#' @aliases getNormalizationMethods
#' @title Show currenly implemented normalization methods.
#' @description \code{getNormalizationMethods} returns a character vector of
#' currenlty available normalization methods.
#' @details The given normlization methods can be used in the
#' @family workflow functions
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getNormalizationMethod-methods
#' @examples
#' data(exampleMAS5)
#' showClassifierList()
#' getNormalizationMethods()
#' myData <- setNormalizationMethod(exampleMAS5, 'MAS5.0',targetValue=500)
#' results <- runClassifier('UAMS70', myData)
#' getScores( results )
#' getClassifications( results )
#' @export
getNormalizationMethods <- function() {
## By convention uppercase
return(c("MAS5.0", "GCRMA"))
#'Example MAS5.0 ExpressionSet
#'An \code{\link{ExpressionSet}}. The data contains a sample of gene expression
#'data from patients included in the HOVON65/GMMG-HD4 trial on multiple myeloma.
#'The data was MAS5.0 normalized to a target value of 500.
#' @name FixedExpressionData
#' @title An S4 class to store classifier parameters.
#' @description This class stores gene expression data together with
#' information on the normalization method and additional normalization related
#' parameters. In order to ensure the data is not manipulated in unforeseen
#' ways, manipulation is strictly controled through adding transformations
#' which are predefined in the \code{TransformationProcess}-class. Upon reading
#' the data by the \code{exprs} function, the transformations areperformed in
#' the order the were added.
#' @slot normalizationMethod A character string indicating the normalization
#' method that was applied to the data. Possible values are give by
#' \code{\link{getNormalizationMethods}}.
#' @slot expressionEnvironment A locked environment in which the expression
#' matrix is stored.
#' @slot normalizationParameters A list with normalization specific values.
#' @slot transformationProcess A locked environment to which the transformation
#' processes are added.
#' @slot .geneClassifierVersion An object of class \code{\link{package_version}}
setClass("FixedExpressionData", representation = representation(normalizationMethod = "character",
expressionEnvironment = "environment", normalizationParameters = "list", transformationProcess = "environment",
.geneClassifierVersion = "package_version"), prototype = list(expressionEnvironment = as.environment(list(expressionMatrix = matrix(numeric(0),
ncol = 0, nrow = 0))), transformationProcess = as.environment(list(processes = list())),
.geneClassifierVersion = packageVersionInternal()))
setValidity("FixedExpressionData", function(object) {
errTxt <- vector()
if (!any(getNormalizationMethod(object) %in% getNormalizationMethods()) | length(getNormalizationMethod(object)) !=
1) {
errTxt <- c(errTxt, "Unknown normalization method")
if (!is.list(getTransformationProcesses(object))) {
errTxt <- c(errTxt, "Unknown transformationProcess type")
if ("MAS5.0" %in% getNormalizationMethod(object)) {
if (is.null(getNormalizationParameters(object)[["targetValue"]])) {
errTxt <- c(errTxt, "targetValue must be given for MAS5.0")
if (!is.matrix(rawExprs(object))) {
errTxt <- c(errTxt, "'expressionMatrix' must be a numeric matrix.")
if (mode(rawExprs(object)) != "numeric") {
errTxt <- c(errTxt, "'expressionMatrix' must be numeric.")
if (any( {
errTxt <- c(errTxt, "NA values found in expression matrix.")
if (nrow(object) > 0) {
if (is.null(rownames(object))) {
errTxt <- c(errTxt, "'expressionMatrix' must have row names.")
} else if (sum(duplicated(rownames(object))) > 0) {
errTxt <- c(errTxt, "duplicated row names found.")
if (ncol(object) > 0) {
if (is.null(colnames(object))) {
errTxt <- c(errTxt, "'expressionMatrix' must have column names.")
} else if (sum(duplicated(colnames(object))) > 0) {
errTxt <- c(errTxt, "duplicated column names found.")
if (length(errTxt) > 0) {
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion packageName
#' @importFrom stats quantile
setMethod("FixedExpressionData", signature = signature(normalizationMethod = "character",
expressionMatrix = "matrix"), definition = function(normalizationMethod, expressionMatrix,
...) {
isLog2Transformed <- FALSE ##Assumption to be checked below
targetValue <- NULL
normalizationParameters <- list()
## process argument list
dotList <- list(...)
arg.isLog2Transformed <- NULL
arg.targetValue <- NULL
if (!is.null(dotList[["isLog2Transformed"]])) {
if (!is.logical(dotList[["isLog2Transformed"]])) {
stop("'isLog2Transformed' argument must be either TRUE of FALSE")
arg.isLog2Transformed <- dotList[["isLog2Transformed"]]
if (!is.null(dotList[["targetValue"]])) {
if (!is.numeric(dotList[["targetValue"]])) {
stop("'targetValue' argument must be numeric")
if (dotList[["targetValue"]] <= 0) {
stop("'targetValue' argument must >0")
arg.targetValue <- dotList[["targetValue"]]
if (mode(expressionMatrix) != "numeric") {
stop("'expressionMatrix' argument must be a numeric matrix.")
if (any( {
stop("NA values found in expression matrix.")
normalizationMethod <- match.arg(normalizationMethod, getNormalizationMethods())
.getTargetValue <- function(expressionMatrix) {
## expressionMatrix must be not log2 transformed!
e <- t(expressionMatrix)
q <- apply(e, 1, quantile, c(0.02, 0.98), type = 2)
naMat <- (e >= q[1, ] & e <= q[2, ])
naMat[!naMat] <- NA
targetValue <- unique(signif(rowMeans(naMat * e, na.rm = TRUE), 6))
## differs between samples -> return NULL
if (length(targetValue) != 1) {
targetValue <- NULL
.isAlreadylog2Transformed.check <- function(expressionMatrix) {
storedSeed <- .Random.seed
aSample <- sample(expressionMatrix, 10000, replace = TRUE)
.Random.seed <- storedSeed
isLog2Transformed <- as.logical(quantile(aSample, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE) < 30 |
any(expressionMatrix < 0))
## Normalization method specific code:
if (normalizationMethod == "MAS5.0") {
isLog2Estimate <- .isAlreadylog2Transformed.check(expressionMatrix)
## if arg.isLog2Transformed given, warn if discordant with data
if (!is.null(arg.isLog2Transformed)) {
isLog2Transformed <- arg.isLog2Transformed
if (arg.isLog2Transformed != isLog2Estimate) {
warning("Reconsider argument isLog2Transformed = ", arg.isLog2Transformed)
} else {
## Assume estimate is correct and warn if estimate is TRUE
isLog2Transformed <- isLog2Estimate
if (isLog2Estimate == TRUE) {
warning("The data seems to be log2 transformed. If this is incorrect, please provide the logical argument 'isLog2Transformed=FALSE'.")
if (isLog2Transformed)
expressionMatrix[] <- 2^expressionMatrix
calculatedTargetValue <- .getTargetValue(expressionMatrix)
if (!is.null(arg.targetValue)) {
targetValue <- arg.targetValue
if (!is.null(calculatedTargetValue)) {
if (arg.targetValue != calculatedTargetValue) {
warning("Using the given targetValue, but it does not correspond to the observed targetValue in the data of ",
calculatedTargetValue, ".")
} else if (is.null(arg.targetValue) & is.null(calculatedTargetValue)) {
stop("Cannot determine the targetValue that was used for MAS5.0. Please provide the right 'targetValue=' as an argument.")
} else if (is.null(arg.targetValue) & !is.null(calculatedTargetValue)) {
targetValue <- calculatedTargetValue
normalizationParameters[["targetValue"]] <- targetValue
if (normalizationMethod == "GCRMA") {
object <- new("FixedExpressionData", normalizationMethod = normalizationMethod,
normalizationParameters = normalizationParameters)
explicitlyChangeExprs(object) <- expressionMatrix
setMethod("show", signature = "FixedExpressionData", definition = function(object) {
cat("Fixed expression set\n\n")
cat("Normalization method: ", getNormalizationMethod(object), "\n")
cat("Number of samples : ", dim(object)[2], "\n")
cat("Number of features : ", dim(object)[1], "\n")
tp <- getTransformationProcesses(object)
if (length(tp) > 0) {
tpNames <- lapply(getTransformationProcesses(object), getName)
tpNames <- paste(unlist(tpNames), collapse = "; ")
cat("Applied transformation processes: ", tpNames, "\n")
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom Biobase copyEnv
setMethod("addTransformationProcess", signature = signature(object = "FixedExpressionData",
name = "character"), definition = function(object, name, values, ...) {
process <- TransformationProcess(name = name, values = values)
aData <- copyEnv(object@transformationProcess)
curLen <- length(aData[["processes"]])
aData[["processes"]][[curLen + 1]] <- process
lockEnvironment(aData, bindings = TRUE)
object@transformationProcess <- aData
setMethod("getTransformationProcesses", signature = signature(object = "FixedExpressionData"),
definition = function(object) {
#' @importFrom Biobase copyEnv
setMethod("removeTransformationProcesses", signature = signature(object = "FixedExpressionData"),
definition = function(object, n = 1) {
aData <- copyEnv(object@transformationProcess)
curLen <- length(aData[["processes"]])
n <- min(n, curLen)
aData[["processes"]] <- aData[["processes"]][seq_len(max(0, curLen - n))]
lockEnvironment(aData, bindings = TRUE)
object@transformationProcess <- aData
#' @rdname getNormalizationMethod-methods
#' @aliases getNormalizationMethod,FixedExpressionData-method
#' @export
setMethod("getNormalizationMethod", signature = signature("FixedExpressionData"),
definition = function(object) {
setMethod("getNormalizationParameters", signature = signature("FixedExpressionData"),
definition = function(object) {
#' @rdname getTargetValue-methods
#' @aliases getTargetValue,FixedExpressionData-method
#' @export
setMethod("getTargetValue", signature = signature("FixedExpressionData"), definition = function(object) {
#' @importFrom methods validObject
setReplaceMethod("setTargetValue", signature = signature(object = "FixedExpressionData",
value = "numeric"), definition = function(object, value) {
## Replaces the rawexpression data with the new targetvalue
if (!getNormalizationMethod(object) %in% c("MAS5.0")) {
stop("Function 'setTargetValue' does only apply to MAS5.0 normalized data")
currentTargetValue <- getTargetValue(object)
e <- rawExprs(object)
explicitlyChangeExprs(object) <- e * value/currentTargetValue
object@normalizationParameters[["targetValue"]] <- value
setMethod("getExpressionEnvironment", signature = signature("FixedExpressionData"),
definition = function(object) {
#' @importMethodsFrom Biobase exprs
setMethod("exprs", signature = signature("FixedExpressionData"), definition = function(object) {
e <- rawExprs(object)
processes <- getTransformationProcesses(object)
for (process in processes) {
e <- runProcess(process, e)
setMethod("rawExprs", signature = signature("FixedExpressionData"), definition = function(object) {
e <- getExpressionEnvironment(object)[["expressionMatrix"]]
#' Dimensions of an Object
#' Retrieve the dimension of an object.
#' @param x an R object, for example a matrix, array or data frame.
#' @return Retrieves the 'dim attribute of the object. It is 'NULL' or a
#' vector of mode 'integer'.
#' @family fixed data information extraction functions
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname dim-methods
#' @aliases dim,FixedExpressionData-method
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(exampleMAS5)
#' myData <- setNormalizationMethod(exampleMAS5, 'MAS5.0', targetValue=500)
#' dim(myData)
#' dim(myData[1:10,1:3])
setMethod("dim", signature = signature("FixedExpressionData"), definition = function(x) {
#' @importMethodsFrom BiocGenerics rownames
setMethod("rownames", signature = signature(x = "FixedExpressionData"), definition = function(x) {
#' @importMethodsFrom BiocGenerics colnames
setMethod("colnames", signature = signature(x = "FixedExpressionData"), definition = function(x) {
#' Extract
#' Extract Parts of an Object
#' @param x An object of class \code{\link{FixedExpressionData}}
#' @param i the rows index
#' @param j the column index
#' @param drop unused
#' @param ... unused
#' @return An object of class \code{\link{FixedExpressionData}}
#' @family fixed data information extraction functions
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname bracket-methods
#' @examples
#' data(exampleMAS5)
#' myData <- setNormalizationMethod(exampleMAS5, 'MAS5.0', targetValue=500)
#' dim(myData)
#' dim(myData[1:10,1:3])
#' dim(myData[[1:10,1:3]])
#' @export
setMethod("[", signature = signature(x = "FixedExpressionData", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"),
definition = function(x, i, j, ...) {
return(x[[i, j, drop = FALSE]])
#' @rdname bracket-methods
#' @aliases bracket,FixedExpressionData-method
#' @export
setMethod("[", signature = signature(x = "FixedExpressionData", i = "ANY", j = "missing"),
definition = function(x, i, j, ...) {
return(x[[i, seq_len(ncol(x)), drop = FALSE]])
#' @rdname bracket-methods
#' @aliases bracket,FixedExpressionData-method
#' @export
setMethod("[", signature = signature(x = "FixedExpressionData", i = "missing", j = "ANY"),
definition = function(x, i, j, ...) {
return(x[[seq_len(nrow(x)), j, drop = FALSE]])
#' @rdname bracket-methods
#' @aliases bracket,FixedExpressionData-method
#' @export
setMethod("[[", signature = signature(x = "FixedExpressionData", i = "ANY", j = "missing"),
definition = function(x, i, j, ...) {
return(x[[i, seq_len(ncol(x)), drop = FALSE]])
#' @rdname bracket-methods
#' @aliases bracket,FixedExpressionData-method
#' @export
setMethod("[[", signature = signature(x = "FixedExpressionData", i = "missing", j = "ANY"),
definition = function(x, i, j, ...) {
return(x[[seq_len(nrow(x)), j, drop = FALSE]])
#' @rdname bracket-methods
#' @aliases bracket,FixedExpressionData-method
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @export
setMethod("[[", signature = signature(x = "FixedExpressionData", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"),
definition = function(x, i, j, ...) {
oldProcesses <- getTransformationProcesses(x)
newObject <- new("FixedExpressionData", normalizationMethod = getNormalizationMethod(x),
normalizationParameters = getNormalizationParameters(x))
explicitlyChangeExprs(newObject) <- rawExprs(x)[i, j, drop = FALSE]
for (process in oldProcesses) {
newObject <- addTransformationProcess(newObject, name = getName(process),
values = getValues(process))
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @importFrom Biobase copyEnv
setReplaceMethod("explicitlyChangeExprs", signature = signature(object = "FixedExpressionData",
value = "matrix"), definition = function(object, value) {
# if (!all(dim(value)==dim(object))) stop('New and old expression matrices do not
# have similar dimensions.')
aData <- copyEnv(getExpressionEnvironment(object))
aData[["expressionMatrix"]] <- value
lockEnvironment(aData, bindings = TRUE)
object@expressionEnvironment <- aData
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