
Defines functions assign_HMM_states_to_proxy_expr_vals .get_cnv_gene_region_bounds .define_cnv_gene_regions .get_state_consensus adjust_genes_regions_report generate_cnv_region_reports get_predicted_CNV_regions .compare_obs_vs_fit_sc_cnv_sd .plot_cnv_mean_sd_for_num_cells .get_state_emission_params predict_CNV_via_HMM_on_whole_tumor_samples predict_CNV_via_HMM_on_tumor_subclusters predict_CNV_via_HMM_on_indiv_cells .get_HMM get_hspike_cnv_mean_sd_trend_by_num_cells_fit .plot_gene_expr_by_cnv .get_gene_expr_mean_sd_by_cnv .get_gene_expr_by_cnv get_spike_dists

#' @title get_spike_dists
#' @description determines the N(mean,sd) parameters for each of the CNV states based on
#' the in silico spike in data (hspike).
#' @param hspike_obj hidden spike object
#' @return cnv_mean_sd list
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

get_spike_dists <- function(hspike_obj) {
    if (is.null(hspike_obj)) {
        flog.error("get_spike_dists(hspike_obj): Error, hspike obj is null")
    if (! is.null(hspike_obj@.hspike)) {
        flog.error("get_spike_dists() should have an hspike obj as param, and this doesn't look like an hspike")
    gene_expr_by_cnv = .get_gene_expr_by_cnv(hspike_obj)
    cnv_mean_sd = .get_gene_expr_mean_sd_by_cnv(gene_expr_by_cnv)


#' @title .get_gene_expr_by_cnv
#' @description  builds a list containing all intensities corresponding to each of the
#' spiked-in cnv levels.
#' @param hspike_obj
#' @return gene_expr_by_cnv  list, keyed on cnv level, value as vector of residual expr intensities
#' @noRd

.get_gene_expr_by_cnv <- function(hspike_obj) {
    chr_info = .get_hspike_chr_info(1,1) # dummy values for now

    spike_cell_idx = unlist(hspike_obj@observation_grouped_cell_indices)

    spike.expr.data = hspike_obj@expr.data[, spike_cell_idx]

    gene_expr_by_cnv = list()
    for (info in chr_info) {
        chr_name = info$name
        cnv = sprintf("cnv:%g", info$cnv)
        chr_gene_idx = which(hspike_obj@gene_order$chr == chr_name)
        gene.expr = c(spike.expr.data[chr_gene_idx, ])
        if (cnv %in% names(gene_expr_by_cnv)) {
            gene_expr_by_cnv[[cnv]] = c(gene_expr_by_cnv[[cnv]], gene.expr)
        }  else {
            gene_expr_by_cnv[[cnv]] = gene.expr

#' @title .get_gene_expr_mean_sd_by_cnv
#' @description extracts the N(mean,sd) params for each of the cnv levels based
#' on the list of residual expr intensities for each cnv level
#' @param gene_expr_by_cnv data table
#' @return cnv_mean_sd list
#' @noRd

.get_gene_expr_mean_sd_by_cnv <- function(gene_expr_by_cnv) {

    cnv_mean_sd = list()
    for (cnv_level in names(gene_expr_by_cnv) ) {
        gene_expr = gene_expr_by_cnv[[ cnv_level ]]

        gene_expr_mean = mean(gene_expr)
        gene_expr_sd = sd(gene_expr)

        cnv_mean_sd[[ cnv_level ]] = list(mean=gene_expr_mean, sd=gene_expr_sd)

#' @title .plot_gene_expr_by_cnv
#' @description generates a plot showing the residual expresion intensity distribution along with the
#' reference theoretical densities for each of the corresponding parameterized normal distributions.
#' @param gene_expr_by_cnv list
#' @param cnv_mean_sd list
#' @return ggplot2_plot
#' @noRd

.plot_gene_expr_by_cnv <- function(gene_expr_by_cnv, cnv_mean_sd) {
    df  = do.call(rbind, lapply(names(gene_expr_by_cnv), function(x) { data.frame(cnv=x, expr=gene_expr_by_cnv[[x]]) }))

    p = df %>% ggplot(aes(expr,  fill='cnv', colour='cnv'))  +  geom_density(alpha=0.1)

    p = p +
        stat_function(fun=dnorm, color='black', args=list('mean'=cnv_mean_sd[["cnv:0.01"]]$mean,'sd'=cnv_mean_sd[["cnv:0.01"]]$sd)) +
        stat_function(fun=dnorm, color='black', args=list('mean'=cnv_mean_sd[["cnv:0.5"]]$mean,'sd'=cnv_mean_sd[["cnv:0.5"]]$sd)) +
        stat_function(fun=dnorm, color='black', args=list('mean'=cnv_mean_sd[["cnv:1"]]$mean,'sd'=cnv_mean_sd[["cnv:1"]]$sd)) +
        stat_function(fun=dnorm, color='black', args=list('mean'=cnv_mean_sd[["cnv:1.5"]]$mean,'sd'=cnv_mean_sd[["cnv:1.5"]]$sd)) +
        stat_function(fun=dnorm, color='black', args=list('mean'=cnv_mean_sd[["cnv:2"]]$mean,'sd'=cnv_mean_sd[["cnv:2"]]$sd)) +
        stat_function(fun=dnorm, color='black', args=list('mean'=cnv_mean_sd[["cnv:3"]]$mean,'sd'=cnv_mean_sd[["cnv:3"]]$sd)) 


#' @title get_hspike_cnv_mean_sd_trend_by_num_cells_fit
#' @description determine the number of cells - to - variance fit for each of the cnv levels.
#' Different numbers of cells are randomly selected from the distribution of residual intensitites at each
#' corresponding CNV level, the variance is computed, and a linear model is then fit.
#' Note, this is similar to what is done in HoneyBadger, but has many differences to how they're doing it there,
#' which appears to involve cnv block length rather than cell number.  Here, block size is not relevant, but rather
#' the number of cells in a pre-defined tumor subcluster.  Also, values are extracted from our in silico spike-in.
#' @param hspike_obj hidden spike object
#' @param plot (boolean flag, default FALSE)
#' @return cnv_level_to_mean_sd_fit list
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

get_hspike_cnv_mean_sd_trend_by_num_cells_fit <- function(hspike_obj, plot=FALSE) {
    gene_expr_by_cnv <- .get_gene_expr_by_cnv(hspike_obj)
    cnv_level_to_mean_sd = list()
    for (cnv_level in names(gene_expr_by_cnv) ) {
        expr_vals = gene_expr_by_cnv[[ cnv_level ]]
        nrounds = 100

        sds <- vapply(seq_len(100), function(ncells) {
            vals <- replicate(nrounds, sample(expr_vals, size=ncells, replace=TRUE))
            if ("matrix" %in% is(vals)) {
                means <- Matrix::rowMeans(vals)
            else {
                means <- mean(vals)
        }, numeric(1))

        cnv_level_to_mean_sd[[ cnv_level ]] <- sds
    if (plot) {
        df = do.call(rbind, lapply(names(cnv_level_to_mean_sd), function(cnv_level) {
            sd=cnv_level_to_mean_sd[[ cnv_level ]]
            data.frame(cnv=cnv_level, num_cells=seq_along(sd), sd=sd)

        p  = df %>% ggplot(aes_string(x=log(df["num_cells"]),y=log(df["sd"]), color=df["cnv"])) + geom_point()
        flog.info("plotting: hspike_obs_mean_var_trend.pdf")

    ## fit linear model
    # cnv_level_to_mean_sd_fit = list()
    # for (cnv_level in names(cnv_level_to_mean_sd) ) {
    #     sd_vals=cnv_level_to_mean_sd[[ cnv_level ]]
    #     num_cells = seq_along(sd_vals)

    #     flog.info(sprintf("fitting num cells vs. variance for cnv level: %s", cnv_level))
    #     fit = lm(log(sd_vals) ~ log(num_cells)) #note, hbadger does something similar, but not for the hmm cnv state levels
    #     cnv_level_to_mean_sd_fit[[ cnv_level ]] = fit
    # }

    tmp_names <- names(cnv_level_to_mean_sd)
    cnv_level_to_mean_sd_fit <- lapply(tmp_names, function(cnv_level) {
        sd_vals=cnv_level_to_mean_sd[[ cnv_level ]]
        num_cells = seq_along(sd_vals)
        fit = lm(log(sd_vals) ~ log(num_cells))
    names(cnv_level_to_mean_sd_fit) <- tmp_names

#' @title .get_HMM
#' @description retrieves parameters for the i6 HMM including state transition and state emission probabilities.
#' @param cnv_mean_sd list containing the N(mean,sd) values per cnv state level
#' @param t  the probability for transitioning to a different state.
#' @return HMM_info list
#' @noRd

.get_HMM <- function(cnv_mean_sd, t) {

    ##                      states: 0,   0.5,    1,     1.5,     2,    3
    state_transitions = matrix( c(1-5*t,  t,     t,      t,      t,    t,
                                  t,     1-5*t,  t,      t,      t,    t,
                                  t,      t,     1-5*t,  t,      t,    t,
                                  t,      t,     t,    1-5*t,    t,    t,
                                  t,      t,     t,      t,    1-5*t,  t,
                                  t,      t,     t,      t,      t,  1-5*t),

    delta=c(t,      t,     1-5*t,    t,    t,   t) # more likely normal,
    state_emission_params = list(mean=c(cnv_mean_sd[["cnv:0.01"]]$mean,

                                      cnv_mean_sd[["cnv:3"]]$sd) )
    HMM_info = list(state_transitions=state_transitions,

#' @title predict_CNV_via_HMM_on_indiv_cells
#' @description predict CNV levels at the individual cell level, using the i6 HMM
#' @param infercnv_obj infercnv object
#' @param cnv_mean_sd (optional, by default automatically computed based in the infercnv_obj@.hspike object)
#' @param t HMM alt state transition probability (default=1e-6)
#' @return infercnv_obj where the infercnv_obj@expr.data are replaced with the HMM state assignments.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

predict_CNV_via_HMM_on_indiv_cells  <- function(infercnv_obj, cnv_mean_sd=get_spike_dists(infercnv_obj@.hspike), t=1e-6) {
    HMM_info  <- .get_HMM(cnv_mean_sd, t)
    chrs = unique(infercnv_obj@gene_order$chr)
    expr.data = infercnv_obj@expr.data
    gene_order = infercnv_obj@gene_order
    hmm.data = expr.data
    hmm.data[,] = -1 #init to invalid state

    ## run through each chr separately
    lapply(chrs, function(chr) {
        chr_gene_idx = which(gene_order$chr == chr)
        ## run through each cell for this chromosome:
        lapply(seq_len(ncol(expr.data)), function(cell_idx) {
            gene_expr_vals = as.vector(expr.data[chr_gene_idx,cell_idx])
            hmm <- HiddenMarkov::dthmm(x=gene_expr_vals,
            ## hmm_trace <- HiddenMarkov::Viterbi(hmm)
            hmm_trace <- Viterbi.dthmm.adj(hmm)
            hmm.data[chr_gene_idx,cell_idx] <<- hmm_trace
    infercnv_obj@expr.data <- hmm.data

#' @title predict_CNV_via_HMM_on_tumor_subclusters
#' @description predict CNV levels at the tumor subcluster level, using the i6 HMM
#' @param infercnv_obj infercnv object
#' @param cnv_mean_sd (optional, by default automatically computed based in the infercnv_obj@.hspike object)
#' @param cnv_level_to_mean_sd_fit (optional, by default automatically computed based on get_hspike_cnv_mean_sd_trend_by_num_cells_fit(infercnv_obj@.hspike)
#' @param t HMM alt state transition probability (default=1e-6)
#' @return infercnv_obj where the infercnv_obj@expr.data are replaced with the HMM state assignments.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

predict_CNV_via_HMM_on_tumor_subclusters  <- function(infercnv_obj,
                                                      ) {


    if (is.null(infercnv_obj@tumor_subclusters)) {
        flog.warn("No subclusters defined, so instead running on whole samples")
        return(predict_CNV_via_HMM_on_whole_tumor_samples(infercnv_obj, cnv_mean_sd, cnv_level_to_mean_sd_fit, t));
    HMM_info  <- .get_HMM(cnv_mean_sd, t)
    chrs = unique(infercnv_obj@gene_order$chr)
    expr.data = infercnv_obj@expr.data
    gene_order = infercnv_obj@gene_order
    hmm.data = expr.data
    hmm.data[,] = -1 #init to invalid state

    tumor_subclusters <- unlist(infercnv_obj@tumor_subclusters[["subclusters"]], recursive=FALSE)
    ## add the normals, so they get predictions too:
    tumor_subclusters <- c(tumor_subclusters, infercnv_obj@reference_grouped_cell_indices)
    ## run through each chr separately
    lapply(chrs, function(chr) {
        chr_gene_idx = which(gene_order$chr == chr)
        ## run through each cell for this chromosome:
        lapply(tumor_subclusters, function(tumor_subcluster_cells_idx) {
            gene_expr_vals = rowMeans(expr.data[chr_gene_idx,tumor_subcluster_cells_idx,drop=FALSE])
            num_cells = length(tumor_subcluster_cells_idx)

            state_emission_params <- .get_state_emission_params(num_cells, cnv_mean_sd, cnv_level_to_mean_sd_fit)
            hmm <- HiddenMarkov::dthmm(gene_expr_vals,
            ## hmm_trace <- HiddenMarkov::Viterbi(hmm)
            hmm_trace <- Viterbi.dthmm.adj(hmm)
            hmm.data[chr_gene_idx,tumor_subcluster_cells_idx] <<- hmm_trace
    infercnv_obj@expr.data <- hmm.data

    flog.info("-done predicting CNV based on initial tumor subclusters")

#' @title predict_CNV_via_HMM_on_whole_tumor_samples
#' @description predict CNV levels at the tumor sample level, using the i6 HMM
#' @param infercnv_obj infercnv object
#' @param cnv_mean_sd (optional, by default automatically computed based in the infercnv_obj@.hspike object)
#' @param cnv_level_to_mean_sd_fit (optional, by default automatically computed based on get_hspike_cnv_mean_sd_trend_by_num_cells_fit(infercnv_obj@.hspike)
#' @param t HMM alt state transition probability (default=1e-6)
#' @return infercnv_obj where the infercnv_obj@expr.data are replaced with the HMM state assignments.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

predict_CNV_via_HMM_on_whole_tumor_samples  <- function(infercnv_obj,
                                                        ) {
    HMM_info  <- .get_HMM(cnv_mean_sd, t)
    chrs = unique(infercnv_obj@gene_order$chr)
    expr.data = infercnv_obj@expr.data
    gene_order = infercnv_obj@gene_order
    hmm.data = expr.data
    hmm.data[,] = -1 #init to invalid state

    ## add the normals, so they get predictions too:
    tumor_samples <- c(infercnv_obj@observation_grouped_cell_indices, infercnv_obj@reference_grouped_cell_indices)
    ## run through each chr separately
    lapply(chrs, function(chr) {
        chr_gene_idx = which(gene_order$chr == chr)
        ## run through each cell for this chromosome:
        lapply(tumor_samples, function(tumor_sample_cells_idx) {
            gene_expr_vals = rowMeans(expr.data[chr_gene_idx,tumor_sample_cells_idx,drop=FALSE])
            num_cells = length(tumor_sample_cells_idx)

            state_emission_params <- .get_state_emission_params(num_cells, cnv_mean_sd, cnv_level_to_mean_sd_fit)
            hmm <- HiddenMarkov::dthmm(gene_expr_vals,
            ## hmm_trace <- HiddenMarkov::Viterbi(hmm)
            hmm_trace <- Viterbi.dthmm.adj(hmm)
            hmm.data[chr_gene_idx,tumor_sample_cells_idx] <<- hmm_trace
    infercnv_obj@expr.data <- hmm.data

    flog.info("-done predicting CNV based on initial tumor subclusters")

#' @title .get_state_emission_params
#' @description Given a specified number of cells, determines the standard deviation for each of the cnv states
#' based on the linear model fit.
#' @param num_cells  number of cells in the tumor subcluster
#' @param cnv_mean_sd list of cnv mean,sd values
#' @param cnv_level_to_mean_sd_fit  linear model that was fit for each cnv state level
#' @param plot boolean (default=FALSE)
#' @noRd

.get_state_emission_params <- function(num_cells, cnv_mean_sd, cnv_level_to_mean_sd_fit, plot=FALSE) {
    for (cnv_level in names(cnv_mean_sd)) {
        fit <- cnv_level_to_mean_sd_fit[[cnv_level]]
        sd <- exp(predict(fit, newdata=data.frame(num_cells=num_cells))[[1]])
        cnv_mean_sd[[cnv_level]]$sd <- sd
    if (plot) {
        .plot_cnv_mean_sd_for_num_cells(num_cells, cnv_mean_sd)

    state_emission_params = list(mean=c(cnv_mean_sd[["cnv:0.01"]]$mean,
                                      cnv_mean_sd[["cnv:3"]]$sd) )

#' @title .plot_cnv_mean_sd_for_num_cells
#' @description helper function for plotting the N(mean,sd) for each of the cnv states
#' The plot is written to a file 'state_emissions.{num_cells}.pdf
#' @param num_cells number of cells. Only used to encode into the filename.
#' @param cnv_mean_sd list containing the N(mean,sd) for each of the cnv states
#' @return None
#' @noRd

.plot_cnv_mean_sd_for_num_cells <- function(num_cells, cnv_mean_sd) {

    pdf(sprintf("state_emissions.%d-cells.pdf", num_cells))
    # p = ggplot(data.frame(x=c(0,3)), aes(x)) +
    p = ggplot(data.frame(x=c(0,3)), aes_string(x='x')) +
                      aes(colour='cnv:0')) +
                      aes(colour='cnv:0.5')) +
                      aes(colour='cnv:1')) +
                      aes(colour='cnv:1.5')) +
                      aes(colour='cnv:2')) +
                      aes(colour='cnv:3')) +
                            values=c("blue", "red", "green", "magenta", "orange", "cyan"),
                            breaks=c("cnv:0","cnv:0.5", "cnv:1", "cnv:1.5", "cnv:2", "cnv:3"))



#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

.compare_obs_vs_fit_sc_cnv_sd <- function(infercnv_obj,
                                          cnv_level_to_mean_sd_fit=get_hspike_cnv_mean_sd_trend_by_num_cells_fit(infercnv_obj@.hspike)) {
    cnv_levels = names(cnv_mean_sd)

    df = do.call(rbind, lapply(cnv_levels, function(cnv_level) {
        sd_pred=exp(predict(cnv_level_to_mean_sd_fit[[cnv_level]], newdata=data.frame(num_cells=1)))
        return(data.frame(cnv=cnv_level, sd_obs=sd_obs, sd_pred=sd_pred))


#' @title get_predicted_CNV_regions
#' @description Given the infercnv_obj containing the HMM state assignments in the expr.data slot,
#' retrieves a list of CNV regions.
#' @param infercnv_obj infercnv object
#' @param by options("consensus", "subcluster", "cell"), determines the granularity at which to report
#'           the CNV regions.  Ideally, set to the same level at which the HMM predictions were performed.
#' @return cnv_regions list
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

get_predicted_CNV_regions <- function(infercnv_obj, by=c("consensus", "subcluster", "cell")) {
    by = match.arg(by)

    flog.info(sprintf("get_predicted_CNV_regions(%s)", by)) 
    cell_groups = NULL

    if (is.null(infercnv_obj@tumor_subclusters)) {
        flog.warn("get_predicted_CNV_regions() - no subclusters defined, resetting reporting mode to consensus")
        by <- "consensus"
    if (by == "consensus") {
        # cell_groups = infercnv_obj@observation_grouped_cell_indices
        cell_groups = c(infercnv_obj@reference_grouped_cell_indices, infercnv_obj@observation_grouped_cell_indices)
    } else if (by == "subcluster") {
        cell_groups = unlist(infercnv_obj@tumor_subclusters[["subclusters"]], recursive=FALSE)
    } else if (by == "cell") {
        # cell_groups = lapply(unlist(infercnv_obj@observation_grouped_cell_indices), function(x) x) 
        cell_groups = c(unlist(infercnv_obj@reference_grouped_cell_indices, use.names=FALSE), unlist(infercnv_obj@observation_grouped_cell_indices, use.names=FALSE))
        names(cell_groups) = colnames(infercnv_obj@expr.data)[cell_groups]
    else {
        stop("Error, shouldn't get here ... bug")
    cnv_regions = list()

    cnv_counter_start = 0
    for (cell_group_name in names(cell_groups)) {
        cell_group = cell_groups[[cell_group_name]]
        #flog.info(sprintf("cell group %s -> %s", cell_group_name, cell_group))

        flog.info(sprintf("-processing cell_group_name: %s, size: %d", cell_group_name, length(cell_group)))
        cell_group_mtx = infercnv_obj@expr.data[,cell_group,drop=FALSE]
        cell_group_names = colnames(cell_group_mtx)

        state_consensus <- .get_state_consensus(cell_group_mtx)
        names(state_consensus) <- rownames(cell_group_mtx)
        cnv_gene_regions <- .define_cnv_gene_regions(state_consensus, infercnv_obj@gene_order, cnv_counter_start)
        cnv_ranges <- .get_cnv_gene_region_bounds(cnv_gene_regions)

        consensus_state_list = list(cell_group_name=cell_group_name,
        cnv_regions[[length(cnv_regions)+1]] = consensus_state_list

        cnv_counter_start = cnv_counter_start + length(cnv_gene_regions)

#' @title generate_cnv_region_reports
#' @description writes the CNV region report files
#' @param infercnv_obj infercnv object
#' @param output_filename_prefix  prefix for output filename
#' @param out_dir output directory for report files to be written
#' @param ignore_neutral_state  numeric value representing the neutral state, which should be excluded from reporting (default: NA)
#' @param by options("consensus", "subcluster", "cell"), determines the granularity at which to report
#'           the CNV regions.  Ideally, set to the same level at which the HMM predictions were performed.
#' @return None
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

generate_cnv_region_reports <- function(infercnv_obj,
                                        by=c("consensus", "subcluster", "cell") ) {

    cnv_regions <- get_predicted_CNV_regions(infercnv_obj, by)

    ## cell clusters defined.
    cell_clusters_outfile = paste(out_dir, paste0(output_filename_prefix, ".cell_groupings"), sep="/")

    cell_clusters_df = lapply(cnv_regions, function(x) {
        cell_group_name = x$cell_group_name
        cells = x$cells
        ret_df = data.frame(cell_group_name=cell_group_name, cell=cells)
    cell_clusters_df = do.call(rbind, cell_clusters_df)
    flog.info(sprintf("-writing cell clusters file: %s", cell_clusters_outfile))
    write.table(cell_clusters_df, file=cell_clusters_outfile, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
    ## regions DF:
    regions_outfile = paste(out_dir, paste0(output_filename_prefix, ".pred_cnv_regions.dat"), sep="/")
    regions_df = lapply(cnv_regions, function(x) {
        cell_group_name = x$cell_group_name
        cnv_ranges = x$cnv_ranges
        ret_df = cbind(cell_group_name=cell_group_name, cnv_ranges)

    regions_df = do.call(rbind, regions_df)

    ## remove the neutral calls:
    if (! is.na(ignore_neutral_state)) {
        regions_df = regions_df[regions_df$state != ignore_neutral_state, ]
    flog.info(sprintf("-writing cnv regions file: %s", regions_outfile)) 
    write.table(regions_df, regions_outfile, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)

    ## write the per-gene reports of cnv:
    if (by == "cell") {
        flog.warn("Note, HMM reporting is being done by 'cell', so this may use more memory, write more info to disk, take more time, ...")
    gene_cnv_df = lapply(cnv_regions, function(x) {
        cell_group_name = x$cell_group_name
        gene_region_list = x$gene_regions
        gene_region_names = names(gene_region_list)
        gene_region_df = lapply(gene_region_names, function(gene_region_name) {
            df = gene_region_list[[gene_region_name]]
            df = cbind(cell_group_name, gene_region_name, df)
            rownames(df) <- NULL
        gene_region_df = do.call(rbind, gene_region_df)

    gene_cnv_df = do.call(rbind, gene_cnv_df)
    if (! is.na(ignore_neutral_state)) {
        gene_cnv_df = gene_cnv_df[gene_cnv_df$state != ignore_neutral_state, ]
    ## write output file:
    gene_cnv_outfile = paste(out_dir, paste0(output_filename_prefix, ".pred_cnv_genes.dat"), sep="/") 
    flog.info(sprintf("-writing per-gene cnv report: %s", gene_cnv_outfile))
    write.table(gene_cnv_df, gene_cnv_outfile, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)

    ## write file containing all genes that were leveraged in the predictions:
    gene_order_outfile = paste(out_dir, paste0(output_filename_prefix, ".genes_used.dat"), sep="/")
    flog.info(sprintf("-writing gene ordering info: %s", gene_order_outfile))
    write.table(infercnv_obj@gene_order, file=gene_order_outfile, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")

#' @title adjust_genes_regions_report
#' @description Updates the CNV region report files
#' @param infercnv_obj infercnv object
#' @param input_filename_prefix  prefix for input filename
#' @param output_filename_prefix  prefix for output filename
#' @param out_dir output directory for report files to be written
#' @return None
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

adjust_genes_regions_report <- function(hmm.infercnv_obj,
                                        out_dir) {
    # Load Data
    # Get the paths to the files 
    pred_cnv_genes_path <- paste(out_dir, paste0(input_filename_prefix, ".pred_cnv_genes.dat"), sep="/")
    pred_cnv_regions_path <- paste(out_dir, paste0(input_filename_prefix, ".pred_cnv_regions.dat"), sep="/")
    # Check if files exist 
    if (file.exists(pred_cnv_genes_path)){
        # Read in the files 
        pred_cnv_genes <- read.table(file = pred_cnv_genes_path, header = T, sep = "\t")
    } else {
        # If the file cant be found, throw the error message 
        error_message <- paste("Cannot find and adjust the following file.", pred_cnv_genes_path)
    # Check if files exist 
    if (file.exists(pred_cnv_genes_path)){
        # Read in the files 
        pred_cnv_regions <- read.table(file = pred_cnv_regions_path, header = T, sep = "\t")
    } else{
        # If the file cant be found, throw the error message 
        error_message <- paste("Cannot find and adjust the following file.", pred_cnv_regions_path)
    # Process the data 
    # CNV regions that are in the the new data set after removal of cnv's 
    new_regions <- sapply(hmm.infercnv_obj@cell_gene, function(i) i$cnv_regions)
    # Subset the file to only include the cnv that were not removed 
    ## Genes file
    ids <- which(pred_cnv_genes$gene_region_name %in% new_regions)
    new_pred_cnv_genes <- pred_cnv_genes[ids, ]
    # Get the new states predicted by the bayesian model and add them to the data frame 
    new_states <- sapply(new_pred_cnv_genes$gene_region_name, function(i) {
        hmm.infercnv_obj@cell_gene[[which(new_regions %in% i)]]$State
    # Assign the new states to the state column in the data frame 
    new_pred_cnv_genes$state <- new_states
    # write the new file 
    gene_cnv_outfile = paste(out_dir, paste0(output_filename_prefix, ".pred_cnv_genes.dat"), sep="/") 
    write.table(new_pred_cnv_genes, gene_cnv_outfile, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
    ## Regions file
    ids <- which(pred_cnv_regions$cnv_name %in% new_regions)
    new_pred_cnv_regions <- pred_cnv_regions[ids, ]
    # Get the new states predicted by the bayesian model and add them to the data frame 
    new_states <- sapply(new_pred_cnv_regions$cnv_name, function(i) {
        hmm.infercnv_obj@cell_gene[[which(new_regions %in% i)]]$State
    # Assign the new states to the state column in the data frame 
    new_pred_cnv_regions$state <- new_states
    # write the new file 
    regions_cnv_outfile = paste(out_dir, paste0(output_filename_prefix, ".pred_cnv_regions.dat"), sep="/") 
    write.table(new_pred_cnv_regions, regions_cnv_outfile, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)

#' @title .get_state_consensus
#' @description gets the state consensus for each gene in the input matrix
#' @param cell_group_matrix  matrix of [genes,cells] for which to apply consensus operation at gene level across cells.
#' @return vector containing consensus state assignments for genes.
#' @noRd

.get_state_consensus <- function(cell_group_matrix) {

    consensus  = apply(cell_group_matrix, 1, function(x) {
        t = table(x)
        names(t)[order(t, decreasing=TRUE)[1]]

    consensus <- as.numeric(consensus)

#' @title .define_cnv_gene_regions
#' @description Given the state consensus vector and gene order info, defines cnv regions
#' based on consistent ordering and cnv state 
#' @param state_consensus state consensus vector
#' @param gene_order the infercnv_obj@gene_order info
#' @param cnv_region_counter number x where counting starts at x+1, used to provide unique region names.
#' @return regions  list containing the cnv regions defined.
#' @noRd

.define_cnv_gene_regions <- function(state_consensus, gene_order, cnv_region_counter) {

    regions = list()

    gene_names = rownames(gene_order)
    chrs = unique(gene_order$chr)
    for (chr in chrs) {
        gene_idx = which(gene_order$chr==chr)
        if (length(gene_idx) < 2) { next }
        chr_states = state_consensus[gene_idx]
        prev_state = chr_states[1]
        ## pos_begin = paste(gene_order[gene_idx[1],,drop=TRUE], collapse=",")
        pos_begin = gene_order[gene_idx[1],,drop=TRUE]
        cnv_region_counter = cnv_region_counter + 1

        cnv_region_name = sprintf("%s-region_%d", chr, cnv_region_counter)
        current_cnv_region = data.frame(state=prev_state,
        regions[[cnv_region_name]] = current_cnv_region
        for (i in seq(2,length(gene_idx))) {
            state = chr_states[i]
            pos_end = gene_order[gene_idx[i-1],,drop=TRUE]
            next_gene_entry = data.frame(state=state,
            if (state != prev_state) {
                ## state transition
                ## start new cnv region
                cnv_region_counter = cnv_region_counter + 1
                cnv_region_name = sprintf("%s-region_%d", chr, cnv_region_counter)
                regions[[cnv_region_name]] = next_gene_entry
            } else {
                ## append gene to current cnv region
                regions[[cnv_region_name]] = rbind(regions[[cnv_region_name]], next_gene_entry)

            prev_state = state


#' @title .get_cnv_gene_region_bounds
#' @description  Given the cnv regions list, defines a data table containing
#'               the cnv region name, state, chr, start, and end value.
#' @param cnv_gene_regions
#' @return data.frame containing the cnv region summary table
#' @noRd

.get_cnv_gene_region_bounds <- function(cnv_gene_regions) {

    bounds = do.call(rbind, lapply(names(cnv_gene_regions), function(x) {
        cnv_name = x
        df = cnv_gene_regions[[cnv_name]]
        state = df$state[1]
        chr = df$chr[1]
        start = min(df$start)
        end = max(df$end)
        return(data.frame(cnv_name, state, chr, start, end))
    }) )

    rownames(bounds) <- NULL

#' @title Viterbi.dthmm.adj
#' @description Viterbi method extracted from the HiddenMarkov package and modified
#'              to use our scoring system.
#' @param HiddenMarkov object
#' @return vector containing the viterbi state assignments
#' @noRd

Viterbi.dthmm.adj <- function (object, ...){
    x <- object$x

    if (length(x) < 2) {
        ## not enough run a trace on
        return(3); # neutral state
    dfunc <- HiddenMarkov:::makedensity(object$distn)
    n <- length(x)
    m <- nrow(object$Pi) # transition matrix
    nu <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = m)  # scoring matrix
    y <- rep(NA, n) # final trace
    pseudocount = 1e-20
    emissions <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = m) 
    ## ###############################
    ## restrict to constant variance to avoid nonsensical results:

    ## object$pm$sd = max(object$pm$sd)
    object$pm$sd = median(object$pm$sd) # max is too high
    ## ###############################    

    ## init first row

    emission <- pnorm(abs(x[1]-object$pm$mean)/object$pm$sd, log.p=TRUE, lower.tail=FALSE)
    emission <- 1 / (-1 * emission)
    emission <- emission / sum(emission)
    emissions[1,] <- log(emission)
    nu[1, ] <- log(object$delta) + # start probabilities
    #nu[1, ] <- log(object$delta) + # start probabilities
    #    dfunc(x=x[1], # mean expr val for gene_1
    #          object$pm, # parameters (mean, sd) for norm dist
    #          HiddenMarkov:::getj(object$pn, 1), # NULL value
    #          log=TRUE) # returns p-values as log(p)
    logPi <- log(object$Pi) # convert transition matrix to log(p)
    for (i in 2:n) {
        matrixnu <- matrix(nu[i - 1, ], nrow = m, ncol = m)
        #nu[i, ] <- apply(matrixnu + logPi, 2, max) +
        #              dfunc(x=x[i], object$pm, getj(object$pn, i),
        #                    log=TRUE)

        emission <- pnorm(abs(x[i]-object$pm$mean)/object$pm$sd, log.p=TRUE, lower.tail=FALSE)
        emission <- 1 / (-1 * emission)
        emission <- emission / sum(emission)
        emissions[i, ] <- log(emission)
        nu[i, ] <- apply(matrixnu + logPi, 2, max) + emissions[i, ] 
    if (any(nu[n, ] == -Inf)) 
        stop("Problems With Underflow")

    ## traceback
    y[n] <- which.max(nu[n, ])

    for (i in seq(n - 1, 1, -1))
        y[i] <- which.max(logPi[, y[i + 1]] + nu[i, ])


#' @title assign_HMM_states_to_proxy_expr_vals
#' @description Replaces the HMM state assignments with the cnv levels they represent.
#' @param infercnv_obj infercnv object
#' @return infercnv_obj
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

assign_HMM_states_to_proxy_expr_vals <- function(infercnv_obj) {

    expr.data = infercnv_obj@expr.data

    expr.data[expr.data == 1] <- 0
    expr.data[expr.data == 2] <- 0.5
    expr.data[expr.data == 3] <- 1
    expr.data[expr.data == 4] <- 1.5
    expr.data[expr.data == 5] <- 2
    expr.data[expr.data == 6] <- 3

    infercnv_obj@expr.data <- expr.data



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infercnv documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:10 p.m.