# == title
# Add ideogram track
# == param
# -cytoband Path of the cytoband file or a data frame that already contains cytoband data. Pass to `circlize::read.cytoband`.
# -species Abbreviations of species. e.g. hg19 for human, mm10 for mouse. If this
# value is specified, the function will download ``cytoBand.txt.gz`` from
# UCSC ftp automatically. Pass to `circlize::read.cytoband`.
# -track which track the ideogram is added in. By default it is the next track in the layout.
# == detail
# A track which contains ideograms will be added to the plot.
# The function tries to download cytoband file from UCSC ftp. If there is no cytoband file
# available for the species, there will be an error.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <>
add_ideogram_track = function(cytoband = system.file("extdata", "cytoBand.txt",
package = "circlize"), species = NULL, track = current_track() + 1) {
cytoband = read.cytoband(species = species)
cytoband_df = cytoband$df
add_track(cytoband_df, track = track, clip = TRUE, panel_fun = function(gr) {
cytoband_chr = gr
grid.rect( cytoband_chr[[2]], unit(0, "npc"),
width = cytoband_chr[[3]] - cytoband_chr[[2]], height = unit(1, "npc"),
default.units = "native", hjust = 0, vjust = 0,
gp = gpar(fill = cytoband.col(cytoband_chr[[5]])) )
grid.rect(min(cytoband_chr[[2]]), unit(0, "npc"),
width = max(cytoband_chr[[3]]) - min(cytoband_chr[[2]]), height = unit(1, "npc"),
default.units = "native", hjust = 0, vjust = 0,
gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))
# == title
# Add self-defined graphics track by track
# == param
# -gr genomic regions. It should be a data frame in BED format or a ``GRanges`` object.
# -category subset of categories (e.g. chromosomes) that users want to add graphics.
# The value can be a vector which contains more than one category. By default it
# is all available categories.
# -track which track the graphics will be added to. By default it is the next track. The value should only be a scalar.
# -clip whether graphics are restricted inside the cell.
# -panel_fun self-defined panel function to add graphics in each 'cell'. THe argument ``gr`` in ``panel_fun``
# only contains data for the current category which is a subset of the main ``gr``. The function can also
# contains no argument if nothing needs to be passed in.
# deprecated
# -use_raster whether render the each panel as a raster image. It helps to reduce file size when the file size is huge.
# -raster_device graphic device which is used to generate the raster image
# -raster_quality a value set to larger than 1 will improve the quality of the raster image. A temporary image with
# ``raster_quality``*``raster_quality`` times the original size of panel is generated first and then fit into
# the panel by `grid::grid.raster`.
# -raster_device_param a list of further parameters for the selected graphic device
# == detail
# Initialization of the Trellis layout and adding graphics are two independent steps.
# Once the layout initialization finished, each cell will be an independent plotting region.
# As same as ``panel_fun`` in `circlize::circlize-package`, the self-defined function ``panel_fun``
# will be applied on every cell in the specified track (by default it is the 'current' track).
# When adding graphics in each cell, `get_cell_meta_data` can return several meta data for the current cell.
# Since this package is implemented by the ``grid`` graphic system, ``grid``-family functions
# (such as `grid::grid.points`, `grid::grid.rect`, ...) should be used to add graphics. The usage
# of ``grid`` functions is quite similar as the traditional graphic functions.
# Followings are several examples:
# grid.points(x, y)
# grid.lines(x, y)
# grid.rect(x, y, width, height)
# Graphical parameters are usually passed by `grid::gpar`:
# grid.points(x, y, gp = gpar(col = "red")
# grid.rect(x, y, width, height, gp = gpar(fill = "black", col = "red"))
# ``grid`` system also support a large number of coordinate measurement systems by defining proper `grid::unit` object
# which provides high flexibility to place graphics on the plotting regions.
# grid.points(x, y, default.units = "npc")
# grid.rect(x, y, width = unit(1, "cm"))
# You can refer to the documentations and vignettes of `grid::grid-package` to get a overview.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == seealso
# There are several functions which draw specific graphics and are implemented by `add_track`:
# - `add_points_track`
# - `add_segments_track`
# - `add_lines_track`
# - `add_rect_track`
# - `add_heatmap_track`
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <>
add_track = function(gr = NULL, category = NULL, track = current_track() + 1,
clip = TRUE, panel_fun = function(gr) NULL, = NULL,
use_raster = FALSE,
raster_device = c("png", "jpeg", "tiff", "CairoPNG", "CairoJPEG", "CairoTIFF"),
raster_quality = 1,
raster_device_param = list()) {
if(!is.null( {
warning("`` is deprecated, please use `panel_fun`.")
panel_fun =
i_plot = get_plot_index()
op = qq.options(READ.ONLY = FALSE)
qq.options(code.pattern = "@\\{CODE\\}")
if(length(track) != 1) {
stop("`track` can only be length 1.\n")
if(track > .GENOMIC_LAYOUT$n_track || track < 1) {
stop(qq("`track` should be between [1, @{.GENOMIC_LAYOUT$n_track}]\n"))
all_fa = .GENOMIC_LAYOUT$fa
fa = all_fa[ !grepl("^\\.invisible_", all_fa) ]
if(is.null(category)) {
if(is.null(gr)) {
fa = fa
} else {
if(inherits(gr, "GenomicRanges")) {
if(requireNamespace("GenomicRanges")) {
fa = unique(GenomicRanges::seqnames(gr))
} else {
stop("Cannot load `GenomicRanges` package.")
} else {
fa = unique(as.character(gr[[1]]))
if(sum(fa %in% all_fa) == 0) {
if(sum(grepl("^(\\d+|[xXyY])$", fa)) > 5) {
cat("Guess your category are chromosomes and chromosome names should start with 'chr'.\n")
fa = fa[fa %in% all_fa]
} else {
fa = category[category %in% all_fa]
n_arg = length(as.list(args(panel_fun))) - 1
raster_device = match.arg(raster_device)[1]
for(chr in fa) {
.GENOMIC_LAYOUT$current_fa = chr
.GENOMIC_LAYOUT$current_track = track
if(clip) {
vp = qq("@{chr}_track_@{track}_datavp_clip_@{i_plot}")
} else {
vp = qq("@{chr}_track_@{track}_datavp_@{i_plot}")
add_panel_fun = function(gr) {
seekViewport(name = vp)
data_xscale = get_cell_meta_data("extended_xlim")
data_yscale = get_cell_meta_data("extended_ylim")
if(use_raster) {
# write the image into a temporary file and read it back
device_info = switch(raster_device,
png = c("grDevices", "png", "readPNG"),
jpeg = c("grDevices", "jpeg", "readJPEG"),
tiff = c("grDevices", "tiff", "readTIFF"),
CairoPNG = c("Cairo", "png", "readPNG"),
CairoJPEG = c("Cairo", "jpeg", "readJPEG"),
CairoTIFF = c("Cairo", "tiff", "readTIFF")
if(!requireNamespace(device_info[1])) {
stop(paste0("Need ", device_info[1], " package to output image."))
if(!requireNamespace(device_info[2])) {
stop(paste0("Need ", device_info[2], " package to read image."))
# can we get the size of the heatmap body?
panel_width = convertWidth(unit(1, "npc"), "bigpts", valueOnly = TRUE)
panel_height = convertHeight(unit(1, "npc"), "bigpts", valueOnly = TRUE)
if(panel_width <= 0 || panel_height <= 0) {
stop("The width or height of the raster image is zero, maybe you forget to turn off the previous graphic device or it was corrupted. Run `` to close it.")
temp_image = tempfile(pattern = paste0(".gtrellis_panel_", vp), tmpdir = ".", fileext = paste0(".", device_info[2]))
#getFromNamespace(raster_device, ns = device_info[1])(temp_image, width = heatmap_width*raster_quality, height = heatmap_height*raster_quality)
device_fun = getFromNamespace(raster_device, ns = device_info[1])"device_fun", c(list(filename = temp_image, width = panel_width*raster_quality, height = panel_height*raster_quality), raster_device_param))
pushViewport(viewport(xscale = data_xscale, yscale = data_yscale))
if(n_arg == 0){
} else {
if(use_raster) {
image = getFromNamespace(device_info[3], ns = device_info[2])(temp_image)
image = as.raster(image)
grid.raster(image, width = unit(1, "npc") - unit(2, "bigpts"), height = unit(1, "npc") - unit(2, "bigpts"))
if(is.null(gr)) {
} else {
extended_xlim = get_cell_meta_data("extended_xlim")
if(inherits(gr, "GenomicRanges")) {
sub_gr = gr[seqnames(gr) == chr]
sub_gr = sub_gr[is_intersected(start(sub_gr), end(sub_gr), extended_xlim[1], extended_xlim[2])]
if(length(sub_gr)) {
} else {
sub_gr = gr[gr[[1]] == chr, , drop = FALSE]
sub_gr = sub_gr[is_intersected(sub_gr[[2]], sub_gr[[3]], extended_xlim[1], extended_xlim[2]), , drop = FALSE]
if(nrow(sub_gr)) {
# go to the highest vp
seekViewport(name = qq("global_layout_@{i_plot}"))
# == title
# Get meta data in a cell
# == param
# -name name of the supported meta data, see 'details' section.
# -category which category. By default it is the current category.
# -track which track. By default it is the current track.
# == detail
# Following meta data can be retrieved:
# -``name`` name of the category.
# -``xlim`` xlim without including padding. Cells in the same column share the same ``xlim``.
# -``ylim`` ylim without including padding.
# -``extended_xlim`` xlim with padding.
# -``extended_ylim`` ylim with padding.
# -``original_xlim`` xlim in original data.
# -``original_ylim`` ylim in original data.
# -``column`` which column in the layout.
# -``row`` which row in the layout.
# -``track`` which track in the layout.
# The vignette has a graphical explanation of all these meta data.
# == value
# Corresponding meta data that user queried.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <>
get_cell_meta_data = function(name, category, track) {
if(missing(category)) category = .GENOMIC_LAYOUT$current_fa
if(missing(track)) track = .GENOMIC_LAYOUT$current_track
i = which(.GENOMIC_LAYOUT$fa %in% category)
row = which(sapply(.GENOMIC_LAYOUT$p, function(ind) any(ind == i)))
column = which(.GENOMIC_LAYOUT$p[[row]] == i)
name = category,
xlim = .GENOMIC_LAYOUT$xlim[i, ],
ylim = .GENOMIC_LAYOUT$ylim[track, ],
extended_xlim = .GENOMIC_LAYOUT$extended_xlim[i, ],
extended_ylim = .GENOMIC_LAYOUT$extended_ylim[track, ],
original_xlim = .GENOMIC_LAYOUT$original_xlim[i, ],
original_ylim = .GENOMIC_LAYOUT$original_ylim[track, ],
column = column,
row = row,
track = track)
# == title
# Show index on each cell
# == detail
# The function adds name and index of track for each cell.
# It is only for demonstration purpose.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <>
gtrellis_show_index = function() {
op = qq.options(READ.ONLY = FALSE)
qq.options(code.pattern = "@\\{CODE\\}")
track = .GENOMIC_LAYOUT$n_track
for(i in seq_len(track)) {
add_track(track = i, panel_fun = function(gr) {
nm = get_cell_meta_data("name")
grid.text(qq("@{nm}\ntrack:@{i}"), unit(0.5, "npc"), unit(0.5, "npc"))
is_intersected = function(start, end, lim_start, lim_end) {
l = (lim_start >= start & lim_start <= end) |
(lim_end >= start & lim_end <= end) |
(lim_start <= start & lim_end >= end)
# == title
# The index of current track
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <>
current_track = function() {
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