# clasificador (in file: classifier.main.r)
# queryGeNetClassifier
# externalValidation.stats
# externalValidation.probMatrix
# querySummary
# plotAssignments
# plotExpressionProfiles
# plotDiscriminantPower
# (private) errorNumGenes.plot
# calculateGenesRanking
# plotNetwork
# queryGeNetClassifier:
# Args:
# classifier:
# eset:
# verbose: If TRUE, prints _____; if not, not. Default is TRUE.
# Returns:
# WARNING!: The arrays should have been normalized with the samples used for the classifier training.
queryGeNetClassifier <- function(classifier, eset, minProbAssignCoeff=1, minDiffAssignCoeff=0.8, verbose=TRUE)
# Comprobacion de parametros
if(is(eset, "ExpressionSet")) eset <- exprs(eset) else if (!is.matrix(eset)) stop("The last argument should be either an expression matrix or an ExpressionSet.")
esetTdf <- data.frame(t(eset))
if(is(classifier, "GeNetClassifierReturn")){
if("classifier" %in% names(classifier)) { classifier <- classifier@classifier$SVMclassifier
}else stop("'classifier' doesn't contain a trained classifier.")
if(!is(classifier, "svm")) classifier <- classifier$SVMclassifier
if(!is(classifier, "svm")) stop("The first argument should be the classifier returned by geNetClassifier.")
numClasses <- length(classifier$levels)
if(!is.numeric(minProbAssignCoeff)) stop("'minProbAssignCoeff' should be a coefficient to modify the probability required to assign the sample to a class.")
if(!is.numeric(minDiffAssignCoeff)) stop("'minDiffAssignCoeff' should be a coefficient to modify the required difference between probabilites to assign the sample to a class.")
if(minProbAssignCoeff<0 || ((numClasses != 2) &&(minProbAssignCoeff>(numClasses/2)))) stop("'minProbAssignCoeff' should be between 0 and half of the number of classes.")
if(minDiffAssignCoeff<0 || minDiffAssignCoeff>numClasses) stop("'minDiffAssignCoeff' should be between 0 and the number of classes.")
genes <- colnames(classifier$SV)
if(sum(!genes %in% colnames(esetTdf))>0)
m <- rbind(rep(0,length(genes))) #Transformed into dataframe colnames to make sure they match the $SV
colnames(m) <- genes
m <- data.frame(m)
genes<- colnames(m)
if(sum(!genes %in% colnames(esetTdf))>0) stop("The expression matrix provided does not have the required genes.")
# Calculate minimum probability and difference between probabilities
rand <- 1/length(classifier$levels)
if(length(classifier$levels)>2) { minProb <- 2*rand * minProbAssignCoeff
}else {minProb <- 0}
minDiff <- rand * minDiffAssignCoeff
if(verbose) { message(paste("Coefficients for assignment: Minimum Probability to be assigned = ",round(minProb,2), ifelse(minProbAssignCoeff==1, "(default)",""),".\n Minimum difference between the probabilities of first and second most likely classes = ", round(minDiff,2),ifelse(minDiffAssignCoeff==1, "(default)",""), sep="")) ; utils::flush.console()}
# Calculo de la clasificacion
esetSelection <- esetTdf[,genes, drop=FALSE]
# if (! esetSelection <- t(cbind(NULL,esetSelection)) #To avoid error when there is only 1gen/class
prob <- t(attributes(stats::predict(classifier, esetSelection, probability=TRUE ))$probabilities)
if(is.null(names(prob))) colnames(prob)<-rownames(esetTdf) # if 2 classes... not labeled. Needed for mxcf...
classes <- factor(apply(prob, 2, function(x) {assignment.conditions(x, minProb, minDiff)}))
ret <- list(, class= classes, probabilities=prob)
# Calculates stats from the confussion matrix. i.e. sensitivity and specificity of the predictor for each class, global accuracy and call rate (rate of assigned samples)
# Receives a confussion matrix (actual(rows) x prediction(cols)) --> Columns and rows in same order. "NotAssigned" last column
# 100% Sensitivity = Recognizes all positives for the class
# 100% Specificity = Recognizes all negatives for the class
#Renombrado de class.accuracy
externalValidation.stats <- function(confussionMatrix, numDecimals=2) #Confussion matrix
mxcf <- confussionMatrix
if(!is.matrix(mxcf))stop("The argument should be a confussion matrix.")
if(!is.numeric(numDecimals)){ numDecimals <- 2
}else { if (numDecimals<0 || numDecimals>7) numDecimals <- 2 }
if ("NotAssigned" %in% rownames(mxcf))
mxcf<- t(mxcf)
warning("The confussion matrix should have the real class in rows and the assigned class in cols. The matrix provided didn't seem to be in the right order so it was transposed:")
if (!"NotAssigned" %in% colnames(mxcf)) mxcf <- cbind(mxcf, NotAssigned=rep(0, dim(mxcf)[1]))
if(any(classes=="NotAssigned")) classes <- classes[-which(classes=="NotAssigned")]
nclasses <- length(classes)
#Comprobar si falta alguna clase en filas o columnas
if (any(!classes %in% colnames(mxcf)))
missingClasses <- classes[which(!classes %in% colnames(mxcf))]
mxcf <- cbind(mxcf, matrix(ncol=length(missingClasses), nrow=dim(mxcf)[1], data=0))
showWarning <- TRUE
if (any(!classes %in% rownames(mxcf)))
missingClasses <- classes[which(!classes %in% rownames(mxcf))]
mxcf <- rbind(mxcf, matrix(nrow=length(missingClasses), ncol=dim(mxcf)[2], data=0))
showWarning <- TRUE
#Just in case they are not in order (Diagonal=hits). Will use only the real classes.
mxcf<- mxcf[,c(classes,"NotAssigned")]
mxcf<- mxcf[c(classes),]
warning("There were missing columns or rows in the confussion matrix, empty ones were added.", immediate.=TRUE)
#nclasses <- dim(mxcf)[1]
numSamples <- sum(mxcf)
numNA <- sum(mxcf[,nclasses+1])
byClass <- matrix(nrow=nclasses, ncol=4)
rownames(byClass)<- classes
colnames(byClass)<-c("Sensitivity","Specificity", "MCC", "CallRate")
falseNegatives <- array(0,dim=nclasses)
falsePositives <- array(0,dim=nclasses)
trueNegatives <- array(0,dim=nclasses)
truePositives <- array(0,dim=nclasses)
for (i in 1:dim(mxcf)[1])
for(j in 1:nclasses) #dim(mxcf)[2]) Para incluir NA
falseNegatives[i] <- falseNegatives[i] + mxcf[i,j]
falsePositives[j] <- falsePositives[j] + mxcf[i,j]
trueNegatives[-c(i,j)] <- trueNegatives[-c(i,j)] + mxcf[i,j]
truePositives[i] <- mxcf[i,i]
for (i in 1:nclasses) #We need another loop in order to have the whole trueNegatives ready
byClass[i,1] <- round(100*(truePositives[i]/(truePositives[i]+falseNegatives[i])) ,numDecimals)
byClass[i,2] <- round(100*(trueNegatives[i]/(trueNegatives[i]+falsePositives[i])) ,numDecimals)
#Matthews Correlation Coefficient
byClass[i,3] <- round(100*( ((truePositives[i]*trueNegatives[i])-(falsePositives[i]*falseNegatives[i])) / sqrt( (truePositives[i]+falsePositives[i])*(truePositives[i]+falseNegatives[i])*(trueNegatives[i]+falsePositives[i])*(trueNegatives[i]+falseNegatives[i]) )) ,numDecimals)
#Call Rate
if(i <= dim(mxcf)[1]) byClass[i,4] <- round(100*( (sum(mxcf[i,])- mxcf[i,dim(mxcf)[2]])/sum(mxcf[i,])) ,numDecimals)
global = cbind("Accuracy"=round(100*sum(truePositives)/(numSamples-numNA),numDecimals) , "CallRate"=round(100*((numSamples-numNA)/numSamples),numDecimals) )
rownames(global) <- "Global"
return( list(byClass=byClass, global=global, confMatrix=mxcf) )
# Returns the matrix with the average probabilities of assigning a sample to each class (only of assigned samples)
# Can receive the result from executing queryGeNetClassifier, or a list of several: queryResult<-c(assignment1, assignment2)
externalValidation.probMatrix<- function(queryResult, realLabels, numDecimals=2)
# Comprobar y concatenar si hay varias queries
globalQueryResult <- queryResultCheck(queryResult)
#Comprobar el resto de los argumentos
if(!is.factor(realLabels)) { warning("The second argument (real labels) had to be converted into a factor.", immediate. = TRUE)}
realLabels <- factor (realLabels)
if (length(realLabels) == length( names(queryResult$class)))
names(realLabels) <- names(queryResult$class)
} else stop("The sample's labels vector is not named.")
warning("The real data labels vector is not named, it will be assumed the labels are in order: the first label applies to the first predicted sample... ", immediate. = TRUE)
if(!is.numeric(numDecimals)) {numDecimals <- 2
}else if (numDecimals<0 || numDecimals>7)
numDecimals <- 2
warning("The argument 'numDecimals' should be a number between 0 and 7. The default value (2) will be used.", immediate. = TRUE)
#Check if there are "real labels" for all the prediction samples
if(sum(!names(globalQueryResult$class) %in% names(realLabels)) >0) stop("There are samples for which the real label was not provided.")
#El numero de samples no encaja
if((length(globalQueryResult$class)!=dim(globalQueryResult$probabilities)[2]) || (sum(!names(globalQueryResult$class) %in% colnames(globalQueryResult$probabilities))>0 )) {stop("The samples in $class and in $probabilities do not match.")}
#Calcular estadisticas
predClasses <- c(levels(realLabels), rownames(globalQueryResult$probabilities)[which(!rownames(globalQueryResult$probabilities) %in% levels(realLabels))])
probMatrix <- matrix(0,nrow=length(levels(realLabels)), ncol=length(predClasses))
rownames(probMatrix)<- levels(realLabels)
colnames(probMatrix)<- predClasses
for (label in levels(realLabels))
classAssignments <- globalQueryResult$class[names(realLabels)[which(realLabels==label)]] #Prob for the class samples, even if the prediction was wrong
assignedSamples <- names(classAssignments)[ which( classAssignments!= "NotAssigned")]
if (!is.null(assignedSamples))
if(length(assignedSamples)>1) probMatrix[label,] <- apply(globalQueryResult$probabilities[,assignedSamples], 1, function(x) {mean(x)})[colnames(probMatrix)]
else probMatrix[label,] <- globalQueryResult$probabilities[,assignedSamples][colnames(probMatrix)]
ret<- round(probMatrix,numDecimals)
# Gives basic stats of the probabilities with wich the samples were assigned to the class
# Can receive the result from executing queryGeNetClassifier, or a list of several: queryResult<-c(prediction1, prediction2)
querySummary <- function(queryResult, showNotAssignedSamples=TRUE, numDecimals=2, verbose=TRUE)
# Comprobar y concatenar si hay varias queries
globalQueryResult <- queryResultCheck(queryResult)
#Comprobar el resto de los argumentos
if(!is.logical(showNotAssignedSamples)) showNotAssignedSamples <- TRUE
if(!is.numeric(numDecimals)) numDecimals <- 2
if(!is.logical(verbose)) verbose <- FALSE
else if (numDecimals<0 || numDecimals>7)
numDecimals <- 2
warning("The argument 'numDecimals' should be a number between 0 and 7. The default value (2) will be used.", immediate. = TRUE)
#Calcular estadisticas
if(length(globalQueryResult$class)!=dim(globalQueryResult$probabilities)[2]) {}#El numero de samples no encaja
numSamples <- length(globalQueryResult$class)
classes <- rownames(globalQueryResult$probabilities)
numClasses <- length(classes)
stats <- cbind(c(rep(0,numClasses)), c(rep(1,numClasses)), c(rep(0,numClasses)),c(rep(NA,numClasses)),c(rep(NA,numClasses)))
colnames(stats)<-c("Count", "MinProb", "MaxProb", "Mean", "SD")
for (c in 1:numClasses)
for (i in 1:numSamples)
if (globalQueryResult$class[i] == classes[c])
prob <- globalQueryResult$probabilities[c,i]
if(prob < stats[c,2]) stats[c,2] <- round(prob, numDecimals)
if(prob > stats[c,3]) stats[c,3] <- round(prob, numDecimals)
stats[c,1] <- stats[c,1] + 1
else if (c==1 && (globalQueryResult$class[i] == "NotAssigned")) notAssigned <- notAssigned+1
if (stats[c,1]!=0)
stats[c,4] <- round(mean(temp), numDecimals)
stats[c,5] <- round(stats::sd(temp), numDecimals)
stats[c,2] <- NA
stats[c,3] <- NA
# Info about NotAssigned samples (most likely class & probs)
notAssignedSamples="All samples have been assigned."
if (notAssigned > 0 && showNotAssignedSamples)
highestProb <- apply(globalQueryResult$probabilities[,which(globalQueryResult$class == "NotAssigned"), drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) round(max(x), numDecimals)) #--> mayor probabilidad por sample
highestProbClass <- rownames(globalQueryResult$probabilities)[apply(globalQueryResult$probabilities[,which(globalQueryResult$class == "NotAssigned"), drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) which(order(x, decreasing=TRUE)==1))] #Clase con la mayor probabilidad
nextProbIndex <- cbind(apply(globalQueryResult$probabilities[,which(globalQueryResult$class == "NotAssigned"), drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) which(order(x, decreasing=TRUE)==2)), which(globalQueryResult$class == "NotAssigned"))
nextProb <- apply(nextProbIndex, 1, function(x) round(globalQueryResult$probabilities[x[1],x[2]], numDecimals))
nextClass <- rownames(globalQueryResult$probabilities)[apply(globalQueryResult$probabilities[,which(globalQueryResult$class == "NotAssigned"), drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) which(order(x, decreasing=TRUE)==2))]
notAssignedSamples <- cbind(highestProbClass=highestProbClass,, nextProb=nextProb, nextClass=nextClass)
# Verbose
message(paste("The query contains ", samplesQueried=numSamples, " samples. ",sum(stats[,1])," were assigned to a class resulting on a call rate of ", callRate,"%. \n", sep=""))
# Returns
ret<- list(callRate=callRate, assigned=stats)
if(showNotAssignedSamples) ret <- c(ret, notAssigned=list(notAssignedSamples))
# Plots the assignment probabilities
# Changes in version 1.2:
# function plotPoints no longer required. Optimized speed.
# New argument: pointSize
# Background color: Blue
# Cairo
plotAssignments <- function(queryResult, realLabels, minProbAssignCoeff=1, minDiffAssignCoeff=0.8, totalNumberOfClasses=NULL, pointSize=0.8, identify=FALSE)
# Comprobar y concatenar si hay varias queries
queryResult <- queryResultCheck(queryResult)
# Comprobar los argumentos
if(!is.factor(realLabels)) { warning("The second argument (real labels) had to be converted into a factor.", immediate. = TRUE)}
realLabels <- factor (realLabels)
if (length(realLabels) == length(names(queryResult$class)))
names(realLabels) <- names(queryResult$class)
} else stop("The sample's labels vector is not named.")
warning("The real sample's labels vector is not named, it will be assumed the labels are in order: the first label applies to the first predicted sample... ", immediate. = TRUE)
if(is.null(totalNumberOfClasses)) {numClasses <- length(levels(realLabels))
if(!is.numeric(totalNumberOfClasses) || (totalNumberOfClasses<length(levels(realLabels)))) stop ("totalNumberOfClasses should be the number of classes for which the classifier was originaly trained.")
numClasses <- totalNumberOfClasses
if(!is.numeric(minDiffAssignCoeff)) stop("'minDiffAssignCoeff' should be a coefficient to modify the required difference between probabilites to assign the sample to a class.")
if(minProbAssignCoeff<0 || ((numClasses != 2) &&(minProbAssignCoeff>(numClasses/2)))) stop("'minProbAssignCoeff' should be between 0 and half of the number of classes.")
if(minDiffAssignCoeff<0 || minDiffAssignCoeff>numClasses) stop("'minDiffAssignCoeff' should be between 0 and the number of classes.")
if(!is.numeric(pointSize)) stop("'pointSize' should be numeric.")
if(!is.logical(identify)) stop("'identify' should be TRUE or FALSE.")
# Settings:
abLineColor <- "midnightblue"
bgColor <- "aliceblue"
correctColor <- "#3F9728"
incorrectColor <- "red"
minX <- 0.2
# Calculate asignments
rand <- 1/numClasses
if(numClasses>2) { minProb <- 2*rand * minProbAssignCoeff
}else {minProb <- 0}
minDiff <- rand * minDiffAssignCoeff
# Prepare canvas
plot(c(minX,1), c(0,1), type="n", xlab="Probability of the most likely class", ylab="Difference with next class", frame=FALSE, main="Thresholds to assign query samples")
rect(minProb,minDiff,1,1, col=bgColor, border=bgColor)
abline(v=minProb, h=minDiff, col=abLineColor, lty="dashed")
} else
rect(0, minDiff,1,1, col=bgColor, border=bgColor)
abline(h=minDiff, col=abLineColor, lty="dashed")
graphics::text(0.7, 0.95, labels="Assigned", col=abLineColor, cex=0.8)
if(numClasses>2) graphics::text(0.3, 0.95, labels="Not Assigned", col="#606362", cex=0.8)
graphics::text(minProb-0.03, minDiff + 0.01, labels="minProb", col=abLineColor, srt = 90, pos=4, cex=0.8)
graphics::text(minX+0.09, minDiff+0.01, labels="minDiff", col=abLineColor, pos=1, cex=0.8)
graphics::legend("bottomright", "(x,y)", legend=c("Correct", "Incorrect"), title = "Most likely class", text.width = strwidth("1,000,000"), xjust = 1, yjust = 1, lty = 0, pch=16, col=c(correctColor, incorrectColor), cex=0.8)
# Plot probabilities
realLabs <- as.character(realLabels[colnames(queryResult$probabilities)])
prob <- apply(queryResult$probabilities, 2, function(x)
largest <- which(x == max(x))
if(length(largest)==1) {
nextProb <- max(x[-largest])
class <- names(x)[largest]
largest <- largest[1]
nextProb <- max(x[-largest])
class <- "NA"
return(c(biggestProb=x[largest], nextProb=nextProb, assignedClass=class))
rownames(prob) <- c("biggestProb", "nextProb", "assignedClass")
prob <- rbind(prob, realLabels=realLabs)
correct <- which(prob["assignedClass",] == prob["realLabels",])
incorrect <- which(prob["assignedClass",] != prob["realLabels",])
biggestProb <- as.numeric(prob["biggestProb",])
nextProb <- biggestProb - as.numeric(prob["nextProb",])
points(biggestProb[correct], nextProb[correct], col=correctColor, pch=16, cex=pointSize)
points(biggestProb[incorrect], nextProb[incorrect], col=incorrectColor, pch=16, cex=pointSize)
coordinates <- cbind(biggestProb, nextProb)
rownames(coordinates) <- colnames(prob)
if(identify && (!names(dev.cur()) %in% c("pdf", "Cairo")))
print("To identify a sample on the plot click on it. Press ESC or right-click on the plot screen to finish.")
id <- graphics::identify(coordinates,
labels=paste(rownames(coordinates)," (",prob["realLabels", rownames(coordinates)], ")", sep=""))
## Calculates the genes ranking and plots the significant genes
# Options: - Arguments: a genesRanking
# an eset+sampleLabels (to calculate genesRanking)
# - plotLp=FALSE don't plot
# - returnRanking: (FALSE/NULL, "full", "lp"/"significant"/"lpThreshold"/TRUE)
calculateGenesRanking <- function(eset=NULL, sampleLabels=NULL, numGenesPlot=1000, plotTitle="Significant genes", plotLp=TRUE, lpThreshold = 0.95, numSignificantGenesType="ranked", returnRanking="full", nullHiphothesisFilter=0.95, nGenesExprDiff=1000, geneLabels=NULL, precalcGenesRanking=NULL, IQRfilterPercentage= 0, verbose=TRUE)
# Checking arguments
genesRanking <- precalcGenesRanking
if(!is.null(precalcGenesRanking)) returnRanking <- FALSE
if(is.null(genesRanking) && (is.null(eset) && is.null(sampleLabels))) stop("Please, provide either a precalculated genesRanking, or an expressionSet and its sample labels to calculate it")
if(!is.null(genesRanking) && (!is.null(eset) || !is.null(sampleLabels))) warning("Since a genesRanking was provided, eset and sampleLabels are not needed. They will be ignored.", immedite.=TRUE)
# Arguments always required:
if(!is.numeric(numGenesPlot)) stop("The argument numGenesPlot should be a number.")
if(!is.numeric(lpThreshold) || (lpThreshold>=1 || lpThreshold <0)) stop("The threshold should be a percentage (a number between 0 and 1).")
if(!is.character(numSignificantGenesType)) numSignificantGenesType <- "ranked"
if(!numSignificantGenesType %in% c("ranked", "global")) numSignificantGenesType <- "ranked"
if(!is.numeric(nullHiphothesisFilter) || (nullHiphothesisFilter>1 || nullHiphothesisFilter <0)) stop("The nullHiphothesisFilter threshold should be a percentage (a number between 0 and 1).")
if(!is.numeric(nGenesExprDiff)) stop("nGenesExprDiff should be a number.")
if(!is.character(plotTitle)) stop("The title is not of type 'character'.")
if(!is.logical(plotLp)) plotLp <- TRUE
if(!is.logical(verbose)) verbose <- TRUE
# sampleLabels format:
if(is.character(sampleLabels) && (length(sampleLabels) ==1))
if( is(eset, "ExpressionSet") && (sampleLabels %in% colnames(pData(eset)))) {
sampleLabels <- pData(eset)[,sampleLabels, drop=FALSE]
} else{
stop("The sampleLabels should be either a factor, or contain the name of the phenoData column containing the labels.")
if( || is.matrix(sampleLabels))
if(dim(sampleLabels)[2] == 1)
tempSamplesLabels <- sampleLabels
sampleLabels <- as.factor(sampleLabels[,1])
names(sampleLabels) <- rownames(tempSamplesLabels)
if(class(sampleLabels) != "factor") {
#warning("The argument 'classification sampleLabels' had to be converted into a factor.", immediate. = TRUE)
sampleLabels <- factor (sampleLabels) #Just in case there are not samples of all the original labels
# If genesRanking was not provided, calculate:
# Check eset
if(is(eset, "ExpressionSet")) eset <- exprs(eset) else if (!is.matrix(eset)) stop("The argument 'eset' should be an expression matrix or an ExpressionSet.")
if(any( warning("The expression set contains NAs.")
if(any(eset<0, na.rm=TRUE)) warning("Genes with negative values will not be considered.")
# Check sampleLabels
if(class(sampleLabels) != "factor") { warning("The argument 'sampleLabels' had to be converted into a factor.", immediate. = TRUE)}
sampleLabels <- factor (sampleLabels) #Just in case there aren't samples of all the original labels
if(dim(eset)[2] != length(sampleLabels)) stop("The number of labels does not match the number of samples.")
if(sum(!names(sampleLabels) %in% colnames(eset))>0 ) stop("The names of the labels do not match the samples.")
warning("The data labels vector is not named, it will be assumed the labels are in order: the first label applies to the first sample... ", immediate. = TRUE)
# Check filter pecentage
if(!is.numeric(IQRfilterPercentage) || (IQRfilterPercentage>=1 || IQRfilterPercentage <0)) stop("The filter percentage should be a probability (a number between 0 and 1).")
# IQR filter
giqrs <- iqr.filter(eset, percentage=IQRfilterPercentage)
esetFiltered <- eset[giqrs,]
# Calculate the genes ranking:
genesRanking <- PEB(esetFiltered, sampleLabels, nullHiphothesisFilter=nullHiphothesisFilter)
# Add geneLabels
if(!is.null(geneLabels)) geneLabels <- extractGeneLabels(geneLabels, rownames(esetFiltered))
if(!is.null(geneLabels)) genesRanking <- setProperties(genesRanking, geneLabels=geneLabels)
# Add expression
numClasses <- length(gClasses(genesRanking))
topGenes <- as.vector(getRanking(getTopRanking(genesRanking, nGenesExprDiff), showGeneID=TRUE, showGeneLabels=FALSE)$geneID)
topGenes <- topGenes[which(!]
meanExprDiff <- difMean(esetFiltered[topGenes,], sampleLabels)
colnames(meanExprDiff) <- gClasses(genesRanking)
genesRanking <- setProperties(genesRanking, meanDif=meanExprDiff)
# Calculate genes over lpThreshold
lp <- numSignificantGenes(genesRanking, lpThreshold=lpThreshold, numSignificantGenesType=numSignificantGenesType)
# Extract from the genesRanking the required postProb and ord (only the required numGenesPlot...)
if (numGenesPlot > dim(genesRanking@ord)[1]) numGenesPlot <- dim(genesRanking@ord)[1]
if (length(gClasses(genesRanking)) > 2){ ord <- genesRanking@ord[1:numGenesPlot,]
}else ord <- cbind(NULL,genesRanking@ord[1:numGenesPlot] ) #Para que sea una matriz de una columna
postProb <- matrix(nrow=numGenesPlot, ncol=ncol(ord))
for(i in 1:ncol(ord)) {
postProb[,i] <- genesRanking@postProb[ord[,i],i+1]
numClasses <- ncol(postProb) # If there are only 2 classes, postProb only has 1 column
plot(postProb[,1], type="n", ylab="Posterior Probability", xlab="Gene Rank", xlim=c(1,numGenesPlot), ylim=c(0,1))
if((numClasses>3 && numClasses<10) && ("RColorBrewer" %in% rownames(utils::installed.packages())))
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(numClasses,"Set1")
}else cols <- grDevices::rainbow(numClasses)
pchs <- c(15:(15+ncol(postProb)))
if(numGenesPlot < 200) {interval <- 1:numGenesPlot
} else {
interval <- seq(0, numGenesPlot, numGenesPlot/20)
for(i in 1:numClasses)
graphics::lines(interval,postProb[interval,i], type="b", col=cols[i], pch=pchs[i])
text(numGenesPlot-(numGenesPlot/10), lpThreshold-0.02, paste("Threshold=",lpThreshold, sep=""), col="grey50", cex=0.8)
legend("bottomleft", paste( gClasses(genesRanking)," (",lp," genes)",sep=""), lty=1, col=cols, pch=pchs)
if(!is.null(returnRanking) && returnRanking!=FALSE)
if (tolower(returnRanking) == "full") return (genesRanking)
# Leave in ranking only significant genes (genes over lpThreshold)
if ((returnRanking==TRUE || tolower(returnRanking)=="lpthreshold") || (tolower(returnRanking)=="lp" || tolower(returnRanking)=="significant"))
lpRanking <- getTopRanking(genesRanking, lp)
## Perfiles de expresion de los genes del clasificador en todas las muestras
# Saves the plots in a PDF file of name fileName
# Example: plotExpressionProfiles (basicLeukemias[,trainSamples], getRanking(getTopRanking(genesRankingGlobal, 5))$geneID, fileName="expresion.pdf", sampleLabels=basicLeukemias$LeukemiaType[trainSamples])
plotExpressionProfiles <- function(eset, genes=NULL, fileName=NULL, geneLabels=NULL, type="lines", sampleLabels=NULL, sampleColors=NULL, labelsOrder=NULL, classColors=NULL, sameScale=TRUE, showSampleNames=FALSE, showMean= FALSE, identify=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
#Comprobacion de parametros
# sampleLabels format:
if(is.character(sampleLabels) && (length(sampleLabels) ==1))
if( is(eset, "ExpressionSet") && (sampleLabels %in% colnames(pData(eset)))) {
sampleLabels <- pData(eset)[,sampleLabels, drop=FALSE]
} else{
stop("The sampleLabels should be either a factor, or contain the name of the phenoData column containing the labels.")
if( || is.matrix(sampleLabels))
if(dim(sampleLabels)[2] == 1)
tempSamplesLabels <- sampleLabels
sampleLabels <- as.factor(sampleLabels[,1])
names(sampleLabels) <- rownames(tempSamplesLabels)
if(!is.null(sampleLabels)) {
if(class(sampleLabels) != "factor") { warning("The argument 'sampleLabels' had to be converted into a factor.", immediate. = TRUE)}
sampleLabels <- factor (sampleLabels) #Just in case there are not samples of all the original labels
if(!is.logical(identify)) stop("'identify' should be TRUE or FALSE.")
if(!is.character(type)) stop("'type' should be either 'lines' or 'boxplot'.")
type <- tolower(type)
if(any(!type %in% c("lines", "boxplot"))) stop("'type' should be 'lines' or 'boxplot'.")
# eset
exprMatrix <- eset
if(is(exprMatrix, "ExpressionSet")) exprMatrix <- exprs(exprMatrix) else if (!is.matrix(exprMatrix)) stop("The first argument should be an expression matrix or an ExpressionSet.")
# Other
genesRanking <- NULL
if(is.null(genes)) {
genes <- rownames(exprMatrix)
if(length(genes)>1000 && !is.null(fileName)) warning(paste("Plotting the expression profiles of the ",length(genes)," genes in the expression set.", sep=""), immediate. = TRUE)
if(is(genes, "GeNetClassifierReturn") && "classificationGenes" %in% names(genes)) {
genes <- genes@classificationGenes
warning("Plotting expression profiles of the classification genes. To plot other genes, set i.e. genes=...@genesRanking")
if(is(genes, "GenesRanking"))
if(length(genes@geneLabels) > 0 && any(! geneLabels <- genes@geneLabels
genesRanking <- genes
genes <- getRanking(genes, showGeneLabels=FALSE, showGeneID=TRUE)$geneID
if(!is.matrix(genes) && !is.vector(genes)) stop ("The genes list should be either a vector or a matrix.")
if(sum(!genes[which(genes!="NA")] %in% rownames(exprMatrix))!=0) stop ("The expression matrix doesn't contain all the genes.")
genesVector <- unique(as.vector(genes))
genesVector <- genesVector[!]
if(!is.null(geneLabels)) geneLabels<-extractGeneLabels(geneLabels, rownames(exprMatrix[genesVector,]))
if(!is.null(fileName) && !is.character(fileName)) stop("The file name is not valid.")
if(!is.null(fileName) && regexpr(".pdf", fileName) == -1) fileName <- paste(fileName, ".pdf", sep="")
numSamples <- dim(exprMatrix)[2]
if(class(sampleLabels) != "factor") { warning("The argument 'sampleLabels' had to be converted into a factor.")}
sampleLabels <- factor (sampleLabels) #Just in case there aren't samples of all the original labels
if(numSamples != length(sampleLabels)) stop("The number of labels doesn't match the number of samples.")
if(sum(!names(sampleLabels) %in% colnames(exprMatrix))>0 ) stop("The names of the labels do not match the samples.")
warning("The data labels vector is not named, it will be assumed the labels are in order: the first label applies to the first sample... ", immediate. = TRUE)
if(any(!labelsOrder %in% levels(sampleLabels)) || any(!levels(sampleLabels) %in% labelsOrder))
warning("The labelsOrder doesn't match the samples labels. It will be ignored.")
labelsOrder <- NULL
if(!is.null(sampleColors) && !is.null(classColors)) stop("Provide either 'sampleColors' or 'classColors'")
# For boxplot sampleColors is not needed
sampleColors <- "red"
# Default class colors for boxplot
if(!is.null(sampleLabels)) classColors <- rev(hcl(h=seq(0,360, length.out=length(levels(sampleLabels))+1))[1:length(levels(sampleLabels))])
if(is.null(sampleLabels)) classColors <- "white"
if(is.null(sampleLabels)) stop("Cannot use 'classColors' if 'sampleLabels' is not provided.")
if(length(levels(sampleLabels)) != length(classColors))stop("Length of 'classColors' should match the number of classes in the samples.")
if(any(type%in%"lines")) sampleColors <- classColors[sampleLabels]
if((length(sampleColors) > 1) && (numSamples != length(sampleColors))) warning("The number of sampleColors doesn't match the number of samples.")
if(!is.logical(showMean)) showMean <- TRUE
if(!is.logical(sameScale)) showMean <- TRUE
if(!is.logical(verbose)) verbose <- TRUE
classes <- levels(sampleLabels)
if(!is.null(labelsOrder)) classes <- labelsOrder
numClasses <- length(classes)
matriz <- NULL
indexes<- NULL
for(i in 1:numClasses) #Por si no estan agrupados
indexes <- c(indexes, which(sampleLabels==classes[i]))
matriz <- exprMatrix[genesVector, indexes, drop=FALSE]
sampleLabels <- sampleLabels[indexes]
if(length(sampleColors) > 1) sampleColors <- sampleColors[indexes]
classes <- colnames(genes)
numClasses <- length(classes)
matriz <- exprMatrix[genesVector,, drop=FALSE]
if(is.null(rownames(matriz))) rownames(matriz)<- genesVector # When there is only one gene: no names
if(is.null(labelsOrder) && !is.null(sampleLabels)) labelsOrder <- levels(sampleLabels)
classLabels <- stats::setNames(paste("C", sapply(classes,function(x) which(classes==x)), sep=""), classes)
warning(paste("Some class names are longer than 10 characters. The following labels will be used in plots:\n",paste(classLabels, names(classLabels), sep=": ", collapse="\n"), sep=""))
# Plot
# Configure output (pdf or split window?)
numGenesPlot <- configurePlotOutput(length(genesVector), fileName)
if(numGenesPlot != length(genesVector))
warning(paste("Up to ",numGenesPlot," genes will be shown. To plot more genes specify a PDF output file name.",sep=""))
if( numClasses == 0 || !is.matrix(genes) ) {
genesVector <- genesVector[1:numGenesPlot]
else {
numRows <- numGenesPlot/dim(genes)[2]
while ((numRows < dim(genes)[1]) && (length(which(![1:numRows,, drop=FALSE]))) < numGenesPlot))
numRows <- numRows + 1
genesVector <- as.vector(genes[1:numRows,, drop=FALSE])
genesVector <- genesVector[which(![1:numGenesPlot]]
# Set gene titles:
geneTitles <- matrix(ncol=3, dimnames=list(genesVector,c("class","label","labelShort")),nrow=length(genesVector))
for(g in genesVector)
# Class
# Gene class, from genes table
geneTitles[g,"class"] <- unique(colnames(genes)[which(genes == g,arr.ind=TRUE)[,2]])
if(nchar(geneTitles[g,"class"])>10) geneTitles[g,"class"] <- paste(geneTitles[g,"class"], " (C",which(classes==geneTitles[g,"class"]), ")", sep="")
} else
# Title
if(!is.null(geneLabels[g]) && ![g]))
geneTitles[g,"label"] <- paste(g," (" , geneLabels[g],")" ,sep="")
geneTitles[g,"labelShort"] <- geneLabels[g]
} else
geneTitles[g,"label"] <- g
geneTitles[g,"labelShort"] <- g
minEset <- min(0, matriz)
maxEset <- max(matriz)
ylim <- c(minEset - (minEset*0.05), maxEset +(maxEset*0.05))
}else ylim <- NULL
# Plot
for(i in 1:numGenesPlot) # No length(genesVector): Puede haber mas genes q espacio
minEset <- min(0, matriz[genesVector[i],])
maxEset <- max(0, matriz[genesVector[i],])
ylim <- c(minEset - (minEset*0.05), maxEset +(maxEset*0.05))
plot(matriz[genesVector[i],], type="h", col=sampleColors, lwd=2, ylim=ylim, xlab="Sample index", ylab="Expression values")
if(!is.null(colnames(genes))) { geneClass <- unique(colnames(genes)[which(genes == genesVector[i],arr.ind=TRUE)[,2]])
} else { geneClass<-"" } #classes[which(genes == genesVector[i], arr.ind=TRUE)[2]]
if(!is.null(geneLabels[genesVector[i]]) && ![genesVector[i]])) { geneName<- paste(genesVector[i]," (" , geneLabels[genesVector[i]],")" ,sep="")
}else geneName<- genesVector[i]
title(paste(geneTitles[genesVector[i],"class"], geneTitles[genesVector[i],"label"], sep="\n" ))
if(showSampleNames) for (nSample in 1:length(colnames(matriz))) {graphics::text(nSample,ylim[2]-(ylim[2]*0.1),colnames(matriz)[nSample], pos=1, srt = 90, cex=0.5, col="grey")}
prevLim <- 0
for(j in 1:(numSamples))
if ([j] != sampleLabels[j+1]) ) || sampleLabels[j] != sampleLabels[j+1])
if(![j] != sampleLabels[j+1]) ) ) abline(v=j+0.5, col="black") # Separate classes
if (any(nchar(classes)>10) ) {graphics::text(prevLim+((j-prevLim)/2), ylim[2]-(ylim[2]*0.04), labels=classLabels[sampleLabels[j]]) # Class title
}else graphics::text(prevLim+((j-prevLim)/2)+0.5, y=ylim[2]-(ylim[2]*0.04), labels=paste(sampleLabels[j],sep=""), pos=3) # Class title
classMean <- mean(matriz[genesVector[i], (prevLim+1):j])
graphics::lines(c(prevLim+1, j), c(classMean, classMean) , col="grey")
prevLim <- j
esetXclases <- lapply(split(names(sampleLabels), sampleLabels), function(x) matriz[genesVector,x, drop=FALSE])[labelsOrder]
names(esetXclases) <- classLabels[names(esetXclases)] #paste("C", sapply(names(esetXclases),function(x) which(classes==x)), sep="")
labelsOrder <- names(esetXclases)
for(gen in genesVector)
esetExprSamples <- lapply(esetXclases, function(x) x[gen,, drop=FALSE])
esetExprSamplesMelted <- data.frame(Expression = unlist(esetExprSamples), sampleLabel = rep(names(esetExprSamples), lapply(esetExprSamples, length)))
esetExprSamplesMelted$sampleLabel <- factor(esetExprSamplesMelted$sampleLabel, levels=labelsOrder)
boxplot(Expression~sampleLabel, esetExprSamplesMelted, ylim=ylim, ylab="Expression values", col=classColors, las=2, outpch=16, outcex=0.5)
title(paste(geneTitles[gen,"class"], geneTitles[gen,"label"], sep="\n" ))
}else{ # Boxplot of all genes
boxplot(t(matriz), names=geneTitles[,"labelShort"], las=2, ylab="Expression", main="All genes")
# Common to all plot types:
if (!is.null(fileName))
if (verbose){ message(paste("The plot was saved as ",getwd(),"/",fileName," (PDF file)",sep="")); utils::flush.console()}
} else
if(i==1 && type=="lines")
if(identify && (!names(dev.cur()) %in% c("pdf", "Cairo")))
geneExprs <-t(matriz[genesVector[i],, drop=FALSE])
if(names(dev.cur())!="pdf") print("To identify a sample on the plot click on it. Press ESC or right-click on the plot screen to finish.")
identify(geneExprs, labels=rownames(geneExprs))
## Representamos los valores escalados de los genes en los vectores soporte que sirven de limite entre las clases
## tenemos en cuenta los valores de los coeficientes de lagrange para cada una de las SV.
# El parametro correctedAlpha para corregir o no los valores teniendo en cuenta los alphai
# discriminant.power.plot(classifier, classificationGenes, classNames=c("ALL","AML","CLL","CML","NoLeu"), fileName="test.pdf",correctedAlpha=TRUE)
# discriminant.power.plot(classifier, classificationGenes, fileName="test.pdf")
# Classification genes: Genes por columnas (nombrecolumna= clase)
# discriminant.power.plot(classifier, colnames(classif$SV), fileName="test.pdf")
#> geneLabels
# ENSG00000164398 ENSG00000169575 ENSG00000143153
# "gen1" "gen2" "gen3"
# games(geneLabels) >> [1] "ENSG00000164398" "ENSG00000169575" "ENSG00000143153"
# classifier: puede ser un svm o el objeto devuelto por la funcion principal
# classificationGenes: puede ser un c(), una matriz o un GenesRanking
plotDiscriminantPower <- function(classifier, classificationGenes=NULL , geneLabels=NULL, classNames=NULL, plotDP = TRUE, fileName= NULL, returnTable=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
correctedAlpha<-FALSE #Eliminado temporalmente
# Check arguments
if(!is.logical(plotDP)) plotDP <- TRUE
if(!is.logical(returnTable)) stop ("returnTable should be either TRUE or FALSE.")
if(!is.logical(verbose)) verbose <- TRUE
if(!is.null(fileName) && !is.character(fileName)) stop("The file name is not valid.")
if(!is.null(fileName) &®expr(".pdf", fileName) == -1) fileName <- paste(fileName, ".pdf", sep="")
# Classifier
if(is(classifier, "GeNetClassifierReturn")){
if("classificationGenes" %in% names(classifier))
classificationGenes <- classifier@classificationGenes
}else {
if(is.null(geneLabels) && is.character(classificationGenes))
if(length(classifier@classificationGenes@geneLabels) > 0 && any(![classificationGenes])))
geneLabels <- classifier@classificationGenes@geneLabels[classificationGenes]
if("classifier" %in% names(classifier)) {classifier <- classifier@classifier$SVMclassifier
}else stop("'classifier' doesn't contain a trained classifier.")
if(is.list(classifier) && ("SVMclassifier" %in% names(classifier))) classifier <- classifier$SVMclassifier
if(!is(classifier,"svm")) stop("The first argument should be a svm classifier or the object returned by geNetClassifier.")
# ClassificationGenes (GenesRanking)
if(any(class(classificationGenes) == "GenesRanking"))
if(is.null(geneLabels) && (length(classificationGenes@geneLabels) > 0 && any(! geneLabels <- classificationGenes@geneLabels
classificationGenesRanking <- classificationGenes
classificationGenes <- getRanking(classificationGenes, showGeneLabels=FALSE, showGeneID=TRUE)$geneID
}else {
classificationGenes <- NULL
# If classificationGenes is not provided/valid, use the classifier's SV
missingGenes <- !as.vector(classificationGenes[!]) %in% colnames(classifier$SV)
missingGenes <- as.vector(classificationGenes[!])[which(missingGenes)]
# Transformed into dataframe colnames to make sure they match the $SV
m <- matrix(ncol=length(missingGenes))
colnames(m) <- missingGenes
m <- data.frame(m)
missingGenes <- colnames(m)
missingGenes <- missingGenes[which(!missingGenes %in% colnames(classifier$SV))]
classificationGenes[which(classificationGenes %in% missingGenes)] <- NA
if(all( stop("The given 'classificationGenes' are not used by the classifier. Their Discriminant Power cannot be calculated.")
if(length(missingGenes)>0) warning(paste("The following classificationGenes are not used by the classifier. Their Discriminant Power cannot be calculated: ", missingGenes, sep=""))
if(is.null(classificationGenes)) classificationGenes <- colnames(classifier$SV)
# geneLabels
if(is.matrix(geneLabels) ||
if(dim(geneLabels)[1] != 1 && dim(geneLabels)[2] != 1)
stop("geneLabels should be a named vector or a one dimensional matrix.")
if(dim(geneLabels)[2] == 1)
geneLabels <- geneLabels[,1]
} else if(dim(geneLabels)[1] == 1) geneLabels <- geneLabels[1,]
tmp <- names(geneLabels)
geneLabels <- as.character(geneLabels)
names(geneLabels) <- tmp
if(!is.null(geneLabels) && !is.character(geneLabels)) stop("geneLabels should be a vector containing the gene symbol.")
if(!is.null(geneLabels) && is.null(names(geneLabels))) stop("names(geneLabels) can't be empty. It should contain the names used in classification genes.")
#if(!is.null(geneLabels) && sum(!names(geneLabels) %in% classificationGenes[which(classificationGenes!="NA")] )>0) warning("Some geneLabels will not be used.")
if(!is.null(geneLabels) && sum(!classificationGenes[which(classificationGenes!="NA")] %in% names(geneLabels))>0) warning("geneLabels doesn't contain the symbol for all the classification genes.")
# classNames
if(is.null(classNames) || (length(classifier$levels) != length(classNames))){
if (!is.null(classNames) && length(classifier$levels) != length(classNames)) {
warning(paste("The number of classes provided don't match the classifier's. The default class names will be used instead.",sep=""), immediate. = TRUE) }
classNames <-classifier$levels
longClassNames <- any(nchar(classNames)>6)
for( i in 1:length(classNames)) #Add "C1:..."
if (nchar(classNames[i])>10 ) classNames[i] <- paste(substr(classNames[i] ,1,10), "...",sep="")
classNames[i] <- paste("C", i, ": ", classNames[i], sep="")
numClasses <- ifelse(is.matrix(classificationGenes), length(classNames), length(classifier$levels))
if(!is.matrix(classificationGenes)) { #if(verbose) warning("The 'classification genes' are not sorted by colums and classes, the gene class will not be shown .")
if(length(classifier$levels) == 2) {
if (dim(classificationGenes)[2] != 1) stop("The classes of the classifier and the classification genes provided don't match.")
}else {
if(sum(!colnames(classificationGenes) %in% classifier$levels)>0) stop("The classes of the classifier provided and the classification genes don't match.")
classificationGenes <- classificationGenes[,apply(classificationGenes, 2, function(x) !all(] # Is there any class without genes?
nGenes <- length(classificationGenes[which(!]) #sum(numGenes(classifier$classificationGenes))
if(nGenes>dim(classifier$SV)[2]){ warning(paste("The given number of genes is bigger than the classifier's.",sep=""), immediate. = TRUE)}
# Calculate discriminant power
if(is.matrix(classificationGenes)) # If it contains the genes by classes (columns)
for(cl in 1:dim(classificationGenes)[2])
discrPwList <- c(discrPwList, discrPwList=list(sapply(as.character(classificationGenes[which(classificationGenes[,cl]!="NA"),cl]), function(x) SV.dif(classifier, x, correctedAlpha=correctedAlpha))))
names(discrPwList)[cl] <- colnames(classificationGenes)[cl]
classificationGenes <- classificationGenes[which(!]
discrPwList <- list(sapply(as.character(classificationGenes), function(x) SV.dif(classifier, x, correctedAlpha=correctedAlpha)))
classificationGenes <- as.matrix(classificationGenes)
###### Configure output
numGenesPlot <- configurePlotOutput(nGenes, fileName)
if(numGenesPlot != nGenes)
warning(paste("Up to ",numGenesPlot ," genes will be shown. To plot more genes specify a PDF output file name.",sep=""))
numRows <- numGenesPlot/dim(classificationGenes)[2]
while ((numRows < dim(classificationGenes)[1]) && (length(classificationGenes[which(![1:numRows,, drop=FALSE]))]) < numGenesPlot))
numRows <- numRows + 1
if(length(classificationGenes[which(![1:numRows,, drop=FALSE]))]) <= numGenesPlot)
classificationGenes <- classificationGenes[1:numRows,, drop=FALSE]
} else {
classificationGenes <- classificationGenes[1:(numRows-1),, drop=FALSE]
# Plot
supLim <- max(sapply(discrPwList,function(y) max(sapply(y["positive",], function(x) max(apply(x,2,sum))))))
infLim <- min(sapply(discrPwList,function(y) min(sapply(y["negative",], function(x) min(apply(x,2,sum))))))
lims <- round(max(supLim ,abs(infLim)),1)
if (lims > 2.5) {lims <- ceiling(lims/3)*3
}else lims <- max(lims, round((lims+0.1)/3,1)*3)
lims <- c(-lims,lims)
mycols <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","white"))(max(classifier$nSV+2))
for(c in 1:dim(classificationGenes)[2]) #numClasses
for(g in 1:dim(classificationGenes)[1])
# Get Data
gene <- classificationGenes[g,c]
# {
# if(is.null(fileName))
# } else
if(!is.null(geneLabels[gene]) && ![gene])) geneName<- paste(gene," (" ,geneLabels[gene],")" ,sep="")
else geneName<-gene
if(!is.null( names(gene)))
geneClass <- names(gene)
if(nchar(geneClass)>70) geneClass<- substr(geneClass,1,70)
pos <- discrPwList[[c]]["positive",][[gene]]
neg <- discrPwList[[c]]["negative",][[gene]]
if(is.null(pos) || is.null(neg))
if(length(discrPwList[[c]]["positive",]) ==1) pos<-discrPwList[[c]]["positive",][[1]]
if(length(discrPwList[[c]]["negative",]) ==1) neg<-discrPwList[[c]]["negative",][[1]]
# Seg graph parameters
tit<- paste(geneClass,"\n", geneName, "\n", sep="")
if(longClassNames){ tit<- paste(tit,"DP: ", sep="")
} else { tit<- paste(tit,"Discriminant power: ", sep="") }
tit<- paste(tit, abs(round(discrPwList[[c]][,gene]$discriminantPower,2)), " (", discrPwList[[c]][,gene]$discrPwClass, ")", sep="")
barplot(rep(0,numClasses),add=FALSE, ylim=lims, main=tit, col=mycols, width=0.9, space=0.1, cex.main=1)
# Draw ab lines
sum_pos <- apply(pos,2,sum)
sum_neg <- apply(neg,2,sum)
if (discrPwList[[c]][,gene]$discriminantPower > 0)
maxim <- which(sum_pos == max(sum_pos), arr.ind=TRUE)[1]
if (max(sum_pos[-maxim]) != 0) sig <- max(sum_pos[-maxim]) #Si el siguiente valor no es cero
else sig <- max(sum_neg[-maxim])
abline(h=c(sum_pos[maxim], sig), col="red", lty="dashed")
minim <- which(sum_neg == min(sum_neg), arr.ind=TRUE)[1]
if (min(sum_neg[-minim]) !=0) sig <- min(sum_neg[-minim])
else sig <- min(sum_pos[-minim])
abline(h=c(sum_neg[minim], sig), col="red", lty="dashed")
# Draw bars
barplot(pos,add=TRUE, col=mycols, width=0.9, space=0.1, names.arg=rep("",length(classNames)))
barplot(neg,add=TRUE, col=mycols, width=0.9, space=0.1, names.arg=rep("",length(classNames)))
abline(h=0, lwd=2)
if(!correctedAlpha) graphics::text(seq(1, length(classNames), by=1)-0.5, par("usr")[3] - 0.2, labels = classNames, srt = 90, pos = 4, xpd = TRUE)
if(correctedAlpha) graphics::text(seq(1, length(classNames), by=1)-0.5, par("usr")[3], labels = classNames, srt = 90, pos = 4, xpd = TRUE)
if (!is.null(fileName))
if (verbose){ message(paste("The SV plot was saved as ",getwd(),"/",fileName," (PDF file)",sep="")); utils::flush.console()}
# Prepare return table
discrPwDF <- NULL
for(cl in 1:length(discrPwList))
discrPwDF<- rbind(discrPwDF, cbind(t(discrPwList[[cl]][c("discriminantPower","discrPwClass"),]), originalClass=rep(names(discrPwList)[cl],dim(discrPwList[[cl]])[2])))
# Transform into Data Frame
discrPwDF <- data.frame(discrPwDF)
discrPwDF[,"discriminantPower"] <- as.numeric(discrPwDF[,"discriminantPower"])
discrPwDF[,"discrPwClass"] <- as.character(discrPwDF[,"discrPwClass"])
# Order by Discriminant power
tempDpMatrix <- discrPwDF
tempDpMatrix[,"discriminantPower"] <- abs (tempDpMatrix[,"discriminantPower"] )
discrPwDF <- NULL
for(cl in classifier$levels)
clGenes <- which(tempDpMatrix[,"discrPwClass"]==cl)
discrPwDF <- rbind(discrPwDF, tempDpMatrix[clGenes[order(as.numeric(tempDpMatrix[clGenes,"discriminantPower"]),decreasing=TRUE)],])
# Return
# Merge the geneDetails(genesRanking) with the discriminant power into one matrix
for(cl in 1:length(discrPwList))
genesDetailsDF <- rbind(genesDetailsDF, gDetails[[cl]])
genesDetailsDF <- cbind(discrPwClass=rep(NA,dim(discrPwDF)[1]), discriminantPower=rep(NA,dim(discrPwDF)[1]), genesDetailsDF[rownames(discrPwDF),]) # "normal" cbind doesnt work
genesDetailsDF[,"discrPwClass"] <- as.character(discrPwDF[,"discrPwClass"])
genesDetailsDF[,"discriminantPower"] <- as.numeric(discrPwDF[,"discriminantPower"])
# plotType="dynamic" (each can be modified), plotType="static" (1 image divided into classes), plotType="pdf"
# if geneLabels exists, it will use these labels, not the ones in the Ranking object
# genesInfo: Data.frame containing info about the genes. Can be replaced by classificationGenes or genesRanking (recommended).
# If classificationGenes + genesRanking:
# classificationGenes: Tiene q ser un genesRanking
plotNetwork <- function(genesNetwork, classificationGenes=NULL, genesRanking=NULL, genesInfo=NULL,geneLabels=NULL, returniGraphs=FALSE, plotType="dynamic", fileName=NULL, plotAllNodesNetwork=TRUE, plotOnlyConnectedNodesNetwork=FALSE, plotClassifcationGenesNetwork=FALSE, labelSize=0.5, vertexSize=NULL, width=NULL, height=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
plotType <- plotType[1]
layoutList <- NULL
if(!("igraph" %in% rownames(utils::installed.packages())))
warning("The function plotNetwork() requires the packge igraph but it could not be loaded.")
showWarning <- FALSE
genesInfoList <- NULL
# Check arguments & prepare variables
# - Arguments: check
# - Network: check
# - Genes Info: check and merge
# - Gene Labels: check or extract
if(!is.logical(plotAllNodesNetwork)) stop("plotAllNodesNetwork should be either TRUE or FALSE.")
if(!is.logical(plotOnlyConnectedNodesNetwork)) stop("plotOnlyConnectedNodesNetwork should be either TRUE or FALSE.")
if(!is.logical(plotClassifcationGenesNetwork)) stop("plotClassifcationGenesNetwork should be either TRUE or FALSE.")
if(!is.character(plotType)) { stop("plotType is not valid.")
if(!plotType %in% c("dynamic", "static", "pdf")) stop("plotType should be either 'dynamic', 'static' or 'pdf'.")
if ((plotType == "dynamic") && !("tcltk" %in% rownames(utils::installed.packages())))
warning("tcltk package is required for dynamic plots. A static network plot will be drawn instead.")
plotType <- "static"
if(!is.null(fileName) && !is.character(fileName)) stop("The file name is not valid.")
plotType <- "pdf"
if(regexpr(".pdf", fileName) == -1) fileName <- paste(fileName, ".pdf", sep="")
if(is.null(fileName) && plotType=="pdf") fileName <- "genesNetwork.pdf"
if(plotType =="dynamic") width <- 800
if(plotType =="pdf") width <- 7
if(plotType =="dynamic") height <- 500
if(plotType =="pdf") height <- 7
if(!is.null(vertexSize) && !is.numeric(vertexSize)) vertexSize <- NULL
if(!is.logical(verbose)) verbose <- TRUE
if(!(returniGraphs || plotAllNodesNetwork || plotOnlyConnectedNodesNetwork || plotClassifcationGenesNetwork)) stop("No network plots have been requested.")
if(!(plotAllNodesNetwork || plotOnlyConnectedNodesNetwork || plotClassifcationGenesNetwork)) warning("No network plots have been requested, only the iGraph will be returned.") #(else)
# Check NETWORK format
if(is(genesNetwork, "GeNetClassifierReturn"))
if(is.null(classificationGenes) && ("classificationGenes" %in% names(genesNetwork))) classificationGenes <- genesNetwork@classificationGenes
if((is.null(genesRanking) && is.null(genesInfo)) && ("genesRanking" %in% names(genesNetwork)))
nGenes <- max( 100, numGenes(genesNetwork@classificationGenes))
genesRanking <- getTopRanking(genesNetwork@genesRanking, nGenes)
warning(paste("Plotting up to ", max(numGenes(genesRanking)), " genes of each class.", sep=""))
if("genesNetwork" %in% names(genesNetwork)) {
if(!is.null(genesRanking)) genesNetwork <- getSubNetwork(genesNetwork@genesNetwork, genesRanking)
else genesNetwork <- genesNetwork@genesNetwork
}else stop("'genesNetwork' is the return of geNetClassifier, but doesn't contain a genesNetwork.")
if(is.list(genesNetwork)) {
if(any(sapply(genesNetwork, is.null))) {genesNetwork<-genesNetwork[-which(sapply(genesNetwork, is.null))] }
nwClasses <- names(genesNetwork)
} else
if(!class(genesNetwork) == "GenesNetwork") stop("genesNetwork should be either a list or a GenesNetwork.")
if((sum(c("class1", "class2") %in% colnames(genesNetwork@edges)) == 2 ) && nrow(genesNetwork@edges)>0)
nwClasses <- unique(as.vector(genesNetwork@edges[,c("class1", "class2")]))
# if (nwClasses[1] == nwClasses[2]) nwClasses <- nwClasses[1]
}else nwClasses <- "geneClass"
genesNetwork <- list(genesNetwork)
names(genesNetwork) <- nwClasses[1]
for(cl in names(genesNetwork))
if(!is.matrix(genesNetwork[[cl]]@edges)) stop("genesNetwork should be either a GenesNetwork or a list of GenesNetwork.")
if(any(!ntwColnames %in% colnames(genesNetwork[[cl]]@edges))) stop("genesNetwork column names are not what expected.")
# Check classificationGenes and Genes ranking format and EXTRACT its genes INFO.
if(is.matrix(classificationGenes) && nrow(classificationGenes)==0) classificationGenes <- NULL
if(any(class(classificationGenes) == "GenesRanking") && all(numGenes(classificationGenes) == 0)) classificationGenes <- NULL
if(plotClassifcationGenesNetwork && is.null(classificationGenes)) warning("The classifcation genes network can only be plotted if the classification genes are provided.")
if((!is.null(classificationGenes) && !is.null(genesRanking)) && !is.null(genesInfo)) stop("Please, provide either 'genesInfo' OR a genesRanking and classificationGenes.")
if(!is.null(genesRanking) || !is.null(classificationGenes))
if(class(genesRanking) != "GenesRanking") stop("genesRanking should be an object of type GenesRanking.")
#genesInfo <- genesDetails(getTopRanking(genesRanking, nRankedGenesOverThreshold(genesRanking)))
genesInfo <- genesDetails(genesRanking)
if(class(classificationGenes)[1] != "GenesRanking") stop("classificationGenes should be an object of type GenesRanking (the classificationGenes object returned by the classifier).")
classificationGenesInfo <- genesDetails(classificationGenes)[nwClasses]
clGenes <- lapply(classificationGenesInfo, rownames)
for( cl in names(genesNetwork)) if(any(!clGenes[[cl]] %in% getNodes(genesNetwork[[cl]]))) showWarning <- TRUE #Cambiado 0.99
if(showWarning) warning("Not all the classificationGenes are available in the genesNetwork. They will be represented, but there may be missing relationships.") # Or error?
if(is.null(genesInfo)) # Create genes info
genesInfo <- classificationGenesInfo
}else# Add to the existing genes info
missingColumnsInGlobal <- colnames(classificationGenesInfo[[1]])[which(!colnames(classificationGenesInfo[[1]]) %in% colnames(genesInfo[[1]]))]
for( cl in nwClasses)
# Add missing columns
temp <- cbind(genesInfo[[cl]], matrix(nrow=nrow(genesInfo[[cl]]),ncol=length(missingColumnsInGlobal)))
colnames (temp) <- c(colnames(genesInfo[[cl]]), missingColumnsInGlobal)
for(tempCol in colnames(temp))
if((is.factor(temp[,tempCol]))) levels(temp[,tempCol]) <- unique(c(levels(temp[,tempCol]), levels(classificationGenesInfo[[cl]][,tempCol])))
temp[rownames(classificationGenesInfo[[cl]]), ] <- classificationGenesInfo[[cl]][,colnames(temp)]
genesInfo[[cl]] <- temp
# Check genesInfo format & split into list
if(! && !is.list(genesInfo)) stop("genesInfo should be a list or a data.frame.")
if(is(genesInfo, "list"))
if(any(! names(genesNetwork) %in% names(genesInfo))) { stop("The class names in genesInfo and genesNetwork do not match.")
} else genesInfo <- genesInfo[names(genesNetwork)]
genesInfoList <- genesInfo
# Or split into if it was only one table
for(cl in names(genesNetwork))
genesInfoList[[cl]] <- genesInfo[which(rownames(genesInfo) %in% getNodes(genesNetwork[[cl]])), ]
# Check wether all the requested genes (in genesInfo) are available in the network
for(cl in names(genesNetwork))
if(any(!rownames(genesInfoList[[cl]]) %in% getNodes(genesNetwork[[cl]])))
if(!showWarning) warning("Not all the genes given in the Ranking or Info are available in the genesNetwork. They will be plot, but there may be missing relationships.") # showWarning: The warning was already shown for the classification genes.
# Check GENELABELS or get from GenesInfo
geneLabels <- extractGeneLabels(geneLabels)
if (!is.null(genesInfoList))
for(cl in names(genesInfoList))
if ("GeneName" %in% colnames(genesInfoList[[cl]]))
availableNames <- which(![[cl]][,"GeneName"])))
classGeneLabels <- as.vector(genesInfoList[[cl]][,"GeneName"])[availableNames]
names(classGeneLabels) <- rownames(genesInfoList[[cl]])[availableNames]
geneLabels <- c(geneLabels, classGeneLabels)
# Add possible missing genes
for( cl in names(genesNetwork))
classGenes <- getNodes(genesNetwork[[cl]])
missingGenes <- classGenes[which(!classGenes %in% rownames(genesInfoList[[cl]]))]
temp <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(missingGenes), ncol=length(colnames(genesInfoList[[cl]])))
rownames(temp) <- missingGenes
colnames(temp) <- colnames(genesInfoList[[cl]])
genesInfoList[[cl]] <- rbind(genesInfoList[[cl]], temp)
# Prepare NETWORK list
# - Add classification nodes Network
# - Add connected nodes Network
# Extract CLASSIFICATIONgenesNetwork if available/needed & add to list
classificationGenesNetwork <- NULL
classificationGenesID <- NULL
if(!is.null(classificationGenes) && plotClassifcationGenesNetwork)
classificationGenesID <- getRanking(classificationGenes, showGeneLabels=FALSE, showGeneID=TRUE)$geneID[, nwClasses, drop=FALSE]
classificationGenesNetwork <- getSubNetwork(genesNetwork, classificationGenesID)
names(classificationGenesNetwork) <- paste(names(classificationGenesNetwork), " - Classification Genes",sep="")
clToAdd <- which(sapply(genesNetwork, function(x){length(getNodes(x))}) - sapply(classificationGenesNetwork, function(x){length(getNodes(x))}) != 0)
if(length(clToAdd) == 0)
warning("Only the classification genes network was provided. Only 'AllNodesNetwork' will be plotted.")
plotAllNodesNetwork <- TRUE
} else
for( i in names(clToAdd))
pos <- clToAdd[i]+ length(which(clToAdd<clToAdd[i]))
if(pos == 0) pos <- 1
genesNetwork <- c(genesNetwork[1:pos], classificationGenesNetwork[clToAdd[i]], genesNetwork[-(1:pos)])
genesInfoList <- c(genesInfoList[1:pos], list(genesInfoList[[i]][classificationGenesID[,clToAdd[i]][![,i])],] ), genesInfoList[-(1:pos)])
names(genesInfoList)[pos+1] <- names(classificationGenesNetwork[clToAdd[i]])
# Extract onlyCONNECTEDNodesNetwork if required & add to list
# (Needs to be added after classific. in order to add it right after the "full" network)
for(cl in names(genesNetwork))
connectedGenes <- unique(as.vector(getEdges(genesNetwork[[cl]])[,c("gene1","gene2")]))
pos <- which(names(genesNetwork)==cl)
genesNetwork <- c(genesNetwork[1:pos], getSubNetwork(genesNetwork[[cl]], connectedGenes), genesNetwork[-(1:pos)])
names(genesNetwork)[pos+1] <- paste(cl, "\n(Only connected nodes)", sep="")
if(!is.null(genesInfoList)) genesInfoList <- c(genesInfoList[1:pos], list(genesInfoList[[pos]][connectedGenes,]), genesInfoList[-(1:pos)])
if(!is.null(genesInfoList)) names(genesInfoList) <- names(genesNetwork)
if (!plotAllNodesNetwork)
genesNetwork <- genesNetwork[-which(names(genesNetwork) %in% nwClasses)]
# Check plotType
if (!tolower(plotType) %in% c("dynamic", "static", "pdf")) stop("plotType is not valid. Please specify either 'dynamic', 'static' or 'pdf'.")
if (tolower(plotType) == "pdf") pdf(fileName, height=height, width=width) # Open device
if (tolower(plotType) == "static") # Divide window
if( numClasses>25 ) stop("Too many classes to draw in a single plot. Use 'pdf' instead.")
cols <- ceiling(sqrt(numClasses))
rows <- ifelse(sqrt(numClasses)<round(sqrt(numClasses)), ceiling(sqrt(numClasses)),round(sqrt(numClasses)))
# For each class...
for(nw in names(genesNetwork))
classGenes <- unique(c(genesNetwork[[nw]]@edges[,"gene1"],genesNetwork[[nw]]@edges[,"gene2"]))
#### Create graph object ####
if((is.null(genesInfoList) || nrow(genesInfoList[[nw]])==0 ) || any(!classGenes %in% rownames(genesInfoList[[nw]])))
if(length(genesNetwork[[nw]]@nodes)>0) { classGraph <-[[nw]]@edges[,ntwColnames,drop=FALSE]), vertices=data.frame(nodes=genesNetwork[[nw]]@nodes), directed=FALSE)
} else classGraph <-[[nw]]@edges[,ntwColnames,drop=FALSE]), directed=FALSE)
classGraph <-[[nw]]@edges[,ntwColnames,drop=FALSE]), directed=FALSE, vertices=data.frame(nodes=rownames(genesInfoList[[nw]]),genesInfoList[[nw]]))
if (igraph::vcount(classGraph) != 0)
#### Set graph parameters #####
# Layout
graphLayout <- igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold(classGraph) # .grid is faster, but the result looks far worse.
graphLayout <- layoutList[[nw]]
# Vertex labels
vertexLabels <- igraph::get.vertex.attribute(classGraph,"name")
if(!is.null(geneLabels)) vertexLabels[which(vertexLabels %in% names(geneLabels))] <- geneLabels[vertexLabels[which(vertexLabels %in% names(geneLabels))]]
# Vertex colors: Expression
vertexColors<-rep("#7094FF", nVertex) # Ligth blue
exprsDiff <- as.numeric(igraph::get.vertex.attribute(classGraph,"exprsMeanDiff"))
reds <- colorRampPalette(c("white","red"))(8)[c(7,6,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,2)] # Colors: 5, length:10. Index=0 very overexpressed, 10=almost 0
greens <- colorRampPalette(c("white","darkgreen"))(8)[c(7,6,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,2)] # Index=0 very rexpressed, 10 = almost 0 ?
#vertexColors[which(exprsDiff>0)] <- reds[apply(sapply((max(exprsDiff,na.rm=TRUE)/length(reds)) * 1:length(reds), function(x){ exprsDiff<=x }), 1,sum)][which(exprsDiff>0)]
vertexColors[which(exprsDiff>0)] <- reds[apply( matrix(data=sapply((max(exprsDiff+0.001,na.rm=TRUE)/length(reds)) * 1:length(reds), function(x){ exprsDiff<=x }), nrow=length(exprsDiff), ncol=length(reds)) , 1,sum)] [which(exprsDiff>0)]
vertexColors[which(exprsDiff<0)] <- greens[apply(matrix(data=sapply((min(exprsDiff-0.001,na.rm=TRUE)/length(greens))*1:length(greens), function(x){exprsDiff>=x}), nrow=length(exprsDiff), ncol=length(greens)) , 1,sum)][which(exprsDiff<0)]
# vertexColors[which(]
# Vertex Size: Discriminant power
vSize <- vertexSize
if(nVertex <= 50) {vSize <- 15} # vertexSize = Minimum size
if(nVertex > 50) {vSize <- 10}
if(nVertex >= 100){vSize <- 5 }
vertSizeArr <- rep(vSize,nVertex) # By default sightly smaller than the minimum DP
incr = ifelse( max(discPower, na.rm=TRUE)>min(discPower, na.rm=TRUE), (vSize*0.6/(max(discPower, na.rm=TRUE)-min(discPower, na.rm=TRUE))), 1) # vSize + incr = max size
#min(discPower) [1] 8 =15
#max(discPower) [1] 21 =25
vertSizeArr <- rep((vSize*0.8), nVertex) # By default sightly smaller than the minimum DP
dpNotNA <- which(!
vertSizeArr[dpNotNA] <- vSize + ((discPower[dpNotNA] - min(discPower, na.rm=TRUE))*incr)
# Shape: Classification gene
vertexShape<- rep("circle",nVertex)
labelColor <- rep("black",nVertex)
dpNotNA <- which(!
vertexShape[dpNotNA] <- rep("square", length(dpNotNA)) # Only works with plot() (not with tkplot)
if(!is.null(classificationGenes)) # alguna comprobacion mas?
vertexShape[which(igraph::get.vertex.attribute(classGraph,"name")%in% as.vector(getRanking(classificationGenes, showGeneID=TRUE)$geneID))] <- "square"
# Edge color (Relation type)
relColors<- c("blue", "orange") # It is assumed there are only two types of relations
relColors <- ifelse( igraph::get.edge.attribute(classGraph,"relation")==levels(factor(igraph::get.edge.attribute(classGraph,"relation")))[1], relColors[1],relColors[2])
#### Output plot ####
if (tolower(plotType)=="dynamic") {
if(igraph::ecount(classGraph) > 0)
igraph::tkplot(classGraph, layout=graphLayout, vertex.label=vertexLabels,"sans", vertex.color=vertexColors, vertex.frame.color=vertexColors, vertex.label.color=labelColor, vertex.size=vertSizeArr, edge.color=relColors, edge.width=2, canvas.width=width, canvas.height=height)
#vertex.label.font=2, #Error in BioConductor Check?
# vertex.label.cex=labelSize, : En valores menores de 1 (0.3, 0.8...) a veces da error.
} else {
warning("Dynamic plot cannot be drawn for a network without edges.")
if (tolower(plotType)=="static" || tolower(plotType)=="pdf" )
plot(classGraph, layout=graphLayout, vertex.label=vertexLabels,"sans", vertex.label.cex=labelSize, vertex.color=vertexColors, vertex.frame.color=vertexColors, vertex.label.color=labelColor, vertex.size=vertSizeArr, edge.color=relColors, edge.width=2, vertex.shape=vertexShape, main=nw) #vertex.label.font=2,
graphList <- c(graphList, graph=list(classGraph))
#### Add legend ####
if (tolower(plotType) == "pdf" )
title("Network legend")
text(0,0.9,"Node color: Expression", pos=4, font=2) #font=2 (bold)
text(0.15,0.8,"Repressed", pos=4)
points(0.37,0.8, pch=16, col="#31A354", cex=5)#238B45
points(0.47,0.8, pch=16, col="#EDF8E9", cex=5)#C7E9C0
points(0.57,0.8, pch=16, col="#FEE5D9", cex=5)#FCBBA1
points(0.67,0.8, pch=16, col="#FC9272", cex=5)#CB181D
text(0.7,0.8,"Overexpressed", pos=4)
#points(0.3,0.8, pch=16, col="#FFD0D0", cex=5)
#text(0.35,0.8,"Slightly overexpr.", pos=4)
points(0.25,0.7, pch=16, col="#7094FF", cex=5)
text(0.3,0.7,"Unknown", pos=4)
text(0,0.6,"Node shape: Chosen/Not chosen for classification", pos=4, font=2)
points(0.25,0.5, pch=22, col="black", cex=5)
text(0.30,0.5,"Chosen", pos=4)
points(0.6,0.5, pch=1, col="black", cex=5)
text(0.65,0.5,"Not chosen/Unknown", pos=4)
text(0,0.4,"Node size: Discriminant power (if available)", pos=4, font=2)
points(0.25,0.3, pch=22, col="black", cex=7)
text(0.30,0.3,"High DP", pos=4)
points(0.6,0.3, pch=22, col="black", cex=3)
text(0.65,0.3,"Low DP", pos=4)
text(0,0.2,"Line color: Relation type", pos=4, font=2)
graphics::lines(c(0.25,0.5),c(0.05,0.05),col="blue", lty="solid", lwd=2)
text(0.30,0.1,"Correlation", pos=4)
graphics::lines(c(0.6,0.9),c(0.05,0.05),col="orange", lty="solid", lwd=2)
text(0.6,0.1,"Mutual information", pos=4)
graphics::lines(c(0,1),c(1,1),col="black", lty="solid", lwd=1) # __
graphics::lines(c(0,0),c(0,1),col="black", lty="solid", lwd=1) # |
graphics::lines(c(1,1),c(0,1),col="black", lty="solid", lwd=1) # |
graphics::lines(c(1,0),c(0,0),col="black", lty="solid", lwd=1) # __
#### Close dev ####
if (verbose){ message(paste("The plot was saved as ",getwd(),"/",fileName," (PDF file)",sep="")); utils::flush.console()}
names(graphList) <- names(genesNetwork)
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