.propagateDimnames <- "INTERNAL_dimnames"
#' Set up a dimname propagation observer
#' Set up an observer to re-transmit a single selection to the dimension names of all child plots.
#' This differs from \code{\link{.setup_dimname_source_observer}} in that the current panel is the transmitter, not the receiver.
#' @param panel_name String containing the name of the current transmitting panel.
#' @param choices Character vector containing all of possible choices for the transmitted dimension names.
#' Usually set to the row or column names of the provided \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object.
#' @param session The Shiny session object from the server function.
#' @param pObjects An environment containing global parameters generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' @param rObjects A reactive list of values generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' @details
#' The specification of \code{choices} is necessary because we run \code{\link{updateSelectizeInput}} to update the choice of dimension name in the child panels;
#' however, for a server-side selectize, it seems that the possible choices are forgotten unless they are explicitly provided during the update.
#' We do not need to explicitly trigger re-rendering of child panels, as this should be handled by each child's observer on the affected field.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{.createObservers,RowTable-method}} for an example of a transmitter that needs to call this function.
#' @rdname INTERNAL_dimname_prop
#' @importFrom shiny eventReactive updateSelectizeInput updateSelectInput
.create_dimname_propagation_observer <- function(panel_name, choices, session, pObjects, rObjects) {
dimname_name <- paste0(panel_name, "_", .propagateDimnames)
.safe_reactive_init(rObjects, dimname_name)
single_name <- paste0(panel_name, "_", .flagSingleSelect)
# nocov start
observeEvent(rObjects[[dimname_name]], {
instance <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]]
chosen <- .singleSelectionValue(instance, pObjects$contents[[panel_name]])
if (is.null(chosen)) {
.safe_reactive_bump(rObjects, single_name)
dependents <- .get_direct_children(pObjects$aesthetics_links, panel_name)
for (kid in names(dependents)) {
all_fields <- dependents[[kid]]
# There is a possibility that this would cause multi-rendering as they
# trigger different observers. Oh well.
for (field in all_fields) {
updateSelectizeInput(session, paste0(kid, "_", field), server=TRUE,
choices=choices, selected=chosen)
dim <- .singleSelectionDimension(instance)
dynamic_dependents <- pObjects$dynamic_single_selections[[dim]]
for (kid in names(dynamic_dependents)) {
all_fields <- dynamic_dependents[[kid]]
for (field in all_fields) {
updateSelectInput(session, paste0(kid, "_", field), selected=panel_name)
}, ignoreInit=TRUE)
# nocov end
#' Set up a dimname choice observer
#' Set up the actions of an observer for a parameter choice in a panel that may receive a single selection from another panel.
#' @inheritParams .create_dimname_observers
#' @return
#' \code{pObjects} and \code{rObjects} are modified and selectize elements are possibly updated.
#' A logical scalar is returned indicating whether the current panel should be re-rendered
#' based on whether the choice of usage mode has changed.
#' (Changes in the transmitted single selection are handled implicitly via the selectize update.)
#' @details
#' This function has a number of side-effects, relying on the pass-by-reference behaviour of \code{pObjects}, \code{rObjects} and \code{session} to perform its role.
#' \itemize{
#' \item New values of the fields \code{use_mode_field} and \code{tab_field} in \code{input} overwrite values in \code{pObjects$memory} for the current panel.
#' \item \code{pObjects$aesthetics_links} is modified for the based on the newly linked panel in \code{input[[tab_field]]}.
#' However, it may also remove an edge if \code{input[[use_mode]]} is altered so that it is no longer equal to \code{use_value}.
#' \item Link information panels are updated if the new linked panel differs from the old linked panel.
#' \item The selectize UI element corresponding to \code{name_field} is updated with the current selection in the linked table, if a new linked table was chosen.
#' }
#' Note that \code{use_mode_field} and \code{use_value} are ignored if the former is \code{NA}.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @rdname INTERNAL_setup_dimname_source_observer
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{.singleSelectionSlots}}, which is used to set up this observer in \code{\link{.createObservers,Panel-method}}.
#' @importFrom shiny updateSelectizeInput
#' @importFrom methods as
.setup_dimname_source_observer <- function(panel_name, use_mode_field, use_value, name_field, tab_field, choices,
input, session, pObjects, rObjects)
.input_FUN <- function(field) paste0(panel_name, "_", field)
uses_use_mode_field <- !
# Checking that all the incoming arguments are non-NULL.
if (uses_use_mode_field) {
choice <- input[[.input_FUN(use_mode_field)]]
} else {
choice <- use_value <- ""
tab <- input[[.input_FUN(tab_field)]]
if (is.null(choice) || is.null(tab)) {
# NOTE: do NOT try to use old_choice in conditionals to refine table
# updates! Multiple observers may be monitoring `input[[use_mode_field]]`
# (one for some but not all options of use_value, e.g., "Feature name",
# "Sample name"). It is possible for one observer to fire and update the
# memory for `use_mode_field` even when `choice` is not equal to that
# observer's `use_value`. Then, when the observer for which
# `choice==use_value` fires, the `old_choice` is also equal `use_value`.
# This means that any comparison to `old_choice` in the second observer is
# going to be wrong as `old_choice` has already been updated to `choice`.
# It was probably a mistake to have separate observers being able to
# monitor `input[[use_mode_field]]`, but it is what it is for now. Note
# that the use of `old_choice` to define `replot` is fine as it doesn't
# matter which observer triggers the replotting, as long as one does
# (assuming that all or none of the observers monitoring `use_mode_field`
# consider it a protected field).
replot <- FALSE
if (uses_use_mode_field) {
old_choice <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[use_mode_field]]
choice <- as(choice, typeof(old_choice))
pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[use_mode_field]] <- choice
replot <- old_choice!=choice
old_tab <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[tab_field]]
tab <- as(tab, typeof(old_tab))
update_info <- FALSE
if (choice==use_value) {
if (old_tab!=tab) {
pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[tab_field]] <- tab
pObjects$aesthetics_links <- .choose_new_parent(pObjects$aesthetics_links,
panel_name, tab, old_tab, field=name_field)
update_info <- TRUE
} else if (tab!=.noSelection) {
# Add link in case `choice` was recently changed to `use_value`.
pObjects$aesthetics_links <- .add_interpanel_link(pObjects$aesthetics_links,
panel_name, tab, field=name_field)
update_info <- TRUE
# Updating the selection, based on the currently selected row.
if (tab!=.noSelection) {
old_selected <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[name_field]]
new_selected <- .singleSelectionValue(pObjects$memory[[tab]], pObjects$contents[[tab]])
if (!is.null(new_selected) && new_selected != old_selected) {
all_choices <- rownames(pObjects$contents[[tab]])
updateSelectizeInput(session, .input_FUN(name_field), label = NULL,
choices = choices, server = TRUE, selected = new_selected) # nocov
} else {
pObjects$aesthetics_links <- .delete_interpanel_link(pObjects$aesthetics_links,
panel_name, old_tab, field=name_field)
update_info <- TRUE
if (update_info) {
tab_names <- setdiff(union(old_tab, tab), .noSelection)
for (relinked in c(panel_name, tab_names)) {
.safe_reactive_bump(rObjects, paste0(relinked, "_", .flagRelinkedSelect))
#' Define dimension name observers
#' Define observers to track changes to fields involving the dimension name.
#' @param panel_name String containing the name of the current panel.
#' @param pObjects An environment containing \code{aesthetics_links}, a graph produced by \code{\link{.spawn_single_selection_graph}};
#' and \code{memory}, a list of DataFrames containing parameters for each panel of each type.
#' @param rObjects A reactive list containing incrementable counters for all panels,
#' @param input A Shiny list of inputs, generated by the server.
#' @param session A \code{session} object from a Shiny server.
#' @param use_mode_field String specifying the name of the slot that contains a string indicating the usage mode, see \code{\link{.singleSelectionSlots}} for more details.
#' @param use_value String specifying the value of the \code{use_mode_field} slot that indicates that the parameter of interest should respond to the single-selection transmitter.
#' @param name_field String with the name of the slot containing the chosen row/column for this parameter.
#' @param tab_field String with the name of the slot containing the name of the single-selection transmitter for the current panel.
#' @param choices Vector of possible choices for the slot named \code{name_field}.
#' @param protected Logical scalar indicating whether the slot specified by \code{name_field} is a protected parameter for \code{x}, see \code{?\link{.createProtectedParameterObservers}} for details.
#' @return
#' An observer is set up to track changes to the dimension name, possibly triggering a regeneration of the plot.
#' Another observer is set up to detect changes in the transmitting panels.
#' @details
#' This is handled separately from the other observers because:
#' \itemize{
#' \item The \code{\link{selectizeInput}} element used for the dimension names are typically updated server-side,
#' requiring some care to defend against empty inputs before the \code{\link{updateSelectizeInput}} runs.
#' \item The dimension name can change (due to the linked table) without directly affecting the plot,
#' if the dimension name is not currently in use.
#' In such cases, we want to avoid needless re-rendering.
#' }
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @rdname INTERNAL_dimname_observer
#' @importFrom shiny observeEvent observe updateSelectizeInput req
.create_dimname_observers <- function(panel_name, name_field, choices,
use_mode_field, use_value, protected, tab_field,
input, session, pObjects, rObjects)
name_input <- paste0(panel_name, "_", name_field)
always_in_use <-
# Forcibly evaluating to ensure that the correct values are used in observer expressions.
# nocov start
observeEvent(input[[name_input]], {
# Required to defend against empty strings before updateSelectizeInput runs upon re-render.
matched_input <- as(input[[name_input]], typeof(pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[name_field]]))
if (identical(matched_input, pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[name_field]])) {
pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[name_field]] <- matched_input
# Only regenerating if the current parameter is actually in use.
if (always_in_use || pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[use_mode_field]]==use_value) {
if (!protected) {
.requestUpdate(panel_name, rObjects)
} else {
.requestCleanUpdate(panel_name, pObjects, rObjects)
}, ignoreInit=TRUE)
# nocov end
# Observer for the linked panel that controls the dimname selection.
# This either triggers a re-rendering indirectly via the updateSelectizeInput inside (if the choice of transmitter changed)
# or it triggers a re-rendering explicitly here.
# nocov start
replot <- .setup_dimname_source_observer(panel_name,
use_mode_field=use_mode_field, use_value=use_value,
name_field=name_field, tab_field=tab_field,
input=input, session=session,
pObjects=pObjects, rObjects=rObjects)
if (replot) {
if (!protected) {
.requestUpdate(panel_name, rObjects)
} else {
.requestCleanUpdate(panel_name, pObjects, rObjects)
# nocov end
# nocov start
# Protect against re-rendering after deleting a panel.
if (panel_name %in% names(pObjects$memory)) {
updateSelectizeInput(session, paste0(panel_name, "_", name_field),
choices=choices, selected=pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[name_field]], server=TRUE)
# nocov end
#' Dynamic single selection source observer
#' Create an observer for (un)checking of the dynamic single selection source option.
#' @param panel_name String containing the name of the plot.
#' @param dyn_field String containing the name of the slot determining whether a dynamic source is to be used.
#' @param by_field String containing the name of the slot controlling the single selection source.
#' @param source_type String specifying whether the observer is to monitor \code{"feature"} or \code{"sample"} selections.
#' @param input The Shiny input object from the server function.
#' @param session The Shiny session object from the server function.
#' @param pObjects An environment containing global parameters generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' @param rObjects A reactive list of values generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' @return An observer is created in the server function in which this is called.
#' A \code{NULL} value is invisibly returned.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @importFrom shiny observeEvent
#' @rdname INTERNAL_create_dynamic_single_selection_source_observer
.create_dynamic_single_selection_source_observer <- function(panel_name,
dyn_field, by_field, source_type, input, session, pObjects, rObjects)
dyn_field=dyn_field, by_field=by_field, source_type=source_type,
input=input, session=session, pObjects=pObjects, rObjects=rObjects)
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