
Defines functions genomic2plot_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine getChrHeight_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine getIdeogramMidY_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine genomic2plot_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram getChrHeight_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram getIdeogramMidY_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram getCoordChangeFunctions

#' @keywords internal

#Return the coordinate change function mapping genomic to plot coordinates

#getCoordChangeFunctions <- function(plot.type, genome, plot.params)
getCoordChangeFunctions <- function(karyoplot)
  plot.params <- karyoplot$plot.params
  genome <- karyoplot$plot.region
  genome <- keepSeqlevels(genome, seqnames(genome)) #we need the seqlevels in genome to be the visible chromsomes only
  plot.type <- karyoplot$plot.type
  if(plot.type == 1) {
    genomic2plot <- genomic2plot_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram
    ideoMid <- getIdeogramMidY_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram
    chrHeight <- getChrHeight_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram
    coordChangeFunction <- function(chr=NULL, x=NULL, y=NULL, data.panel=NULL) {
      if(!is.null(y)) {
        if(is.null(chr)) {
          stop("If y is not NULL, chr must be specified too")
        if(length(y) != length(chr)) {
          stop("If y is not NULL, it have to have the same length as chr")
      if(is.null(data.panel) || data.panel==2) data.panel <- 1 #data.panel 2 is not visible in this plot.type
      return(genomic2plot(chr=chr, x=x, y=y, data.panel=data.panel, genome=genome, plot.params=plot.params))
  if(plot.type == 2) {
    genomic2plot <- genomic2plot_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram
    ideoMid <- getIdeogramMidY_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram
    chrHeight <- getChrHeight_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram
    coordChangeFunction <- function(chr=NULL, x=NULL, y=NULL, data.panel=NULL) {
      if(is.null(data.panel)) stop("In coordChangeFunction: data.panel is required")
      if(!is.null(y)) {
        if(is.null(chr)) {
          stop("If y is not NULL, chr must be specified too")
        if(length(y) != length(chr)) {
          stop("If y is not NULL, it have to have the same length as chr")
      return(genomic2plot(chr=chr, x=x, y=y, data.panel=data.panel, genome=genome, plot.params=plot.params))
  if(plot.type == 3) { #All chromosomes in a line with 2 data panels
    genomic2plot <- genomic2plot_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine
    ideoMid <- getIdeogramMidY_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine
    chrHeight <- getChrHeight_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine
    coordChangeFunction <- function(chr=NULL, x=NULL, y=NULL, data.panel=NULL) {
      if(is.null(data.panel)) stop("In coordChangeFunction: data.panel is required")
      if(!is.null(x)) {
        if(is.null(chr)) {
          stop("If x is not NULL, chr must be specified too")
        if(length(x) != length(chr)) {
          stop("If x is not NULL, it have to have the same length as chr")
      return(genomic2plot(chr=chr, x=x, y=y, data.panel=data.panel, genome=genome, plot.params=plot.params))
  if(plot.type == 4) { #All chromosomes in a line with 1 data panel above
    genomic2plot <- genomic2plot_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine
    ideoMid <- getIdeogramMidY_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine
    chrHeight <- getChrHeight_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine
    coordChangeFunction <- function(chr=NULL, x=NULL, y=NULL, data.panel=NULL) {
      if(!is.null(x)) {
        if(is.null(chr)) {
          stop("If x is not NULL, chr must be specified too")
        if(length(x) != length(chr)) {
          stop("If x is not NULL, it have to have the same length as chr")
      if(is.null(data.panel) || data.panel==2) data.panel <- 1 #data.panel 2 is not visible in this plot.type
      return(genomic2plot(chr=chr, x=x, y=y, data.panel=data.panel, genome=genome, plot.params=plot.params))
  if(plot.type == 5) { #All chromosomes in a line with 1 data panel below (Implemented as a special case of 3)
    genomic2plot <- genomic2plot_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine
    ideoMid <- getIdeogramMidY_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine
    chrHeight <- getChrHeight_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine
    coordChangeFunction <- function(chr=NULL, x=NULL, y=NULL, data.panel=NULL) {
      if(!is.null(x)) {
        if(is.null(chr)) {
          stop("If x is not NULL, chr must be specified too")
        if(length(x) != length(chr)) {
          stop("If x is not NULL, it have to have the same length as chr")
      if(is.null(data.panel) || data.panel==1) data.panel <- 2 #data.panel 1 is not visible in this plot.type
      inv.y <- plot.params$data2max - (y - plot.params$data2min) #Invert the y so we get "standard" positioning in panel 2
      return(genomic2plot(chr=chr, x=x, y=inv.y, data.panel=data.panel, genome=genome, plot.params=plot.params))
  if(plot.type == 6) { #Plot only on the ideograms
    genomic2plot <- genomic2plot_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram
    ideoMid <- getIdeogramMidY_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram
    chrHeight <- getChrHeight_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram
    coordChangeFunction <- function(chr=NULL, x=NULL, y=NULL, data.panel=NULL) {
      if(!is.null(y)) {
        if(is.null(chr)) {
          stop("If y is not NULL, chr must be specified too")
        if(length(y) != length(chr)) {
          stop("If y is not NULL, it have to have the same length as chr")
      if(is.null(data.panel) || data.panel==1 || data.panel==2) data.panel <- "ideogram" #No data panels are visible in this plot.type
      return(genomic2plot(chr=chr, x=x, y=y, data.panel=data.panel, genome=genome, plot.params=plot.params))
  if(plot.type == 7) { #All chromosomes in a line and plot only in the ideograms
    genomic2plot <- genomic2plot_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine
    ideoMid <- getIdeogramMidY_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine
    chrHeight <- getChrHeight_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine
    coordChangeFunction <- function(chr=NULL, x=NULL, y=NULL, data.panel=NULL) {
      if(!is.null(x)) {
        if(is.null(chr)) {
          stop("If x is not NULL, chr must be specified too")
        if(length(x) != length(chr)) {
          stop("If x is not NULL, it have to have the same length as chr")
      if(is.null(data.panel) || data.panel==1 || data.panel==2) data.panel <- "ideogram" #No data panels are visible in this plot.type
      return(genomic2plot(chr=chr, x=x, y=y, data.panel=data.panel, genome=genome, plot.params=plot.params))

    ideogramMid=function(chr) {
      return(ideoMid(chr=chr, genome=genome, plot.params=plot.params))

#    Plot Type 1 - Horizontal with Data Above the Ideogram  (BEGIN)

#Reimplemented as a special case of plot.type 2

# getIdeogramMidY_1HorizDataAboveIdeogram <- function(chr, genome, plot.params) {
#   pp <- plot.params
#   chr.height <- getChrHeight_1HorizDataAboveIdeogram(pp)
#   chr.names <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(genome)
#   chrs <- c(length(chr.names):1)
#   names(chrs) <- chr.names
#   chr.num <- chrs[chr]
#   return(pp$bottommargin + (chr.num - 1) * chr.height + pp$ideogramheight/2)
# }
# getChrHeight_1HorizDataAboveIdeogram <- function(pp) {
#   chr.height <- pp$ideogramheight + pp$data1inmargin + pp$data1height + pp$data1outmargin
#   return(chr.height)
# }
# #Build the function mapping genomic regions into plotting coordinates
# genomic2plot_1HorizDataAboveIdeogram <- function(chr=NULL, x=NULL, y=NULL, data.panel=1,
#                                                  genome, plot.params) {
#   if(is.null(data.panel)) data.panel <- 1
#   if(data.panel != 1) {
#     data.panel <- 1 #This plot type has only one data.panel
#     warning("Specified data.panel does not exist. Plotting in data.panel 1")
#   }
#   pp <- plot.params
#   genome.width <- 1 - pp$leftmargin - pp$rightmargin
#   max.chr.len <- max(end(genome)) - min(start(genome))
#   if(!is.null(x)) {
#     x.plot <- pp$leftmargin + ((x-start(genome[chr]))/max.chr.len)*genome.width
#   } else{
#     x.plot <- NULL
#   }
#   if(is.null(chr)) {
#     y.plot <- NULL 
#   } else {
#     #chrs.y <- getChrLowestY(chr, genome, pp) 
#     chrs.y <- getIdeogramMidY_1HorizDataAboveIdeogram(chr, genome, pp) 
#     if(is.null(y)) { #if y is null, set y to the middle of the ideogram
#       y.plot <- chrs.y
#     } else { #Return the appropiate plot.y for the given original y
#       datayrange <- pp$data1max - pp$data1min 
#       yscaled <- ((y - pp$data1min) / datayrange) * pp$data1height
#       y.plot <- chrs.y + pp$ideogramheight/2 + pp$data1inmargin + yscaled
#     }
#   }   
#   return(list(x=x.plot, y=y.plot))
# }


#    Plot Type 1 - Horizontal with Data Above the Ideogram  (END)

#    Plot Type 2 - Horizontal with Data Above and Below the Ideogram  (BEGIN)

getIdeogramMidY_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram <- function(chr, genome, plot.params) {
  pp <- plot.params
  chr.height <- getChrHeight_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram(pp)
  chr.names <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(genome)
  chrs <- c(length(chr.names):1)
  names(chrs) <- chr.names
  chr.num <- chrs[chr]
  return(pp$bottommargin + (chr.num - 1) * chr.height +
         pp$data2outmargin + pp$data2height + pp$data2inmargin + pp$ideogramheight/2)

getChrHeight_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram <- function(pp) {
  chr.height <- (pp$data2outmargin + pp$data2height + pp$data2inmargin
                 + pp$ideogramheight
                 + pp$data1inmargin + pp$data1height + pp$data1outmargin)

#Build the function mapping genomic regions into plotting coordinates
genomic2plot_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram <- function(chr=NULL, x=NULL, y=NULL, data.panel,
                                                         genome, plot.params) {
  pp <- plot.params
  genome.width <- 1 - pp$leftmargin - pp$rightmargin
  max.chr.len <- max(end(genome) - start(genome))
  if(!is.null(x)) {
    x.plot <- pp$leftmargin + ((x-start(genome[chr]))/max.chr.len)*genome.width
  } else{
    x.plot <- NULL
  if(is.null(chr)) {
    y.plot <- NULL 
  } else {
    chrs.y <- getIdeogramMidY_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram(chr, genome, pp) 
    if(is.null(y)) { #if y is null, set y to the bottom of the chromosome
      y.plot <- chrs.y
    } else { #Return the appropiate plot.y for the given original y
      if(data.panel == "ideogram") {
        datayrange <- pp$dataideogrammax - pp$dataideogrammin 
        yscaled <- ((y - pp$dataideogrammin) / datayrange) * pp$ideogramheight
        y.plot <- chrs.y - pp$ideogramheight/2 + yscaled
      } else {
        if(data.panel == "all") {
          all.height <- getChrHeight_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram(pp) - pp$data1outmargin - pp$data2outmargin
          datayrange <- pp$dataallmax - pp$dataallmin 
          yscaled <- ((y - pp$dataallmin) / datayrange) * all.height
          y.plot <- chrs.y - pp$ideogramheight/2 - pp$data2inmargin - pp$data2height + yscaled
        } else {
          if(data.panel == 1) {
            datayrange <- pp$data1max - pp$data1min 
            yscaled <- ((y - pp$data1min) / datayrange) * pp$data1height
            y.plot <- chrs.y + pp$ideogramheight/2 + pp$data1inmargin + yscaled
          } else {
            if(data.panel == 2) {
              datayrange <- pp$data2max - pp$data2min 
              yscaled <- ((y - pp$data2min) / datayrange) * pp$data2height
              y.plot <- chrs.y - pp$ideogramheight/2 - pp$data2inmargin - yscaled
            } else {
              stop("Invalid data.panel")
  return(list(x=x.plot, y=y.plot))

#    Plot Type 2 - Horizontal with Data Above and Below the Ideogram  (END)

#    Plot Type 3 - Horizontal, all chromosomes in one line (BEGIN)

getIdeogramMidY_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine <- function(chr, genome, plot.params) {
  pp <- plot.params
  chr.height <- getChrHeight_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine(pp)
  ypos <- pp$bottommargin + pp$data2outmargin + pp$data2height + pp$data2inmargin + pp$ideogramheight/2
  #return(setNames(rep(ypos, length(chr)), chr))
  return(ypos) #It's a single value for all chromosomes!

getChrHeight_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine <- function(pp) {
  chr.height <- (pp$data2outmargin + pp$data2height + pp$data2inmargin
                 + pp$ideogramheight
                 + pp$data1inmargin + pp$data1height + pp$data1outmargin)

#Build the function mapping genomic regions into plotting coordinates
genomic2plot_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine <- function(chr=NULL, x=NULL, y=NULL, data.panel,
                                                         genome, plot.params) {

  pp <- plot.params
  chr.names <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(genome)
  chrs <- stats::setNames(seq_along(chr.names), chr.names)
  chr.starts <- stats::setNames(start(genome), chr.names)
  chr.lens <- stats::setNames(as.numeric(end(genome) - start(genome)), chr.names)
  previous.chrs <- stats::setNames(Reduce(sum, c(0, chr.lens[-length(chr.lens)]), accumulate = TRUE), chr.names) #For each chromosome, the sum of the lengths of the previous chromosomes
  all.chr.len <- sum(chr.lens)
  genome.width <- 1 - pp$leftmargin - pp$rightmargin - pp$ideogramlateralmargin*length(genome)  #The space allowed for the genome plot
  if(is.null(chr) | is.null(x)) {
    x.plot <- NULL 
  } else {
    if(!is.numeric(x)) {
      x.plot <- NULL
    } else{
      x.plot <- pp$leftmargin + 
                pp$ideogramlateralmargin*(chrs[chr]-1) +
                ((previous.chrs[chr] + x - chr.starts[chr])/all.chr.len)*genome.width
  if(is.null(y) | !is.numeric(y)) {
    y.plot <- NULL 
  } else {
    chrs.y <- getIdeogramMidY_3HorizAllChromosomesInOneLine(chr, genome, pp) 
    if(is.null(y)) { #if y is null, set y to the bottom of the chromosome
      y.plot <- chrs.y #shouldn't happen. Just tested in the if above!
    } else { #Return the appropiate plot.y for the given original y
      if(data.panel == "ideogram") {
        datayrange <- pp$dataideogrammax - pp$dataideogrammin 
        yscaled <- ((y - pp$dataideogrammin) / datayrange) * pp$ideogramheight
        y.plot <- chrs.y - pp$ideogramheight/2 + yscaled
      } else {
        if(data.panel == "all") {
          all.height <- getChrHeight_2HorizDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram(pp) - pp$data1outmargin - pp$data2outmargin
          datayrange <- pp$dataallmax - pp$dataallmin 
          yscaled <- ((y - pp$dataallmin) / datayrange) * all.height
          y.plot <- chrs.y - pp$ideogramheight/2 - pp$data2inmargin - pp$data2height + yscaled
        } else {
          if(data.panel == 1) {
            datayrange <- pp$data1max - pp$data1min 
            yscaled <- ((y - pp$data1min) / datayrange) * pp$data1height
            y.plot <- chrs.y + pp$ideogramheight/2 + pp$data1inmargin + yscaled
          } else {
            if(data.panel == 2) {
              datayrange <- pp$data2max - pp$data2min 
              yscaled <- ((y - pp$data2min) / datayrange) * pp$data2height
              y.plot <- chrs.y - pp$ideogramheight/2 - pp$data2inmargin - yscaled
            } else {
              stop("Invalid data.panel")
  return(list(x=x.plot, y=y.plot))

#    Plot Type 3 - Horizontal, all chromosomes in one line (BEGIN)

# ####################################################################################
# #
# #    Plot Type 4 - Vertical with Data Above and Below the Ideogram  (BEGIN)
# #
# ####################################################################################
# getIdeogramMidY_4VerticalDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram <- function(chr, genome, plot.params) {
#   pp <- plot.params
#   chr.height <- getChrHeight_4VerticalDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram(pp)
#   chr.names <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(genome)
#   chrs <- c(length(chr.names):1)
#   names(chrs) <- chr.names
#   chr.num <- chrs[chr]
#   return(pp$bottommargin + (chr.num - 1) * chr.height +
#            pp$data2outmargin + pp$data2height + pp$data2inmargin + pp$ideogramheight/2)
# }
# getChrHeight_4VerticalDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram <- function(pp) {
#   chr.height <- (pp$data2outmargin + pp$data2height + pp$data2inmargin
#                  + pp$ideogramheight
#                  + pp$data1inmargin + pp$data1height + pp$data1outmargin)
#   return(chr.height)
# }
# #Build the function mapping genomic regions into plotting coordinates
# genomic2plot_4VerticalDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram <- function(chr=NULL, x=NULL, y=NULL, 
#                                                             data.panel, genome, plot.params) {
#   pp <- plot.params
#   genome.width <- 1 - pp$leftmargin - pp$rightmargin
#   max.chr.len <- max(end(genome)) - min(start(genome))
#   if(!is.null(x)) {
#     x.plot <- pp$leftmargin + (x/max.chr.len)*genome.width
#   } else{
#     x.plot <- NULL
#   }
#   if(is.null(chr)) {
#     y.plot <- NULL 
#   } else {
#     #chrs.y <- getChrLowestY(chr, genome, pp) 
#     chrs.y <- getIdeogramMidY_4VerticalDataAboveAndBelowIdeogram(chr, genome, pp) 
#     if(is.null(y)) { #if y is null, set y to the bottom of the chromosome
#       y.plot <- chrs.y
#     } else { #Return the appropiate plot.y for the given original y
#       if(data.panel == 1) {
#         datayrange <- pp$data1max - pp$data1min 
#         yscaled <- ((y - pp$data1min) / datayrange) * pp$data1height
#         y.plot <- chrs.y + pp$ideogramheight/2 + pp$data1inmargin + yscaled
#       } else {
#         if(data.panel == 2) {
#           datayrange <- pp$data2max - pp$data2min 
#           yscaled <- ((y - pp$data2min) / datayrange) * pp$data2height
#           y.plot <- chrs.y - pp$ideogramheight/2 - pp$data2inmargin - yscaled
#         } else {
#           stop("Invalid data.panel")
#         }
#       }
#     }
#   }   
#   return(list(x=y.plot, y=x.plot))
# }
# #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
# #
# #    Plot Type 4 - Vertical with Data Above and Below the Ideogram  (END)
# #
# #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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