
#And build a GRanges with the normalized data for easier management later on
data <- toGRanges(pp$chr, pp$x, pp$x, y=pp$y)
#Define undefined parameters
#ymin and ymax
if(is.null(ymin)) {
ymin <- min(0, min(data$y))
if(is.null(ymax)) {
ymax <- max(0, max(data$y))
#breaks: The y values to break the positive and gnegative curves
if(is.null(breaks)) {
if(is.null( stop("In kpPlotHorizon: If breaks is NULL, cannot be NULL")
if(!is.numeric( || (round(! ||<1) stop("In kpPlotHorizon: If breaks is NULL, must be a positive integer")
breaks <- list(pos=seq_len(*ymax/,
} else {
if(!is.list(breaks) || !setequal(names(breaks), c("pos", "neg")) || !all(lapply(breaks, methods::is, "numeric"))) {
#If it's a numeric vector, arrange it into a valid list separating positive and negative values
if(length(breaks)==0 || (length(breaks)>0 && all(is.numeric(breaks)))) {
breaks <- list(pos=sort(unique(breaks[breaks>0])), neg=sort(unique(breaks[breaks<0])))
} else {
stop("In kpPlotHorizon: breaks must be either NULL, a numeric vector or a list with two numeric vectors called 'pos' and 'neg'")
#Find the intersections of the data lines with the breaks and 0 and
#inject them into the data
data <- sort(data)
for(thr in c(breaks$neg, 0, breaks$pos)) {
isecs <- findIntersections(data, thr)
data <- sort(c(data, isecs)) #It's important to keep data sorted since findIntersections assumes it is sorted
if(is.list(col) && c("pos", "neg" %in% names(col))) {
if(all(is.color(col$neg)) && all(is.color(col$pos))) {
colors <- col
} else {
stop("in kpPlotHorizon: col$neg and col$pos must be valid colors. ")
} else {
colors <- horizonColors(col, max(length(breaks$pos), length(breaks$neg))+1)
#Iterate through the pos/neg regions
for(posneg in c("pos", "neg")) {
cols <- colors[[posneg]]
for(nbreak in seq_len(length(breaks[[posneg]])+1)) {
thr.1 <- c(0, breaks[[posneg]])[nbreak]
thr.2 <- c(breaks[[posneg]], ifelse(posneg=="pos", ymax, ymin))[nbreak]
d <- data
if(posneg=="pos") {
d$y[d$y>thr.2] <- thr.2
d$y[d$y<thr.1] <- thr.1
kpArea(karyoplot, d, ymin = thr.1, ymax=thr.2, col = cols[nbreak], border=border, base.y = thr.1, r0=rs$r0, r1=rs$r1)
} else {
d$y[d$y>thr.1] <- thr.1
d$y[d$y<thr.2] <- thr.2
kpArea(karyoplot, d, ymin = thr.2, ymax=thr.1, col = cols[nbreak], border=border, base.y = thr.1, r0=rs$r1, r1=rs$r0)
karyoplot$latest.plot <- list(funct="kpPlotHorizon",
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