#' Separate data in High and Low risk groups (based on Cox model)
#' Draws multiple kaplan meyer survival curves (or just 1) and calculates
#' logrank test
#' @param chosen.btas list of testing coefficients to calculate prognostic
#' indexes, for example ``list(Age = some_vector)``
#' @param xdata n x m matrix with n observations and m variables
#' @param ydata Survival object
#' @param probs How to separate high and low risk patients 50\%-50\% is the
#' default, but for top and bottom 40\% -> c(.4,.6)
#' @param no.plot Only calculate p-value and do not generate survival curve plot
#' @param plot.title Name of file if
#' @param xlim Optional argument to limit the x-axis view
#' @param ylim Optional argument to limit the y-axis view
#' @param legend.outside If TRUE legend will be outside plot, otherwise inside
#' @param expand.yzero expand to y = 0
#' @param ... additional parameters to survminer::ggsurvplot
#' @return object with logrank test and kaplan-meier survival plot
#' A list with plot, p-value and kaplan-meier object. The plot was drawn from
#' survminer::ggsurvplot with only the palette, data and fit arguments being
#' defined and keeping all other defaults that can be customized as additional
#' parameters to this function.
#' @export
#' @seealso survminer::ggsurvplot
#' @examples
#' data('cancer', package = 'survival')
#' xdata <- ovarian[,c('age', 'resid.ds')]
#' ydata <- data.frame(time = ovarian$futime, status = ovarian$fustat)
#' separate2GroupsCox(c(age = 1, 0), xdata, ydata)
#' separate2GroupsCox(c(age = 1, 0.5), xdata, ydata)
#' separate2GroupsCox(c(age = 1), c(1,0,1,0,1,0),
#' data.frame(time = runif(6), status = rbinom(6, 1, .5)))
#' separate2GroupsCox(list(aa = c(age = 1, 0.5),
#' bb = c(age = 0, 1.5)), xdata, ydata)
separate2GroupsCox <- function(chosen.btas, xdata, ydata,
probs = c(.5, .5), no.plot = FALSE,
plot.title = 'SurvivalCurves',
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, expand.yzero = FALSE,
legend.outside = FALSE,
...) {
# convert between compatible formats
if(inherits(chosen.btas, 'numeric')) {
chosen.btas <- list(chosen.btas)
# convert between compatible formats
if (inherits(xdata, 'data.frame') ||
inherits(xdata, 'numeric') ||
inherits(xdata, 'matrix')) {
xdata <- as.matrix(xdata)
# checks if main arguments are correct.
if (!inherits(chosen.btas, 'list')) {
stop('chosen.btas argument must be a list or vector. ',
'See documentation ?separate2GroupsCox')
} else if (!inherits(xdata, 'matrix')) {
stop('xdata argument must be a matrix, data.frame or vector ',
'See documentation ?separate2GroupsCox')
} else if (!inherits(ydata, 'data.frame')) {
stop('ydata argument must be a data.frame. ',
'See documentation ?separate2GroupsCox')
if (nrow(xdata) != nrow(ydata)) {
stop(sprintf('Rows in xdata (%d) and ydata (%d) must be the same',
nrow(xdata), nrow(ydata)))
} else if (!all(ncol(xdata) == vapply(chosen.btas, length, 1))) {
stop('All or some of the chosen.btas (%s) have different ',
sprintf('number of variables from xdata (%d)'),
paste(vapply(chosen.btas, length, 1), collapse = ', '),
# creates a matrix from list of chosen.btas
chosen.btas.mat <- vapply(chosen.btas, function(e){as.vector(e)},
rep(1.0, ncol(xdata)))
# calculate prognostic indexes for each patient and btas
prognostic.index <- tryCatch(xdata %*% chosen.btas.mat,
error = function(err){
stop('xdata is.matrix(.) = ', is.matrix(xdata), '\n',
' chosen.btas is.matrix(.) = ', is.matrix(chosen.btas.mat), '\n',
' xdata (nrow)x(ncol) = ', sprintf('%dx%d',
ncol(xdata)), '\n',
'chosen.btas (nrow)x(ncol) = ', sprintf('%dx%d',
'\n', ' error description: ', err)
colnames(prognostic.index) <- names(chosen.btas)
futile.logger::flog.debug('prognostic.index', prognostic.index,
capture = TRUE)
prognostic.index.df <- data.frame(time = c(), status = c(), group = c())
# populate a data.frame with all patients (multiple rows per patients if has
# multiple btas) already calculate high/low risk groups
for (ix in seq_len(dim(prognostic.index)[2])) {
# threshold
# <- array(-1, dim(prognostic.index)[1])
pi.thres <- stats::quantile(prognostic.index[,ix], probs = c(probs[1],
if (sum(prognostic.index[,ix] <= pi.thres[1]) == 0 ||
sum(prognostic.index[,ix] > pi.thres[2]) == 0) {
pi.thres[1] <- stats::median(unique(prognostic.index[,ix]))
pi.thres[2] <- pi.thres[1]
# low risk[prognostic.index[,ix] <= pi.thres[1]] <- (2 * ix) - 1
# high risk[prognostic.index[,ix] > pi.thres[2]] <- (2 * ix)
valid_ix <- != -1
prognostic.index.df <- rbind(prognostic.index.df,
pi = prognostic.index[valid_ix, ix],
time = ydata$time[valid_ix],
status = ydata$status[valid_ix],
group =[valid_ix]))
# factor the group
prognostic.index.df$group <- factor(prognostic.index.df$group)
# rename the factor to low / high risk
new.factor.str <- as.vector(vapply(seq_along(chosen.btas), function(ix) {
if (!is.null(names(chosen.btas)) && length(names(chosen.btas)) >= ix) {
e <- names(chosen.btas)[ix]
as.list(paste0(c('Low risk - ', 'High risk - '), e))
} else {
list('Low risk', 'High risk')
}, list(1,2)))
new.factor.str.l <- as.list(as.character(seq_len(2*length(chosen.btas))))
names(new.factor.str.l) <- new.factor.str
. <- NULL # Satisfy R CMD CHECK
prognostic.index.df$group <- prognostic.index.df$group %>%
list %>%
c(new.factor.str.l) %>%, .)
if (length(levels(prognostic.index.df$group)) == 1) {
stop('separate2GroupsCox(): There is only one group, cannot create ',
'kaplan-meir curve with low and high risk groups')
futile.logger::flog.debug('prognostic.index.df', prognostic.index.df,
capture = TRUE)
# Generate the Kaplan-Meier survival object
km <- survival::survfit(survival::Surv(time, status) ~ group,
data = prognostic.index.df)
futile.logger::flog.debug('kaplan-meier object', km, capture = TRUE)
# Calculate the logrank test p-value
surv.prob <- survival::survdiff(survival::Surv(time, status) ~ group,
data = prognostic.index.df)
futile.logger::flog.debug('surv.prob object', surv.prob, capture = TRUE)
p_value <- 1 - stats::pchisq(surv.prob$chisq, df = 1)
futile.logger::flog.debug('pvalue: %g\n', p_value)
if (no.plot) {
return(list(pvalue = p_value, plot = NULL, km = km))
# Plot survival curve
# remove group= from legend
names(km$strata) <- gsub('group=','',names(km$strata))
# if there are more than 1 btas then lines should have transparency
if (length(chosen.btas) > 1) {
my.alpha <- .5
} else {
my.alpha <- 1
if (length(chosen.btas) > 1) {
col.ix <-
} else {
col.ix <- c('seagreen', 'indianred2')
p1 <- survminer::ggsurvplot(km, = FALSE,
palette = col.ix,
data = prognostic.index.df,
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_minimal(),
if (expand.yzero)
p1$plot <- p1$plot + ggplot2::expand_limits(y=.047)
# limit the x axis if needed
if (!is.null(xlim))
p1$plot <- p1$plot + ggplot2::coord_cartesian(xlim=xlim, ylim = ylim)
if (!is.null(ylim))
p1$plot <- p1$plot + ggplot2::coord_cartesian(ylim=ylim, xlim = xlim)
if (length(chosen.btas) == 1) {
p1$plot <- p1$plot + ggplot2::ggtitle(paste0(gsub('_', ' ', plot.title),
'\np_value = ',p_value))
} else {
p1$plot <- p1$plot + ggplot2::ggtitle(paste0(gsub('_', ' ', plot.title)))
p1$plot <- p1$plot +
ggplot2::labs(colour = paste0("p-value = ", format(p_value)))
p1$plot <- p1$plot + ggplot2::theme(
legend.key = ggplot2::element_blank(),
legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(colour = "grey10",
size = 10),
legend.background = ggplot2::element_rect(colour = "gray")
if (legend.outside == TRUE)
p1$plot <- p1$plot +
ggplot2::theme(legend.key.size = ggplot2::unit(20,"points"))
p1$plot <- p1$plot + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = c(1,1),
legend.justification = c(1, 1),
legend.key.size = ggplot2::unit(20,"points"))
# return p-value, plot and km object
return(list(pvalue = p_value, plot = p1, km = km))
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