alongChrom <- function(eSet, chrom, specChrom, xlim, whichGenes,
plotFormat=c("cumulative", "local","image"),
xloc=c("equispaced", "physical"),
geneSymbols=FALSE, byStrand=FALSE,
colors="red", lty=1, type="S", ...) {
## Will plot a set of exprset samples by genes of a chromosome
## according to their expression levels.
##make sure we get the full name for all args
xloc <- match.arg(xloc)
plotFormat <- match.arg(plotFormat)
scale <- match.arg(scale)
## Get plotting labels
labEnv <- getACPlotLabs(plotFormat, chrom, xloc, scale)
## Get the genes to display
usedGenes <- usedChromGenes(eSet, chrom, specChrom)
## Filter out any NA positioned genes
usedGenes <- usedGenes[!]
## Limit genes to requested range
if (!missing(xlim)) {
usedGenes <- limitACXRange(xlim, usedGenes)
geneNames <- names(usedGenes)
if (geneSymbols == TRUE) {
geneNames <- getACGeneSyms(geneNames, specChrom)
## Select out requested genes
if (!missing(whichGenes)) {
nameLocs <- geneNames %in% whichGenes
if (!all(nameLocs)) {
print("Warning: Not all requested genes are displayed.")
usedGenes <- usedGenes[nameLocs]
geneNames <- names(usedGenes)
## Handle cases where we have filter out all but 0 or 1 gene.
nGenes <- length(usedGenes)
if (nGenes == 0) {
else if (nGenes == 1) {
## !!!! TODO: Plot the single value as is instead of this
x <- paste("Only gene to be plotted: ",
## Get the expression data, cumulative or otherwise
chromExprs <- getACExprs(eSet, usedGenes, plotFormat,scale)
## Figure out which strands each gene is on
strands <- ifelse(usedGenes>0,"+","-")
## Check for duplicated positions
dup <- which(duplicated(abs(as.numeric(usedGenes))))
dup <- dup[!]
dataEnv <- getACDataEnv(chromExprs, geneNames, strands,
byStrand, dup)
## If image plot was requested, split off here
"image" = return(doACImagePlot(dataEnv, labEnv, colors)),
"local" = return(doACLocalPlot(dataEnv, labEnv, colors)),
"cumulative" = return(doACCumPlot(dataEnv, labEnv,
usedGenes, xloc, colors, lty, type, ...))
doACImagePlot <- function(dataEnv, labEnv, nCols) {
## Passed in the expression matrix, the names of the
## used genes, the name of the chromosome, the scaling method & the number
## of colours to utilize in the plot, will generate
## an image plot
chromExprs <- dataEnv$chromExprs
byStrand <- dataEnv$byStrand
ngenes <- nrow(chromExprs)
nsamp <- ncol(chromExprs)
## Get the colour mapping
if( is.numeric(nCols) )
d <- dChip.colors(nCols)
d <- nCols
w <- sort(chromExprs)
b <- quantile(w,probs=seq(0,1,(1/length(d))))
## retrieve the labels
xlab <- labEnv$xlab
ylab <- labEnv$ylab
main <- labEnv$main
## Build the plot
xPoints <- 1:ngenes
if (byStrand==TRUE) {
strands <- dataEnv$strands
mfPar <- par(mfrow = c(2,1))
midVal <- b[length(b)/2]
pos <- xPoints[which(strands == "+")]
neg <- xPoints[which(strands == "-")]
posExprs <- chromExprs
posExprs[neg,] <- midVal
negExprs <- chromExprs
negExprs[pos,] <- midVal
image(x=xPoints,y=1:(nsamp+1),z=posExprs, col=d, breaks=b,
xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, axes=FALSE)
axis(2, at=1:nsamp, labels=colnames(posExprs))
dispACXaxis(xPoints, dataEnv, "image")
image(x=xPoints,y=1:(nsamp+1),z=negExprs, col=d, breaks=b,
xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, axes=FALSE)
axis(2, at=1:nsamp, labels=colnames(chromExprs))
dispACXaxis(xPoints, dataEnv, "image")
else {
image(x=xPoints,y=1:(nsamp+1),z=chromExprs, col=d, breaks=b,
xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, axes=FALSE)
axis(2, at=1:nsamp, labels=colnames(chromExprs))
dispACXaxis(xPoints, dataEnv, "image")
doACMatPlot <- function(xPoints, dataEnv, xlim, ylim, type, lty, col,
labEnv, xloc, ...) {
xlab <- labEnv$xlab
ylab <- labEnv$ylab
main <- labEnv$main
chromExprs <- dataEnv$chromExprs
matplot(xPoints, chromExprs, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,type=type,
lty=lty, col=col, xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab, main=main,
xaxt="n", cex.lab=0.9,...)
dispACXaxis(xPoints, dataEnv, xloc, "cumulative")
doACLocalPlot <- function(dataEnv, labEnv, colors) {
## retrieve the labels
xlab <- labEnv$xlab
ylab <- labEnv$ylab
main <- labEnv$main
envTitles <- c("chromExprs", "geneNames", "strands", "dup")
## Retrieve data values
envVals <- mget(c(envTitles,"byStrand"),envir=dataEnv, ifnotfound=NA)
xPoints <- 1:nrow(envVals$chromExprs)
if (envVals$byStrand == TRUE) {
mfPar <- par(mfrow = c(2,1))
strandVals <- getACStrandVals(envVals$chromExprs,
envVals$strands, xPoints,
envVals$dup, envVals$geneNames,
z <- boxplot(data.frame(t(strandVals$posExprs)), plot=FALSE)
z$stats[,strandVals$nts] <- NA
bxp(z,col=colors, xaxt="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main,
mtext("Plus", side=3,line=0.35,outer=FALSE,
dispACXaxis(strandVals$posPoints, dataEnv)
## Now do negative
z <- boxplot(data.frame(t(strandVals$negExprs)), plot=FALSE)
z$stats[,strandVals$pts] <- NA
bxp(z,col=colors, xaxt="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main,
mtext("Minus", side=3,line=0.35,outer=FALSE,
dispACXaxis(strandVals$negPoints, dataEnv)
else {
boxplot(data.frame(t(envVals$chromExprs)), col=colors, xlab=xlab,
ylab=ylab, main=main, cex.lab=0.9, xaxt="n")
dispACXaxis(xPoints, dataEnv)
doACCumPlot <- function(dataEnv, labEnv, usedGenes, xloc, colors, lty, type,
...) {
envTitles <- c("chromExprs", "dup", "geneNames", "strands",
envVals <- mget(envTitles, envir=dataEnv, ifnotfound=NA)
## Create a fictitious start & end gene to help with plots
start <- abs(as.numeric(usedGenes[1])) * 0.8
end <- abs(as.numeric(usedGenes[length(usedGenes)])) * 1.2
usedGenes <- c(start,usedGenes,end)
geneNames <- envVals$geneNames <- c("",envVals$geneNames,"")
strands <- envVals$strands <- c("",envVals$strands,"")
## Also need to give them data in the chromExprs matrix
## just copy data from the one next to them.
chromExprs <- envVals$chromExprs
chromExprs <- envVals$chromExprs <- rbind(chromExprs[1,],chromExprs,
dup <- envVals$dup <- envVals$dup + 1
multiassign(envTitles, envVals, envir=dataEnv)
## Define the points for the X axis
if (xloc == "equispaced")
xPoints <- 1:length(usedGenes)
else if (xloc == "physical") {
xPoints <- abs(as.numeric(usedGenes)) + 1
xPoints <- fixACPhysPoints(xPoints, dup)
## Get x & y ranges
xlim <- range(xPoints)
ylim <- range(chromExprs)
ylim[1] <- ylim[1]-0.1
## Plot the graph
opar <- par(mar=c(6,5,4,1),mgp=c(4,1,0))
if (envVals$byStrand == TRUE) {
mfPar <- par(mfrow = c(2,1))
strandVals <- getACStrandVals(chromExprs, strands, xPoints, dup,
geneNames, "cumulative", xloc)
strandTitles <- c("chromExprs", "geneNames","strands", "dup")
doACMatPlot(strandVals$posPoints, dataEnv, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
type=type, lty=lty, col=colors,
labEnv=labEnv, xloc=xloc, ...)
mtext("Plus", side=3,line=0.35,outer=FALSE,
doACMatPlot(strandVals$negPoints, dataEnv, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
type=type, lty=lty, col=colors, labEnv=labEnv,
xloc=xloc, ...)
mtext("Minus", side=3,line=0.35,outer=FALSE,
else {
doACMatPlot(xPoints, dataEnv, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
type=type, lty=lty, col=colors, labEnv=labEnv,
xloc=xloc, ...)
## Create an environment that contains the necessary X & Y points
## for use with identify()
identEnv <- new.env()
getACStrandVals <- function(chromExprs, strands, xPoints, dup,
geneNames, plotFormat, xloc="equispaced") {
## Determine which points are on the + and which on the -
## strand
posPoints <- xPoints[strands %in% "+"]
negPoints <- xPoints[strands %in% "-"]
if (plotFormat == "cumulative") {
posExprs <- chromExprs[which(strands=="+"),]
negExprs <- chromExprs[which(strands=="-"),]
else {
posExprs <- negExprs <- chromExprs
posExprs[negPoints,] <- 0
negExprs[posPoints,] <- 0
if (xloc == "physical") {
pts <- which(xPoints %in% posPoints)
nts <- which(xPoints %in% negPoints)
posDup <- posPoints[pts %in% dup]
posDup <- match(posDup,posPoints)
negDup <- negPoints[nts %in% dup]
negDup <- match(negDup,negPoints)
else {
pts <- posPoints
nts <- negPoints
posDup <- dup[dup %in% pts]
negDup <- dup[dup %in% nts]
posGen <- geneNames[pts]
posStr <- strands[pts]
negGen <- geneNames[nts]
negStr <- strands[nts]
strandList <- list(posExprs=posExprs, negExprs=negExprs,
posPoints=posPoints, negPoints=negPoints,
pts=pts, nts=nts, posDup=posDup, negDup=negDup,
posGen=posGen, posStr=posStr, negGen=negGen,
dispACXaxis <- function(xPoints, dataEnv, xloc="equispaced",
plotFormat="local") {
## Retrieve values from dataEnv
chromExprs <- dataEnv$chromExprs
geneNames <- dataEnv$geneNames
strands <- dataEnv$strands
byStrand <- dataEnv$byStrand
dup <- dataEnv$dup
## Make sure that xPoints isn't exceeding our visual maximum.
## If so, reduce the number of poitns to actually be displayed.
dispXPoints <- cullACXPoints(xPoints)
dispPointLocs <- match(dispXPoints,xPoints)
if (length(dup)>0)
highlightACDups(dispXPoints, chromExprs, dup, xloc)
if (plotFormat == "cumulative") {
## Need to filter out the first and last tick
dispXPoints <- dispXPoints[2:(length(dispXPoints)-1)]
dispPointLocs <- dispPointLocs[2:(length(dispPointLocs)-1)]
axis(1, at=dispXPoints, labels = geneNames[dispPointLocs], las=2,
if (byStrand == FALSE) {
axis(3, at=dispXPoints, labels = strands[dispPointLocs],
cex.axis=0.7, tick=FALSE, mgp=c(0,0,0))
getACPlotLabs <- function(plotFormat, chrom, xloc, scale) {
labEnv <- new.env()
ylab <- switch(plotFormat,
"cumulative"="Cumulative expression levels",
"local"="Expression levels",
xlab <- "Representative Genes"
main <- buildACMainLabel(ylab, chrom, xloc, plotFormat, scale)
getACDataEnv <- function(chromExprs, geneNames, strands, byStrand,
dup) {
dataEnv <- new.env()
titles <- c("chromExprs","geneNames","strands","byStrand","dup")
vals <- list(chromExprs, geneNames, strands, byStrand, dup)
multiassign(titles, vals, envir=dataEnv)
highlightACDups <- function(xPoints, chromExprs, dup, xloc) {
y <- min(chromExprs)-0.2
for (i in seq(along=dup)) {
## For each dup, see if both that point and the point
## before it are still in the displayed set of points
cur <- dup[i]
prev <- dup[i] - 1
if (xloc == "equispaced") {
curPt <- match(cur, xPoints)
prevPt <- match(prev, xPoints)
else {
curPt <- cur
prevPt <- prev
if ((!! {
segments(xPoints[curPt],y,xPoints[prevPt],y, col="cyan",lwd=2)
fixACPhysPoints <- function(xPoints, dup) {
## !!!!!
## !!! Currently doing this in a very inefficient manner.
## !!! needs to be smarter
## !!!!!!
if (length(dup)>0) {
dupDiff <- c(1,diff(dup),2)
tmpDup <- NULL
for (i in 1:(length(dup)+1)) {
if (dupDiff[i] != 1) {
## At end of dup run
dist <- xPoints[tmpDup[length(tmpDup)]+1] - xPoints[tmpDup[1]]
spacing <- dist/(length(tmpDup)+1)
for (j in 1:length(tmpDup)) {
pt <- dup[match(tmpDup[j],dup)]
xPoints[pt] <- xPoints[pt] + (j*spacing)
tmpDup <- NULL
tmpDup <- c(tmpDup,dup[i])
buildACMainLabel <- function(ylab, chrom, xloc, plotFormat, scale) {
if ((xloc == "physical")&&(plotFormat=="cumulative")) {
main <- paste(ylab, "in chromosome", chrom,
"by relative position\n")
else {
main <- paste(ylab, "by genes in chromosome", chrom, "\n")
main <- paste(main,"scaling method:",scale,"\n")
limitACXRange <- function(xlim, usedGenes) {
if (!missing(xlim)) {
if (length(xlim) == 2) {
if (is.character(xlim)) {
## If a pair of gene names are provided, get hteir
## locations, and then use them as the xlim values.
xlim[1] <- as.numeric(usedGenes[xlim[1]])
xlim[2] <- as.numeric(usedGenes[xlim[2]])
if (([1]))|([2]))) {
print("Error: Bad xlim parameters provided.")
xlim[1] = 0
xlim[2] = 0
usedGenes <- NULL
## Place them in proper numerical order
xlim <- xlim[order(xlim)]
## At this point, we're dealing with a pair of numerical
## values to denote the location range (in base pairs).
## Ensure that the max is > than the min, then pick out
## the remaining genes
if (xlim[2] > xlim[1]) {
lowLim <- match(xlim[1],usedGenes)
if ( {
lowLim <- getACClosestPos(xlim[1],usedGenes)
hiLim <- match(xlim[2], usedGenes)
if ( {
hiLim <- getACClosestPos(xlim[2],usedGenes)
subs <- seq(lowLim,hiLim)
usedGenes <- usedGenes[subs]
else {
print("Error: Bad xlim parameters provided.")
usedGenes <- NULL
else {
print("Error: Bad xlim parameters provided.")
usedGenes <- NULL
getACGeneSyms <- function(affys, chrObj) {
syms <- mget(affys, envir=geneSymbols(chrObj), ifnotfound=NA)
syms[] <- affys[]
getACClosestPos <- function(val, usedGenes) {
## Given a value, finds the closest value in usedGenes to the
## passed value and returns its location in the usedGenes vector
dists <- abs(val-abs(as.numeric(usedGenes)))
closest <- match(min(dists), dists)
scaleACData <- function(chromData,
## Will scale the data set to be plotted based on a variety of
## methods
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method != "none") {
for (i in 1:nrow(chromData)) {
x <- chromData[i,]
if (method == "zscale") {
chromData[i,] <- (x - mean(x))/sd(x)
else if (method == "rangescale") {
curRange <- range(x)
chromData[i,] <- (x - curRange[1])/(curRange[2] - curRange[1])
else if (method == "rankscale") {
chromData[i,] <- rank(x)
else if (method == "zrobustscale") {
chromData[i,] <- (x - median(x))/mad(x)
else {
stmt <- paste("method:", method, ", is not implemented yet")
cullACXPoints <- function(xPoints) {
## Will reduce the xPoints vector to a visibly manageable size
## Currently if the size > 40, will leave every Nth point where
## xPoints/maxSize = N. Maximum number of points is determined
## by determining the size of the label text and filling up 65%
## of the axis space with labels.
## First get the size of the plotting region
preg <- par('pin')[1] * 0.65
## Now get the font size
strsize <- strheight("test",units="inches")
## Calculate the maxSize
maxSize <- preg %/% strsize
if (length(xPoints) > maxSize) {
## Calculate N, and then get the maxSize elements from every
## Nth element. Problem: Sometiems will generate a few extra
## due to integer division on N.
N <- length(xPoints) %/% maxSize
## Start from 2 for now as a hack to keep from getting 0th
## entity, which throws off the labeling.
keep <- seq(1,length(xPoints),N)
xPoints <- xPoints[keep]
emptyACPlot <- function(chrom) {
axis(1, at=c(0,0.2, 0.4, 0.6,0.8,1), labels=rep("NA",6))
axis(2, at=c(0,0.2, 0.4, 0.6,0.8,1),labels=rep("NA",6))
main <- paste("Plot empty, no genes from chromosome",chrom,
"in ExpressionSet provided.\n")
title(main = main)
getACExprs <- function(eSet, usedGenes,
plotFormat=c("cumulative","local", "image"),
scale=c("none","zscale","rangescale","rankscale", "zrobustscale"))
## Will get the expression data for the given genes out of the
## expr set. If plotFormat is set to cumulative, will generate the
## cumulative sum of this data across the genes.
## Split out only the genes on the desired chrom from the exprset
plotFormat <- match.arg(plotFormat)
scale <- match.arg(scale)
chromExprs <- exprs(eSet)[names(usedGenes),]
chromExprs <- scaleACData(chromExprs,scale)
if (plotFormat == "cumulative") {
chromExprs <- t(chromExprs)
## Fill the matrix with the cumulative sum of the expression
chromExprs <- apply(chromExprs, 1, cumsum)
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