vecToQuantiles = function( vec,
probs=c(seq(0,.999,.001), 1-(c(1e-4,1e-5,1e-6,1e-7))),
ids=NULL, ..., checkField=FALSE, filter=force ) {
# emulates store-based interface
quantile(filter(vec), probs )
#vecToHist = function( vec, breaks, filter=force)
# hist(vec, breaks=breaks)
#vecsToFDR = function(vec, permvec, xprobs = c(seq(0, 0.999, 0.001), 1 - (c(1e-04,
# 1e-05, 1e-06, 1e-07))), xfield = "chisq",
# getter = function(x) as.numeric(S4Vectors::as.matrix(mcols(x)[,
# grep("permScore", names(mcols(x)))])),
# filter=force, .id4coln=1, ids=NULL) {
# theCall =
# ntests = length(vec)
# message("counting #NA...")
# nna = sum(
# ntests = ntests - nna
# message("obtaining assoc quantiles...")
# xq = vecToQuantiles(vec, probs=xprobs, filter=filter, ids=ids) # nxq
# message("computing perm_assoc histogram....")
# yh.orig = vecToHist(permvec, getter=getter, breaks=c(0,xq,1e10), filter=filter, ids=ids)$counts # nxq+2
# yh = numeric(length(yh.orig)-1)
# yh[1] = yh.orig[1] + yh.orig[2] # fuse first 2 elements for left boundary
# yh[2:length(yh)] = yh.orig[-c(1,2)] # transfer
# oy = nperm*ntests - cumsum(yh) # how many perm scores exceed cuts in assoc score
# ncalls = ntests*(1-xprobs)
# trimToUnit = function(x) pmax(0, pmin(1, x))
# fdr = trimToUnit(oy/(nperm*ncalls))
# ans = data.frame(assoc=xq, fdr=fdr, ncalls=ncalls, avg.false=oy/nperm)
# new("FDRsupp", tab=ans, theCall=theCall, sessinfo=sessionInfo(),
# filterUsed=filter)
storeToQuantiles = function( store, field,
probs=c(seq(0,.999,.001), 1-(c(1e-4,1e-5,1e-6,1e-7))),
ids=NULL, ..., checkField=FALSE, filter=force ) {
# uses ff for interim storage of data for summarization
src = storeToFf( store, field, ids=ids, checkField=checkField, filter=filter )
quantile(src, probs )
storeToHist = function( store, getter =
function(x) as.numeric(S4Vectors::as.matrix(mcols(x)[,grep("permScore",
breaks, ids=NULL, filter=force ) {
if (missing(breaks)) stop("breaks must be supplied and must cover range of data")
if (is.null(ids)) ids=store@validJobs
##BP tmp = bplapply(ids, function(x) {
tmp = foreach(x=ids) %dopar% { #bplapply(ids, function(x) {
getter(loadAndFilterResult(reg=store@reg, id=x, filter=filter))
##BP })
##BP tmp = bplapply(tmp, function(x) try(hist(x , breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE )))
tmp = foreach(x=tmp) %dopar% {
try(hist(x , breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE ))
# can fail with NAs in x
st = sapply(tmp, class)
if (any(st == "try-error")) {
warning("had an error in histogram computation, returning all attempts")
ans = tmp[[1]]
if (length(tmp)==1) return(ans)
for (i in 2:length(tmp)) ans$counts = ans$counts + tmp[[i]]$counts
storeToFDR = function(store, xprobs = c(seq(0, 0.999, 0.001), 1 - (c(1e-04,
1e-05, 1e-06, 1e-07))), xfield = "chisq",
getter = function(x) as.numeric(S4Vectors::as.matrix(mcols(x)[,
grep("permScore", names(mcols(x)))])),
filter=force, .id4coln=1, ids=NULL) {
theCall =
r1 = storeApply(store, force, ids=.id4coln, flatten1=TRUE)[[1]]
nperm.potential = length(grep("permScore", names(mcols(r1))))
pgotten = getter(r1) # need to explicitly determine number of perms selected
# as it need not be the full number in store
nperm = length(pgotten)/length(r1)
message("counting tests...")
ntests = sum(unlist(storeApply( store, function(x) length(filter(x)), ids=ids )) , na.rm=TRUE)
message("counting #NA...")
nna = sum(unlist(storeApply( store, function(x)sum([,xfield])), ids=ids )) , na.rm=TRUE)
ntests = ntests - nna
message("obtaining assoc quantiles...")
xq = storeToQuantiles(store, field=xfield, probs=xprobs, filter=filter, ids=ids) # nxq
message("computing perm_assoc histogram....")
yh.orig = storeToHist(store, getter=getter, breaks=c(0,xq,1e10), filter=filter, ids=ids)$counts # nxq+2
yh = numeric(length(yh.orig)-1)
yh[1] = yh.orig[1] + yh.orig[2] # fuse first 2 elements for left boundary
yh[2:length(yh)] = yh.orig[-c(1,2)] # transfer
oy = nperm*ntests - cumsum(yh) # how many perm scores exceed cuts in assoc score
ncalls = ntests*(1-xprobs)
trimToUnit = function(x) pmax(0, pmin(1, x))
fdr = trimToUnit(oy/(nperm*ncalls))
ans = data.frame(assoc=xq, fdr=fdr, ncalls=ncalls, avg.false=oy/nperm)
new("FDRsupp", tab=ans, FDRfunc=NULL, FDRmodel=NULL, theCall=theCall, sessinfo=sessionInfo(),
addFDRfunc = function(supp, f) {
stopifnot(is(supp, "FDRsupp"))
supp@FDRfunc = f
addFDRmodel = function(supp, m) {
stopifnot(is(supp, "FDRsupp"))
supp@FDRmodel = m
maxByProbeOLD = function (job, res, filter)
as(filter(res), "data.frame") %>% dplyr::select(snp, probeid,
chisq, permScore_1, permScore_2, permScore_3,
seqnames, start) %>% group_by(probeid) %>%
summarize(chisq=max(chisq), permScore_1=max(permScore_1),
permScore_2=max(permScore_2), permScore_3=max(permScore_3))
maxByFeature = function (job, res, resfilter, feature="SNP")
# a problem is that a given SNP might reside in multiple jobs?
# currently assumes a field 'chisq' holds the quantity of interest
# modifications 1 Oct 2015 -- address variable numbers of permutations
# two helper functions that naively assist in the creation of
# unpredictable select predicates. we precompute to cater for
# up to 10 permutations. probably will not need more
# the idea here is that we get the largest observed per-gene score
# statistic, and the largest per-gene statistic for each permutation
gennl = function(in1 =
list(~snp, ~probeid, ~MAF, ~chisq, ~mindist, ~seqnames,
~start, ~permScore_1, ~permScore_2, ~permScore_3,
~permScore_4, ~permScore_5, ~permScore_6, ~permScore_7,
~permScore_8, ~permScore_9, ~permScore_10), permn) {
if (permn > 10) stop("doesn't handle > 10 perms ... simple fix available")
if (permn < 1) stop("doesn't handle < 1 perms")
genmaxl = function(n) {
l1 = list(permScore_1=~max(permScore_1), permScore_2=~max(permScore_2),
permScore_3=~max(permScore_3), permScore_4=~max(permScore_4),
permScore_5=~max(permScore_5), permScore_6=~max(permScore_6),
permScore_7=~max(permScore_7), permScore_8=~max(permScore_8),
permScore_9=~max(permScore_9), permScore_10=~max(permScore_10))[1:n]
addit = list(chisq=~max(chisq), seqnames=~nth(seqnames,1), start=~nth(start,1),
MAF=~nth(MAF,1), mindist=~nth(mindist,1))
c(l1, addit)
permnms = grep("permScore", names(mcols(res)), value=TRUE)
nperm = length(grep("permScore", names(mcols(res))))
ndots = gennl(permn=nperm)
maxdots = genmaxl(n=nperm)
pregroup = as(resfilter(res), "data.frame") %>% dplyr::select_(
if (feature=="SNP") {
postg = pregroup %>% group_by(snp) %>% arrange(desc(chisq),snp)
maxdots = c(maxdots, list(probeid=~nth(probeid,1)))
else if (feature=="probeid") {
postg = pregroup %>% group_by(probeid) %>% arrange(desc(chisq),probeid)
maxdots = c(maxdots, list(snp=~nth(snp,1)))
postg %>% dplyr::summarise_(.dots=maxdots)
maxBySNP = function(job, res, resfilter)
maxByFeature(job, res, resfilter, feature="SNP")
maxByProbe = function(job, res, resfilter)
maxByFeature(job, res, resfilter, feature="probeid")
enumerateByFDR = function (store, fdrsupp, threshold = 0.05,
filter=force, ids=NULL, trimToUnit=TRUE)
if (!is.function(getFDRfunc(fdrsupp))) {
message("error: fdrsupp has no FDR interpolating function.")
message("please add one using setFDRfunc().")
stop("cannot find FDRfunc element in fdrsupp.")
trimmer = force
if (trimToUnit) trimmer = function(x) pmax(0,pmin(1,x))
selector = function(x) {
x$estFDR = getFDRfunc(fdrsupp)(x$chisq)
x$estFDR = trimmer(x$estFDR)
x[which(x$estFDR <= threshold)]
ans = storeApply(store, function(x) filter(selector(x)), ids=ids)
# it is possible that an empty range will result, if no pair
# has sufficiently low FDR
# ul = ans # revision to storeApply that flattens should remove need for this
# zl = sapply(ul,length)
# if (any(zl==0)) ul=ul[-which(zl==0)]
ans = unlist(GRangesList(ans))
metadata(ans)$enumCall =
metadata(ans)$enumSess = sessionInfo()
metadata(ans)$fdrCall = fdrsupp@theCall
dfrToFDR = function(dfr, xprobs = c(seq(0, 0.999, 0.001), 1 - (c(1e-04,
1e-05, 1e-06, 1e-07))), xfield = "chisq",
getter = function(x) as.numeric(S4Vectors::as.matrix(mcols(x)[,
grep("permScore", names(mcols(x)))])), filter=force) {
# when in-memory is OK
# data.frame method
theCall =
dfr = filter(dfr)
stopifnot("chisq" %in% names(dfr))
nperm = length(grep("permScore", names(dfr)))
message("counting tests...")
ntests = sum(!$chisq))
message("counting #NA...")
nna = sum($chisq))
ntests = ntests - nna
message("obtaining assoc quantiles...")
xq = quantile(dfr$chisq, probs=xprobs) # storeToQuantiles(store, field=xfield, probs=xprobs, filter=filter) # nxq
message("computing perm_assoc histogram....")
yh.orig = hist( c(dfr$permScore_1, dfr$permScore_2, dfr$permScore_3), breaks=c(0,xq,1e10), plot=FALSE)$counts #storeToHist(store, getter=getter, breaks=c(0,xq,1e10), filter=filter)$counts # nxq+2
yh = numeric(length(yh.orig)-1)
yh[1] = yh.orig[1] + yh.orig[2] # fuse first 2 elements for left boundary
yh[2:length(yh)] = yh.orig[-c(1,2)] # transfer
oy = nperm*ntests - cumsum(yh) # how many perm scores exceed cuts in assoc score
ncalls = ntests*(1-xprobs)
trimToUnit = function(x) pmax(0, pmin(1, x))
fdr = trimToUnit(oy/(nperm*ncalls))
ans = data.frame(assoc=xq, fdr=fdr, ncalls=ncalls, avg.false=oy/nperm)
new("FDRsupp", tab=ans, theCall=theCall, sessinfo=sessionInfo(),
# we use dplyr here for group_by performance
storeToFDRByProbe = function( store, xprobs = seq(0, 0.99, 0.01),
xfield = "chisq", filter=force, ids=NULL) {
# maxbp = unlist(storeApply(store, function(x) {
# maxByProbe(1, filter(x), force) }, ids=ids), recursive=FALSE)
maxbp = storeApply(store, function(x) {
maxByProbe(1, filter(x), force) }, ids=ids)
suppressWarnings({ # expected unequal factor levels
maxbp = bind_rows(maxbp) # note filter was already applied
dfrToFDR(maxbp, xprobs = xprobs, xfield = xfield, filter=filter)
storeToMaxAssocBySNP = function( store, chr=1, xprobs = seq(0, 0.999, 0.001),
xfield = "chisq", nperm=3, resfilter=force) {
stopifnot(is.atomic(chr) & length(chr)==1)
if (length(store@rangeMap)==0) stop("please use a store with valid rangeMap component.")
rmap = store@rangeMap
ac = as.character
jobsToDo = as.integer(rmap[ which(ac(seqnames(rmap))==ac(chr)) ]$jobid)
#maxbsByJob = unlist(storeApply(store, function(x) { # new storeApply defaults
# maxBySNP(1, resfilter(x), force) }, ids=jobsToDo ), recursive=FALSE)
maxbsByJob = storeApply(store, function(x) {
maxBySNP(1, resfilter(x), force) }, ids=jobsToDo )
message("binding all jobs") # SNPs may occupy different jobs so another agg
aggr =, maxbsByJob)
message("group by and max")
# after collecting, use
#dfrToFDR( aggr, xprobs = xprobs, xfield=xfield )
ans <- aggr %>% group_by(snp) %>% arrange(desc(chisq),snp) %>%
summarize( chisq = max(chisq),
permScore_1 = max(permScore_1),
permScore_2 = max(permScore_2),
permScore_3 = max(permScore_3),
start=nth(start,1), seqnames=nth(seqnames,1),
MAF = max(MAF), probeid=nth(probeid,1), mindist=nth(mindist,1))
GRanges(seqnames=ans$seqnames, IRanges(ans$start, width=1), # to allow standard 'store' ops
chisq=ans$chisq, permScore_1=ans$permScore_1,
permScore_3=ans$permScore_3, snp=ans$snp, MAF=ans$MAF,
probeid=ans$probeid, mindist=ans$mindist)
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