# Copyright (C) 2014 Genome Research Ltd / EMBL -
# European Bioinformatics Institute
# The function garfield.plot.fnx in this file is based on the 'radial.plot'
# function from the R package 'plotrix'. The original code is released under
# the GPL v2 |GPL v3 license, which has been modified here and all changes
# to the original code are released under the GPL v3 license.
# The original license information can be found at
garfield.plot <- function(input_file, num_perm=100000, output_prefix="plot",
plot_title="", filter=10, tr=Inf){
if (tr==Inf) tr=-log10(0.05/498)
if (file.exists(input_file)){
input <- read.table(input_file, header=TRUE)
} else {
print(paste("Error! Input file" , input_file, "does not exist!",
input = input[which(input[,7]>=filter),]
input[which(input[,3]==-1),3] = NA # set -1 FE values to NA
input[which(input[,4]==0),4] = 1/num_perm ## use num_perm to transform
## 0 pvalues to a finite limit of the -log10 scale
input[which(input[,4]==(-1)),4] = NA # set -1 pvalues to NA
input[which([,3])),3] = 0
input$Category = as.character(input$Category)
if (length(which($Category)))>1)
input$Category[which($Category))] = "Custom"
input$Category = as.factor(input$Category)
for (category in levels(input$Category)){
ids = which(input$Category==category)
thresholds = sort(unique(input[ids,2]))
thresholdsP = sort(unique(input[ids,2][which(![ids,4]))]))
annotations = unique(as.character(input[ids,1]))
if (category %in% c("Genic","Histone_Modifications",
tissues = as.character(input$Type[ids][match(annotations,
nms = as.character(input$Celltype[ids][match(annotations,
tissue_label = "Feature"
if (category %in% c("Genic")) nms=tissues
} else if (category %in% c("TFBS","FAIRE","Hotspots","Peaks",
nms = as.character(input$Celltype[ids][match(annotations,
tissues = as.character(input$Tissue[ids][match(annotations,
tissue_label = "Tissue"
if (category %in% c("Hotspots","Peaks","Footprints")){
} else {
nms = as.character(input$Celltype[ids][match(annotations,
tissues = as.character(input$Tissue[ids][match(annotations,
DATA = matrix(NA, nrow=length(thresholds)+1, ncol=length(annotations))
DATA_p = matrix(NA, nrow=length(thresholdsP)+1,
for (j in 1:length(annotations)){
for (i in 1:length(thresholds)){
DATA[i,j] = input[which(input[,1]==annotations[j] &
for (i in 1:length(thresholdsP)){
DATA_p[i,j] = input[which(input[,1]==annotations[j] &
DATA[length(thresholds)+1,] = DATA_p[length(thresholdsP)+1,] = 1
DATA_p = -log10(DATA_p)
ann.col = colorRampPalette(c("tomato","skyblue3","yellow","brown2",
"darkgreen"))( length(unique(tissues)) )[as.numeric(
as.factor(tissues))] = matrix(ann.col,nrow=length(thresholdsP),
for (i in 1:(length(thresholdsP))){[i,which(DATA_p[i,]<tr)]=0
ord = order(tissues)
col.thresh = colorRampPalette(c("black","firebrick3","tomato",
"blanchedalmond"))( length(unique(thresholds))+1 )
if (length(thresholdsP)<4){
rws = length(thresholdsP):1
} else {
rws = 4:1
tissues = gsub("_", " ", as.character(tissues))
nms = gsub("_", " ", as.character(nms))
layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,3),nrow=2), widths = c(9,2),heights = c(9, 1), respect = FALSE)
par(oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
nrow=length(rws)), ann.col=ann.col[ord], ann.pch=15, rp.type="p",
line.col=col.thresh,show.grid=TRUE, show.radial.grid=TRUE,
labels=nms[ord],breaks=tissues[ord], radlab=TRUE,cex.axis=0.1,
cex.lab=0.1, mar = c(5.5, 2, 6, 1), label.prop=1.05,
poly.col=col.thresh, compact=compact)
if (plot_title!=""){
title(main=paste(plot_title," ",category,sep=""),line=7,cex=2)
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plot(1:2,1:2, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
legend("bottom", c(thresholds,"1"),col=col.thresh,lty=1,lwd=6,
title="GWAS P-value Threshold",horiz=TRUE,cex=1,bty="n")
plot(1:2,1:2, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
garfield.plot.fnx<-function (lengths, radial.pos = NULL, labels = NA,
breaks= NA, label.pos = NULL, radlab = FALSE, start = 0,
clockwise = FALSE, rp.type = "r", label.prop = 1.05, main = "", xlab = "",
ylab = "", line.col = par("fg"), lty = par("lty"), lwd = par("lwd"),
mar = c(2, 2, 3, 2), show.grid = TRUE, show.grid.labels = 4,
show.radial.grid = TRUE, grid.col = "grey", = "transparent",
grid.left = FALSE, grid.unit = NULL, point.symbols = 1,
point.col = par("fg"), show.centroid = FALSE, radial.lim = NULL,
radial.labels = NULL, poly.col = NA, add = FALSE, ann.col=1,ann.pch=15,,compact=TRUE,...){
lengths.ann = rep(max(lengths,na.rm=TRUE),ncol(lengths))
length.dim <- dim(lengths)
if (is.null(length.dim)) {
npoints <- length(lengths)
nsets <- 1
lengths <- matrix(lengths, nrow = 1)
else {
npoints <- length.dim[2]
nsets <- length.dim[1]
lengths <- as.matrix(lengths)
lengths <- lengths - radial.lim[1]
lengths[lengths < 0] <- NA
if (is.null(radial.pos[1]))
radial.pos <- seq(0, pi * (2 - 2 * (rp.type != "l")/npoints),
length.out = npoints)
radial.pos.dim <- dim(radial.pos)
if (is.null(radial.pos.dim))
radial.pos <- matrix(rep(radial.pos, nsets), nrow = nsets,
byrow = TRUE)
else radial.pos <- as.matrix(radial.pos)
if (rp.type == "l") {
clockwise <- TRUE
start <- pi/2
if (clockwise)
radial.pos <- -radial.pos
if (start) {
radial.pos <- radial.pos + start
if (show.grid) {
if (length(radial.lim) < 3)
grid.pos <- pretty(radial.lim)
else grid.pos <- radial.lim
if (grid.pos[1] < radial.lim[1])
grid.pos <- grid.pos[-1]
maxlength <- max(grid.pos - radial.lim[1])
angles <- seq(0, 1.96 * pi, by = 0.04 * pi)
else {
grid.pos <- NA
maxlength <- diff(radial.lim)
oldpar <- par("xpd", "mar", "pty")
if (!add) {
par(mar = mar, pty = "s")
plot(c(-maxlength, maxlength), c(-maxlength, maxlength),
type = "n", axes = FALSE, main = main, xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab)
if (show.grid) {
for (i in seq(length(grid.pos), 1, by = -1)) {
xpos <- cos(angles) * (grid.pos[i] - radial.lim[1])
ypos <- sin(angles) * (grid.pos[i] - radial.lim[1])
polygon(xpos, ypos, border = grid.col, col =
par(xpd = TRUE)
if (length(line.col) < nsets)
line.col <- 1:nsets
if (length(rp.type) < nsets)
rp.type <- rep(rp.type, length.out = nsets)
if (length(point.symbols) < nsets)
point.symbols <- rep(point.symbols, length.out = nsets)
if (length(point.col) < nsets)
point.col <- rep(point.col, length.out = nsets)
if (length(poly.col) < nsets)
poly.col <- rep(poly.col, length.out = nsets)
if (length(lty) < nsets)
lty <- rep(lty, length.out = nsets)
if (length(lwd) < nsets)
lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out = nsets)
for (i in 1:nsets) {
if (nsets > 1) {
linecol <- line.col[i]
polycol <- poly.col[i]
pointcol <- point.col[i]
pointsymbols <- point.symbols[i]
ltype <- lty[i]
lwidth <- lwd[i]
else {
linecol <- line.col
polycol <- poly.col
pointcol <- point.col
pointsymbols <- point.symbols
ltype <- lty
lwidth <- lwd
rptype <- unlist(strsplit(rp.type[i], ""))
if (match("s", rptype, 0)) {
if (is.null(pointsymbols))
pointsymbols <- i
if (is.null(pointcol))
pointcol <- i
xpos <- cos(radial.pos[i, ]) * lengths[i, ]
ypos <- sin(radial.pos[i, ]) * lengths[i, ]
if (match("r", rptype, 0))
segments(0, 0, xpos, ypos, col = linecol, lty = ltype,
lwd = lwidth, ...)
if (match("p", rptype, 0))
polygon(xpos, ypos, border = linecol, col = polycol,
lty = ltype, lwd = lwidth, ...)
if (match("s", rptype, 0))
points(xpos, ypos, pch = pointsymbols, col = pointcol,
if (match("l", rptype, 0))
lines(xpos, ypos, lty = ltype, lwd = lwidth, col = linecol,
if (show.centroid)
if (match("p", rptype, 0)) {
nvertices <- length(xpos)
polygonarea <- xpos[nvertices] * ypos[1] - xpos[1] *
for (vertex in 1:(nvertices - 1)) polygonarea <- polygonarea +
xpos[vertex] * ypos[vertex + 1] - xpos[vertex +
1] * ypos[vertex]
polygonarea <- polygonarea/2
centroidx <- (xpos[nvertices] + xpos[1]) * (xpos[nvertices] *
ypos[1] - xpos[1] * ypos[nvertices])
centroidy <- (ypos[nvertices] + ypos[1]) * (xpos[nvertices] *
ypos[1] - xpos[1] * ypos[nvertices])
for (vertex in 1:(nvertices - 1)) {
centroidx <- centroidx + (xpos[vertex] + xpos[vertex +
1]) * (xpos[vertex] * ypos[vertex + 1] -
xpos[vertex + 1] * ypos[vertex])
centroidy <- centroidy + (ypos[vertex] + ypos[vertex +
1]) * (xpos[vertex] * ypos[vertex + 1] -
xpos[vertex + 1] * ypos[vertex])
points(centroidx/(6 * polygonarea), centroidy/(6 *
polygonarea), col = point.col[i], pch = point.symbols[i],
cex = 2, ...)
else points(mean(xpos), mean(ypos), col = pointcol,
pch = pointsymbols, cex = 2, ...)
xpos.ann <- cos(radial.pos[1, ]) * maxlength * 1.02
ypos.ann <- sin(radial.pos[1, ]) * maxlength * 1.02
points(xpos.ann, ypos.ann, pch = ann.pch, col = ann.col,...)
for (ij in 1:nrow({
xpos.ann2 <- cos(radial.pos[1, ]) * (maxlength * (0.992 - 0.015 *
(ij - 1)))
ypos.ann2 <- sin(radial.pos[1, ]) * (maxlength * (0.992 - 0.015 *
(ij - 1)))
points(xpos.ann2, ypos.ann2, pch = 19, col =[ij,],
if (!add) {
if ([1])) {
label.pos <- seq(0, 1.8 * pi, length = 9)
labels <- as.character(round(label.pos, 2))
lablen <- length(labels)
breaks.pos <- seq(0, pi * (2 - 2/length(breaks)),
length.out = length(breaks))
if (is.null(label.pos[1])) {
lablen <- length(labels)
label.pos <- seq(0, pi * (2 - 2/lablen), length.out = lablen)
breaks.pos <- seq(0, pi * (2 - 2/length(breaks)),
length.out = length(breaks))
if (clockwise)
label.pos <- -label.pos
if (start)
label.pos <- label.pos + start
xpos <- cos(breaks.pos-pi/lablen) * maxlength
ypos <- sin(breaks.pos-pi/lablen) * maxlength
if (show.radial.grid)
segments(0, 0, xpos[which(!duplicated(breaks))],
ypos[which(!duplicated(breaks))],col = "gray",lty=4)
xpos <- cos(label.pos) * maxlength * label.prop
ypos <- sin(label.pos) * maxlength * label.prop
label.adj <- round(abs(1 - cos(label.pos))/2-10^{-10})
if (radlab) {
labn = names(table(labels))
nlab = as.numeric(table(labels))/sum(as.numeric(table(labels
labelsn = nlab[match(labels,labn)]
for (label in 1:length(labels)) {
if (![label])){
flr=ceiling(median(which(labels == labels[label])))
} else {
if ((flr==label & compact==TRUE) | compact==FALSE){
labelsrt <- (180 * label.pos[label]/pi) + 180 *
(label.pos[label] > pi/2 && label.pos[label] <
3 * pi/2)
text(xpos[label], ypos[label], labels[label],
cex = (0.45+0.3*labelsn[label]), srt = labelsrt,
adj = label.adj[label],
#adj = label.adj[label]+lengths.ann[1]*1.07/1500,
#text(xpos[label], ypos[label], labels[label],
# cex = (0.35+0.3*labelsn[label]), srt = labelsrt,
# adj = label.adj[label],col=ann.col[label])
} else {
for (label in 1:length(labels)) {
text(xpos[label], ypos[label], labels[label],
cex = par("cex.axis"), adj = label.adj[label])
if (show.grid.labels) {
if (show.grid.labels%%2) {
ypos <- grid.pos - radial.lim[1]
xpos <- rep(0, length(grid.pos))
if (show.grid.labels == 1)
ypos <- -ypos
} else {
xpos <- grid.pos - radial.lim[1]
ypos <- rep(0, length(grid.pos))
if (show.grid.labels == 2)
xpos <- -xpos
if (is.null(radial.labels))
radial.labels = as.character(grid.pos)
if (!is.null(grid.unit))
radial.labels[length(grid.pos)] <- paste(radial.labels
text(xpos+0.003*max(xpos), ypos+0.003*max(ypos),
radial.labels, cex = par("cex.lab"),col="white")
text(xpos, ypos, radial.labels, cex = par("cex.lab"))
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