########################################################### Functions for working with segmented data Segmenting, converting among various
########################################################### representation data.frames, GRanges, Rle
##' Make Rle from segments for one sample
##' Take output of CBS, make Rle representing all features in 'locs' ranges. CBS output contains
##' run length and run values for genomic segmetns, which could very directly be converted into a Rle.
##' However, as NA values are often removed, especially for mBAF data, these run lengths do not
##' necessarily cover all features in every sample. Using the start and top positions of each segment
##' and the location of each feature, we can make a Rle that represents all features.
##' @param segs data.frame of segments, formatted as output of segment function from DNAcopy package
##' @param locs GenomicRanges, like rowRanges slot of a GenoSet
##' @return Rle with run lengths and run values covering all features in the data set.
##' @export segs2Rle
##' @family 'segmented data'
##' @examples
##' data(genoset,package='genoset')
##' segs = runCBS( genoset.ds[, , 'lrr'], rowRanges(genoset.ds), return.segs=TRUE )
##' segs2Rle( segs[[1]], rowRanges(genoset.ds) ) # Take a data.frame of segments, say from DNAcopy's segment function, and make Rle's using probe locations in the locs
segs2Rle <- function(segs, locs) {
if ("num.mark" %in% colnames(segs)) {
if (sum(segs[, "num.mark"]) == nrow(locs)) {
return(Rle(segs[, "seg.mean"], segs[, "num.mark"]))
} = GRanges(ranges = IRanges(start = segs[, "loc.start"], end = segs[, "loc.end"]),
seqnames = factor(segs[, "chrom"], levels = chrOrder(unique(as.character(segs$chrom)))),
Value = segs[, "seg.mean"]) = toGenomeOrder(, strict = TRUE)
bounds = boundingIndicesByChr(, locs)
temp.rle = bounds2Rle(bounds, values($Value, nrow(locs)) # Breaks unit test for 1st being NA
##' Given segments, make an RleDataFrame of Rle objects for each sample
##' Take table of segments from CBS, convert DataFrame of Rle objects for each sample.
##' @title CBS segments to probe matrix
##' @param seg.list list, list of data frames, one per sample, each is result from CBS
##' @param locs rowRanges from a GenoSet object
##' @return RleDataFrame with nrows same as locs and one column for each sample
##' @export segs2RleDataFrame
##' @family 'segmented data'
##' @examples
##' data(genoset,package='genoset')
##' seg.list = runCBS( genoset.ds[, , 'lrr'], rowRanges(genoset.ds), return.segs=TRUE )
##' segs2RleDataFrame( seg.list, rowRanges(genoset.ds) ) # Loop segs2Rle on list of data.frames in seg.list
##' @family segments
segs2RleDataFrame <- function(seg.list, locs) {
rle.list = lapply(seg.list, segs2Rle, locs) = RleDataFrame(rle.list, row.names = names(locs))
##' GRanges from segment table
##' GenoSet contains a number of functions that work on segments. Many work on a data.frame of
##' segments, like segTable and runCBS. This function converts one of these tables in a GRanges.
##' The three columns specifying the ranges become the GRanges and all other columns go into the 'mcols'
##' portion of the GRanges object.
##' @param segs data.frame with loc.start, loc.end, and chrom columns, like from segTable or runCBS
##' @export segs2Granges
##' @return GRanges
##' @family 'segmented data'
segs2Granges <- function(segs) {
other.cols = setdiff(colnames(segs), c("loc.start", "loc.end", "chrom")) = GRanges(IRanges(start = segs$loc.start, end = segs$loc.end), seqnames = segs$chrom)
mcols( = segs[, other.cols]
##' Convert Rle objects to tables of segments
##' Like the inverse of segs2Rle and segs2RleDataFrame. Takes a
##' Rle or a RleDataFrame and the rowRanges both from a GenoSet object
##' and makes a list of data.frames each like the result of CBS's
##' segment. Note the loc.start and loc.stop will correspond
##' exactly to probe locations in rowRanges and the input to
##' segs2RleDataFrame are not necessarily so. For a DataFrame, the
##' argument \code{stack} combines all of the individual data.frames
##' into one large data.frame and adds a 'Sample' column of sample ids.
##' For a Rle, the user can provide \code{locs} or \code{chr.ind},
##' \code{start} and \code{stop}. The latter is surprisingly much faster
##' and this is used in the DataFrame version.
##' @param object Rle or RleDataFrame
##' @param locs GenomicRanges with rows corresponding to rows of df
##' @param chr.ind matrix, like from chrIndices method
##' @param start integer, vector of feature start positions
##' @param end integer, vector of feature end positions
##' @param factor.chr scalar logical, make 'chrom' column a factor?
##' @param ... in generic, for extra args in methods
##' @return one or a list of data.frames with columns chrom, loc.start, loc.end, num.mark, seg.mean
##' @export segTable
##' @family 'segmented data'
##' @examples
##' data(genoset,package='genoset')
##' seg.list = runCBS( genoset.ds[, , 'lrr'], rowRanges(genoset.ds), return.segs=TRUE )
##' df = segs2RleDataFrame( seg.list, rowRanges(genoset.ds) ) # Loop segs2Rle on list of data.frames in seg.list
##' genoset.ds[ , , 'lrr.segs'] = df
##' segTable( df, rowRanges(genoset.ds) )
##' segTable( genoset.ds[ , , 'lrr.segs'], rowRanges(genoset.ds) )
##' segTable( genoset.ds[ , 1, 'lrr.segs'], rowRanges(genoset.ds), colnames(genoset.ds)[1] )
##' @docType methods
##' @rdname segTable-methods
setGeneric("segTable", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("segTable"))
##' @rdname segTable-methods
setMethod("segTable", signature(object = "Rle"), function(object, locs = NULL, chr.ind = NULL,
start = NULL, end = NULL, factor.chr = TRUE) {
if (!is.null(locs)) {
chr.ind = chrIndices(locs)
start = start(locs)
end = end(locs)
} else {
if (is.null(chr.ind) || is.null(start) || is.null(end)) {
stop("If locs arg is not provided then chr.ind, start, and end must be provided.")
# Get union of all breakpoints in Rle and chromosomes
object.ends = cumsum(runLength(object))
all.ends =[, 2], object.ends)))
all.starts = c(1L, all.ends[-length(all.ends)] + 1L)
num.mark = (all.ends - all.starts) + 1L
# Look up runValue with binary search on cumsum runValue starts. Starts rather
# than ends because findInterval is < rather than <=.
object.starts = c(1L, object.ends[-length(object.ends)] + 1L)
object.vals = runValue(object)[findInterval(all.ends, object.starts)]
# Assign chrom,start,stop to each segment
if (factor.chr == TRUE) {
chrom = factor(rownames(chr.ind)[findInterval(all.starts, chr.ind[, 1])],
levels = rownames(chr.ind))
} else {
chrom = rownames(chr.ind)[findInterval(all.starts, chr.ind[, 1])]
loc.end = end[all.ends]
loc.start = start[all.starts]
# sample.seg = data.frame(chrom = chrom, loc.start = loc.start, loc.end =
# loc.end, num.mark = num.mark, seg.mean = object.vals, row.names=NULL,
# stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE, check.rows=FALSE)
sample.seg = list(chrom = chrom, loc.start = loc.start, loc.end = loc.end, num.mark = num.mark,
seg.mean = object.vals)
class(sample.seg) = "data.frame"
attr(sample.seg, "row.names") = .set_row_names(length(chrom))
##' @rdname segTable-methods
##' @param stack logical, rbind list of segment tables for each sample and add 'Sample' column?
setMethod("segTable", signature(object = "DataFrame"), function(object, locs, factor.chr = TRUE,
stack = FALSE) {
internal.factor.chr = ifelse(factor.chr == TRUE && stack == FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
chr.ind = chrIndices(locs)
start = start(locs)
end = end(locs)
segTable.method = getMethod("segTable", "Rle")
segs = lapply(object, function(x) {
return(segTable.method(x, chr.ind = chr.ind, start = start, end = end, factor.chr = internal.factor.chr))
if (stack == FALSE) {
} else {
segs.df = rbindDataframe(segs, "Sample")
if (factor.chr == TRUE) {
chr.names = chrNames(locs)
segs.df$chrom = factor(segs.df$chrom, levels = chr.names)
##' Convert Rle objects to tables of segments
##' Like segTable, but for two Rle objects. Takes a
##' pair of Rle or DataFrames with Rle
##' columns and makes one or more data.frames with bounds of each new
##' segment. Rle objects are broken up so that each resulting segment
##' has one value from each Rle. For a DataFrame, the
##' argument \code{stack} combines all of the individual data.frames
##' into one large data.frame and adds a 'Sample' column of sample ids.
##' For a Rle, the user can provide \code{locs} or \code{chr.ind},
##' \code{start} and \code{stop}. The latter is surprisingly much faster
##' and this is used in the DataFrame version.
##' @param x Rle or list/DataFrame of Rle vectors
##' @param y Rle or list/DataFrame of Rle vectors
##' @param ... in generic, extra arguments for methods
##' @param locs GenomicRanges with rows corresponding to rows of df
##' @param chr.ind matrix, like from chrIndices method
##' @param start integer, vector of feature start positions
##' @param end integer, vector of feature end positions
##' @param factor.chr scalar logical, make 'chrom' column a factor?
##' @return one or a list of data.frames with columns chrom, loc.start, loc.end, num.mark, seg.mean
##' @export segPairTable
##' @family 'segmented data'
##' @examples
##' cn = Rle(c(3,4,5,6),rep(3,4))
##' loh = Rle(c(2,4,6,8,10,12),rep(2,6))
##' start = c(9:11,4:9,15:17)
##' end = start
##' locs = GRanges(IRanges(start=start,end=end),seqnames=c(rep('chr1',3),rep('chr2',6),rep('chr3',3)))
##' segPairTable(cn,loh,locs)
##' @docType methods
##' @rdname segPairTable-methods
setGeneric("segPairTable", function(x, y, ...) standardGeneric("segPairTable"))
##' @rdname segPairTable-methods
setMethod("segPairTable", signature(x = "Rle", y = "Rle"), function(x, y, locs = NULL,
chr.ind = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL, factor.chr = TRUE) {
# Fill in missing args if locs given Maybe use ... rather than x and y and get
# names from that to use in colnames
if (!is.null(locs)) {
chr.ind = chrIndices(locs)
start = start(locs)
end = end(locs)
} else {
if (is.null(chr.ind) || is.null(start) || is.null(end)) {
stop("If locs arg is not provided then chr.ind, start, and end must be provided.")
# Get union of all breakpoints in two Rles and chromosomes
x.ends = cumsum(runLength(x))
y.ends = cumsum(runLength(y))
all.ends =[, 2], x.ends, y.ends)))
all.starts = c(1L, all.ends[-length(all.ends)] + 1L)
num.mark = (all.ends - all.starts) + 1L
# Look up runValue with binary search on cumsum runValue starts. Starts rather
# than ends because findInterval is < rather than <=.
x.starts = c(1L, x.ends[-length(x.ends)] + 1L)
x.vals = runValue(x)[findInterval(all.ends, x.starts)]
y.starts = c(1L, y.ends[-length(y.ends)] + 1L)
y.vals = runValue(y)[findInterval(all.ends, y.starts)]
# Assign chrom,start,stop to each segment
if (factor.chr == TRUE) {
chrom = factor(rownames(chr.ind)[findInterval(all.starts, chr.ind[, 1])],
levels = rownames(chr.ind))
} else {
chrom = rownames(chr.ind)[findInterval(all.starts, chr.ind[, 1])]
loc.end = end[all.ends]
loc.start = start[all.starts]
# Make output object
sample.seg = list(chrom = chrom, loc.start = loc.start, loc.end = loc.end, num.mark = num.mark,
x = x.vals, y = y.vals)
class(sample.seg) = "data.frame"
attr(sample.seg, "row.names") = .set_row_names(length(chrom))
##' @rdname segPairTable-methods
##' @param stack logical, rbind list of segment tables for each sample and add 'Sample' column?
setMethod("segPairTable", signature(x = "DataFrame", y = "DataFrame"), function(x,
y, locs, stack = FALSE, factor.chr = TRUE) {
internal.factor.chr = ifelse(factor.chr == TRUE && stack == FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
chr.ind = chrIndices(locs)
start = start(locs)
end = end(locs)
segs = mapply(function(one, two) {
return(segPairTable(one, two, chr.ind = chr.ind, start = start, end = end,
factor.chr = internal.factor.chr))
}, x, y, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
if (stack == FALSE) {
} else {
segs.df = rbindDataframe(segs, "Sample")
if (factor.chr == TRUE) {
chr.names = chrNames(locs)
segs.df$chrom = factor(segs.df$chrom, levels = chr.names)
##' Fix NA runs in a Rle
##' Fix NA runs in a Rle when the adjacent runs have equal values
##' @param x Rle to be fixed
##' @param integer, longest run of NAs that will be fixed
##' @return Rle
##' @export fixSegNAs
fixSegNAs <- function(x, = 3) {
if ([1]) & runLength(x)[1] <= {
runValue(x)[1] = runValue(x)[2]
if ([nrun(x)]) & runLength(x)[nrun(x)] <= {
runValue(x)[nrun(x)] = runValue(x)[nrun(x) - 1]
bad = which( & runLength(x) <=
bad = bad[runValue(x)[bad - 1] == runValue(x)[bad + 1]]
runValue(x)[bad] = runValue(x)[bad + 1]
##' Utility function to run CBS's three functions on one or more samples
##' Takes care of running CBS segmentation on one or more samples. Makes appropriate
##' input, smooths outliers, and segment
##' @title Run CBS Segmentation
##' @aliases runCBS
##' @param data numeric matrix with continuous data in one or more columns
##' @param locs GenomicRanges, like rowRanges slot of GenoSet
##' @param return.segs logical, if true list of segment data.frames return, otherwise a DataFrame of Rle vectors. One Rle per sample.
##' @param n.cores numeric, number of cores to ask mclapply to use
##' @param smooth.region number of positions to left and right of individual positions to consider when smoothing single point outliers
##' @param outlier.SD.scale number of SD single points must exceed smooth.region to be considered an outlier
##' @param smooth.SD.scale floor used to reset single point outliers
##' @param trim fraction of sample to smooth
##' @param alpha pvalue cutoff for calling a breakpoint
##' @return data frame of segments from CBS
##' @family 'segmented data'
##' @export runCBS
##' @examples
##' sample.names = paste('a',1:2,sep='')
##' probe.names = paste('p',1:30,sep='')
##' ds = matrix(c(c(rep(5,20),rep(3,10)),c(rep(2,10),rep(7,10),rep(9,10))),ncol=2,dimnames=list(probe.names,sample.names))
##' locs = GRanges(ranges=IRanges(start=c(1:20,1:10),width=1,names=probe.names),seqnames=paste('chr',c(rep(1,20),rep(2,10)),sep=''))
##' seg.rle.result = RleDataFrame( a1 = Rle(c(rep(5,20),rep(3,10))), a2 = Rle(c(rep(2,10),rep(7,10),rep(9,10))), row.names=probe.names )
##' seg.list.result = list(
##' a1 = data.frame( ID=rep('a1',2), chrom=factor(c('chr1','chr2')), loc.start=c(1,1), loc.end=c(20,10), num.mark=c(20,10), seg.mean=c(5,3), stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
##' a2 = data.frame( ID=rep('a2',3), chrom=factor(c('chr1','chr1','chr2')), loc.start=c(1,11,1), loc.end=c(10,20,10), num.mark=c(10,10,10), seg.mean=c(2,7,9), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
##' )
##' runCBS(ds,locs) # Should give seg.rle.result
##' runCBS(ds,locs,return.segs=TRUE) # Should give seg.list.result
runCBS <- function(data, locs, return.segs = FALSE, n.cores = 1, smooth.region = 2,
outlier.SD.scale = 4, smooth.SD.scale = 2, trim = 0.025, alpha = 0.001) {
if (!requireNamespace("DNAcopy", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Failed to require DNAcopy package.\n")
} = colnames(data)
names( =
loc.start = as.numeric(start(locs))
loc.chr = chr(locs)
presorted = isGenomeOrder(locs, strict = TRUE)
# mclapply over samples. cbs can loop over the columns of data, but want to use
# multiple forks
if (n.cores > 1 && is.loaded("mc_fork", PACKAGE = "parallel")) {
mcLapply <- get("mclapply", envir = getNamespace("parallel"))
loopFunc = function(...) {
mcLapply(..., mc.cores = n.cores, mc.preschedule = FALSE)
cat("Using mclapply for segmentation ...\n")
} else {
loopFunc = lapply
segs = loopFunc(, function( {
writeLines(paste("Working on segmentation for sample number", match(,, ":", = as.numeric(data[,, drop = TRUE])
ok.indices = !
CNA.object <- DNAcopy::CNA([ok.indices], loc.chr[ok.indices], loc.start[ok.indices],
data.type = "logratio", sampleid =, presorted = presorted)
smoothed.CNA.object <- DNAcopy::smooth.CNA(CNA.object, smooth.region = smooth.region,
outlier.SD.scale = outlier.SD.scale, smooth.SD.scale = smooth.SD.scale,
trim = trim)
segment.smoothed.CNA.object <- DNAcopy::segment(smoothed.CNA.object, verbose = 0,
alpha = alpha)$output
if (return.segs == TRUE) {
segment.smoothed.CNA.object$chrom = factor(as.character(segment.smoothed.CNA.object$chrom),
levels = chrNames(locs))
} else {
return(segs2Rle(segment.smoothed.CNA.object, locs))
if (return.segs == TRUE) {
} else {
return(RleDataFrame(segs, row.names = names(locs)))
##' Get segment widths
##' The width of a genomic segment helps inform us about the importance of a copy number value. Focal amplifications
##' are more interesting than broad gains, for example. Given a range of interesting regions (i.e. genes) this
##' function determines all genomics segments covered by each gene and returns the average length of the
##' segments covered by each gene in each sample. Often only a single segment covers a given gene in
##' a given sample.
##' @param GRanges, genome regions of interest, usually genes
##' @param segs data.frame of segments, like from segTable, or a list of these
##' @export rangeSegMeanLength
##' @return named vector of lengths, one per item in, or a range x length(segs) of these if segs is also list-like.
##' @family 'segmented data'
##' @rdname rangeSegMeanLength-methods
setGeneric("rangeSegMeanLength", function(, segs) standardGeneric("rangeSegMeanLength"))
##' @rdname rangeSegMeanLength-methods
setMethod("rangeSegMeanLength", signature = signature( = "GRanges", segs = "list"),
function(, segs) {
vapply(segs, function(x) {
.rangeSegMeanLength(, x)
}, numeric(length(
##' @rdname rangeSegMeanLength-methods
setMethod("rangeSegMeanLength", signature = signature( = "GRanges", segs = "data.frame"),
function(, segs) {
.rangeSegMeanLength(, segs)
# Internal function for rangeSegMeanLength methods
.rangeSegMeanLength <- function(, segs) { = segs2Granges(segs)
bounds = boundingIndicesByChr(,
rangeMeans(width(, bounds)
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