## Filter duplicates from a data.frame, using position and UMI seq
filterdups_func <- function(bamdf) {
bamdf$qname <- as.character(bamdf$qname)
bamdf$pos <- as.numeric(bamdf$pos)
## split the df by chromosome into multiple df
chroms <-
factor(bamdf$rname, levels = unique(as.character(bamdf$rname)))
bam2 <- S4Vectors::split(bamdf, chroms)
## get duplicate stats for a given df
getdupstats <- function(bamdf) {
## split the df by pos (get one list per pos)
pos <- factor(bamdf$pos, levels = unique(as.numeric(bamdf$pos)))
strand <- factor(bamdf$strand, levels = unique(as.character(bamdf$strand)))
bamdf.bypos <- S4Vectors::split(bamdf, bamdf[,c('pos', 'strand')])
## extract umis from each df
getumi <- function(x) {
hdr <- vapply(strsplit(x$qname, "#"), "[[", character(1), 2)
umi <- vapply(strsplit(hdr, ":"), "[[", character(1), 2)
dupStats_umi <- lapply(bamdf.bypos, getumi)
#getfraglength <- function(x) {
# raglen <- (2*x$qwidth) x$isize
# eturn(fraglen)
#dupStats_fraglen <- unlist(lapply(fraglengths, function(x) !(duplicated(x)) ))
# final dupstats (both UMI and fragment length are same --> remove reads, else keep)
#dupStats <- dupStats_umi | dupStats_fraglen
## run for all
dupstats_perchr <- lapply(bam2, getdupstats)
#' Filter PCR-duplicates from BAM file using internal UMIs
#' @param bamFile character. Input BAM file
#' @param outFile character. Output (filtered) BAM file
#' @param keepPairs logical. Keep R2 read?
#' @importFrom Rsamtools scanBamFlag
#' @return Filtered BAM file, after PCR duplicate removal
filterDups <- function(bamFile, outFile, keepPairs) {
message(paste0("Removing PCR duplicates : ", bamFile))
bamFlags <- getBamFlags(countAll = keepPairs)
sparam <-
what = c("qname", "rname", "pos","strand"),
#, "isize", "qwidth", "mapq"
flag = bamFlags
## create rule
rule <- S4Vectors::FilterRules(list(filterdups_func))
## filter command
file = bamFile,
destination = outFile,
filter = rule,
param = sparam
#' Filter PCR-duplicates from mapped files using internal UMIs
#' @rdname filterDuplicates
#' @description This script considers the read mapping start position and the UMI to determine whether a
#' read is a PCR duplicate. All PCR duplicates are then removed and one entry per read is kept.
#' In case of paired-end reads (MAPCap/RAMPAGE), only one end (R1) is kept after filtering, unless
#' `keepPairs`` is set to TRUE
#' @param CSobject an object of class \code{\link{CapSet}}
#' @param outdir character. output directory for filtered BAM files
#' @param ncores integer. No. of cores to use
#' @param keepPairs logical. indicating whether to keep pairs in the paired-end data.
#' (note: the pairs are treated as independent reads during duplicate removal).
#' Also use keepPairs = TRUE for single-end data.
#' @return modified CapSet object with filtering information. Filtered BAM files are saved in `outdir`.
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @importFrom Rsamtools countBam ScanBamParam scanBamFlag BamFileList
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # before running this
#' # 1. Create a CapSet object
#' # 2. de-multiplex the fastqs
#' # 3. map them
#' # load a previously saved CapSet object
#' cs <- exampleCSobject()
#' # filter duplicate reads from mapped BAM files
#' dir.create("filtered_bam")
#' cs <- filterDuplicates(cs, outdir = "filtered_bam")
signature = "CapSet",
function(CSobject, outdir, ncores, keepPairs) {
# fail early if the data is from CAGE (no UMIs)
if (CSobject@expMethod == "CAGE") stop("UMI based de-duplication is not available for CAGE!")
# check bamfiles
si <- sampleInfo(CSobject)
bamfiles <- si$mapped_file
if (any( stop("Some or all of the bam files are not defined!")
# first check if the bam files exist
lapply(bamfiles, function(f) {
if (!(file.exists(f)))
"mapped file ",
" doesn't exist!",
"Please update your Capset object with valid file paths ",
"using sampleInfo(CSobject). "
# then prepare outfile list
outfiles <-
file.path(outdir, paste0(si$samples, ".filtered.bam"))
# run the filter duplicates function on all files
bpParams <- getMCparams(ncores)
# register parallel backend
if (!BiocParallel::bpisup(bpParams)) {
function(x) {
filterDups(bamfiles[x], outfiles[x], keepPairs)
}, BPPARAM = bpParams)
# collect post-filtering stats
maptable <- countBam(BamFileList(outfiles),
param = ScanBamParam(
flag = getBamFlags(countAll = !CSobject@paired_end)
))[, 5:6] # "file" and "records"
maptable$file <- as.character(maptable$file)
maptable$records <- as.integer(maptable$records)
# update CapSet
si$filtered_file <-
file.path(outdir, as.character(maptable$file))
si$num_filtered <- as.numeric(maptable$records)
sampleInfo(CSobject) <- si
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