########### Plots ##
##' Plot data along the genome
##' Plot location data and chromosome boundaries from a GenoSet or GRanges object
##' against data from a numeric or Rle. Specifying a chromosome name and optionally a 'xlim'
##' will zoom into one chromosome region. If more than one chromosome is present, the
##' chromosome boundaries will be marked. Alternatively, for a numeric x and a
##' numeric or Rle y, data in y can be plotted at genome positions x. In this case,
##' chromosome boundaries can be taken from the argument locs. If data for y-axis comes
##' from a Rle lines are plotted representing segments. X-axis tickmarks will be labeled
##' with genome positions in the most appropriate units.
##' @section Methods:
##' \describe{
##' \item{\code{signature(x = 'GenoSetOrGenomicRanges', y = 'ANY')}}{
##' Plot feature locations and data from one sample.
##' }
##' \item{\code{signature(x = 'numeric', y = 'numeric')}}{
##' Plot numeric location and a vector of numeric data.
##' }
##' \item{\code{signature(x = 'numeric', y = 'Rle')}}{
##' Plot numeric location and a vector of Rle data. Uses lines for Rle runs.
##' }
##' }
##' @param x GenoSet (or descendant) or GRanges
##' @param y numeric or Rle
##' @param locs GRanges, like rowRanges slot of GenoSet
##' @param chr Chromosome to plot, NULL by default for full genome
##' @param add Add plot to existing plot
##' @param xlab character, label for x-axis of plot
##' @param ylab character, label for y-axis of plot
##' @param col character, color to plot lines or points
##' @param lwd numeric, line width for segment plots from an Rle
##' @param pch character or numeric, printing character, see points
##' @param xlim integer, length two, bounds for genome positions. Used in conjunction with 'chr' to subset data for plotting.
##' @param ... Additional plotting args
##' @return TRUE
##' @export genoPlot
##' @family 'genome plots'
##' @examples
##' data(genoset,package='genoset')
##' genoPlot( x=genoset.ds,y=genoset.ds[,1,'lrr'] )
##' genoPlot( genoPos(genoset.ds), genoset.ds[,1,'lrr'], locs=rowRanges(genoset.ds) ) # The same
##' genoPlot( 1:10, Rle(c(rep(0,5),rep(3,4),rep(1,1))) )
##' @rdname genoPlot-methods
##' @importFrom graphics plot
setGeneric("genoPlot", function(x, y, ...) {
##' @rdname genoPlot-methods
setMethod("genoPlot", c(x = "numeric", y = "numeric"), function(x, y, add = FALSE,
xlab = "", ylab = "", col = "black", locs = NULL, ...) {
if (add == FALSE) {
plot(x, y, axes = FALSE, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xaxs = "i", col = col,
genomeAxis(locs = locs)
} else {
points(x, y, col = col, ...)
##' @rdname genoPlot-methods
setMethod("genoPlot", c(x = "numeric", y = "Rle"), function(x, y, add = FALSE, xlab = "",
ylab = "", col = "red", locs = NULL, lwd = 2, xlim = NULL, ...) {
if (add == FALSE) {
if (is.null(xlim)) {
xlim = range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
plot(NA, type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = range(y, na.rm = TRUE), xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab, xaxs = "i", axes = FALSE, ...)
genomeAxis(locs = locs)
num.mark = runLength(y)
loc.end.indices = cumsum(num.mark)
loc.end = x[loc.end.indices]
loc.start.indices = (loc.end.indices - num.mark) + 1
loc.start = x[loc.start.indices]
seg.mean = runValue(y)
segments(loc.start, seg.mean, loc.end, seg.mean, col = col, lwd = lwd)
##' @rdname genoPlot-methods
setMethod("genoPlot", signature(x = "GenoSetOrGenomicRanges", y = "ANY"), function(x,
y, chr = NULL, add = FALSE, pch = ".", xlab = "", ylab = "", ...) {
## Note: zoom in by subset is much faster (10X) than xlim, so implement a zoom in
## with subsetting Get position info, subset by chr if necessary
dot.args = list(...)
if (!is.null(chr)) {
if ("xlim" %in% names(dot.args)) {
xlim = dot.args[["xlim"]] = GRanges(ranges = IRanges(start = xlim[1], end = xlim[2]), seqnames = chr)
bounds = boundingIndicesByChr(, x)[1, ]
indices = bounds[1]:bounds[2]
positions = start(x)[indices]
} else {
indices = chrIndices(x, chr)
positions = start(x)[indices]
y = y[indices]
locs = NULL
} else {
positions = genoPos(x)
if (length(chrNames(x)) > 1) {
locs = x
} else {
locs = NULL
genoPlot(positions, y, locs = locs, add = add, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, pch = pch,
##' Label an axis with base positions
##' Label a plot with Mb, kb, bp as appropriate, using tick locations from axTicks
##' @title Label axis with base pair units
##' @param locs GenomicRanges to be used to draw chromosome boundaries, if necessary. Usually rowRanges slot from a GenoSet.
##' @param side integer side of plot to put axis
##' @param log logical Is axis logged?
##' @param do.other.side logical, label non-genome side with data values at tick marks?
##' @return nothing
##' @export genomeAxis
##' @family 'genome plots'
##' @examples
##' data(genoset,package='genoset')
##' genoPlot(genoPos(genoset.ds), genoset.ds[,1, 'baf'])
##' genomeAxis( locs=rowRanges(genoset.ds) ) # Add chromosome names and boundaries to a plot assuming genome along x-axis
##' genomeAxis( locs=rowRanges(genoset.ds), do.other.side=FALSE ) # As above, but do not label y-axis with data values at tickmarks
##' genomeAxis() # Add nucleotide position in sensible units assuming genome along x-axis
genomeAxis <- function(locs = NULL, side = 1, log = FALSE, do.other.side = TRUE) {
if (is.null(locs)) {
label.positions = axTicks(side = side, log = log)
if (max(label.positions) > 1e+09) {
axis(side = side, at = label.positions, labels = sapply(label.positions,
function(x) {
paste(sprintf("%.1f", x/1e+09), "Gb", sep = "")
} else if (max(label.positions) > 1e+06) {
axis(side = side, at = label.positions, labels = sapply(label.positions,
function(x) {
paste(sprintf("%.1f", x/1e+06), "Mb", sep = "")
} else if (max(label.positions) > 1000) {
axis(side = side, at = label.positions, labels = sapply(label.positions,
function(x) {
paste(sprintf("%.1f", x/1000), "kb", sep = "")
} else {
axis(side = side, at = label.positions, labels = sapply(label.positions,
function(x) {
paste(sprintf("%.0f", x), "bp", sep = "")
} else { = chrInfo(locs)
abline(v =[-1, "start"])
chr.labels = rownames(
mtext(side = rep(c(3, 1), len = length(chr.labels)), text = chr.labels, line = 0,
at = rowMeans([, c("start", "stop"), drop = FALSE]))
if (do.other.side == TRUE) {
if (side == 1) {
axis(side = 2)
} else if (side == 2) {
axis(side = 1)
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