
Defines functions collapse_multiPerm distToGene.slow

Documented in collapse_multiPerm

 distToGene.slow = function(buf, annogr) { if (is.null(buf)) return(buf);
   ans = sapply(1:length(buf), function(i) {
     tmp = distance(buf[i], annogr[as.character(buf[i]$elnames)])
     dtss = distance(buf[i], resize(annogr[as.character(buf[i]$elnames)],1))
     outbody = which(tmp>0)
     if (length(outbody)>0)
          tmp[outbody] = dtss[outbody]
     if (any(is.na(tmp))) tmp[is.na(tmp)] = Inf

distToGene = function (buf, annogr) 
    stopifnot(seqlevelsStyle(buf) %in% seqlevelsStyle(annogr))
    if (is.null(buf)) 
    beln = buf$elnames
    ans = sapply(1:ncol(beln), function(i) {
        tmp = distance(buf, annogr[beln[,i]])
        dtss = distance(buf, resize(annogr[beln[,i]], 1))
        outbody = which(tmp > 0)
        if (length(outbody) > 0) 
            tmp[outbody] = dtss[outbody]
        if (any(is.na(tmp))) 
            tmp[is.na(tmp)] = Inf

collapse_multiPerm = function( se, fblockList, tf, varrng, nperms, bufsize=10 ) {
# se = SummarizedExperiment
# fblock = list of feature selections (e.g., chopped up gene list)
# tf = TabixFile to vcf
# varrng = GRanges defining variants under analysis
# start iteration over blocks of features
# call AllAssoc, computes all pairwise tests
 tt0 = try(AllAssoc(se[fblockList[[1]],], tf, variantRange=varrng, nperm=nperms))
 if (is.null(tt0)) {  # AllAssoc will return NULL if no SNP in range or _all_ are Het
   message("variantRange does not yield testable SNP, returning NULL")
 if (inherits(tt0, "try-error")) return(tt0)
# continue iteration, filtering strongest associations seen so far into buffer 
 for (j in 2:length(fblockList)) { # test remaining chunks of transcriptome, retaining best so far
   tt = try(AllAssoc(se[fblockList[[j]],], tf, variantRange=varrng, nperm=nperms))
   if (inherits(tt, "try-error")) return(tt)
   tt0 = collapseToBuf( tt0, tt, bufsize=bufsize )
   permOut = vector("list", nperms)
   for (k in 1:nperms) {
     if (j == 2) permOut[[k]] = tt0 # must get started, then continue permuted buffer
     permOut[[k]] = collapseToBuf( permOut[[k]], tt , bufsize=bufsize, frag=paste0("_permScore_", k))
  list(obs=tt0, perms=permOut)

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gQTLstats documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:53 p.m.