# The functions in this file are utility functions to build the GenesData
# structure needed by kpPlotGenes from different sources and to manage
# the conversion of gene identifiers to gene symbols
#Dataframe tying the available OrgDb objects to the different identifiers of
#the organism they annotate
#Data extracted from
.OrganismToOrgDb <- data.frame(
taxonomyId=c(9606, 10090, 7227),
organism=c("Homo sapiens", "Mus musculus", "Drosophila melanogaster"),
genome=c("hg", "mm", "dm"),
package=c("", "", ""),
#' makeGenesDataFromTxDb
#' @description
#' This is a utility function that transforms a TxDb object into a custom
#' object valid as input for \code{\link{kpPlotGenes}}.
#' @details
#' This function creates a valid data object for \code{\link{kpPlotGenes}}
#' starting from a TxDb object. The resulting object will contain only the
#' genes and transcripts ovelapping the plot region of the given Karyoplot
#' object.
#' @note \code{\link{kpPlotGenes}} accepts TxDb objects directly. This
#' function is only expected to be used when the user want to manipulate the
#' results somehow (i.e. removing some of the genes).
#' @usage makeGenesDataFromTxDb(txdb, karyoplot=NULL, plot.transcripts=TRUE, plot.transcripts.structure=TRUE)
#' @param txdb (a TxDb object) The transcript database object from which the data will be extracted.
#' @param karyoplot (karyoplot object) A valid karyoplot object created by a call to \code{\link{plotKaryotype}}. If present, genes data will be restricted to the visible region in the plot. If NULL, all genes will be included. (defaults to NULL)
#' @param plot.transcripts (boolean) TRUE if transcripts are needed in addition to the genes. (defaults to TRUE)
#' @param plot.transcripts.structure (boolean) TRUE if the coding and non-coding exons are needed in addition to the genes and transcripts. (defaults to TRUE)
#' @return
#' Returns a list with at least one element called \code{genes}, a
#' \code{GRanges} with all genes overlapping karyoplot. If
#' \code{plot.transcripts} is TRUE, the returned list will have
#' a \code{transcript} element, a list of \code{GRanges} objects, one per gene
#' (named with the gene ids),
#' with the transcripts of that gene. If \code{plot.transcripts.structure} is
#' TRUE, two more elements are present: \code{coding.exons} and
#' \code{non.coding.exons}, each a list with one element per trascript
#' (named with the transcript id), and each element the coding or non-coding
#' exons of that transcript.
#' @seealso \code{\link{kpPlotGenes}}
#' @examples
#' library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
#' zoom <- toGRanges("chr17", 32.6e6, 33.2e6)
#' kp <- plotKaryotype(genome="hg19", zoom=zoom)
#' <- makeGenesDataFromTxDb(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene,
#' karyoplot=kp, plot.transcripts=TRUE,
#' plot.transcripts.structure=TRUE)
#' @export makeGenesDataFromTxDb
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures genes exons transcriptsBy cds organism
#' @importFrom IRanges subsetByOverlaps
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi taxonomyId select
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb genome
makeGenesDataFromTxDb <- function(txdb, karyoplot=NULL, plot.transcripts=TRUE, plot.transcripts.structure=TRUE) {
res <- list()
#get the metadata
res$metadata <- list()
res$metadata$organism <- GenomicFeatures::organism(txdb)
res$metadata$taxonomyId <- AnnotationDbi::taxonomyId(txdb)
res$metadata$genome <- setNames(GenomeInfoDb::genome(txdb)[1], NULL)
#get the genes
all.genes <- genes(txdb)
if(!is.null(karyoplot)) { #Subset the genes to the visible region only
res[["genes"]] <- subsetByOverlaps(all.genes, karyoplot$plot.region)
} else { #If we have no karyoplot, use all genes
res[["genes"]] <- all.genes
if(plot.transcripts==TRUE) {
#Extract the transcripts of each gene
res[["transcripts"]] <- as.list(transcriptsBy(txdb, by="gene")[names(res$genes)])
if(plot.transcripts.structure==TRUE) {
#extract the exons of each transcript
res[["coding.exons"]] <- list()
res[["non.coding.exons"]] <- list()
#for every transcript, get the coding exons and compute the non coding ones
all.trans <- as.character(Reduce(c, res$transcripts)$tx_id)
for(tid in all.trans) {
res$coding.exons[[tid]] <- cds(txdb, filter=list(tx_id=tid))
complete.exons <- exons(txdb, filter=list(tx_id=tid))
res$non.coding.exons[[tid]] <- subtractRegions(complete.exons, res$coding.exons[[tid]])
class(res) <- "GenesData"
#' addGeneNames
#' @description
#' Adds the gene names (defaults to symbols) to a GenesData object to
#' be used by kpPlotGenes
#' @details
#' This function takes a valid data object and uses an OrgDb object to
#' find the gene names (symbols by default) and add them. Names are added
#' as a column named \code{names} to the \code{genes} element of GenesData
#' and they replace anything that was present there before.
#' If no \code{ObjDb} object is given, the function will try to identify
#' the correct organism using the data in \code{GenesData$metadata} and
#' select the OrgDb object if available. If it cannot identify the organism
#' or there's no valid OrgDb for that organism it will fail with an error.
#' Internally, the function uses a call to \code{AnnotationDbi::select} on
#' the OrgDb. It is possible to specify the keys and keytypes as well as
#' the column we want to use as names (defaults to SYMBOL for gene symbols).
#' @usage addGeneNames(, orgDb="auto", keys=NULL, keytype="ENTREZID", names="SYMBOL")
#' @param (GenesData object) A valid genes.dat object like the ones obtained by \code{\link{makeGenesDataFromTxDb}}
#' @param orgDb The orgDb object to use to extract the gene symbols. If "auto" the function will try to determine automatically the correct organism. See available obects at (defaults to "auto")
#' @param keys (character vector ) The keys to be used in the internal select statement to get the names. If NULL, the first column of \code{mcols(GenesData$genes)} will be used. (defaults to NULL)
#' @param keytype (character) The keytype used in the internal select statement. (defaults to "ENTREZID", that is, gene_id)
#' @param names The column to extract from orgDb to use as gene names. (deafults to "SYMBOL")
#' @return
#' The original GenesData object with one additional column named "names" in
#' \code{GenesData$genes$names}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{kpPlotGenes}}, \code{\link{makeGenesDataFromTxDb}}
#' @examples
#' library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
#' zoom <- toGRanges("chr17:29e6-30e6")
#' kp <- plotKaryotype(genome="hg19", zoom=zoom)
#' <- makeGenesDataFromTxDb(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene,
#' karyoplot=kp, plot.transcripts=FALSE,
#' plot.transcripts.structure=FALSE)
#' <- addGeneNames(
#' kpPlotGenes(kp,, r1=0.5, plot.transcripts=FALSE,
#' = "left")
#' @export addGeneNames
addGeneNames <- function(, orgDb="auto", keys=NULL, keytype="ENTREZID", names="SYMBOL") {
if(!methods::is(, "GenesData")) stop(" must be a valid object of the GenesData class")
#TODO: check it's a valid
if(is.character(orgDb) && orgDb=="auto") {
org <- NULL
if(!is.null($metadata$taxonomyId)) {
org <- .OrganismToOrgDb[.OrganismToOrgDb$$metadata$taxonomyId,]
if(is.null(org) && !is.null($metadata$genome)) {
#Use the genome name (prefix) to get the correct org line
if(!is.null(org)) {
loaded <- require(org$package, character.only = TRUE)
if(loaded==TRUE) orgDb <- get(org$package)
} else {
stop("It was not possible to identify the organism in order to select the appropiate OrgDb object. Please provide one manually")
if(!methods::is(orgDb, "OrgDb")) stop("orgDb must be either a valid OrgDb object or 'auto'")
#If we are here, we have a valid orgDb
if(is.null(keys)) keys <- mcols($genes)[,1]
ss <- suppressMessages(AnnotationDbi::select(orgDb, keys=keys, keytype=keytype, columns=names))$genes$name <- ss[,2]
#' mergeTranscripts
#' @description
#' Merges the transcripts of each gene and creates one transcript per gene with
#' all exons and UTR regions combined
#' @details
#' This function takes a valid data object and merges all transcripts from
#' each gene into a single transcript. This is useful to reduce the plot
#' complexity while keeping partial information on transcript structure.#'
#' In this transcript, any region that is a coding exon in any transcript,
#' will be an exon, any region that is a non-coding exon in any transcript
#' and is not an exon in any transcript, will be a non-coding exon.
#' Anything between coding and non-coding exons will be introns.
#' @usage mergeTranscripts(
#' @param (GenesData object) A valid genes.dat object like the ones obtained by \code{\link{makeGenesDataFromTxDb}}
#' @return
#' The original GenesData object with a single transcript per gene
#' \code{GenesData$genes$names}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{kpPlotGenes}}, \code{\link{makeGenesDataFromTxDb}}
#' @examples
#' library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
#' zoom <- toGRanges("chr17:29.4e6-29.8e6")
#' kp <- plotKaryotype(genome="hg19", zoom=zoom)
#' <- makeGenesDataFromTxDb(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene, karyoplot=kp)
#' <- addGeneNames(
#' kpPlotGenes(kp,, r1=0.5, plot.transcripts=TRUE, = "left")
#' <- mergeTranscripts(
#' kpPlotGenes(kp,, r0=0.6, r1=0.8, plot.transcripts=TRUE, = "left")
#' @export mergeTranscripts
mergeTranscripts <- function( {
if(!methods::is(, "GenesData")) stop(" must be a valid object of the GenesData class")
#TODO: check it's a valid
if(is.null($transcripts)) stop(" must have transcript information. If created with makeGenesDataFromTxDb, plot.transcripts must be set to TRUE")
if(is.null($coding.exons)) stop(" must have exons information. If created with makeGenesDataFromTxDb, plot.transcripts.structure must be set to TRUE") <- list()
class( <- "GenesData"$genes <-$genes$transcripts <- list()$coding.exons <- list()$non.coding.exons <- list()
for(ngene in seq_len(length($genes))) {
g <-$genes[ngene]
#Get the transcripts and get the total region overlapping any of them
tx <-$transcripts[[names(g)]]
merged.tx <- regioneR::joinRegions(tx, 0)
merged.tx_id <- paste0(names(g), ".merged")
merged.tx$tx_id <- merged.tx_id$transcripts[[names(g)]] <- merged.tx
#Get all coding exons and merge them
cod.ex <-"c", lapply(tx$tx_id, function(tx_id) return($coding.exons[[as.character(tx_id)]])))
cod.ex <- regioneR::joinRegions(cod.ex, 0)$coding.exons[[merged.tx_id]] <- cod.ex
#Get all non-coding exons and merge them
ncod.ex <-"c", lapply(tx$tx_id, function(tx_id) return($non.coding.exons[[as.character(tx_id)]])))
ncod.ex <- regioneR::joinRegions(ncod.ex, 0)$non.coding.exons[[merged.tx_id]] <- ncod.ex
isValidData <- function(...) {
getGeneNames <- function(genes, gene.names) {
if(!is.null(gene.names)) {
} else {
if("name" %in% names(mcols(genes))) {
} else {
if(length(mcols(genes))>0) {
} else {
getTranscriptNames <- function(transcripts, transcript.names) {
if(!is.null(transcript.names)) {
} else {
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