.annotate.mergedClusters <- function(w, mu_, sigma_, cls)
if( length(cls) == 0 ) {
return( list("mu"=NULL, "sigma"=NULL) )
P <- ncol(mu_)
M <- rep(0, P)
S <- matrix(0, nrow=P, ncol=P)
if( length(cls) > 1 ) {
for( p in seq_len(P) )
M[p] <- sum(w[cls] * mu_[cls,p]) / sum(w[cls])
else {
M <- mu_[cls,]
for( i in cls ) {
for( p in seq_len(P) ) {
for( q in seq_len(P) ) {
S[p,q] <- S[p,q] + (w[i]) * ( sigma_[i, p, q] +
(mu_[i,p]-M[p])*(mu_[i,q]-M[q]) )
S <- S/sum(w[cls])
list("mu"=M,"sigma"=S, "weight"=sum(w[cls]))
.annotate.buildModel <- function(pop, w, mu, sigma)
r <- .annotate.mergedClusters(w, mu, sigma, pop$clusters)
pop$M <- r$mu
pop$S <- r$sigma
if( !is.null(pop$childs) && length(pop$childs) > 0 ) {
for( i in seq_len(length(pop$childs)) ) {
pop$childs[[i]] <- .annotate.buildModel(pop$childs[[i]],
w, mu, sigma)
.annotate.newPop <- function(clusters=c(), childs=vector("list"),
desc="new pop", partition=TRUE)
list("clusters"=clusters, "childs"=childs,
"desc"=desc, "partition"=partition)
.annotate.setPop <- function(pop, pos, g, add=FALSE)
if( is.null(pos) )
return (g)
## get child classes not in here
if( length(pop$clusters) == 0 ) {
pop$clusters <- g$clusters
else {
cls <- g$clusters[$clusters,pop$clusters))]
if( length(cls) > 0 ) {
message("found missing clusters in parent ", pop$desc,
paste(sep=",", cls), "\n")
pop$clusters <- sort(c(pop$clusters,cls))
p <- pos[1]
if( length(pop$childs) < p || is.null(pop$childs[[ p ]]) ) {
if( !add )
stop( "out of range in position level ",
paste(collapse=".", pop$pos), p, length(pop$childs), "\n")
pop$childs[[ p ]] <- list("clusters"=c(), "childs"=vector("list"),
pop$plot.childs <- TRUE
if( length(pos) == 1 ) {
if( !is.null(g) ) {
message("add level ", p, " (", g$desc, ")\n\tto ", pop$desc, "\n")
g$plot.subset <- pop$plot.subset
g$parent.position <- pop$parent.position
pop$childs[[ p ]] <- g
pop$plot.childs <- TRUE
else {
message("remove level ", p, "\n\tfrom ", pop$desc, "\n")
pop$childs[[ p ]] <- NULL
else {
pop$childs[[ p ]] <- .annotate.setPop(pop$childs[[p]],
pos[2:length(pos)], g, add=add)
.annotate.addPop <- function(pop, pos, clusters, desc)
pop <- .annotate.setPop(pop, pos,.annotate.newPop(clusters, desc=desc),
pop <- .annotate.restructure(pop)
.annotate.getPop <- function(pop, pos)
if( length(pos)==0 )
return (pop)
p <- pos[1]
if( length(pos) > 1 ) {
.annotate.getPop(pop$childs[[p]], pos[2:length(pos)])
if( p > 0 && p <= length(pop$childs) ){
else {
.annotate.setParent <- function(pop, pos, parent=NULL, childs=TRUE)
if( is.null(pop) ) {
if( length(pos) == 0 ){
if( is.null(parent) && childs ) {
parent <- pop
else {
if( is.numeric(parent) ) {
pop$parent.desc <- NULL
pop$parent.position <- parent
pop$parent.clusters <- c()
else {
pop$parent.desc <- parent$desc
pop$parent.position <- parent$position
pop$parent.clusters <- parent$clusters
if( childs && !is.null(parent) ) {
## hierarchy of parent and unclassified clusters not brilliant
if( is.numeric(parent) ) {
pop$unclassified.parent.desc <- NULL
pop$unclassified.parent.position <- parent
pop$unclassified.parent.clusters <- c()
else {
pop$unclassified.parent.desc <- parent$desc
pop$unclassified.parent.position <- parent$position
pop$unclassified.parent.clusters <- parent$clusters
if( childs && length(pop$childs) > 0 ) {
for( i in seq_len(length(pop$childs)) ) {
pop$childs[[i]] <-
.annotate.setParent(pop$childs[[i]], pos, parent,
return (pop)
p <- pos[1]
if( length(pos) == 1 ) {
pop$childs[[p]] <-
.annotate.setParent(pop$childs[[p]], NULL, parent,
else {
pop$childs[[p]] <-
.annotate.setParent(pop$childs[[p]], pos[2:length(pos)], parent,
.annotate.getProp <- function(pop, pos, which)
pop <- .annotate.getPop(pop, pos)
.annotate.setProp <- function(pop, pos, which, value=NULL,
for.level=TRUE, for.sublevels=FALSE)
if( is.null(pop) ) {
if( length(pos) == 0 ){
if( for.level ) {
pop[[which]] <- value
if( for.sublevels ) {
for( i in seq_len(length(pop$childs)) ) {
pop$childs[[i]] <-
.annotate.setProp(pop$childs[[i]], c(), which, value,
for.level=TRUE, for.sublevels=TRUE)
return (pop)
p <- pos[1]
if( p < 1 || p > length(pop$childs) ) {
stop( "out of range in position level ", paste(collapse=".", pop$pos),
" (", p, "/",length(pop$childs), ")\n")
return (pop)
if( length(pos) == 1 ) {
pop$childs[[p]] <-
.annotate.setProp(pop$childs[[p]], NULL, which, value,
for.level=for.level, for.sublevels=for.sublevels)
else {
pop$childs[[p]] <-
.annotate.setProp(pop$childs[[p]], pos[2:length(pos)], which, value,
for.level=for.level, for.sublevels=for.sublevels)
.annotate.addClusters <- function(pop, clusters, pos)
## get child classes not in here
if( length(pop$clusters) == 0 ) {
pop$clusters <- clusters
else {
cls <- clusters[,pop$clusters))]
if( length(cls) > 0 ) {
pop$clusters <- sort(c(pop$clusters,cls))
if( length(pos) == 0 ) {
return (pop)
p <- pos[1]
if( length(pop$childs) < p || is.null(pop$childs[[ p ]]) ) {
stop( "out of range in position level\n")
if( length(pos) == 1 ) {
pop$childs[[ p ]] <- .annotate.addClusters(pop$childs[[p]],
clusters, NULL)
else {
pop$childs[[ p ]] <- .annotate.addClusters(pop$childs[[p]],
clusters, pos[2:length(pos)])
.annotate.removeClusters <- function(pop, clusters, pos=c())
if( is.null(pop) )
if( length(pos) == 0 ) {
pop$clusters <- pop$clusters[$clusters, clusters))]
if( length(pop$childs) > 0 ) {
for( i in seq_len(length(pop$childs)) ) {
pop$childs[[i]] <- .annotate.removeClusters(pop$childs[[i]],
clusters, pos=pos)
return (pop)
p <- pos[1]
if(length(pos) > 1 ) {
pos <- pos[2:length(pos)]
else {
pos <- NULL
pop$childs[[p]] <- .annotate.removeClusters( pop$childs[[p]],
clusters, pos=pos)
.annotate.clearClusters <- function(pop)
if( is.null(pop) )
return (pop)
pop$clusters <- c()
pop$unclassified.parent.clusters <- c()
if( length(pop$childs) > 0 ) {
for( i in seq_len(length(pop$childs)) ) {
pop$childs[[i]] <- .annotate.clearClusters(pop$childs[[i]])
return (pop)
.annotate.moveClusters <- function(pop, clusters, pos)
pop <- .annotate.removeClusters(pop, clusters)
pop <- .annotate.addClusters(pop, clusters, pos)
.annotate.retrieveClusters <- function(pop, pos)
if( is.null(pop) )
if( length(pos) == 0 ) {
return (sort(pop$clusters))
p <- pos[1]
if(length(pos) > 1 ) {
pos <- pos[2:length(pos)]
else {
pos <- NULL
if( p > length(pop$childs))
.annotate.retrieveClusters( pop$childs[[p]], pos)
.annotate.retrieveClassified <- function(pop, pos)
if( is.null(pop) )
if( length(pos) == 0 ) {
cls <- c()
if( length(pop$childs) > 0 ) {
for( i in seq_len(length(pop$childs)) ) {
if( !is.null(pop$childs[[i]]) ) {
cls <- c(cls, pop$childs[[i]]$clusters)
if( length(cls) > 1 )
cls <- sort(cls)
return (cls)
p <- pos[1]
if(length(pos) > 1 ) {
pos <- pos[2:length(pos)]
else {
pos <- NULL
.annotate.retrieveClassified( pop$childs[[p]], pos)
.annotate.retrieveUnclassified <- function(pop, pos)
if( is.null(pop) )
if( length(pos) == 0 ) {
clusters <- .annotate.retrieveClassified(pop,c())
rest <- pop$clusters[ match(pop$clusters, clusters) ) ]
return (sort(rest))
p <- pos[1]
if(length(pos) > 1 ) {
pos <- pos[2:length(pos)]
else {
pos <- NULL
.annotate.retrieveUnclassified( pop$childs[[p]], pos)
.pop.restructure <- function(root, pop=root, pos=c(), subset=c(),
remove.empty=FALSE, depth=-1)
if( is.null(pop) )
return (pop)
pop$position = pos
if( !is.null(subset) ) {
plot.subset <- c()
for( p in pop$plot.subset) {
plot.subset <- c(plot.subset,which(subset==p))
pop$plot.subset <- plot.subset
parent <- .annotate.getPop(root, pop$parent.position)
pop$parent.desc <- parent$desc
pop$parent.clusters <- parent$clusters
pop$parent <- NULL
if( !is.null(pop$unclassified.parent.position) ) {
parent <- .annotate.getPop(root, pop$unclassified.parent.position)
pop$unclassified.parent.desc <- parent$desc
pop$unclassified.parent.clusters <- parent$clusters
if( length(pop$childs) > 0 && depth != 0 ) {
for( i in seq_len(length(pop$childs)) ) {
pop$childs[[i]] <- .pop.restructure(root, pop$childs[[i]],
c(pos,i), subset=subset,
remove.empty=remove.empty, depth=depth-1)
if( remove.empty ) {
for( i in length(pop$childs):1) {
if( length(pop$childs[[i]]$clusters) == 0 )
pop$childs[[i]] <- NULL
else {
pop$childs <- NULL
.annotate.restructure <- function(root, remove.empty=FALSE, depth=-1)
root <- .pop.restructure(root, remove.empty=remove.empty, depth=depth)
root$parent.desc <- NULL
root$parent.clusters <- NULL
.annotate.clustering <-
function(meta.src, meta.dst, param.subset=c(),
meta.iter=10, meta.bias=0.1,
meta.alpha=0.5, norm.method=3, norm.blur=2, norm.minG=10, verbose=FALSE)
anno.src <- meta.src$gating
anno.dst <- .annotate.clearClusters(anno.src)
anno.dst$clusters <- seq_len(meta.dst$res.clusters@K)
## co-clustering and normalization
anno.exp <- vector("list", 2)
anno.exp[[1]] <- meta.src$res.clusters
anno.exp[[2]] <- meta.dst$res.clusters
dat <- meta.exprs(anno.exp)
## clsEvents
l <- 0
exp.res <- meta.src$res.clusters
exp.dat <- meta.src$dat.clusters
for( k in seq_len(exp.res@K) ) {
cls <- which( exp.res@label == k )
dat$clsEvents[l+k] <- sum(exp.dat$clsEvents[cls])
l <- l + exp.res@K
exp.res <- meta.dst$res.clusters
exp.dat <- meta.dst$dat.clusters
for( k in seq_len(exp.res@K) ) {
cls <- which( exp.res@label == k )
dat$clsEvents[l+k] <- sum(exp.dat$clsEvents[cls])
## doclustering
res <- meta.Clustering(dat$P, dat$N, dat$K,
dat$clsEvents, dat$M, dat$S,
bias=meta.bias, I.iter=meta.iter, EM.method=20,
alpha=meta.alpha, norm.method=norm.method,
norm.blur=norm.blur, norm.minG=norm.minG)
## do normalization
dat.norm <- meta.Normalize(dat$P, dat$N, dat$K, dat$clsEvents,
dat$M, dat$S, res@K, res@z,
## build normalized model
src.M <- dat.norm$M[seq_len(dat$K[1]),]
src.S <- dat.norm$S[seq_len(dat$K[1]),]
src.W <- dat.norm$W[seq_len(dat$K[1])]
dst.M <- dat.norm$M[seq_len(dat$K[2])+dat$K[1],]
dst.S <- dat.norm$S[seq_len(dat$K[2])+dat$K[1],]
dst.W <- dat.norm$W[seq_len(dat$K[2])+dat$K[1]]
P <- ncol(src.M)
dim(src.S) <- c(dat$K[1],P,P)
dim(dst.S) <- c(dat$K[2],P,P)
anno.src <- .annotate.buildModel(anno.src, src.W, src.M, src.S)
find.pop <- function(anno, M, S, tst) {
if( length(anno$clusters)==0 )
ret <- tst
t <- tst
t$prop <- bhattacharyya.prob(anno$M, anno$S, M, S)
if( !$prop) && t$prop > tst$prop ) {
ret <- t
if( length(anno$childs) ) {
clusters <- c()
for( i in seq_len(length(anno$childs)) ) {
t <- find.pop(anno$childs[[i]], M, S,
list("pos"=c(tst$pos,i), "prop"=ret$prop))
if( t$prop > ret$prop ) {
ret <- t
clusters <- c(clusters, anno$childs[[i]]$clusters)
## not jet tested
rest <- anno$clusters[ match(anno$clusters, clusters) ) ]
else {
## test all clusters in pop
rest <- anno$clusters
## test not jet respected meta-clusters
# cat("\t", tst$pos, "test rest", rest, "\n")
t <- tst
for( c in rest ) {
t$prop <- bhattacharyya.prob(src.M[c,], src.S[c,,], M, S)
if(t$prop > ret$prop ) {
ret <- t
prop <- vector("list", dat$K[2])
for( k in seq_len(dat$K[2]) ) {
t <- find.pop(anno.src, dst.M[k,], dst.S[k,,],
list("pos"=c(), "prop"=0))
if( verbose )
cat("cls", k, "moveto", t$pos, t$prop, "\n")
prop[[k]] <- t
anno.dst <- .annotate.moveClusters(anno.dst, c(k), t$pos)
if( !is.null(param.subset) ) {
src.M <- src.M[,param.subset]
src.S <- src.S[,param.subset,param.subset]
dst.M <- dst.M[,param.subset]
dst.S <- dst.S[,param.subset,param.subset]
anno.src <- .annotate.buildModel(anno.src, src.W, src.M, src.S)
for( k in seq_len(dat$K[2]) ) {
t <- find.pop(anno.src, dst.M[k,], dst.S[k,,],
list("pos"=c(), "prop"=0))
if( t$prop > prop[[k]]$prop ) {
if( verbose )
cat("cls", k, "move from", prop[[k]]$pos, prop[[k]]$prop,
"to", t$pos, t$prop, "\n")
if( (t$prop / prop[[k]]$prop) > 2 )
anno.dst <- .annotate.moveClusters(anno.dst, c(k), t$pos)
anno.dst <- .annotate.restructure(anno.dst)
meta.dst$gating <- anno.dst
class(meta.dst) <- "immunoMeta"
class(meta.dst$gating) <- "immunoAnno"
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