#' Download protein-protein interactions from STRING DB
#' @param version version of the database to use
#' @param score_threshold remove scores below threshold
#' @param remove.text remove text mining-based scores
#' @return a data.frame with rows representing an interaction between two
#' proteins, and columns
#' the count of scores above the given score_threshold
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' stringDBhomoSapiens(score_threshold = 800)
#' }
stringDBhomoSapiens <- function(version = '10', score_threshold = 0,
remove.text = TRUE) {
. <- NULL
STRINGdb::get_STRING_species(version = version, species_name=NULL) %>%
dplyr::arrange(!!('official_name'))) %>%
dplyr::filter(!!('official_name')) == 'homo_sapiens')
# downloading Homo sapiens
string_db <- STRINGdb::STRINGdb$new(version = version,
species = 9606,
score_threshold = 0)
# Load to memory the database (by calling a method)
tp53 <- string_db$mp( "tp53" )
# get all interactions
all.interactions <- string_db$proteins$protein_external_id %>%
# remove text.based columns
if (remove.text) {
col.ixs <- colnames(all.interactions) %>%
!. %in% .[grep('text', .)]
} else {
col.ixs <- array(TRUE, ncol(all.interactions))
# remove text if flag is TRUE
all.interactions <- all.interactions[, col.ixs]
col.ixs <- (!colnames(all.interactions) %in% 'combined_score')
# columns without from and to
col.vals.ixs <- col.ixs & (!colnames(all.interactions) %in% c('from', 'to'))
mat <- as.matrix(all.interactions[,col.vals.ixs]) / 1000
# Calculate new combined score
p <- 0.041
combined.score <- mat %>%
# Removing prior per channel
apply( 2, function(ix) {
res <- (ix - p) / (1 - p)
res[ix == 0] <- 0
}) %>% {
# Normalize Co-Occurence and Text mining scores
for (ix in c('cooccurence', 'textmining',
'textmining_transferred')) {
if (ix %in% colnames(.)) {
.[, ix] <- .[, ix] * (1 - .[, 'homology'])
.[,!colnames(.) %in% c('homology')]
} %>% {
# Combine the scores of the channels
# 1 - factor(1 - S_i)
res <- (1 - .[,1])
for (ix in seq(ncol(.))[-1]) {
res <- res * (1 - .[,ix])
1 - res
} %>% {
# Add prior (once)
. + p * (1 - .)
} %>% {
# Reconvert to integer
floor(. * 1000)
# Refilter combined score
all.interactions$combined_score <- combined.score
interactions <- all.interactions %>%
dplyr::filter(!!('combined_score')) >= score_threshold)
#' Build gene network from peptide ids
#' This can reduce the dimension of the original network, as there may not be a
#' mapping
#' between peptide and gene id
#' @param string.tbl matrix with colnames and rownames as ensembl peptide id
#' (same order)
#' @param use.names default is to use protein names ('protein'), other options
#' are 'ensembl' for ensembl
#' gene id or 'external' for external gene names
#' @return a new matrix with gene ids instead of peptide ids. The size of matrix
#' can be different as
#' there may not be a mapping or a peptide mapping can have multiple genes.
#' @export
#' @seealso stringDBhomoSapiens
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' all.interactions.700 <- stringDBhomoSapiens(score_threshold = 700)
#' <- buildStringNetwork(all.interactions.700,
#' use.names = 'external')
#' # number of edges
#' sum(network != 0)
#' }
buildStringNetwork <- function(string.tbl, use.names = 'protein') {
# remove 9606. prefix
string.tbl$from <- gsub('9606\\.', '', string.tbl$from)
string.tbl$to <- gsub('9606\\.', '', string.tbl$to)
# get sorted list of proteins
merged.prot <- sort(unique(c(string.tbl$from, string.tbl$to)))
# if use.names is not default, then replace proteins with genes (either
# ensembl_id or gene_name)
if (use.names == 'ensembl' || use.names == 'external') { <- protein2EnsemblGeneNames(merged.prot)
rownames( <-$ensembl_peptide_id
# use external gene names
if (use.names == 'external') {
ext.genes <-$ensembl_gene_id %>% unique %>% geneNames
rownames(ext.genes) <- ext.genes$ensembl_gene_id$ensembl_gene_id <- ext.genes[$ensembl_gene_id,
# keep only proteins that have mapping to gene
new.string <- string.tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(!!('from')) %in%$ensembl_peptide_id &
!!('to')) %in%$ensembl_peptide_id)
# replace protein with genes
new.string$from <- as.vector([new.string$from,
new.string$to <- as.vector([new.string$to,'ensembl_gene_id'])
# discard all interaction between gene and himself
new.string <- new.string[new.string$from != new.string$to, ]
# update list of protein index with genes
merged.prot <- sort(unique(c(new.string$from, new.string$to)))
} else {
# if default then just pass the argument as new.string
new.string <- string.tbl
# Build sparse matrix
new.string$from <- readr::parse_factor(new.string$from, merged.prot)
new.string$to <- readr::parse_factor(new.string$to, merged.prot)
i <- as.numeric(new.string$from)
j <- as.numeric(new.string$to)
# Create new sparse matrix with p x p dimensions (p = genes)
new.mat <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = i,
j = j,
x = new.string$combined_score,
dims = array(length(merged.prot), 2),
dimnames = list(levels(new.string$from),
# return the new matrix
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