### collapse/reduce aligned genome intervals by
## 1: combining intervals which are completely included in each other
## 2: combining overlapping intervals
setMethod("reduce", signature("AlignedGenomeIntervals"),
function(x, method="standard", min.frac=0.0,
mem.friendly=FALSE, ...){
## mem.friendly: version that requires less RAM but is considerably slower
method <- match.arg(method, c("standard", "exact",
"same5", "same3"))
## which function to use for each iteration:
if ("package:parallel" %in% search()){
lFun <- mclapply
} else {
lFun <- lapply
if (mem.friendly){
#lFun over individual chromosomes
allChr <- unique(chromosome(x))
res <- lFun(as.list(allChr), function(chr){
method=method, min.frac=min.frac)
res <-"c", res)
} else {
res <- reduceOne(x, method=method, min.frac=min.frac)
res <- sort(res)
}) # setMethod reduce
## function for single iteration of reduce
reduceOne <- function(z, method=method, min.frac=0.0){
## separate method for reducing only intervals
### at exactly the same position?
method <- match.arg(method, c("standard", "exact",
"same5", "same3"))
## only reduce intervals with exactly same start and end?
if (method == "exact") { #min.frac <- 1.0
## only reduce intervals with exactly same 5' or 3' end?
if (method %in% c("same5","same3"))
return(reduceOneEnd(z, type=method))
if (min.frac > 0.0) {
## check: use of new 'interval_included' method may
## be faster here.
## basically generate another list 'ov' here
ov <- as.list(1:nrow(z))
fo <- fracOverlap(z,z, 0)
fo <- subset(fo, fraction1 >= min.frac | fraction2 >= min.frac)
perInd <- split(fo$Index2, fo$Index1)
for (j in 1:length(perInd))
ov[[as.integer(names(perInd))[j]]] <- perInd[[j]]
} else {
# find overlapping and adjacent intervals:
z2 <- z # for adjacent intervals
z2[,1] <- z[,1]-1L; z2[,2] <- z[,2]+1L
ov <- interval_overlap(z,z2)
}# else
### intervals should only be combined if they are
# overlapping/adjacent AND have the sampe number of matches
# (i.e. the same match specificity [unique, 2 hits, 5 hits])
ov2 <- lapply(as.list(seq(length(ov))),
ovI <- ov[[i]]
if (length(ovI)<2) return(ovI)
return(ovI[z@matches[ovI] == z@matches[i]])
if (!any(listLen(ov2)>1)) return(z)
### prepare result of class AlignedGenomeIntervals:
zr <- z # [1:length(CC)]
hasIds <- length(z@id)==nrow(z)
#treated <- vector("logical", length(ov))
treated <- rep(TRUE, length(ov))
removed <- vector("logical", length(ov))
ofInt <- which(listLen(ov2)>1)
treated[ofInt] <- FALSE
done <- FALSE
#if there are overlaps:
while (!done) {
i <- match(FALSE, treated)
if ( { done <- TRUE }
else {
# repeat loop for single-linkage clustering-like
## combination of consecutive match positions
theseIdx <- ov2[[i]]
repeat { ## works, but very slow
newIdx <- unique(unlist(ov2[theseIdx], use.names=FALSE))
if (all(newIdx %in% theseIdx)) break
theseIdx <- union(theseIdx, newIdx)
treated[theseIdx] <- TRUE
removed[theseIdx] <- TRUE
removed[i] <- FALSE
minx <- min(z[theseIdx,1])
maxx <- max(z[theseIdx,2])
zr@closed[i,] <- c(z@closed[which.min(z[theseIdx,1]),1],
zr@reads[i] <- sum(z@reads[theseIdx])
## now for the sequence use 'shift' arg of consensusString
# shift depends on strand of the reads:
if (strand(z[i])=="-") {
theseShifts <- maxx-z[theseIdx,2]
} else { theseShifts <- z[theseIdx,1]-minx }
## get consensus matrix of read sequences:
#iConsMat <- consensusMatrix(DNAStringSet(z@sequence[theseIdx]),
# shift=theseShifts, baseOnly=TRUE)
## NEW VERSION with consensus weighted by read counts
iConsMat <- weightedConsensusMatrix(z@sequence[theseIdx],
zr@sequence[i] <- consensusString(iConsMat, ambiguityMap="N")
if (hasIds)
zr@id[i] <- paste(sort(unique(z@id[theseIdx])),
zr[i,1] <- minx
zr[i,2] <- maxx
} # else
}# while (!done)
zr <- zr[!removed]
reduceOneExact <- function(z){
# simpler method if all intervals at exactly same position
hasIds <- length(z@id)==nrow(z)
readPos <- paste(chromosome(z), strand(z),z[,1], "-", z[,2],
matches(z), sep=".")
splitted <- split(, readPos)
# prepare result: single aligned interval per set of overlapping intervals
zr <- z[sapply(splitted, "[", 1L)]
for (i in which(listLen(splitted)>1L)){
## iterate over each group of completely overlapping intervals
theseIdx <- splitted[[i]]
zr@reads[i] <- sum(z@reads[theseIdx])
## now for the sequence use consensusString
## without shift since all reads on same position
#zr@sequence[i] <-
# consensusString(DNAStringSet(z@sequence[theseIdx]),
# ambiguityMap="N")
##New version: weighing consensus by read counts:
iConsMat <- weightedConsensusMatrix(z@sequence[theseIdx],
zr@sequence[i] <- consensusString(iConsMat, ambiguityMap="N")
if (hasIds)
zr@id[i] <- paste(sort(unique(z@id[theseIdx])),
reduceOneEnd <- function(z, type="same5"){
# simpler method if all intervals have exactly same 5' or 3' end
type <- match.arg(type, c("same5", "same3"))
hasIds <- length(z@id)==nrow(z)
if (type=="same5")
readPos <- paste(chromosome(z), strand(z),
ifelse(strand(z)=="+", z[,1], z[,2]),
matches(z), sep=".")
if (type=="same3")
readPos <- paste(chromosome(z), strand(z),
ifelse(strand(z)=="+", z[,2], z[,1]),
matches(z), sep=".")
splitted <- split(, readPos)
# prepare result: single aligned interval per set of overlapping intervals
zr <- z[sapply(splitted, "[", 1L)]
for (i in which(listLen(splitted)>1L)){
## iterate over each group of completely overlapping intervals
theseIdx <- splitted[[i]]
zr@reads[i] <- sum(z@reads[theseIdx])
## now for the sequence use consensusString
## without shift since all reads on same position
#zr@sequence[i] <-
# consensusString(DNAStringSet(z@sequence[theseIdx]),
# ambiguityMap="N")
## NEW: weighted consensus sequence
iConsMat <- weightedConsensusMatrix(z@sequence[theseIdx],
zr@sequence[i] <- consensusString(iConsMat, ambiguityMap="N")
if (hasIds)
zr@id[i] <- paste(sort(unique(z@id[theseIdx])),
### for Genome_intervals
setMethod("reduce", signature("Genome_intervals"),
function(x, method="standard", min.frac=0.0, ...){
method <- match.arg(method, c("standard", "exact"))
## separate method for reducing only intervals
### at exactly the same position?
## which function to use for each iteration:
if ("package:parallel" %in% search()){
lFun <- mclapply
} else {
lFun <- lapply
if (method=="exact") min.frac <- 1.0
if (min.frac > 0.0) {
## basically generate another list 'ov' here
ov <- as.list(1:nrow(x))
fo <- fracOverlap(x,x, 0)
fo <- subset(fo, fraction1 >= min.frac | fraction2 >= min.frac)
perInd <- split(fo$Index2, fo$Index1)
for (j in 1:length(perInd))
ov[[as.integer(names(perInd))[j]]] <- perInd[[j]]
} else {
# find overlapping and adjacent intervals:
x2 <- x # for adjacent intervals
x2[,1] <- x[,1]-1L; x2[,2] <- x[,2]+1L
ov <- interval_overlap(x,x2)
}# else
if (!any(listLen(ov)>1)) return(x)
### prepare result of class Genome_intervals:
xr <- x # [1:length(CC)]
## which intervals to keep and which to remove
treated <- vector("logical", length(ov))
removed <- vector("logical", length(ov))
#if there are overlaps:
for (i in which(listLen(ov)>1)){
if (treated[i]) next
# repeat loop for single-linkage clustering-like
## combination of consecutive match positions
theseIdx <- ov[[i]]
repeat { ## works, but very slow
newIdx <- unique(unlist(ov[theseIdx], use.names=FALSE))
if (all(newIdx %in% theseIdx)) break
theseIdx <- union(theseIdx, newIdx)
treated[theseIdx] <- TRUE
removed[theseIdx] <- TRUE
removed[i] <- FALSE
#for (i in 1:length(CC)){
#theseIdx <- as.integer(gsub("^n", "", CC[[i]]))
minx <- min(x[theseIdx,1])
maxx <- max(x[theseIdx,2])
xr@closed[i,] <- c(x@closed[which.min(x[theseIdx,1]),1],
xr[i,1] <- minx
xr[i,2] <- maxx
}# for i
xr <- xr[!removed]
}) # setMethod reduce for Genome_intervals
### resurrect the reduce methods from package 'IRanges'
### which were overwritten by later import of 'intervals'
# for class 'IRanges'
setMethod("reduce", signature("IRanges"),
function(x, ...){
getMethod("reduce", signature("IRanges"), where=match("package:IRanges",search())) (x, ...) } )
# for class 'IntegerRanges'
setMethod("reduce", signature("IntegerRanges"),
function(x, ...){
getMethod("reduce", signature("IntegerRanges"), where=match("package:IRanges",search())) (x, ...) } )
# for class 'IntegerRangesList'
setMethod("reduce", signature("IntegerRangesList"),
function(x, ...){
getMethod("reduce", signature("IntegerRangesList"), where=match("package:IRanges",search())) (x, ...) } )
# for class 'CompressedIRangesList'
setMethod("reduce", signature("CompressedIRangesList"),
function(x, ...){
getMethod("reduce", signature("CompressedIRangesList"), where=match("package:IRanges",search())) (x, ...) } )
# for class 'RangedData', depracated
#setMethod("reduce", signature("RangedData"),
# function(x, by, ...){
# if (missing(by)) by <- seq(ncol(rd))
# getMethod("reduce", signature("RangedData"), where=match("package:IRanges",search())) (x, by=by, ...) } )
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