cisEsts = function( summex,, rhs=~1, nperm=3, cisradius=50000,
genome="hg19", assayind=1, lbmaf=1e-6, lbgtf = 1e-6, dropUnivHet=TRUE,
infoFields = c("LDAF", "SVTYPE"),
simpleSNV=TRUE) {
# LDAF is concession to bug in readVcf where specifying only SVTYPE
# leads to error on 1KG VCF data
# take all features from RangedSummarizedExperiment
# harmonize samples between summex and (TabixFile)
# obtain genotypes of variants cis to features in summex -- using only SNVs!!
# compute associations between stx(features) and vtx(genotypes)
# store in a GRanges ordered by variant address with relevant metadata
# obtain sample IDs and harmonize genotypes and molec phenotype assay data
thecall =
usn = unique(seqnames(summex))
if(length(usn)>1) stop("current implementation insists that length(unique(seqnames(summex)))==1 as VCF assumed chr-specific")
sampidsInSumm = colnames(summex)
sampidsInVCF = sampsInVCF(
vh = attr(sampidsInVCF, "vh")
oksamp = intersect(sampidsInSumm, sampidsInVCF)
summex = summex[, oksamp]
# harmonize annotation for seqnames -- could use style methods here
sn = force(as.character(seqnames(summex)))
stopifnot(length(ctouse <- unique(sn))==1)
# generate cis search space for assay probes
cisr = trim(rowRanges(summex)+cisradius)
requestSize = length(cisr)
seqlevels(cisr) = force(seqlevels(cisr)) # must use VCF-oriented seqlevels
# first pass at genotype data retrieval
vp = ScanVcfParam(fixed="ALT", info=infoFields, geno="GT",
samples=oksamp, which=cisr) # which will sort variants into groups defined by probes
vp2 = ScanVcfParam(samples=oksamp[1], which=cisr) # lightweight
vdata = readVcf(, genome=genome, param=vp) # compressed
liteGT = readGT(, param=vp2) # for verification of readVcf
# retain only SNVs with MAF > lbmaf
# 12/26/2014 -- the exclusion of non-SNVs has become complex
# we introduce attempt to capture SVTYPE field above. this may need
# to be moved up to interface
# if we can avoid complex SNV handling
if (!simpleSNV) {
svinfo = info(vdata)$SVTYPE
if (length(svinfo)>0) {
ok = which(
vdata = vdata[ok,]
# but the example extract has an ALT entry of <DEL> for which SVTYPE is NA
ael = elementNROWS(alt(vdata))
vdata = vdata[ which(ael==1), ]
stopifnot(length(alt(vdata)) == length(unlist(alt(vdata))))
todrop = which(!(unlist(alt(vdata)) %in% c("A", "C", "T", "G")))
if (length(todrop)>0) vdata = vdata[-todrop,]
tmpalt = try( DNAStringSetList(alt(vdata)) )
if (inherits( tmpalt, "try-error" )) stop("attempt to reclass ALT fails after SV exclusion")
alt(vdata) = tmpalt
nonSNV = which(!isSNV(vdata))
if (length(nonSNV)>0) {
vdata = vdata[-nonSNV,]
liteGT = liteGT[-nonSNV,,drop=FALSE]
gtdata = genotypeToSnpMatrix(vdata)
uhetinds = NULL
if (dropUnivHet) {
message("checking for universal heterozygous loci for exclusion (as dropUnivHet == TRUE) ...")
gtchar = as(gtdata[[1]],"character") # could be slow
uhetinds = which(apply(gtchar,2, function(x) all(x %in% c("A/B", "NA"))))
if ((nu <- length(uhetinds))>0)
warning(paste0("found ", nu, " universally heterozygous loci."))
if (nu == ncol(gtdata[[1]])) {
warning("all loci universally heterozygous, returning NULL")
message("done checking.")
csumm = col.summary(gtdata[[1]])
inmafs = csumm[,"MAF"]
ingtmat = csumm[,c("P.AA", "P.AB", "P.BB")]
lowgt = apply(ingtmat,1,min,na.rm=TRUE)
bad = union(which(inmafs<lbmaf | lowgt<lbgtf), uhetinds)
if (length(bad)>0) {
vdata = vdata[-bad,]
liteGT = liteGT[-bad,,drop=FALSE]
gtdata = genotypeToSnpMatrix(vdata)
varrd = rowRanges(vdata) # would like to use this as the backbone of test result report
# use a list mapping probes to SNVs in cis to organize the testing
uo = unique(varrd$paramRangeID)
nRequestsSatisfied = length(uo)
if (requestSize != nRequestsSatisfied) warning("number unique values of paramRangeID returned differs from number requested")
snpbyprobe = split(names(varrd), varrd$paramRangeID)[uo] # will reorder without uo
probes2test = names(snpbyprobe)
numdata = assays(summex)[[assayind]][probes2test,,drop=FALSE]
# force the formula to have form ex~[rhs]
infmla = as.formula(paste("ex", paste(as.character(rhs), collapse="")))
tsts = vector("list", length(probes2test) )
summs = col.summary(gtdata$genotypes)
mafs = summs[,"MAF"]
names(mafs) = rownames(summs)
doEsts = TRUE
if (doEsts) ests = vector("list", length(probes2test) )
# loop over cis map to collect tests
if (!exists(".Random.seed")) .xyzzy = runif(1)
iniSeed = .Random.seed
for (i in 1:length(probes2test)) {
ex = numdata[ probes2test[i], ]
tsts[[i]] = snp.rhs.tests( formula=infmla,$genotypes[, snpbyprobe[[ probes2test[i] ]] ], family="gaussian",
data=data.frame(ex=ex, as(colData(summex), "data.frame") ), uncertain=TRUE )
if (doEsts) {
ests[[i]] = snp.rhs.estimates( formula=infmla,$genotypes[, snpbyprobe[[ probes2test[i] ]] ], family="gaussian",
data=data.frame(ex=ex, as(colData(summex), "data.frame") ), uncertain=TRUE )
# test under permutation for plug-in FDR
perms = vector("list", nperm)
for (j in 1:nperm) {
perms[[j]] = vector("list", length(probes2test))
for (i in 1:length(probes2test)) {
ex = as.numeric(numdata[ probes2test[i], ])
if (any( {
stop("NA sneaks in")
perms[[j]][[i]] = snp.rhs.tests( formula=infmla,$genotypes[, snpbyprobe[[ probes2test[i] ]] ], family="gaussian",
data=data.frame(ex=sample(ex), as(colData(summex), "data.frame") ), uncertain=TRUE )
names(tsts) = probes2test
# bind test results to varrd GRanges instance -- note that ALT may be either
# CharacterList or DNAStringSetList and this may need attention on collection
chisqs = unlist(lapply(tsts, chi.squared))
varrd$chisq = chisqs
pnames = paste0("permScore_", 1:nperm)
for (i in 1:nperm) {
mcols(varrd)[ ,pnames[i] ] = unlist(lapply(perms[[i]], chi.squared))
varrd$snp = names(varrd)
varrd$MAF = as.numeric(mafs[varrd$snp])
varrd$probeid = as.character(varrd$paramRangeID)
if (doEsts) {
varrd$beta =
unlist(lapply(ests, function(x) sapply(x@.Data, function(x) x$beta)))
varrd$se.beta =
unlist(lapply(ests, function(x) sapply(x@.Data, function(x) sqrt(x$Var.beta))))
metadata(varrd)$sessInfo = sessionInfo()
metadata(varrd)$init.Random.seed = iniSeed
metadata(varrd)$dimSummex = dim(summex)
metadata(varrd)$rowRangesSummex = rowRanges(summex) # should be small
metadata(varrd)$ = # should be small
metadata(varrd)$vcfHeader = vh # should be small
metadata(varrd)$requestSize = requestSize
metadata(varrd)$nRequestsSatisfied = nRequestsSatisfied
metadata(varrd)$dimliteGT = dim(liteGT)
metadata(varrd)$theCall = thecall
names(varrd) = NULL
snpl = start(varrd)
gstart = abs(start(summex[varrd$probeid,]))
gend = abs(end(summex[varrd$probeid,]))
dists = pmin(abs(snpl-gstart), abs(snpl-gend))
dists[ which((snpl >= gstart) & (snpl <= gend))] = 0
varrd$mindist = dists
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