### ---------------------------
### Factorization class methods
### ---------------------------
function(res,n=1,LZ="L",indices=TRUE,p=NULL,w=NULL) {
if (missing(res)) {
stop("Fabia result 'res' is missing. Stopped.")
if ((is.null(p))&&(is.null(w))) {
stop("Either 'p' or 'w' must be given. Stopped.")
if (LZ=="Z") {
if (!is.null(p)) {
if (indices) {
} else {
} else {
if (indices) {
} else {
} else {
if (!is.null(p)) {
if (indices) {
} else {
} else {
if (indices) {
} else {
function(res,n=1,p=NULL,w=NULL,type="points",intervv=500,off=0,t="p",cex=1) {
if (missing(res)) {
stop("Fabia result 'res' is missing. Stopped.")
if ((is.null(p))&&(is.null(w))) {
stop("Either 'p' or 'w' must be given. Stopped.")
if (!is.null(p)) {
if (type=="points") {
a <- topLZ(res=res,n=n,LZ="L",indices=TRUE,p=p,w=NULL)
b <- topLZ(res=res,n=n,LZ="L",indices=FALSE,p=p,w=NULL)
plot(a,b,xlim=c(0,dim(L(res))[1]),col="blue",type=t,cex=cex,main=paste("bicluster ",n,sep=""),ylab="counts",xlab="SNV number")
} else {
if (type=="histogram") {
off <- off%%intervv
bb <- seq(1-off,length(L(res)[,n]),intervv)
lb <- length(bb)
bb <- c(bb,(bb[lb]+intervv))
a <- topLZ(res=res,n=n,LZ="L",indices=TRUE,p=p,w=NULL)
aa <- hist(a,breaks=bb,plot = FALSE)
plot(aa,freq = TRUE,xlim=c(0,dim(L(res))[1]),col="blue",main=paste("bicluster ",n,sep=""),ylab="counts",xlab="SNV number")
} else {
a <- topLZ(res=res,n=n,LZ="L",indices=TRUE,p=p,w=NULL)
b <- topLZ(res=res,n=n,LZ="L",indices=FALSE,p=p,w=NULL)
smoothScatter(a,b,xlim=c(0,dim(L(res))[1]),main=paste("bicluster ",n,sep=""),ylab="counts",xlab="SNV number")
} else {
if (type=="points") {
a <- topLZ(res=res,n=n,LZ="L",indices=TRUE,p=NULL,w=w)
b <- topLZ(res=res,n=n,LZ="L",indices=FALSE,p=NULL,w=w)
plot(a,b,xlim=c(0,dim(L(res))[1]),col="blue",type=t,cex=cex,main=paste("bicluster ",n,sep=""),ylab="counts",xlab="SNV number")
} else {
if (type=="histogram") {
off <- off%%intervv
bb <- seq(1-off,length(L(res)[,n]),intervv)
lb <- length(bb)
bb <- c(bb,(bb[lb]+intervv))
a <- topLZ(res=res,n=n,LZ="L",indices=TRUE,p=NULL,w=w)
aa <- hist(a,breaks=bb,plot = FALSE)
plot(aa,freq = TRUE,xlim=c(0,dim(L(res))[1]),col="blue",main=paste("bicluster ",n,sep=""),ylab="counts",xlab="SNV number")
} else {
a <- topLZ(res=res,n=n,LZ="L",indices=TRUE,p=NULL,w=w)
b <- topLZ(res=res,n=n,LZ="L",indices=FALSE,p=NULL,w=w)
smoothScatter(a,b,xlim=c(0,dim(L(res))[1]),main=paste("bicluster ",n,sep=""),ylab="counts",xlab="SNV number")
function(res,n=1,p=NULL,w=NULL,intervv=500,off=0) {
if (missing(res)) {
stop("Fabia result 'res' is missing. Stopped.")
if ((is.null(p))&&(is.null(w))) {
stop("Either 'p' or 'w' must be given. Stopped.")
off <- off%%intervv
bb <- seq(1-off,length(L(res)[,n]),intervv)
lb <- length(bb)
bb <- c(bb,(bb[lb]+intervv))
if (!is.null(p)) {
a <- topLZ(res=res,n=n,LZ="L",indices=TRUE,p=p,w=NULL)
} else {
a <- topLZ(res=res,n=n,LZ="L",indices=TRUE,w=w,p=NULL)
rhist <- hist(a,breaks=bb,plot = FALSE)
function(res,sPF,annot=NULL,chrom="",labelsA=NULL,ps=0.9,psZ=0.8,inteA=500,thresA=11,mintagSNVs=8,off=0,procMinIndivids=0.1,thresPrune=1e-3) {
if (missing(res)) {
stop("Fabia result 'res' is missing. Stopped.")
if (missing(sPF)) {
stop("Individuals per SNV (genotype data) 'sPF' is missing. Stopped.")
if (is.null(labelsA)) {
nnL <- length(Z(res)[1,])
labelsA <- cbind(as.character(1:nnL),as.character(1:nnL),as.character(1:nnL),as.character(1:nnL))
if (is.null(annot)) {
snvs <- length(L(res)[,1])
dummyL <- 1:snvs
dummyC <- rep(0,snvs)
dummyN <- rep("N",snvs)
dummy <- as.character(dummyL)
annot <- list()
annot[[1]] <- dummyL
annot[[2]] <- 100*dummyL
annot[[3]] <- dummy
annot[[4]] <- dummyN
annot[[5]] <- dummyN
annot[[6]] <- dummy
annot[[7]] <- dummy
annot[[8]] <- dummy
annot[[9]] <- dummy
annot[[10]] <- as.double(dummyC)
annot[[11]] <- dummyC
IBDsegment_res <- new("IBDsegmentList",IBDsegments=list(),lengthList=0)
IBDsegment_res_idx <- 0
max_n <- ncol(L(res))
for (n in 1:max_n) {
if (max(L(res)[,n])>0.000001) {
ib <- findDenseRegions(L(res)[,n],p=ps,inte=inteA,thres=thresA,off=off)
topZ <- which(Z(res)[n,]>=quantile(Z(res)[n,],psZ))
if ((!is.null(ib$len))&&(length(ib$len)>0)) {
for (i in 1:length(ib$len)) {
ibb <- as.vector(unlist(ib$pos[[i]]))
#ma <- length(ibb)
il <- length(ibb)
aa <- c()
nu <- list()
for (j in 1:il) {
nu[[j]] <- sPF$sL[[ibb[j]]]
aa <- c(aa,nu[[j]])
aa <- unique(aa)
aa <- intersect(aa,topZ)
lq <- length(aa)
if (lq>1) {
aa <- sort(aa)
mat <- matrix(0,lq,il)
for (j in 1:il) {
nv <- which(match(aa,nu[[j]])>0)
mat[nv,j] <- rep(1,length(nv))
select1 <- which(rowSums(mat)>mintagSNVs)
lq1 <- length(select1)
if (lq1>1) {
individual1 <- aa[select1]
mat1 <- mat[select1,]
select2 <- which(colSums(mat1)>1)
lq2 <- length(select2)
if (lq2>1) {
mat1 <- mat1[,select2]
tagSNV1 <- ibb[select2]
matB <- mat1
while (ie == 1) {
nnc <- ncol(matB)
subclS <- 1:nnc
lq2A <- nnc
nnl <- nrow(matB)
subclM <- 1:nnl
lq1A <- nnl
lq2A_old <- lq2A
lq1A_old <- lq1A
if ((lq1A<2)||(lq2A<2)) {
lq1A <- 1
done <- 1
while (done==0) {
matA <- matB[subclM,subclS]
cs1 <- rowSums(matA)
m2 <- which.max(cs1)
v1 <- matA%*%matA[m2,]
v1A <- v1
v1A[m2] <- 0
m3 <- which.max(v1A)
v2 <- matA%*%matA[m3,]
subclM1A <- which(v1>mintagSNVs)
subclM1B <- which(v2>mintagSNVs)
subclM1 <- intersect(subclM1A,subclM1B)
lq1A <- length(subclM1)
if (lq1A>1) {
cs2 <- colSums(matA[subclM1,])
subclS1 <- which(cs2>max(1,(lq1A%/%(1/procMinIndivids))))
lq2A <- length(subclS1)
subclM <- subclM[subclM1]
subclS <- subclS[subclS1]
subclM2 <- subclM[c(m2,m3)]
if ((lq1A_old==lq1A)&&(lq2A_old==lq2A)) {
done <- 1
} else {
lq2A_old <- lq2A
lq1A_old <- lq1A
if ((lq1A<2)||(lq2A<2)) {
lq1A <- 1
done <- 1
} else {
done <- 1
if (lq1A>1) {
a0 <- tagSNV1[subclS]
a1 <- diff(a0)
m <- 1/(max(2,median(a1)))
k0 <- length(a1)
k <- k0
wegS <- 0
wegE <- 0
thresPruneN <- 1.0 - thresPrune
if (k>2) {
doPrune <- TRUE
} else {
doPrune <- FALSE
while (doPrune) {
doPrune <- FALSE
if ((k>2)&&(pexp(a1[1],m) > thresPruneN)) {
a1 <- a1[-1]
k <- k - 1
m <- 1/(max(2,median(a1)))
wegS <- wegS+1
doPrune <- TRUE
} else {
if ((k>2)&&(pexp(a1[2],m) > thresPruneN)) {
a1 <- a1[c(-2,-1)]
k <- k - 2
m <- 1/(max(2,median(a1)))
wegS <- wegS+2
doPrune <- TRUE
if ((k>2)&&(pexp(a1[k],m) > thresPruneN)) {
a1 <- a1[-k]
k <- k - 1
m <- 1/(max(2,median(a1)))
wegE <- wegE+1
doPrune <- TRUE
} else {
if ((k>2)&&(pexp(a1[k-1],m) > thresPruneN)) {
a1 <- a1[c(-k,(-k+1))]
k <- k - 2
m <- 1/(max(2,median(a1)))
wegE <- wegE+2
doPrune <- TRUE
subclS <- subclS[(1+wegS):(k0-wegE)]
lq2A <- length(subclS)
if (lq2A>=mintagSNVs) {
matA <- matB[subclM,subclS]
individual <- as.vector(individual1[subclM])
individual2 <- as.vector(individual1[subclM2])
labelsEUA <- as.vector(labelsA[individual,2])
labelsNAA <- as.vector(labelsA[individual,1])
labelsPlatformA <- as.vector(labelsA[individual,4])
labels_ALLA <- as.vector(paste(labelsNAA,labelsEUA,sep="_"))
labelsNA2 <- as.vector(labelsA[individual2,1])
tagSNV <- as.vector(tagSNV1[subclS])
physRangeA <- as.vector(annot[[2]][tagSNV])
IBDsegmentLength <- physRangeA[lq2A]-physRangeA[1]
IBDsegmentPos <- (physRangeA[lq2A]+physRangeA[1])%/%2
allelesA <- as.vector(paste(annot[[4]][tagSNV],":",annot[[5]][tagSNV],sep=""))
tagSNVNamesA <- as.vector(annot[[3]][tagSNV])
tagSNVFreqA <- as.vector(annot[[10]][tagSNV])
nnn <- length(labelsA[,1])
tagSNVGroupFreqA <- as.vector(sPF$nsL[tagSNV]/nnn)
tagSNVChangeA <- as.vector(annot[[11]][tagSNV])
tagSNVsPerIndividual <- as.vector(rowSums(matA))
individualPerTagSNV <- as.vector(colSums(matA))
tagSNVAnnoA <- rep(as.list(""),length(tagSNV))
IBDsegment_res_idx = IBDsegment_res_idx + 1
chrom <- names(which.max(table(annot[[1]][tagSNV])))[1]
if ( !is.character(chrom) || (nchar(chrom)==0) || (nchar(chrom)>2 )) {
chrom <- ""
res_t <- new("IBDsegment",ID=IBDsegment_res_idx,bicluster_id=n,chromosome=chrom,IBDsegmentPos=IBDsegmentPos,IBDsegmentLength=IBDsegmentLength,numberIndividuals=lq1A,numbertagSNVs=lq2A,individuals=individual,tagSNVs=tagSNV,populationIndividuals=labelsEUA,idIndividuals=labelsNAA,labelIndividuals=labels_ALLA,platformIndividuals=labelsPlatformA,coreClusterIndividuals=labelsNA2,tagSNVPositions=physRangeA,tagSNVAlleles=allelesA,tagSNVNames=tagSNVNamesA,tagSNVFreq=tagSNVFreqA,tagSNVGroupFreq=tagSNVGroupFreqA,tagSNVChange=tagSNVChangeA,tagSNVsPerIndividual=tagSNVsPerIndividual,individualPerTagSNV=individualPerTagSNV,tagSNVAnno=tagSNVAnnoA)
IBDsegment_res[[IBDsegment_res_idx]] <- res_t
ig <- ig + 1
if ((lq1A<(nnl-1))&&(lq2A<(nnc-1))) {
# change
matB <- matB[,-subclS]
# matB <- matB[-subclM,-subclS]
# individual1 <- individual1[-subclM]
tagSNV1 <- tagSNV1[-subclS]
} else {
} else {
} else {
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